Life Control Chart

Chapter 123 Three-headed Python

The unconscious Lu Yan slowly twitched her body and gradually became conscious. What she saw in front of her was no longer a dark green monster, but a dense herd of beasts. The serious injury in her belly was still bleeding slowly. Although the injury was not life-threatening, the severe pain made Lu Yan groan.

The group of beasts watched quietly as Lu Yan slowly climbed up and languished in front of the three pythons. Lu Yan had not yet noticed that the huge beast behind her was staring silently, and her attention was entirely on the goat-headed monster in front of her.

The goat-headed monster was lying quietly on the ground. Seeing Lu Yan wake up, it got up and approached step by step. Although Lu Yan was in severe pain, she had to push herself up with both hands and look at the monster nervously.

She didn't know what this monster was going to do, and pure fear dominated her mind. She tried her best to move back, trying in vain to stay away from the monster that seriously injured her.

The goat-headed monster was not in a hurry, and its slow footsteps were like a rusty saw, cutting into Lu Yan's tense nerves. The severe pain was accompanied by boundless fear, and Lu Yan didn't realize that she was crying.

Shi Yu was lying in a hidden place not far away, watching all this nervously, ready to rush in if Lu Yan's life was in danger. As for exposing the world soul, it was a helpless choice.

"Bang!" Lu Yan's back felt a little hard, and her heart became even more desperate. She had already retreated to the cave wall, with no way out. She felt that the ugly goat-headed monster was playing a game before devouring its prey. Keep pressing and pressing, but don't rush to kill with one blow.

His helpless hands grasped the cave wall behind him in vain, and his body also squeezed backwards in vain, his back rustling against the cave wall.

Lu Yan seemed to be forcing herself into the cave wall, but the cold cave wall stubbornly refused her. She could only watch the Faun's cold eyes getting closer and closer, revealing an increasingly cruel look. .

Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong. The cave wall behind her was too smooth. No matter what she felt with her palms or her back, it was not an uneven rock wall, but more like flat wall tiles.

Despite the fear, Lu Yan still looked back in confusion, a horrified expression suddenly appeared.

Her palms were pressing on the smooth scales. Each scale was larger than her entire body. A green eyeball in the distance, with black pupils like a bottomless pit, was staring down.

It was too close to see the whole picture, but this did not affect the despair in Lu Yan's heart at all.

It spread throughout her body, and she was so numb and helpless that she had forgotten the severe pain in her belly and the monster approaching in front of her. She just turned her head and stared up at that eye.

The goat-headed monster crawled past Lu Yan, paying no attention to her, and slowly climbed up along the scales. Its huge eyeballs glanced at it, and then returned to Lu Yan, its eyes without any emotion. Lu Yan slowly collapsed to the ground, and her heart fell into a bottomless abyss.

"Hoo~" A hurricane blew from nowhere, and Lu Yan's stiff body was carried up and flew up, landing far away from the beasts. The silent beasts panicked, stepped on each other, and dispersed around, leaving a large open space. Lu Yan took over the fall.

Lu Yan's weak body fell heavily and rolled. At this time, she was unable to struggle. Lying on the ground and turning her neck slightly, she forced her almost broken body to look at the giant beast.

A giant python with three heads and six eyes was reflected in the center of his black pupils, and the goat-headed monster was lying on the python head in the middle.

Lu Yan thought her gaze was cold enough. When she saw the gazes of these three pythons, she realized that her little skills were nothing. Her gazes could only chill people's bodies. The gazes of these three pythons were enough to freeze people's souls. At this moment, she could clearly feel that the fire of her soul was gradually extinguished in the extreme cold.

"It's broken, it's really broken now!" Shi Yuteng stood up suddenly, found all the one-time attack magic weapons from his body, and with the help of the world soul, he appeared at the top of the cave where the three pythons were, ready to throw them. He used a magic weapon to create chaos and took the opportunity to rescue Lu Yan.

Seeing that Lu Yan was about to die, the three pythons closed their eyes and looked away. Green mist emerged from the python's head in the middle, and the mist dispersed and gathered, and an old woman in green robe gradually stood up.

The old woman had a solid figure. She first touched the Faun with pity, and then floated towards Lu Yan through the air. The goat-headed monster felt very comfortable being caressed, and it twisted its body a few times with a coquettish moan.

When Shi Yu saw the old woman suddenly appearing, he quickly grasped the magic weapon that was about to be released, and pressed it against the top of the cave, taking a closer look.

Shi Yu didn't know what the three pythons were going to do with their souls released, but they didn't seem to want Lu Yan's life, so he postponed the raid. It was best not to expose his trump card as much as possible.

The old woman in green robe stood in front of Lu Yan, stretched out a single finger and pressed it on her forehead, injecting some energy into it.

After a while, his soul and body gradually recovered, and his scattered eyes gradually became clear.

"You are that guy's descendant, right?" Seeing Lu Yan gradually waking up, the old woman uttered a sentence without any beginning or end.

Shi Yu's mind changed and he understood who she was talking about. It must be the pile of withered bones.

Lu Yan did not answer. She also understood who the old woman was talking about. Since it was correct, there was no need to waste energy in answering.

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't answer, the old woman wasn't angry. She squeezed out a smile on her gloomy face and continued softly: "She should be dead. I just don't know if she died here or outside."

"How do you know that your ancestor is dead?" Lu Yan responded. The unexpected death of any clan leader is worth exploring.

"How can he not die after being poisoned by me? Sooner or later." The old woman smiled lightly and sighed, "What a pity, it took countless years for him to come here. I wanted to have a good chat with him, but the thief was cunning and stole things and ran away. I only had time to poison him."

"Steal things?" Lu Yan recalled the pile of relics and wondered which one was the lost item mentioned by the old woman.

"He should have died not far away." The old woman seemed to remember something, "Otherwise you can't get in, the truth is on you, and the mother armor is also on you! Right?"

"What did you say? I don't understand." Lu Yan struggled to sit up and turned her face to avoid the old woman's aggressive eyes.

"Haha, it's a waste of effort." The old woman ignored Lu Yan's hypocrisy and laughed to herself, and continued, "Hand it over, I will let you die happily, otherwise, I will let you live forever and let you understand the pain of living."

Shi Yu and Lu Yan widened their eyes at the same time. The old woman's light words exuded unimaginable pressure.

"Hehe, this is where I and my children are imprisoned. Here, you, a cultivator who relies on Yuanli, are not even as good as ordinary people. They~" The old woman pointed at the beasts, "have not shed their beast bodies, they only cultivate their physical bodies and not their Yuanli. The pressure here cannot affect them, so any one of them can easily subdue you, and you can't commit suicide even if you want to."

"By the way!" The old woman held her forehead, "There is also a boy with you, don't expect him to come to save you, he was scared and ran away. Besides, his cultivation can't save you,"

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