Life Control Chart

Chapter 127: Beyond Our Capacity

"Do you have any way to get out?" Lu Yan continued to ask.

"No~ I saw that the monsters were back, and it would be too late if I didn't save you, so I rushed in without thinking about anything." Shi Yu answered in a nasal voice, and the gravel poured into his mouth. It was really uncomfortable.

"Ah~" With a long sigh, Shi Yu's answer made Lu Yan feel mixed. Normally, Shi Yu came to save her, and she should be happy, but she didn't save herself, and another one came in. Should I thank him or scold him for being brainless?

The sound of beeping and popping came from the other end of the cave. It must be that the monsters were digging rubble, and it wouldn't take long for the passage to be opened.

Shi Yu and Lu Yan listened quietly to the sound of rubble moving, and no one spoke again.

As the sound from the other end got closer and clearer, Lu Yan thought about the torture and humiliation that might happen in the future.

The last hope of saving herself was now stuck with herself, and she really had no desire to continue living.

"I can't escape. Otherwise, you can take out another magic weapon and detonate it here. I would rather die than be tortured by that old witch."

"Ah?" Shi Yu screamed, and then filled his mouth with gravel. He pushed his tongue hard a few times and said vaguely, "I didn't come to save you to die with you. Don't talk about life and death lightly until the end, just in case there is a turning point."

"Turning point? What kind of turning point will there be? We can't enter here without the truth. Who else can save us? What's more, even the ancestor barely escaped from the beast cave and died on the top of the mountain before he could go home. Even if someone really comes, what can they do?" A faint sense of death permeated Lu Yan's cold words.

"True words, yes, true words!" Shi Yu was overjoyed. Lu Yan's words of begging for death reminded him instead.

Shi Yu struggled to push his body backwards, trying to gain space to move his right palm. He squeezed out a gap of a finger width with great effort. With a move of his fingertips, the True Word Jade Mirror appeared in his hand, slid down the gap between his palm and the cave wall, and hit Lu Yan's head.

"Hurry up and activate it, maybe we can run away like this!" Shi Yu said anxiously, thinking: Hurry up and activate it, if you run away, I will run with you, we can go in and out together! Alas, acting is too difficult!

"It's useless, I tried it when I came in, I can't activate it at all." Lu Yan was even more depressed. She knew what fell on her head when she heard Shi Yu's words. If she could activate it, how could she fall to the current situation, she would have escaped long ago.

"Ah? By the way, you don't have Yuanli. Then tell me how to do it, I'll do it!" Shi Yu was very anxious, and the excavated beasts were less than ten feet away from him.

Before Lu Yan continued to speak, she felt a glimmer in front of her eyes, and two sparkling eyes stretched out from the cave wall! He was twisting his eyes to look at her.

"Ah~~~~" A deafening scream sounded in Shi Yu's chest, shaking his heart.

Lu Yan's originally weak hands were now slapping and pushing him on his stomach like crazy, and her quiet legs were kicking like a frightened rabbit, kicking Shi Yu's legs half a foot back into the pile of fallen rocks!

"Stop! You stop!"

Lu Yan's sudden burst of power was no less than the feeling of the magic weapon exploding on his back just now.

Shi Yu was not in pain, nor was he afraid of being hurt, but as Lu Yan kicked, the originally few small gaps became more and more, and each place had a pair or several pairs of eyes sticking out, but they couldn't be exposed all over the body, and only two eyes twisted and turned like a one-eyed maggot and looked at him.

This disgusting sheep-headed monster vomit was disgusting even to Shi Yu. There was originally a pair in front of Lu Yan, but now there were dozens of pairs densely packed.

"Quick! Use magic weapons to blow them up!" Lu Yan was frightened by this slimy little thing, and even if she had seen it once, it would not prevent her from being more afraid. She was not afraid of heaven or earth, but she was afraid of this disgusting and slimy little reptile.

"Blow them up, and we're done!" Shi Yu answered loudly. At this time, the space was enough for him to speak without eating dirt and sand.

"Die! How can you beg for life at this time!" Although Lu Yan was determined to die, her body was not the kind of decadent look of begging for death. Instead, she twisted more violently as if she was struggling to die. The more she twisted, the longer her eyes stretched out.

Shi Yu shook his head in his heart. He couldn't understand why Lu Yan, such a skilled master, a family of latent dragons, would be so scared by this kind of thing that had no harm and was just a little disgusting.

He thought to himself that the old woman didn't need to use other means, as long as she put this little thing in front of Lu Yan, she would be punished.

"Don't be awkward. The more you twist, the more they will come. Don't you want to die? Then push harder. They will disgust you to death soon! Close your eyes if you are afraid." Shi Yu already felt something crawling on his head, trying to find a gap to get down.

Lu Yan really stopped moving. She was not afraid of death, but her desire to survive was extremely strong at this time.

She closed her eyes tightly, pursed her lips hard, and forced herself not to think about the two flesh-worm-like eyes that had already hit her eyelids.

"Yes, just close your eyes. If you can't see, you won't be afraid. I'll do the rest." Shi Yu comforted Lu Yan softly. He saw tears seeping out of Lu Yan's tightly closed eyes and sliding down her face.

What the hell is this! How can it get through the rock wall! How can that sheep spit out such a thing! Although Shi Yu was also disgusted, he was not as completely unable to face it as Lu Yan.

I have no choice but to expose myself. I really can’t go on with these scenes one after another. If I keep going on like this, I will be exhausted!

What I thought was a meticulous design turned into a sieve riddled with holes after only a few steps. No step could proceed according to my own vision.

Applying patches one after another, not only does it fail to complete the problem, but each patch creates a continuous loop of loopholes, making myself even more exhausted physically and mentally.

"One lie must be compensated by more lies. It is the eternal truth!" Shi Yu thought of a warning in a miscellaneous book he had read, and he agreed repeatedly in his heart.

The sound of digging the cave was already approaching, and some of the insects had completely detached themselves from the cave wall, crawling around on Shi Yu and Lu Yan.

Not allowing Shi Yu to have any more thoughts, he hurriedly shouted to Lu Yan: "Hold me tight!"

Lu Yan didn't know what Shi Yu was going to do. She only remembered that he said he would deal with these disgusting little things. She was frightened and looking forward to it. When she heard Shi Yu shouting, she immediately used strength to grab the armor plate with her hands. His legs were not idle either. He clamped one of Shi Yu's legs tightly and hung himself entirely on Shi Yu's body.

When Shi Yu saw that she had finished tightening, he immediately activated his world soul and disappeared from the cave in a flash.

There was no doubt that he would escape from trouble, but Shi Yu was even more dumbfounded. Standing alone on the high cliff, facing the formation gate where Lu Yan first stepped into, Shi Yu's eyes were dazed.

He actually ran out on his own and hurriedly explored the place. Sure enough, Lu Yan was still there. Even though she pinned her whole body to him, Lu Yan still couldn't escape.

This world soul can't just bring people in at will, it can't even take people to move in the secret realm! Shi Yu was very depressed and couldn't help lamenting that his cultivation was too poor.

Lu Yan was instantly buried under the falling sand and gravel. Before she could even retract her arms and legs, she was pressed heavily and densely by the rapidly falling sand and gravel.

Those disgusting things completely disappeared, and there was no extra space for them to stay. This expectation really came true, but the realization made her even more embarrassed.

But that's not what Lu Yan was thinking about at this moment. Instead, she was feeling a little upset, maybe out of loss, but more importantly, relieved, but it was definitely not because her mouth and nose were filled with sand and gravel.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu escaped. He thought he had to hurry up because he wanted to escape with him. Unfortunately, he was still left here.

Lu Yan's mood was extremely calm at this time, neither sad nor happy, and she was thinking to herself in her heart: "Maybe it's beyond her power! At least, he ran away, didn't he? At least, he helped me with his heart, didn't he? Don't come back again Don’t come back this time. There won’t be such an opportunity next time. What’s more important than your own life?”

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