Life Control Chart

Chapter 15 This guy is trying to scare us

Standing up and patting the dust, Shi Yu raised his head slightly, pretending to be endorsing something in school, and said calmly, "All my good things are with the master. If you are brave, go to him and ask for them."

"What?! Master?!" The three of them were shocked. The man who had just flown up the hillside suddenly flew up again. He looked around nervously and took out a ghost-headed knife, holding it tightly in his hand.

The two people at the bottom of the valley were also facing a formidable enemy. They stood back to back, both showing their iron fists and darting wildly with their four eyes, ready to fend off the killer attack from unknown places at any time.

Shi Yu couldn't help but feel a little amused when he looked at the three people, secretly wondering why these wealthy people were less courageous than himself.

Little did he know that these three bandits relied on Qi sensing to select their targets. They obviously carefully examined Shi Yu's level and surrounding situation, and only dared to jump out to seek wealth and death when they concluded that there was no danger.

Now that Shi Yu said "Master", the three gangsters who originally thought there was no one around them were immediately frightened and immediately put on a defensive posture, hoping that the master who was hiding beside them would not suddenly take their lives.

"Hey, I said, what are you doing? My master doesn't even bother to do anything to you. He won't pay attention to you little shrimps." Although Shi Yu is a little pedantic, he is also a little clever. He hopes that he will be far away for who knows how many billions. The master's reputation inside and outside frightened these three bandits.

For a long time, there was no movement at all. The three of them looked at Shi Yu suspiciously, trying hard to guess whether they had been deceived or whether they were really not taken seriously.

A gust of wind blew by, scattering the illustrations scattered on the ground. Shi Yu's sleeves also swayed slightly, as if he was drawing out a weapon, making a "swish" sound.

The three of them were huddled together again. The strong man's short, brown hair stood straight up.

The surroundings were still quiet, but the wind was a bit cold.

"Brother, isn't this guy trying to deceive us?" The short-haired man couldn't help but ask when he saw that there was no movement around him for a long time.

The little man was also sweating profusely on his head. He turned to look at Shi Yu and found that Shi Yu had unexpectedly ran to the pothole again. From time to time, he squatted down and poured a handful of juice on his body, wiping his clothes.

"This kid is weird. He has no energy response from his whole body. He looks like an ordinary person. But have you ever seen an ordinary person enter the wood spirit world on his own? And you just fell so hard that even a bull fell to death. Look at him, is something wrong?" the little man whispered.

When the little man said this, the short-haired man tensed up and felt the wind getting colder.

This is a place where individuals eat people. How can there be any ordinary people acting alone? I didn't even think about the consequences of the fall just now. But the boss is the boss, and he can see the key at a glance. There must be a big master hiding aside to protect this kid!

The short-haired man's big eyes were wide open, and he was looking around and thinking.

"You three, don't move around. My master is here. Don't you want good things? If you shout a few more times, he will come out. Maybe he will reward you with some heavenly and earthly treasures when he is happy." Yu squatted beside the pit, rubbing and talking. The fear of rolling down the hillside just now was gone.

"It seems that he jumped out suddenly just now and startled this kid." Looking at Shi Yu's calm and natural appearance, the three big men were thinking this silently.

Three people are crowded here

Together, guarding the four directions, the young man over there stood up and squatted, rubbing his whole body.

Anyone who saw the strange atmosphere would think that a lone young master had restrained three big men and was thinking about whether to kill or stay.

The wind whistled, as if laughing at this interesting scene.

After finally wiping off some of the dirt, Shi Yu's clothes showed some greenish color. He stood up helplessly, looked at himself, shook his hand, and shook off the juice.

The three men with six eyes stared closely at his every move, not daring to relax at all. Shi Yu glanced at them and then climbed up the hillside.

"Brother, we have seen this kid climb up and down several times, even digging a small pit is so laborious. Which monk would be so stupid? Even if this kid is not an ordinary person and likes to make some weird things, but he The master didn’t even fight back when he was thrown into such a miserable state, would he at least come out and scold him? He can’t be killed!”

"Hiss", the little man took a breath of cold air, "Third brother, you are smart now. Do you know how to kill and not to humiliate? In any case, there is something wrong with this kid. It's best for him to leave on his own. Let's retreat before we advance." Don't mess with him. Let's go this way." With that said, he put away the knife and left in the opposite direction of Shi Yu.

"Brother! Don't move yet. Let this kid go first. Our three brothers are not in a rush for this moment. We will wait until he is far away. What if his master is really here and sees us moving and takes action in anger. It will not be good. These The weird monks are all full of tricks!" The second brother who had been silent suddenly spoke up.

The boss and the third child, who were about to jump to the top of the slope, paused when they heard this. The three of them watched Shi Yu slowly climb up the short slope and slowly disappear behind the mountain.

Shi Yu was also uneasy, so he brought out the absent master to scare others, suppressed his fear, and pretended to be a master.

After reaching the back of the mountain, Shi Yu ran away. Little did they know, all their previous efforts were in vain.

No one had told him that for monks, it was not just listening, seeing, smelling, and touching that could make them feel the outside world. Various wonderful techniques could also allow monks to sense the movement around them. Although the three people who were bored in the valley couldn't see Shi Yu, they never relaxed their attention on Shi Yu. At this time, they immediately noticed his panicked behavior.

"Damn it! Brother, you've been fooled! This kid is just bluffing us!" The strong man couldn't bear it any longer. Without even thinking, he jumped out of the valley with one swoop and reached out with one arm to grab Shi Yu's back.

Shi Yu suddenly felt the strong wind blowing behind him and the sudden sense of oppression. He immediately knew that something was wrong and sighed in his heart: It was wrong. There was still a missing move, so he shouldn't run!

The big man was already furious. A brat who was not even a monk dared to tease him. Even if he had a powerful master, he would not be around at this moment.

Killing people and stealing goods, running to the ends of the earth, but no matter how powerful his master is, he can't find him! Thinking of this, the big man's face became more ferocious and ugly, and the grin on his lips could no longer stop making weird noises.

Anger arises from the heart, evil arises from the courage! The big man struck with his claw, and what he wanted was to make Shi Yu die with his chest pierced and his abdomen broken.

"I'm from the world of Shenyu, and my master is the King of Wenshen! If you kill me, he won't let you go!" Shi Yu ran as fast as he could, not forgetting to throw out his final trump card while running, hoping to Shock these desperadoes.

"What kind of ginseng and salmon, what kind of bullshit god king, no one can

I can't save your life! "The other party obviously didn't know the meaning of what Shi Yu said. The steel claws had already touched Shi Yu's vest, and the strong wind made his clothes whistle.

"Ah!" A long and pitiful howl sounded.

The eldest and second eldest brother, who were one step behind the strong man, had also jumped over at this time. The scene in front of them was not what they imagined, with Shi Yu's corpse on the spot.

I saw that the strong man's fingers were twisted, his bones were broken, his flesh was torn and his blood was dripping with blood, and even a few of his fingers were bent back, as if they had been forcibly severed.

But Shi Yu was unharmed and still running forward, looking back in horror from time to time.

"What's going on?" the boss asked anxiously.

He and his second brother didn't see anything, and before they knew it, his third brother was suddenly seriously injured.

The strong man was clenching his teeth in pain and couldn't say a word. He just held the wrist of the other hand with one hand, hissed and breathed out, and sweat poured down his forehead.

The boss took out a packet of medicinal powder from somewhere and sprinkled it all on the third child's hand. The blood foam was mixed with the medicinal powder, causing blood bubbles to form, which was very frightening.

Shi Yu just covered his face and ran away. Although the black stone armor saved his life again, he remembered what his master said, just because he couldn't be beaten to death didn't mean he couldn't be trapped. If he was caught and thrown into the water, he would still be suffocated to death. Thinking of this, he ran faster.

"Where are you running, kid!"

When the second child saw the boss treating the third child, Shi Yu had already run thirty or forty feet in small steps. Naturally, he couldn't let him go, so he jumped behind Shi Yu, stretched out his big hand to catch him, and hugged him with the old child. Sanyi wanted to take Shi Yu's life directly.

The difference was that he put both hands together, one hand grabbing his head, and the other hand going straight into the back of his heart. He used all his strength, and was definitely more vicious than the third child.

The third child's throat was so painful that he couldn't shout even a single word. When he saw the second brother's posture, he could only stare and shake his head anxiously, signaling to the boss to stop him.

The boss didn't care to look at the third child's expression at this time, let alone how the second child went to catch Shi Yu.

The boss, who was hurriedly bandaging the third child, suddenly heard another scream of "ah", which made him look up in shock.

The second man's hands were shaking like chicken paws that had been hit with a hammer, and even his arms seemed to be broken.

The third child could still hold the other hand with one hand, but the second child could only jump around in place, howling miserably and not sounding like a human voice, and his two residual arms hung weakly by his side, swinging randomly with his body.

The boss was completely dumbfounded. Looking at the two injured brothers, he didn't know whether to leave one behind to save the other, or to fix this first before talking about anything else.

As for Shi Yu, the boss could only watch helplessly as he jumped up and down and fled far away.

While running away, Shi Yu shouted: "Stop chasing me. You can't hurt me. My master doesn't take the initiative to kill people, but he won't make it easy for you. If you chase me again, I will let the master kill you~!"

Three of the three were seriously injured in an instant, and two of them were seriously injured. Even though Shi Yu's escape threat was full of mistakes, the boss didn't have the guts to pursue him alone.

Shi Yu didn't know how long he had been running. His weak body was now filled with the power brought by fear, and he was not tired at all.

It wasn't until the moon peaked that Shi Yu stopped in shock, exhaustion suddenly filling his body. He was holding on to a tree, bending over and retching, but his parched body couldn't even spit out a drop of saliva.

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