Life Control Chart

Chapter 161: Corpse Hiding Place (Part 2)

During the competition, Shi Yu felt more and more that this divine corpse was extraordinary.

Shi Yu didn't just dodge when he was hit. He would also fight hard to attack when he saw an opening. However, no matter how hard he was hit, this divine corpse always retreated slightly and then hit him again. Sometimes the force of the counterattack even made Shi Yu I was in severe pain.

The Divine Corpse also seemed to be aware that he was gradually falling into a disadvantageous situation. Shi Yu's counterattacks were getting more and more severe, and the sound of his wheezing turned into howls.

The originally sane eyes of the divine corpse became fierce as he was constantly injured and weakened. His uncontrollable nature made him glance at the scattered dead corpses from time to time. He reached out to grab them several times, but quickly retracted them.

Of course Shi Yu discovered this strange thing, and began to be frightened in his heart, so he became a little looser. If he really forced this divine corpse to kill his last bit of conscience, he would become a huge sinner.

"Yuanli...Give me Yuanli..." The corpse began to moan in longing again.

Shi Yu didn't dare to stop because the divine corpse was struggling on the edge of mutation. He really let him plunder it at will. If he got addicted to it and couldn't hold it back for a while, and sucked Shi Yu dry, there would probably be no Feelings of guilt.

With a roll of his eyes, Shi Yu no longer relied on the sarcophagus to block the pursuit as he moved around, but instead shot straight through the hidden passage just now. He wanted to use the power of the divine corpse to smash the wall together and blast out a way out.

After two or three hours, Shi Yu fully understood that this place had incredible protective power, just like the boundary formation that maintained his body. No matter how hard one person and one corpse fought, he could not damage the underground palace and the sarcophagus. Moreover, he could not find any other way out. The entire underground palace was like a completely enclosed tomb, buried deep underground.

The divine corpse seemed to know Shi Yu's thoughts. Although he caught up with the bombardment, his fists, feet and claws only greeted Shi Yu, and no trace of power fell on the bricks that Shi Yu deliberately attracted, making Shi Yu's plan completely in vain. .

"Bastard! How can this divine corpse be so smart? With such intelligence, why don't you practice on your own? Do you have to eat me?" Shi Yu cursed in his heart and fell back into the sarcophagus.

"Old zombie monster! Be smart and let me go, otherwise I will show my true skills! Don't blame me for not predicting what I said!" At this time, Shi Yu neither dared to fight back with all his strength, nor dared to escape too far. , and had no choice but to start talking nonsense to distract the attention of the divine corpse.

The eyes of the divine corpse have been focused more and more on the scattered corpses, which scared Shi Yu's heart. Once he sets a precedent, he will definitely not be able to bear the consequences. He has eaten more than a hundred corpses. There is only the possibility of surrender with one's life.

The divine corpse became slightly clear under the stimulation of Shi Yu's words. It screamed ho ho and rushed closer. While punching and kicking, it even opened its mouth and bit it. Shi Yu didn't check and his fingertips were cut by its sharp teeth, and a few drops of blood spilled. On the ground.

The divine corpse struck fiercely and injured Shi Yu. It became more ferocious and gnawed at the injured finger following the blood.

Shi Yu quickly used his strength to protect himself and sealed the small wound. Now my own blood is comparable to a miracle medicine, no drop of it should be wasted.

The divine corpse rushed in front of him in a blink of an eye, with traces of blood on his teeth clearly visible. His ferocious face was also excited that he could successfully hurt Shi Yu, and he stretched out his tongue to lightly lick the tips of his teeth.

Suddenly, he gave up on Shi Yu, turned around and pricked the place where Shi Yu's blood had just dripped. He stretched out his tongue and licked the ground desperately, licking up the three or five drops of blood cleanly. It stood up and quickly turned its head to look around, and saw a very thin trace of blood on a sarcophagus.

With a "bang" sound, the divine corpse bumped into it. To be precise, it chewed it up. The extremely sharp teeth collided with the indestructible sarcophagus.

Shi Yu's teeth ached for a while.

"Yuanli...more Yuanli...young man, give it to me..."

What surprised Shi Yu was that after licking a few drops of blood, the corpse seemed to become clearer. Not only did the meaningless whooshing sounds in its mouth disappear, but it even spoke more smoothly.

"I can give it to you, but you must ensure my safety. If you let me restrain you, I will give you some more." Shi Yu still had a lot of blood left over from the previous battle. He took out a small bottle and uncorked it. mouth, and shook it slightly at the corpse.

Shi Yu also had hopes in his heart. If he could negotiate good terms with this divine corpse, he might as well give him some. His original intention was still to protect the world, and he might be able to regain his consciousness and let himself out of trouble smoothly. It's a pity that the clarity of the divine corpse only lasted for a moment. When Shi Yu took out a small bottle of blood, he suddenly fell into the madness of thirst.

"Yuanli...Yuanli...Give me!" The divine corpse suddenly became furious and rushed towards Shi Yu like lightning, more than twice as fast as before.

Shi Yu regretted it all of a sudden. He was not an azure monk, nor was he a corpse in a coffin. The divine corpse would not have the slightest regard or pity for him. Without the stimulation of blood, the divine corpse could still suppress greed and talk. The infinite temptation brought by the thick blood, Shi Yu's ending is no longer a thought on his mind.

"Damn it! It's messed up again!" Looking at the ugly face that had been put in front of him, Shi Yu had no choice but to throw out the full bottle of blood and lure the corpse away first.

As expected, the divine corpse was not interested in Shi Yu. It chased the blood mist that spread all over the sky and rushed towards it. Its black tongue licked all over the sky, fearing that it would leave a little bit behind.

Shi Yu was horrified by what he saw. He touched the remaining bottles of blood in his hand and speculated that if all the bottles of blood were spilled, whether the corpse would regain its clarity first or advance to transformation and tear itself into pieces.

Before he could guess the result, the corpse suddenly howled and fell to the ground, with his ten fingers constantly tearing at his body, and in a blink of an eye, he pulled off several pieces of dried meat and large pieces of dry skin.

"Does the corpse feel pain?"

Shi Yu was very surprised, and the half of his head that was huddled behind the sarcophagus stretched longer and longer.

The opportunity was not to be missed, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the corpse's painful self-mutilation, Shi Yu jumped up and punched the center of the forehead, making the corpse roll on the ground and scream even more miserably.

The corpse wanted to fight back, but the sudden pain all over his body made him unbearable. Not to mention fighting back, it was a luxury to control his body from shaking.




The screams continued, and Shi Yu chased the corpse rolling on the ground and hit it hard. At this time, he did not dare to have pity anymore, and sympathized with the righteousness of the corpse's heart to protect the world. His own life was more important.

The God Corpse, who was just being beaten, soon lost the power to move under the double torture of Shi Yu's heavy and fierce bombardment and the layers of severe pain gushing out of his body. It bounced up and down like a rag bag, and bounced up and down...

But the more he hit, the more panicked Shi Yu became. He knew that although his blood could bring severe pain, it was just to cleanse the meridians and marrow. Once he got through this pain, he would have a qualitative leap. No matter how he hit the God Corpse in front of him, it was difficult to hurt it at all, and the damage was not as great as his own random scratching.

Just when Shi Yu was hitting frantically, the God Corpse's eyes suddenly lit up, and his fixed gaze shot at Shi Yu's face, startling Shi Yu to poke two fingers into it at once.

"It's useless! The back of the head! The protruding part of the back of the head!"

The God Corpse suddenly groaned, actually guiding Shi Yu on how to subdue himself.

Shi Yu turned a deaf ear to it, and still poked two fingers into the

eye socket. But just as the corpse said, Shi Yu's two fingers pressed in the middle of the eyeball, but he couldn't get in at all. Instead, the recoil force caused his finger bones to ache.

"Quick! I can't hold on for much longer! Quick!" The corpse was still trembling on the ground, as if he was trying to suppress the awakening of another force.

Shi Yu had no choice at this time. He hurriedly turned the corpse under him over and punched it hard at the most protruding part of the back of the skull.

With a "crack", the skull covered by the dry skin and messy hair on the back of the head cracked. The indestructible corpse was actually cracked by Shi Yu for the first time.

Shi Yu was overjoyed and seized the opportunity to hit the same place with hundreds of heavy punches. The skull of the corpse was shattered, revealing the cotton-like brain inside.

These hundreds of heavy punches were also thrown by Shi Yu without reservation, and he was also panting and almost exhausted.

At this time, there were some blood threads clinging to the brain, which was obviously Shi Yu's blood expanding the meridians and washing away the dirt.

Looking at the gradually plump and swollen brain, Shi Yu hurriedly stretched out his remaining strength to grab inside. As long as he broke the soul sea, the corpse would lose some of its strength, and he would be able to deal with it calmly if there was another counterattack.


With one claw, Shi Yu pulled out a large piece of silk, and the almost empty skull was dark, almost emptied by his hand.

"Stop! That's enough! I have something to say!"

The corpse lying under Shi Yu's knees had stopped trembling and uttered a dying word.

Shi Yu suddenly paused, looked at the silk falling to the side, panted and rolled a few feet away, leaned on the sarcophagus and stared at the corpse still lying motionless.

"The hiding place is no longer suitable. I was awakened by the battle between you and the god corpses. I only have the last bit of clarity left. Remember! All the stone coffins with green patterns have mutated, but they haven't woken up yet! Destroy them all! When they wake up, they will definitely not only desire the Yuanli of the outsiders! There is a way out in the middle of the left wall of the hall. Quick! Kill me!"

The god corpse began to tremble again as soon as he finished speaking, and his limbs slowly supported on the ground as if he was going to stand up.

Shi Yu listened to the previous words and thought that the god corpse had been seriously injured and was dying, and was just telling his last words before dying. Who knew that he was just trying to send out a warning before the mutated.

He had no time to think, Shi Yu rushed forward again and punched into the gap in the back of the head.

Either the mutated or the god corpse intended it, Shi Yu punched from the front, smashed through the whole head and slammed on the ground, the whole head of the god corpse was shattered, and the limbs twitched several times and there was no movement.

Shi Yu, panting heavily, held the sarcophagus. He didn't dare to waste any more time. According to the words of the god corpse, there were still many companions who were about to wake up. Moreover, those god corpses only had instincts and would no longer think about the safety of the world.

Shi Yu was a little hesitant when he glanced at the sarcophagus, because many of the sarcophagus had been knocked over and over by the battle just now. Some of them showed green veins, and the scattered corpses, which fell out of the green-veined sarcophagus, could no longer be distinguished.

This was no longer the time to think about retaining the last power of the world. If these god corpses were not cleared, the Tianqing world would perish.

Shi Yu made up his mind and no longer cared about the green-veined sarcophagus mentioned by the god corpse. Instead, he pried open all the sarcophagi and smashed the heads of all the god corpses. Knowing the fatal weakness of the god corpse, facing the god corpse that was still sleeping and had no power to resist, Shi Yu did everything in just half a minute.

Moreover, he did it more thoroughly. He used the Yuan-Devouring Sutra to its full potential, leaving not a single drop of Yuan power on these divine corpses. Even if they woke up, they would not have the strength to move even a finger.

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