Life Control Chart

Chapter 168: Sadness

The Falling Snow City is very beautiful, with fine snowflakes floating in the sky all the time, making people feel ethereal and peaceful. People living in and outside the city are also working peacefully, with a feeling of being detached from the world.

Shi Yu stepped lightly, and footprints extended behind him, and were soon covered by fine snow. It was so amazing. No matter where you were, there was only a thin layer of white sand, and no matter how many snowflakes fell on the ground, they would not accumulate.

Forgetting the fatigue and worries brought by cultivation for a while, Shi Yu walked slowly on the road, letting the falling snow freely cleanse his body and mind.

"No wonder Shuangxue likes this place, it's so beautiful and fascinating. Shuangxue, falling snow, hehe!" Shi Yu couldn't help but admire.

After enjoying enough physical and mental pleasure, Shi Yu slowly spread his divine thoughts. This was just a mundane border town, and there was no sect's protective formation to hinder Shi Yu's divine thoughts from investigating. Easily, Shi Yu found Jiang Shuangxue, but was stunned.

Maybe Jiang Shuangxue was too happy, or maybe Jiang Shuangxue had not practiced for a long time, so she didn't notice Shi Yu's touch at all, and was still enjoying herself. After two years, Jiang Shuangxue, who was tender and green back then, has lost her immaturity, and her eyebrows and eyes are more picturesque and graceful.

More than a dozen young men and women were mixed together, everyone was drinking, laughing and shouting, and enjoying the beauty of young life. Dozens of singing girls danced to the melodious and cheerful tunes, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, and the thin gauze clothes could not cover the bright spring light.

In the cold Luoxue City, the wine pavilion here has an incompatible fiery passion.

Maybe it was the high temperature of the wine pavilion, or maybe it was the body heat from the wine, Jiang Shuangxue only wore a light quilt and fur, with half-rolled sleeves, and the ups and downs of the mountains that could not be covered were lightly covered under the thin shirt and gauze, telling the seductive body language with hesitation.

She was holding a rhino horn cup with her arms stretched out, chatting and watching the dance with two handsome young men who were also lying on the couch. The two young men were also dressed in a cool way, half-undressed and slightly bare-chested, with fair complexions showing the rosy redness of being drunk. They spoke attentively on the left and right, and their bright smiles made Jiang Shuangxue's slightly red face even more charming.

A man suddenly stretched out his palm and gently stroked Jiang Shuangxue's half-exposed left arm, where the clear wine was accidentally spilled. Retracting his fingers, the man put it into his mouth and sipped it carefully. His brighter smile was not sure whether he was praising the sweetness of the wine or the fragrance of the person.

Wine moved people's hearts, and people's intentions became more unrestrained. Another man stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Shuangxue's right arm and pulled himself up. Not wanting to be left behind, he leaned close to Jiang Shuangxue's cheek and whispered in her ear. His bright red thin lips were about to touch her soft earlobe.

What did he say? She laughed so happily, and turned her neck slightly. Jiang Shuangxue's eyes were full of infinite charm. The man's lips did not move, and they almost touched Jiang Shuangxue's red lips. The two looked at each other with affection.

Shi Yu opened his mouth but had difficulty breathing. He looked at this scene with a dull look. Even he had never been so intimate with Shuangxue.

The men and women sitting around seemed to have heard the man's words, and saw the strong tenderness and sweetness flowing between the two. They gathered around like a cheer, or raised their arms, or pushed their shoulders, and laughed and lifted Jiang Shuangxue, letting the horn cup tilt slightly, and poured a bucket of fine wine into the mouth of the whispering man who had already opened half of his mouth.

The laughter was more cheerful and the atmosphere was warmer.

Only here was it so cold. Shi Yu stood in the fine snow, shook his shoulders slightly, and his stiff face twitched slightly.

The cheeks felt a little bitter, as if something had drilled out of the root of the tongue, slowly slid down the throat to the bottom of the heart, and the mouth suddenly became dry, and breathing became difficult.

It was as if there was something inexplicable in the chest that kept sinking, and kept sinking, and the endless pressure on the heart was so painful.

The heart suddenly broke, and Shi Yu tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, and his knuckles pushed against the cloth and deeply embedded in the skin.

Slightly bent his back, he walked towards the wine pavilion step by step with difficulty. The fine snow covered every new footprint, as if Shi Yu had never walked here.

Maybe I saw it wrong, it was not frost and snow, definitely not!

I just felt it with my mind, not with my own eyes, yes, I must have made a mistake.

Shi Yu silently thought, his straight pupils did not move at all, his eyes were scattered and lifeless, and there was only a little hope in his heart.

A wall separated two different worlds.

Shi Yu's desolate figure was isolated outside the high wall, and the endless heat inside the wall froze his body and mind.

Self-deception was crushed bit by bit by Chen Yuqianjun's slow steps. Yes, it was not wrong, and it would not be wrong.

Jiang Shuangxue, the Jiang Shuangxue he thought about day and night, the happy smile he wanted to give her for a long time, but why was he so sad that it was like a thousand feet cutting his heart.

"Come! Shuangxue, let's end the banquet here, and let's go to Luoxue City's most famous Ice Valley Hot Spring tonight!" The loud and cheerful voice destroyed Shi Yu's last self-deception.

"You wish, you just want to take advantage of us sisters." Familiar and unfamiliar words sounded, and the slightly contemptuous coquettishness was full of temptation.

After standing still for a moment, Shi Yu closed his eyes and cut off his dead eyes.

He, Shi Yu, turned around and disappeared in the vast snow.

The wine pavilion, as always.


"Brother Gu, I'm leaving." Shi Yu stood in front of Gu Yun and said calmly.

"Where to go? You said we can't go back to Shenyu Realm. Alas!" Gu Yun sighed, not asking why, but where to go.

"I don't know, anywhere is fine." Shi Yu raised his drooping eyelids and stared at Gu Yun in a daze.

"Brother, where do you say I should go?" Unspeakable sadness gathered between Shi Yu's eyebrows.

"When people are in agitated moods, they often make unwise decisions. You should retreat for a while first, and I will arrange the best blessed place in Tianqing for you." Gu Yun comforted Shi Yu.

"Brother, you knew this earlier, right?" Shi Yu's plain words made Gu Yun unable to deal with it.

How could you not know? How could everything in the mortal world escape Gu Yun's current control? Jiang Shuangxue had never concealed her whereabouts. But Shi Yu didn't blame Gu Yun. This was not a forced marriage, nor was it something Jiang Shuangxue did unwillingly. How should he take care of it?

"You just overplayed it, young people. The colorful world is always more tempting than the boring practice. Just get tired of it after a few years." Gu Yun could only say this.

"I don't like to practice either. I even hate entering this world. My dream is to study and test for merit. However, I can't help but get involved. Then practice, make yourself successful, and satisfy the master, but I don’t know what is the end, what is success, what is satisfaction.

I just kept practicing, and kept practicing, until I didn’t even understand why I was practicing. Tell me, am I wrong again? Now that I have achieved some success, I should also enjoy and indulge, just like Gao Meng taught me back then?

You said, Shuangxue, would you like me like that? "Shi Yu suddenly spoke excitedly, loudly and suddenly lowly.

Shen Wuxi,

"Brother Gu, tell me, should I spend more time with her? She said she didn't like to practice. I was wrong. I was wrong, right?"

Gu Yun didn't know who Gao Meng was, but he knew very well what Shi Yu meant, whether it was resentment or self-blame.

"Alas~" Gu Yun sighed, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would be useless. If he couldn't get out, he would be immersed in it for the rest of his life, unable to extricate himself.

Two years is neither short nor long, it is enough to make a person change his mind. Especially when she is in her youth and lusts for pleasure, and the person she misses disappears every day, but she needs emotion or joy to comfort her.

Thinking about Jiang Shuangxue's appearance today, Gu Yun could only shake his head.

"Brother Gu, I'm leaving. I'll come back to see you when I have time." Shi Yu exhaled softly, turned around and no longer missed everything here.

Gu Yun stretched out his right arm and hung it in the air, as if to greet Shi Yu to stay, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.


Where to go? Shi Yu walked aimlessly in a daze.

Shen Yu can't go back and travel to other great realms? Now, whether in my heart or in my eyes, there is no color except darkness. What can I travel to?

Xiyue Realm is a good choice. You can practice quietly in the secret realm, and you can also accompany and protect the three brothers.

But when he thought of the Xiyue Realm, the figure that he had been trying to drive out of his mind became clearer and clearer. It was like a steel knife that pierced deeply into the heart of his mind and twisted it hard. He lost control and fell to the ground several times. Shi Yu could not get up for a long time.

Go find Sister Xinxin, maybe she can make me forget everything, but the lack of the whereabouts of the Heart of All Things disappoints her. Shi Yu lay on the cold grass, thinking blankly.

It was like fate was making a cruel joke. As soon as Shi Yu took out the Token of the Ten Thousand Realms Realm and searched for the location of the Wood Spirit Realm, endless light burst out from his body.

"Shi Yu! Come back quickly!" Qing Xi's anxious words rang in his ears. The boundary formation on Shi Yu's body buzzed as if it was alive. With a "whoosh" sound, Shi Yu rolled up and disappeared into the void. .

Shi Yufu, who was half-conscious, felt endless darkness as soon as he opened his eyes. Forgetting his sadness for the moment, Shi Yu panicked and shouted, "Sister Qingxi, where are you?"

There was no response, Shi Yu struggled to inflate his Yuan Power, trying to let out light to illuminate his surroundings, but he could only feel the gush of Yuan Power, but not a single ray of light shone out.

"Shi Yu! Here!" Qing Xi called out urgently again. Shi Yu understood the direction and suddenly rushed towards that direction.

"Bang" hit the solid wall hard, and Shi Yu felt a sharp pain in his brain. Then he felt a pair of panicked arms grabbing his clothes and pulling them up desperately.

"Shi Yu! Shi Yu!" Along with the panicked movements, there were even more panicked words.

"Here! Sister Qingxi, I'm here! What's wrong with you? Where are you?" Shi Yu ignored the severe pain and hurriedly stretched out his arm and grabbed the arm that was pulling on his body, trying to stabilize Qingxi.

"It's too late, run away, you must run away, stay alive! Just stay alive! Remember, never come back!" Qingxi broke away from Shi Yu and struck his fontanel with a palm, as if tearing open his head, forcefully He stuffed a bunch of stuff into it and then pushed him hard.

"No!" Shi Yu cried out sadly. He could feel that Qing Xi was at the last moment of his life. Because he pushed his palm away, it turned into nothingness before his strength was exhausted.

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