Life Control Chart

Chapter 170: The Destruction of the Divine Yu Realm (Part 2)

"Shi Yu! Shi Yu!" Qing Xi kept calling anxiously while looking confusedly at all the people or spirits outside who were destroying Shen Yu.

After Yu Tong defeated the imperial capital's formation, the divine king who succeeded in the sneak attack showed his true face. He stood in front of Yu Tong with a faint smile, raised his hands and said, "You have lived up to your trust."

"Elder brother..." Shi Yu's heart was completely cold.

"Yes, you are the only one who can truly impersonate that dead old man." Yu Tong raised his head and looked at the already shattered Shenyu Great Realm Formation.

The skinny Great Elder of the Golden Spirit Realm had just destroyed the largest temple and was floating down from there.

"Where's Wang Yangming?" The figure shouted before he arrived, and stood next to Yu Tong a moment later.

"That damn old man was the first one to be killed. What I hate the most is this old scholar!" Yu Tong replied in a deep voice.

The Great Elder Jin Kedi chuckled, stopped asking Wenshen King, and stood in front of Yu Tong, "You said that no matter what you get, you will never ask for it back."

"Don't worry, even though I look down on you, I won't ruin a good situation right now." Yu Tong said disdainfully.

When Mo Yudan heard Jin Kedi talking about King Wenshen, he lowered his head and looked dim, then raised his head and let out a long sigh of relief.

"What? Can't bear to leave? Don't forget that without him you are already the God King, and you can even go one step further!" Yu Tong glanced sideways at Mo Yudan.

Mo Yudan smiled lightly and did not answer.

Jin Kedi sneered, looking at Mo Yudan shaking his head and nodding again.

"Crack!" The sound of cracking sounded continuously. Everyone stopped talking and looked up to the sky. The fragile and ownerless protective formation could no longer withstand the invasion of the sky fire. Pieces of it fell off from the formation like broken silk. The flutter dissipated in the air.

The raging sky fire no longer fell into the Shenyu Realm along the countless sky caves, but swept directly and overwhelmingly, sweeping all the stars and floating continents in an instant, and tightly wrapped around the remaining central main continent in the blink of an eye.

Destruction, everything is destroyed. Countless military strongholds, endless monks, and the Yu Palace that had protected Shen Yu for countless years were all burned to death in the sky fire.

The blazing flames crossed all obstacles and never stopped. The entire continent where countless people of the Shenyu Empire have been living and breathing for generations, how can the mortals who have been kept in captivity for a long time resist this ruthless slaughter that even the Yu Shen Palace cannot stop!

All ordinary people, from princes and nobles to traffickers and lackeys, at most saw a flash of red light in front of their eyes and ended the rest of their lives without a single cry or a trace of resistance. Maybe this is also a kind of happiness. Dying unconsciously is at least much happier than the warrior who died in battle.

Only Yu Tong, Jin Kedi and Mo Yudan didn't have any flames around them. No matter how fierce the sky fire was, they turned into a cool breeze when they got close to them.

One breath? Or two breaths? After burning up the boundless vastness of the empire continent, the violent flames, whether running on the ground or spreading in the sky, suddenly condensed and turned into a flaming giant thousands of feet high hanging alone in the void where stars once shone. But now, there is no star to shine in the boundless void, no sun and moon to shine, only the dazzling red light crowds the heaven and earth.

The flames were gone, leaving only the decadent silence of the vast Shenyu world. The remaining million rebellious Shenyu monks, together with the countless outsiders, stood in the sky like ghosts, looking at the dazzling flame giants. The main continent of Shenyu is no longer alive.

The flame giant moved. He seemed to be very satisfied with his masterpiece, and the dull and rumbling words rang out: "Yu Xiao'er! Jin Lao'er! I contributed the most in this battle. I will destroy the Yu Palace alone. The loss is too huge. This man I You're welcome!"

As he spoke, several winding streams of fire rolled out from the flame giant and shot towards King Yu who was still lying on the ground. God King Yu disappeared unconsciously into the mouth of the flame giant with the flow of fire. He did not scream in pain or struggle. He had already been broken by Yu Tong and had no resistance at all.

"It tastes good, but it's a pity that I'm weak and can only replenish half of my losses, so I won't be polite to these two!" As he said this, dozens of fire streams swept over and went straight to the scorched earth. Where the imperial city is located.

"Get out!" Yu Tong shouted angrily, his eyes were like knives with two beams of cold light, easily cutting off all the fire currents, and stabbing into the burning body of the flame giant without losing force. The red magma flowing like water suddenly turned gray, and scattered like sand and dust into the sky.

The flame giant screamed in pain, retreated quickly, and hid in the distance.

Someone shouted angrily from afar: "Yu Tong! Are you turning your back on me? Jin Lao'er, you and I will kill this guy together! Then divide the rest!"

The Great Elder of the Golden Spirit Realm smiled and shook his head, then slowly stepped back a few steps, further away from Yu Tong, and did not respond to the Fire Spirit King's instigation.

Mo Yudan sneered and started to rush high into the sky. Yu Tong raised his left arm slightly and grabbed the hem of Mo Yudan's clothes.

"Hmph! Fire Spirit King! Don't go too far. The destruction of Yu Shen Palace was not yours alone, and the Golden Spirit World was also indispensable. Moreover, I protected you monks from outside the world from being suppressed by the instinct of the large formation, and I also suppressed Yu Shen Palace. A master of cultivation, otherwise you think you can deal with so many temple masters?

I spent several times more than you did! All the treasures of Shen Yu are in the Yu Shen Palace, not this main continent! The military strongholds and divine palaces that you just attacked contained enough to make up for the efforts of the two realms you have made today.

King Yu God is my delicacy. Since you want it, I will give it to you as a thank you gift for your help. Do you also want to get your hands on these two formation spirits? Don't push yourself too far! "Yu Tong was not afraid, angrily scolded the Fire Spirit King, and then looked coldly at the Great Elder of the Golden Spirit Realm.

When Mo Yudan saw Yu Tong taking action to stop him, he put down his steps and hummed lightly, retracting his cold and electric gaze towards the flame giant.

The Great Elder of the Golden Spirit Realm who stepped aside heard Yu Tong's words and saw him glance at him again. He smiled slightly and nodded to indicate that he had no other thoughts and was very satisfied with the harvest.

"Hehe." The flame giant sneered twice, slowly floated over, turned into a man two feet tall and landed next to Yutong. He glanced sideways at the imperial city and said, "Well, you want to enjoy these two little girls for yourself. In that case, I No. But let me remind you, something was wrong just now. The little girl brought someone back from outside the boundary and hid it somewhere. I only felt it when it passed through my flames. I'm afraid you didn't notice it. Bar."

"Recalled someone?" Yu Tong frowned and turned to look at the scorched earth of the imperial city. Two slender figures were holding each other's hands tightly, looking at him with sadness and resentment on their faces.

"You two should thank me. Without this world of gods and Yu, we are all free. If you are obedient, I can still accept you two as maids. If you are not willing, then you can become my great help!" Yu Tong He said it unabashedly.

"You are wishful thinking!" Qingchi shouted angrily: "Without the boundary formation, we have nothing to rely on, and you and I will both die! Are you crazy? Collusion with outsiders to destroy Shenyu! How can Emperor Shenyu be sorry for you! Where is the king of God? Sorry for you!”

"Death? Are you dead? Am I dead? Isn't this a good thing, huh? Hahaha..." Yu Tong couldn't stop laughing wildly, "How can I be sorry? It's not just me! And you! We all I was deceived, deceived by that old ghost Shenyu, and these bastards like the Three God Kings were deceived even longer!

The boundary formation is not our life source at all! Not even the world of Shenyu! Those are just our shackles! idiot! You and I are working hard to protect the world, but these bastards are enjoying the colorful world. How can they be worthy of you and me? Without the world formation and the world of Shenyu, we are free. We can go wherever we want and do whatever we want. Do you think I should kill these old dogs? "

"However, don't even think about running away once you are free!" Yu fairy tale changed, "We three are born together, and I can find you wherever you go. Tell me! Who did you summon back? Is it the one from Shen Yu? Damn old man!"

Yutong's eyes were red, and his angry words ignited his mad nature, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour. Before his words could be answered, the guys who came to help him were startled. They looked around, and their spiritual thoughts swept everywhere. Mo Yudan's knees softened and he almost knelt down.

"Impossible!" Yu Tong said to himself again, "I tried, but the summoning technique he left us has long been useless. Otherwise, I would not have launched this world-destroying war. He must have died somewhere long ago. Won’t come back either.”

The people who were so horrified that they had not yet come to their senses gave Yu Tong a fierce look. It was Yu Tong who had already said that Shen Yu would not return, so he cooperated with him to participate in Shen Yu's world-destroying feast. Suddenly, he said that it was Shen Yu who was being recalled. , how can you not let everyone think that you have been tricked? If Shen Yu was hiding in the void watching his performance with a smile, and had enough fun to smooth everything out, then it would be too late for him to regret it.

"It's worthless! What are you afraid of? Even if Shen Yu comes back, can he stop us from joining forces?" Yu Tong was very dissatisfied with everyone's panic.

No one paid attention to his contempt, because they were still questioning whether Shenyu really existed, and they all looked around in a panic, their spiritual thoughts overwhelmingly crowding every corner of the Shenyu ruins.

Every detail.

"Tch! Trash! You two, have you thought about it? You want to be my maid or my tonic! In this world, you two are the only ones worthy of my enjoyment!" Yu Tong scolded several people. In a word, he had already thought of whom the two sisters had recalled. That fly is not important. Shen Yu's real power was completely destroyed in this battle. I guess he was recalled just because he was afraid that he would think of chasing him afterward, so he could get it back while he still had enough energy and send it to a place where he couldn't find it. .

Mo Yudan also thought about it. He tugged at his beard and looked around, as if to find out where Shi Yu was hiding.

"Dream! Don't even think about it!" Qingchi replied angrily, and the light yellow flame suddenly shot out from her body. Cracks covered her pretty face, and quickly spread to the skin of her neck.

"Self-destruction? Haha! Don't even think about it! How can you be left alone after being injured like this? Come here!" Yu Tong laughed contemptuously, and suddenly emitted bright yellow flames.

The flames of light rushed towards the clear pool and clear stream, biting tightly on the pale yellow light emitted by the clear pool's self-destruction. The two yellow lights entangled each other and devoured each other, but Qingchi was obviously seriously injured. He was suppressed by Yu Tong before he could take a breath. The pale yellow light was pushed back into the body, and the cracks on his body disappeared one by one.

"I don't want you to die, even if you want to die. I want you to die, and you won't be able to live for a moment!" Yu Tong rushed towards Qingchi with the bright yellow flames, and suddenly struck Qingchi's forehead with a palm, Qingchi was stunned. Unable to hold his human body steady anymore, it exploded with a bang and turned into a ball of pure light yellow light floating in the air.

Yu Tong grabbed the light yellow ball with one palm and held it firmly. As he raised his head and chanted in great relief, the light ball transformed from the clear pool shrank rapidly and was completely sucked into Yu Tong's palm.

Everyone looked at the scene of Yu Tong forcefully devouring Qingchi with curiosity. It was rare for spirits to devour each other. Only Mo Yutan lowered his eyebrows and turned his head as if he couldn't bear it.

Qingxi seemed to be frightened, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes full of tears, she stood there blankly, watching her sister disappear into Yu Tong's hand, unable to say a word.

"No! Don't do it!" At the moment when Qingchi was annihilated, Qingxi screamed in the darkness. Yu Tong said that the three formations of spirits were free. At this moment, Qingxi could completely give up resistance and fall into the void with Shi Yu. In the dark abyss, the future will be decided by the future.

The boundary formation is no longer there and she is free. Yutong will not chase along the Xuming Black Abyss, but Qingxi is still struggling to resist the attraction of the Xuming Black Abyss, whispering to herself: I can't leave, I want to be with my sister We are together, I can't leave, I want to be with my sister... Yes, she only asked me to protect Shi Yu and escape... Shi Yu, wake up quickly! I still want to find my sister! " Tears welled up in my eyes.

"It's your turn! You all look like Shen Yu's damn wife. I get angry when I see you!" Yu Tong was not moved at all by Qing Xi's tender look. He also struck down with a fierce palm, but it only broke apart. A few rays of light and shadow.

"False body!" Yu Tong yelled angrily, and suddenly raised his head and looked around. Both the main land and the void were completely empty and scorched earth. There was nowhere to hide anyone.

"Here!" Yu Tong stamped his feet and stabbed into the air. There was a crisp "click" sound, and the empty air was smashed into a hundred feet of space. A small remaining temple was in ruins and suspended.

"Xu Ming Black Abyss..." Mo Yudan, who was alarmed, muttered in a low voice.

When Yu Tong suddenly saw the temple, he was frightened and flew away. He didn't calm down until he was thousands of feet away.

"Come out!" Yu Tong, who was hanging in the distance, yelled. He stretched out one arm and turned it into a spiritual palm, thrust into the narrow door of the temple, and fished hard inside. He seemed to be wary and did not dare to use too much force to alarm. That low temple.

Yu Tong reached into the palace just as Shi Yu woke up. Qing Xi had no more time to say anything. He pulled Shi Yu up and stuffed all the memories into his mind, and then suddenly pushed him into the void. Dark abyss. The fragile and seriously injured body was no longer able to support the torn apart force of Hei Yuan and Yu Tong.

"Ah~" Jiao cried sadly...

Shi Yu closed his eyes, everything ended at this moment. In the end, I couldn't even see my parents. I was afraid that they would turn into smoke when the heavenly fire came. My young brother, it's a pity that he has ended his life before he can experience the beauty of the world.

"Father...mother...little are all gone, Shuangxue is gone, master...Sister Qingchi...Sister Qingxi...even you who always said that life is endless have left me..." Shi Yu was filled with sadness. Heartache, comatose in this endless darkness.

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