Life Control Chart

Chapter 192: Soul Cleansing Needle

Shi Yu completely gave up the thought of keeping any room with these people, wiped out all the good words in his mind, pushed aside Mu Liu, grabbed Cheng Zhi's neck and slammed him to the ground. Even if he was injured in return, he wouldn't care about that. Much more.

When Cheng Zhi saw Shi Yu coming fiercely and grabbing his neck, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Before he could react, he was thrown to the ground and groaned.

Now not only did the villagers stop making noises and stopped breathing to look at the half-dead leader on the ground, but Shi Yu himself was also a little surprised. He was ready to be beaten back like Thirty-One.

He believed that he could hold on for a while and let Mu Liu take his sister to escape first.

But this city governor was worse than a farmer. He looked like a weak scholar who never fought with others. He couldn't even parry, let alone fight back. Shi Yu threw him half to death without using any energy.

Thirty-one and Forty-seven looked at Shi Yu in disbelief. They were subconsciously afraid of Shi Yu, but they never felt that Shi Yu was stronger than them.

The grunting Chengzhi slowly climbed up from the ground on his hands and feet, collapsed on the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood flowing from his mouth and nose, and laughed a few times.

"Damn you bastard demon slave, you dare to hurt me, no wonder I'm so cruel!" As he said that, he put his hand into his arms, took out a white ball and threw it at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu didn't feel any threat from the ball, but he didn't dare to neglect it and shouted: "Thirty-one!"

I saw someone from Shi Yu's side jumping up and kicking the white ball several hundred feet away, landing far behind the aboriginal crowd. If this little thing had any unpredictable power, it would be the aborigines who would bear the brunt.

"Haha, you think this is useful? This is specially prepared for you bastard demon slaves!" Chengzhi spoke viciously, with his twisted face stained with blood and dirt, which made him especially ferocious.

Shi Yu glanced at him and easily seriously injured this city governor, which convinced him that this city governor's physique was far worse than that of Old Man Xin, and he was not likely to be a monk. He was just a minor official with a slight status in the world. What could ordinary people have? The big killing weapon made him so confident that it seemed like everything he did was in vain.

Shi Yu's curiosity aroused, so he simply waited quietly to see what shocking things would happen. If there were any injuries, he would be able to figure out the secrets of this world.

The white ball bounced up to a height of more than ten feet before falling down naturally, like a stone thrown by an ordinary person.

The people on Shi Yu's side looked a little nervous, but the natives looked extremely envious when they saw the ball. Their eyes were fixed on it, their bodies were twisting restlessly, and they wanted to jump up and catch it. Take it for yourself in your hands.

"Ka~ka~" The white ball fell to the ground again, making small noises. Countless cracks appeared on the surface, like a crystal bead that had been shattered.

But if you look closely, you can see that the crack is somewhat different. It is not a crack without any direction, but it follows a point and explodes in all directions, like a white chrysanthemum about to bloom.

"Ding~" There was a clear sound, and a ray of white light shot out from the small ball, slowly floating in the air, turning slightly to look around. Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous sound of "ding, ding, clang, clang", and in the blink of an eye, there was a dense cloud of white light, floating in the air, constantly expanding and contracting, slowly rotating, sweeping the light across everyone.

"Humph~" Before Shi Yu could say anything, the city governor sneered and struggled to get up, patted the dirt on his body, and spit blood on the ground, "Wait to die, I will torture you! I don't want it. You die, you just want to

Not even death! When I want you to die, you won't be able to live for a moment! "

Shi Yu's eyes suddenly shrank, and he glanced at him coldly. Without answering, he turned his gaze back to the cluster of crystal clouds.

"Silver hair?" Mu Liu also recognized what it was and couldn't help shouting out, casting surprised eyes at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu nodded, but still didn't speak. He didn't expect that this mysterious object that could not only penetrate directly into the meridians and acupoints, but also affect the outside world and damage the soul could even be controlled by humans. Then that terrifying passage was probably set up by someone. , and even the God Yutian Emperor almost lost it in that person's hands.

Shi Yu's face was cold and tense, and he looked at the bright white clouds without saying a word. He didn't know if these life-threatening things would still be resisted by his soul after exiting the passage.

Seeing Shi Yu's expression suddenly tense, Chengzhi laughed again, "Yao slave, I see you are arrogant! You have seen this thing before! I don't know how you can escape the imprisonment of the Immortal Sect, but now you are being targeted by the soul-cleansing needle How else can you escape? Don't worry, I will help you take care of your lovely wife. When I have enough fun, I will let you two go on the road together, so you can have a companion, hahaha!"

But while laughing wildly, Chengzhi also cast his eyes doubtfully on the silver hair that was still suspended in the air, wondering why it hadn't been activated yet to kill this abominable demon slave.

Yin did not move, but Shi Yu suddenly moved and came to the side of the still rotating soul-washing needle.

"Hahaha~ You are asking for death,~Gah~" Seeing Shi Yu running to the soul-washing needle, the confused Chengzhi immediately stood up and laughed wildly, but was suddenly choked by the unbelievable scene, and the two One eyeball suddenly protruded from its socket.

Shi Yu reached out and stirred inside, and the soul-cleansing needles he touched staggered together, fell to the ground like headless flies, and then disappeared.

Shi Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled disdainfully. It seemed that as long as he was not out of body like controlling the prisoners in the passage, these soul-washing needles would still not be able to detect him.

As for Thirty-One and the others, their souls have long been impregnated, and these outsiders don’t even have a place to stay.

"Haha, take it out and take a look at any other old things that are at the bottom of the box. Soul-washing needles, that's a terrible name." Shi Yu crushed all the soul-washing needles and walked back to Chengzhi.

Holding his chin with one hand, Shi Yu stared directly into Chengzhi's frightened eyes, while the other hand kept slapping his cheek, once, again, and again... The blows became heavier and faster, and the speed became faster and faster.

The city governor had been scared out of his wits, and all the stern warnings passed down by the immortal sect flashed through his mind one by one. He regretted that he was too stupid and careless, thinking that with the soul-washing needle given by the immortal chief, he could ignore the terror of these demon slaves. , you should listen to the city guard and wait until the immortal master from Linghua Mountain arrives before we fight together.

He didn't even dare to cry out in pain now. He was holding back his tears for fear that they would fall and anger the unparalleled old devil among the abolition slaves in front of him!

He has always been pampered, but if he dares to resist, he may not be able to resist, and may even hurt Shi Yu. The inexplicable power of the great world's protection has floated on him, and it has heavily reverberated against Shi Yu's palms. Shi Yu is Even if I hit someone, I would feel excruciating pain in my palms.

But the city's governor was frightened by Shi Yu's regard for the soul-cleansing needle as nothing. It was the ultimate method used by all immortal sects to control abolition and rebellion. Demon slaves would also be captured with this object if they appeared. Why did it fail today?

At this time, he only thought that he would not die anyway, so he would get away first after being beaten and then talk about other things. He closed his eyes tightly and endured Shi Yu's heavy blow.

Hundreds of people all

Silent, listening to the crisp sound of the face being slapped, and watching Shi Yu gradually fan Chengzhi until his skin became translucent.

After receiving more than a dozen palms, Shi Yu loosened his arms and threw Chengzhi to the ground. Only then did he dare to spit out a few teeth amid the blood, and he lay on the ground with his head down. He had long lost the majesty and arrogance he had just now.

The faint bloodshot eyes in Shi Yu's eyes have turned into red orangutan eyes. He slowly twisted his neck and scanned everyone, not only the indigenous people, but also Thirty-one and others who had been marked as slaves. Choose the next person to abuse.

No one dared to speak. When everyone saw Shi Yu easily crushing the soul-cleansing needle, they put on their faces the frightened expression of seeing a man-eating monster. The previous envy had long since dissipated. When I saw him grabbing the city government and fanning it fiercely like a chicken, some timid people quietly turned around and ran away.

Old Man Xin, who had already retreated a little further away, watched everything happen with dumbfounded eyes. He never expected that this young man would be so cruel.

Only Mu Liu realized that Shi Yu was wrong again and took a few steps back. Shi Yu's eyes were bloodshot, and his clenched teeth and cheeks caused his face to twitch slightly, as if he was laughing, but also angry, more like he saw sworn enemies.

Mu Liu's guess was correct, but he didn't know why Shi Yu was on the verge of madness again. Shi Yu's sudden change in the world was really too much for him.

Shi Yu's mind was a little confused, because the arrogant Cheng Zhi reminded him of the equally arrogant Yu Tong. The maniacal laughter just now and the shouting that could easily determine life and death were so similar, as if Cheng Zhi was Yu Tong, and Shi Yu is Qing Xi standing in front of Yu Tong.

Similar scenes overlapped in an instant, allowing Shi Yu to experience the most unforgettable pain and hatred in his mind. It also exposed other scars buried deepest in his mind one by one, making memories dripping with blood again.

Seeing all this happening again, how could Shi Yu not be furious and lose control.

"Run away!" Someone's exclamation broke the unbearable silence at the moment, and all the natives fled in all directions as if they had received an order.

Chengzhi, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, suddenly jumped up and ran like a frightened rabbit, leaping hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

Mu Liu stretched out his hand to stop him, but when he saw that Shi Yu only had a twisted face and clenched teeth, his eyes flashed fiercely from time to time, and had no intention of pursuing him, he put down his arm and retreated a little further away.

After half a moment passed, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes returned to clear and translucent. Mu Liu, who had been watching from a distance and was tense, breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to look at Shi Yu with concern, waiting for his explanation.

"I'm fine." Shi Yu said to Mu Liu a little tiredly, then turned around and returned to the small courtyard, finding a room by himself to close the door and meditate.

Mu Liu had no answers to the questions in his mind, so he had to go back to his house to rest. For a while, the surrounding courtyard was quiet.

Shi Yu sat cross-legged on the bed, carefully combing through everything he saw today. Unknowingly, the sky turned dark. The sky in this world was beautiful. Even at night, there was a brilliant bright moon in the sky. Looking at things outdoors You don’t need to hold a lamp to study, and the light shines all over the room, like several pieces of fluorite.

In fact, there were far more new questions than answers on this day. If I couldn't find a real great master, I might have to search for a long time.

What Shi Yu urgently needs to know is where exactly this is and how to communicate with the outside world. The Wanyu Realm Sect Order is completely useless here. Also, to figure out why the natives of this world can easily subdue such a powerful person as Thirty-One...

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