Life Control Chart

Chapter 197 Blessing of the Immortal

"Lord, let them let go of me. How can I have two minds at this time?" Sixty-nine's low words came, piercing the silence that seemed to last forever.

Shi Yu didn't answer and continued to stare for four or five hours. He had absolutely no intention of getting close to Sixty-Nine. He would not take risks unnecessarily. Sixty-Nine said nothing more after that sentence, and seemed to have returned to being stupid.

Shi Yu originally just wanted to see if the soul would be attacked in the Daxu Immortal Realm. He didn't care about Liujiu's life or death. If there was still no news after a few hours, he would order all the prisoners on death row to kill him together. Falling sixty-nine, there is a problem in the confrontation for so long. No matter what the problem is, it will be solved if he dies.

"What do you think, I let Thirty-One and the others break your body? It will make me safer this way." Shi Yu suddenly spoke, and Yaoyuan and Sixty-Nine started chatting.

"Hey, is this necessary? My whole body is imprisoned, and my soul is full of slave seals and poisonous oaths. How can I resist you, Lord? Even if I think about it, I will die." Sixty-Nine took his time. said.

"I don't believe it!" Shi Yu shouted from a distance, I know your origins, Emperor Yu and God spent a lot of time on you back then, I don't dare to be careless, "Thirty-one, break his legs! "

Thirty-one Vajra Warriors held Sixty-Nine's legs tightly, and when he heard this, his eyes widened in anger, and he raised his hand into a fist and smashed it down hard.

"Crack!" As expected, Sixty-Nine could not withstand Thirty-One's heavy punch, and his legs were completely broken.

"I never thought that I would see the light of day again one day... Haha, Sixty-nine, a good name..." Sixty-nine did not cry out in pain or resist, as if his legs were not broken or seriously injured, but Sighing softly there.

"Sir, what should I do? This guy doesn't seem to care about pain at all, just kill him!" Mu Liu scratched his head and worried. What he wanted most now was to solve all the troubles immediately and roam the world freely.

Your body, mind and soul are no longer restricted, so why waste your good time here!

"Haha!" Sixty-Nine laughed again. He seemed to have heard Mu Liu's voice transmission. He turned his neck slightly and looked over, "Corpse spirit? What a good thing, Yin and Yang appear at the same time. The master can't swallow it." If you kill them, your soul will be replenished! If you catch it and refine it, you can make the elixir become a saint and imbue it with supreme spirituality. The power of the medicine will increase a hundred times."

"Huh?" Mu Liu shrank his neck in fright and secretly glanced at Shi Yu from the corner of his eyes. Although he didn't believe that Shi Yu would be bewitched, he still looked over subconsciously.

Shi Yu also looked over at this time, and what he said made the brothers and sisters tremble with fear: "So powerful? You have to think about it in the future."

Joking aside, Shi Yu turned to Thirty-One and shouted: "Break his limbs and neck, remove his jaw, it doesn't matter if he is killed!"

Shi Yu gently activated the slave seal at this time, but Sixty-Nine showed no response, so he had to let Thirty-One and the others test the depth of the water again to see how deep Sixty-Nine was hidden.

Thirty-one faithfully carried out Shi Yu's order. Now Sixty-nine could not even turn his head. He hung his head and stared at Shi Yu with his tongue hanging out, like a hanged man who had just been lowered from the tree. .

But he still looked calm and looked at Shi Yu indifferently, as if he didn't even bother to show disdain.

"Are you still going to say provocative words? I know you can still transmit your spiritual thoughts, so my next step is to extinguish your spiritual thoughts and destroy the souls. Haha, I destroyed the souls of twenty-nine dead ghosts in the Black Abyss of the Void. Chew them all up."

Shi Yu said, and sacrificed his soul as if to show off. When Guiyu's soul, which had grown to three inches in size, appeared in front of Sixty-Nine, his expression and eyes changed slightly.

In fact, Sixty-Nine was already in agony from Shi Yu's small punishment. He knew deeply that it was impossible for him to escape Shi Yu's control. Even he himself didn't know why the slave mark and poisonous oath on his soul were so strong and profound.

The moment he woke up, he was angry that he had become a slave, a slave to a little kid whose hair had just grown. Even if Emperor Yu and God caught him, he could not make him surrender.

Struggling in the sea of ​​souls for a long time, expelled and eliminated several times

He didn't get the slave seal, but his soul was seriously injured and almost destroyed, so he gave up and had to accept his new identity. He opened his mouth to talk to Shi Yu, but he still looked down on this cheap master in his heart.

It wasn't until he saw Shi Yu's soul that he realized that there was indeed something extraordinary about this kid. The quality of his soul was something he could never achieve even in his eternal life. No wonder he couldn't break free from that seemingly fragile mark.

If other people's slave mark was written with a pen and finger, what Yu Shenhun left behind at that time was a knife, an ax and a chisel, and he was trying to smooth it all with a feather.

After closing his eyes for a moment, a faint figure stood up from Liujiu's body. Shi Yu and his brother and sister's expressions changed greatly in fright, and they immediately turned around and ran away wildly. Shi Yu immediately activated the slave seal with all his strength, thinking that he would die. This is the end of life.

"Sixty-nine, pay homage to the Lord...ah!..." An unwilling and helpless voice reached Shi Yu's mind, followed by a cry of despair. Shi Yu was startled again. He looked back but kept walking.

But he saw the soul of Sixty-Nine looking towards Shi Yu in a distant bowing posture, while his soul was slowly dissipating.

"Hey!" In just a few breaths, Shi Yu was surprised several times. He stopped escaping and looked back at Sixty-Nine's invisible soul. Thirty-one and the others also looked at him in confusion. Looking at the figure who suddenly appeared, he looked at the body in his hands from time to time, feeling a little dazed.

"Dead?" Shi Yu and Mu Liu fiddled with Liu Jiu's gradually cooling body.

"It's what he deserves!" Mu Liu said viciously, "Let him pretend! He's provoking and threatening, he deserves to die!"

Shi Yu shook his head and felt a little sorry. Such a powerful soul was gone in an instant. It would be great if he could replenish it! Now the only gain is that it has been confirmed that none of these death row prisoners can break free from the shackles of the slave seal, and his worries are unnecessary.

But Liu Jiu's death also dispelled Shi Yu's idea of ​​further reviving others. These great men all have proud backbones. It's okay if they don't have thoughts. Once they are revived, more than one or two will die.

The strong ones may explode on the spot, either self-destruct or commit suicide. The more sinister ones will definitely secretly plan to protect themselves and kill Shi Yu, the weak master.

"I plan to find an opportunity to sneak into Linghua Mountain or other sects, hide these prisoners first, and find a place to bury him for a hundred or eighty years. What do you plan?" Shi Yu frankly expressed his thoughts.

"I don't think so! Now is not the best time." Mu Liu looked at Shi Yu seriously.

"Oh? What do you mean by not the best time?" Shi Yu asked in confusion.

"Sixty-nine is dead. It can be seen that in your eyes, it is no different from a dead dog!" Mu Liu looked at Shi Yu with burning eyes, waiting for his confirmation.

"They are all dead. I also think it is no different from a dead dog. They are all people who deserve to die." Shi Yu randomly found a memory and poured it into Mu Liu and Mu Li. In a short while, the two of them turned pale and angry.

"Damn it, damn it!" This time it was Mu Li who couldn't bear the hatred. He used to feel a little pitiful for the prisoners, but now he really wanted to strangle them to death one by one with his own hands.

"That's good! At the beginning, you said that you were afraid that they would find out your changes in the Void Dark Abyss, and you didn't have enough time to devour their souls, so you put the slave seal and spared their lives. Now that they are out, why do you still keep them? Are you going to take them away from here? Make them your slaves forever?" Mu Liu's face was a little scary, and his eyes pierced Shi Yu's eyes.

"A hundred years at most, no! A few decades will be enough! Right?" Mu Liu didn't say what time was enough, but Shi Yu understood.

"Do you still expect them to really help you? Or can they help you? Just look at the dead man under your feet! This may be a gift from heaven and earth! It gives you the opportunity to climb up quickly and take off the heads of your enemies with your own hands!" Mu Liu's words added fuel to the fire, causing Shi Yu's body to tremble slightly.

"Yes, Yu Tong alone is enough to kill all these people, what's the point of leaving them? And Da... and Mo Yudan... Who can deal with them?" Shi Yu looked at the stupid prisoners around him and closed his eyes.

"Think about it, you are going to give us both slave marks! Now

why are you soft again?" Mu Liu's words pressed step by step, making it difficult for Shi Yu to resist.

"Yes, I said that was the last time..." Shi Yu shook his confused head hard, trying to get rid of his increasingly chaotic thoughts.

Mu Liu and Mu Li stopped talking, watching Shi Yu struggling alone in his chaotic thoughts.

The demonic fire was raging in the Shenyu Realm, the sky and the earth exploded, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

The blood of the master, the tears of Qingxi, and the broken figures of his parents and younger brother were mixed together and scattered all over the sky. Countless people were shouting and running in vain, as if they were crying to him, begging him, and looking forward to his early return to wipe out all the evil demons and evil ghosts.

Everyone's cries merged into one voice: Revenge~ Revenge~ Must be revenged!

And Yu Tong was grabbing Qingchi's cracked head and grinning, laughing at Shi Yu's cowardice and insignificance.

Mu Liu winked at his sister, and the two quietly retreated to the distance. Shi Yu closed his eyes and stood in the cool night wind for a long time without moving.

"Alas!" With a long sigh, Shi Yu opened his eyes in the faint morning light. He turned and flew towards a more remote place, followed closely by the prisoners.

"Brother, shall we follow?" Mu Li tugged at his brother's sleeve.

"No, we can always meet again someday. It's rare for him to make up his mind. If we go now, it will easily disturb his mind and put him in a dilemma. Don't you think he is most afraid of making decisions in front of others?" Mu Liu looked at the figures of a group of people going away and shook his head.

"Yes, he always makes up his mind quickly and regrets it quickly, especially when it hurts others." Mu Li thought about the days he spent with Shi Yu and nodded with emotion.

The appearance of demon slaves in the wasteland of Daxu Shengzong was not a big deal or a small deal. For decades, several waves of immortal masters came and went to sweep repeatedly, but nothing was found. In the end, they had to give up and said before leaving: The demon slave must have been forced by the power of God and had already ended his life.

Only the old man Xin's family firmly believed that the real immortal must be fine and must be practicing in seclusion.

Why did they also know that Shi Yu was a real immortal? That was because the village head, who had recovered his strength, ran back and saw the Xin family was full of strong people, so he married his daughter to the son of old man Xin.

He believed that since the Xin family had been favored by the true immortal, if they climbed this big tree, they would naturally enjoy endless glory in the future.

A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still no news of the true immortal.

Old man Xin had grown old again. The village head also built several houses next to Old Man Xin's house and became neighbors.

The Xin family was no longer a poor farmer who relied on farming and weaving. The large number of laborers and the advanced bloodline made the Xin family stronger from generation to generation, and some even entered the immortal sect and embarked on the path of immortal masters.

If it weren't for Old Man Xin's nostalgia, he would have been taken to the big city by his descendants to enjoy a good life.

That day, two octogenarians, Xin Lao and the village head, were lying comfortably at the door in the sun, talking about the strange things that happened when the immortal suddenly appeared and disappeared. They regretted that they still didn't know the name of the immortal, and even the tablet they set up could only be engraved with "Blessing the Immortal", which was very ugly.

The two were chatting happily, and saw that on the wide road passing by the Xin family's house, several strange-looking people, led by a young man, were driving dozens of strange beasts of various shapes and colors slowly coming from a distance.

At first, the two didn't care. In this increasingly prosperous wasteland of the ancient dynasty, there were always some foreign villages moving in as a whole, and there were also countless traveling merchants passing through villages and villages. The two had long been accustomed to it.

But as the figures gradually became clear, the two looked at the approaching people and animals, their eyes became rounder and rounder, their mouths opened wider and wider, and they both exclaimed and stood up.

The leader's yellow ox was clearly often mentioned by them, and the young man leading the ox was looking over with a smile. Who else could it be but the immortal who had not appeared for a hundred years?

Before Shi Yu could drive the herd closer, many servants of the Xin family, led by several young clansmen, came from all directions and blocked the team in the road.

After all, no one would feel too reassured when seeing this evil-looking team, especially since Old Man Xin was still basking on the side of the road. If the person who came had bad intentions, it would be an unforgivable crime.

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