Life Control Chart

$ Chapter 211 The Holy Immortal Palace of Xuming Sect

"Cao An, you did a good job. Don't forget the righteousness of the gods because of small favors. Just take people to wash the soul pool. Afterwards, go back to the Nine Immortals Sect directly. There is no need to come to see me again." The man told Cao An and then raised his hand. Lifting up Shi Yu, he led the Nine True Immortals and drifted away.

"Yes! In accordance with the will of the Holy Envoy!" Cao An bowed obediently to the man's retreating figure, and a look of ecstasy filled his face.

After the Holy Envoy disappeared, Cao An hurriedly stood up, glanced in all directions, wiped off the sweat from Shi Yu's self-destruction, got into the doorway and hurriedly escaped from the secret realm.

Not long after he left, the entire secret realm cracked into countless fragments like crushed glass. The power of chaos poured in from every crack, devouring the sky and the earth. This was so similar to the destruction of the Shenyu world that day. .

Xuming Sect Holy Immortal Palace

"Today, I summon you all to come. I think you all already know why." In the majestic Minghuang hall, the holy envoy sat on the high platform, looking down calmly at the ten monks with different expressions on both sides of the stage. Their eyes, They all looked at the stone pillar standing in the middle of the hall.

There, Shi Yu's limbs were spread out and his head was hanging down, unconscious. From the wrists, elbows and shoulders, down to the ankles and knees, thick black nails were nailed on all joints. Chains were tightly wrapped around the body and tied to the stone pillars. The clothes were much cleaner and tidier, and it looked like they had been replaced by someone, covering up the horrific bruises all over his body.

"For the sake of this demon, I have invited you all to the Xuming Sect. This is a big violation of the rules set by the Holy Immortal back then. What else do you have to reserve? I already know what you are thinking, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. How dare you act so recklessly?" Seeing no one speaking, the Holy Envoy said calmly.

"This remnant of the Yu Demon can't be kept!" Someone suddenly said, "If Cao An hadn't repented this time and exposed this monster, I, Daxu, would be in turmoil again. I must kill him immediately to avoid long nights and dreams!"

"I don't agree. Although he is a devil, since he has the soul of the Holy Immortal, he is my Great Void Holy Immortal. Don't forget what the Holy Immortal said before he left. Others don't know, but everyone here is I know it clearly." A true immortal with a good reputation as an immortal said surprisingly.

"Is this wrong? The Holy Immortal said that the Immortal Soul can be a Holy Immortal. He should be talking about my Daxu people. How could he be such a monster." Another person expressed his opinion leisurely.

"A bunch of hypocrites! Does the Holy Envoy want you to talk nonsense? Who doesn't know what you are thinking, Mr. Tu? Don't think that you have something to do with this devil, just want to protect and strengthen Linghua Mountain. You don't even think about it. Now you have come to this How could he miss the Nine Immortals Sect and let you go when he wakes up? You two are also greedy, and you are so righteous. You two should leave now. Everything here has nothing to do with you! "A thick voice cursed in a circle with great contempt.

"Long Zhenxian, you are talking nonsense. I am only adhering to the will of the Saint Immortal. Besides, being a Saint Immortal belongs to everyone, not to me, Linghua Mountain. Put aside your selfish thoughts and think about how important a saint is to the world!"

"I think what Tu Zhenxian said makes sense..."

"There's a damn reason..."

Suddenly the hall became lively, and the Ten True Immortals were arguing constantly.

"If you cherish feathers so much again, then forget about it. Just think of me as unnecessary. Please go back to your own sect! True Immortal Long and I, True Immortal Xu Ming, stay here. I have something to say." The Holy Envoy on the high platform shouted and shouted. After stopping the quarrel among the people below, he stood up and walked slowly to Shi Yu's side, looking up and down.

The hall suddenly became quiet, and all the true immortals were sitting in their seats with calm expressions, and no one had any intention of getting up and leaving.

After a while, the Holy Envoy saw that no one was moving and said slowly, "I am honored to be elected as the Holy Envoy by everyone, but I know that none of you are convinced." As soon as these words came out, the hall became even quieter, and everyone's eyes sparkled. They looked at each other, and the strange atmosphere became increasingly intense.

"Haha, it's a good thing that I was caressed by the Holy Immortal that day, so all of you who have your own evil intentions had to push me out to be this Holy Envoy, running errands and wiping your butts every day. Otherwise, we ourselves would be beaten to death, and this kid would be more likely to It will lead to chaos, am I right? Linghua Mountain Tu Zhenxian?" The Holy Envoy's tone was no longer calm, and he floated towards Tu Zhenxian full of mockery.

"Whatever the holy envoy said, didn't I take it as soon as I got the news about this child?" Tu Zhenxian, who was like an immortal, looked at the disdainful eyes of everyone in embarrassment.

"That's because you can't hide it. One of the Nine Immortals Sect and the Blackwood Sect is supported by you, Ling Huashan, and the other is the Juxian Palace standing behind it. The Blackwood Sect has suffered such a big loss and is crying and looking for Juxian Palace to come forward. Only then did the Immortal Palace find out that there was such a powerful person hiding in the Nine Immortals Sect. On the contrary, you, the master of the Nine Immortals Sect, got the news late.

Somewhat. Hum. "

Tu Zhenxian twisted his body uneasily and sighed, "When there was a commotion in Juxian Palace, didn't we immediately send people to investigate? Moreover, Cao An repented quickly and directly confessed that this evildoer possessed the soul of a saint and immortal. It was considered a crime." Atoning for one’s sins.”

"Atoning for your sins? You're lucky if you didn't kill that bastard Cao An on the spot! You were almost going to make the same mistake as the Black Abyss Sect!" The rough voice shouted again.

"Long Laoer, what do you mean? That demon sneaked into our Black Abyss Sect back then, is it the same as today? Don't forget that the secret realm destroyed this time is the hard work of our Black Abyss Sect for hundreds of millions of years! You are the only one of the ten true immortals who has not Go help!”

"Stop! Stop!" The Holy Envoy pressed his palms down, signaling everyone to calm down. "Let's put aside whether Cao An is guilty or not. Today is not for him, nor for the past!" The Holy Envoy regained his calm look, patted the chains on Shi Yu, and continued; "In fact, I know that you are all afraid to speak, waiting for others to speak, so you just talk nonsense. Then let me speak, okay?"

The eyes of the True Immortals lit up one by one, and they sat firmly in their seats with a smile, as if they were not the ones who scolded like a shrew just now.

"I can speak, but if the Holy Immortal returns one day and investigates, don't play dead and use me as a scapegoat." The Holy Envoy stroked the chains and looked around at everyone.

"How could it be, Holy Envoy, just say what you want to say. As long as everyone decides, we will share the responsibility in the future!" Finally, someone was impatient and urged them.

"Well, we were lucky enough to survive the Yu Demon Rebellion, not because of our strength or our high realm, but because we hid far enough. Even when we captured the demon this time, it took ten people to fight against a demon who was suppressed to the extreme by the great realm. Even if you don't feel ashamed, I have long been ashamed." The Saint Envoy paused and glanced at everyone. The ten True Immortals blushed and laughed awkwardly.

"Let's talk about business, why do you keep talking about these!" Some True Immortals were not happy. Although what the Saint Envoy said was all true, they still had to save face.

"Why is this so? It's because our cultivation is too weak, and we have never had the opportunity to take the last step and achieve the Saint Immortal Soul!" The Saint Envoy's voice suddenly became louder and his speech speed became much faster. "There is a great opportunity right now! Whether you can seize it or not depends on your choice."

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