Life Control Chart

Chapter 213: One step further

Xuming Sect, Holy Immortal Palace.

"Holy envoy, everything has been done according to your wishes. It's time for you to tell me the specific method. Hidden and tucked away, we must go on the road of no return first." The real immortal of Juxian Palace sat on his seat and said coldly. Looking coldly at the Holy Envoy at the top and massacring the subordinate Immortal Sect with his own hands would make no one look good.

"Don't worry, there is still one unfinished matter. Since everyone has to break through, the more thorough the better, the higher the better." The Holy Envoy's face was still so calm, and he looked at the true immortals with a chuckle.

"What do you mean? Is there anything else that needs to be added?" All the true immortals were startled and asked one after another. Adding the Holy Immortal Immortal Soul is already amazing enough, but what else needs to be done?

"It's not to add anything, but to make this kid go a step further!" the Holy Envoy said slowly, twirling a few strands of long beard under his chin.

"What? Holy Envoy, what do you want? What if he wakes up and can't put an end to it? Don't cause any more trouble!" The ugly old woman from Juxian Palace's complexion became darker, and her cold eyes made people shudder.

"Haha, don't worry, you all know that the devil has been nailed to the Forged Divine Pillar by me a long time ago, and now he is placed in the center of the Immortal Soul Formation. Unless he has far more power than the Holy Immortal, there is absolutely no way he can wake up and escape. "The Holy Envoy leaned back in his chair and said leisurely.

All the true immortals nodded one after another, and the ugly old woman also frowned and stopped talking.

"But when I was nailing the forged pillar, I discovered something strange, and I thought it would be better to tell you all: this kid has not moved at all since he was captured."

"Isn't this normal?" someone interjected.

"Do you think it's normal? This demon has already been on the Forged God Pillar! The Forged God Pillar can stimulate the potential of the immortal soul and let us enjoy more. Don't you all forget it?" The Holy Envoy cast a sidelong glance at the True Immortal who just spoke. , sneered a few times.

"It seems that you haven't caught any good slaves recently. You all know that the Forged Divine Pillar unleashes its potential by stimulating the evil thoughts and sorrows in the memory of the immortal soul. In the past few days, I took advantage of the fact that the demon was just unconscious and had not yet With all his memory lost, he activated the Divine Forging Pillar to activate his immortal soul potential. He received 90% of the soul-cleansing needles in the world. I'm afraid that if I drag on, I won't have this chance again. "

Originally, there were some real immortals who were dissatisfied with the Holy Envoy's private contact with Shi Yu. After hearing what he said, their expressions softened a lot, and they all nodded to express that this should be the case.

"But not only did he not have any waves of immortal soul caused by the collision of evil thoughts, but he also never leaked even a trace of the power of the immortal soul. Have any of you seen the slaves on the Forged Divine Pillar really fainting like dead people? Which one is not because of the immortal soul? The immortal soul trembles greatly due to the stimulation of the immortal power, and some even attract soul-cleansing needles due to the leakage of the immortal power, and their expressions are even more distorted and painful. "

"This kid doesn't, not at all! Who else feels normal now?" The holy envoy lightly scratched the armrest with his fingertips, looking sideways at the true immortals, and said nothing.

"Could it be? He is a person without any evil thoughts or painful memories?" someone speculated.

"How is it possible? Even if you are angry that you can't win over your brother by eating milk, it will explode and expand infinitely under the stimulation of the Forged God Pillar!"

"Then what's going on? Is it possible that he was too seriously injured and is already dead? Or maybe he couldn't withstand the power of stimulation and the immortal soul dissipated?" Someone cast doubtful eyes on the Holy Envoy.

"No, definitely not dead! His breathing and heartbeat are still there. Even now, the Forged Divine Pillar is still stimulating the power of stimulation, and his soul is steadily growing, haha." The Holy Envoy hurriedly explained.

Without waiting for anyone to ask again, he continued: "Are you surprised? In my opinion, there is only one explanation: that the devil's immortal soul is far from reaching its limit. What I am talking about is not the limit of cultivation, but that he The original limit of immortal soul.

His immortal soul simply shrank, so he could not react at all under such a powerful stimulus. The immortal power stimulated by the forged divine pillar had not yet satisfied his need for the recovery of his immortal soul. The immortal soul this guy should have is at least a thousand times more powerful than it is now! "

The Holy Envoy made a judgment that was not surprising, and all the immortals gasped in cold air, and all of them widened their eyes in disbelief.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! If he is so powerful, he will definitely be comparable to the Holy Immortal and the Yu Demon. He will never be restrained by this soul-washing needle! Let alone be caught by us!" Someone woke up from the fright. He shook his head repeatedly, denying the Holy Envoy's speculation.

"Do you still remember the day when you caught this person?" The Holy Envoy looked at the true immortal who doubted him and asked in a deep voice, "That day, he was going to self-destruct. Although I don't know why he gave up, who can do it instantly like him?" It can trigger the collapse of the entire secret realm. Don't forget, he is only accumulating power and has not really released it! The ten of us here, together, can make the sky collapse when he is only accumulating power. Is that possible?

So appalling! "As soon as the Holy Envoy said these words, everyone fell silent. Several true immortals who participated in the roundup had frightened eyes and began to tremble slightly.

"Yes, it's terrible. I thought I was going to die. No, we are all going to die..." Someone murmured, and then said hurriedly as if he had woken up: "Then we can't let him recover. Once he wakes up, who can stop him? He will kill everyone!"

"Impossible! It's a fact to catch him. His physical injuries are almost fatal. It's impossible to fake it. Moreover, he has entered the Immortal Soul Formation. No matter how powerful he is, he can't escape. Even if he gave up self-destruction just to pretend to be caught, what's wrong with that? The conspiracy has now turned into a trap!" The Holy Envoy immediately dismissed the true immortal's concerns.

The True Immortal, who was still stuck in the terrifying memories, his face softened a little, and his cloudy and blank eyes gradually regained their brightness, and he said softly: "Yes, we are in the Holy Immortal Immortal Soul Formation, there should be no more accidents, there shouldn't be... …”

The Holy Envoy rolled his eyes at him impatiently and continued: "We caught him now and got a big advantage! It would be a pity not to make good use of this advantage, so now I have a bold idea. Please listen to it. listen?"

"The holy envoy will tell you what he has to say, why are you such a mother-in-law!" Long Zhenxian, who had the best relationship with the holy envoy, knocked on the table several times and shouted impatiently at the betraying holy envoy.

"Haha, why are you so anxious? I wouldn't dare to do this without your consent. I just thought that if the immortal soul is really depressed, wouldn't it be better if we let him recover first and then enjoy it! You know, cultivation Growth and restoration are two different things, both in terms of time and precious treasures. It may only take a few years for him to return to his full glory.

His immortal soul is chasing the Holy Immortal, and coupled with the Holy Immortal's Immortal Soul Formation, who can imagine how advanced we can be! "The Holy Envoy's words were slightly excited, and his hot and bright eyes swept towards every true immortal present.

No one immediately objected, and no one rushed to agree. Everyone lowered their eyes and pondered, quietly pondering.

"What if it's not the case? Maybe he is special and doesn't respond to the stimulation of the immortal power? A demon who seems to have similar cultivation level to us, the immortal soul is so powerful that it is already terrifying enough, and it is said that it has shrunk a thousand times. This is really... unbelievable." The True Immortal of Beifeng Palace raised his question after a long time.

"So what? It's just a waste of some elixir. We won't get less than what we get now!" The Holy Envoy leaned back on the chair and replied disapprovingly.

"How about we go and take a look first? I always find it a bit mysterious to hear only your words from the Holy Envoy." This time, even the True Immortal of the Xuming Sect couldn't bear to stand up and speak.

"Okay! Without further ado, there are more and more people gathering outside now. We want to settle this matter as soon as possible, so let's go together!" The Holy Envoy agreed simply and quickly, and took the lead to walk towards the back of the hall. All the true immortals came one after another Getting up and following, they also wanted to see if Shi Yu was really as strange as the Holy Envoy said.

Shi Yu still lowered his head and was tied tightly to the forging pillar. Two long needles protruded from the pillar and pierced into Shi Yu's head from the side, making a sound like water. It was faintly visible that the soul-cleansing needles were tied to his body. The chains swam through, flashing out streaks of white light.

Just as the Holy Envoy said, Shi Yu seemed to be sleeping soundly without dreams, with only shallow breathing and slow heartbeat. He should be experiencing the pain of the immortal soul, but he did not show any signs of being agitated.

"It's indeed strange. At least there should be a slight change in expression." All the immortals observed for a moment and nodded in agreement with the Holy Envoy's judgment.

"Let me try again!" A true immortal stretched out his fingers and flicked several rays of silver light into the long needle inserted into Shi Yu's head. The needle body immediately doubled in thickness, and the sound of running water became faster and heavier, but Shi Yu Still motionless.

"Amazing, indeed amazing! In our Black Abyss Sect, no matter how powerful the slave was, he would have died a long time ago after being subjected to these few blows from me. Holy Envoy, I am a little tempted by your idea."

"It still depends on what everyone thinks. After all, this is what I guessed, and no one has seen it before." The Holy Envoy smiled slightly and turned his attention to the others.

When everyone saw Shi Yu in this state, it was indeed impossible for him to escape due to any accident. Then they thought about the benefits that would come if it were possible. Everyone's hearts warmed up and they nodded in agreement.

Only the ugly old woman from Juxian Palace was killed because her subordinate sect was destroyed. Her expression remained unchanged ever since she entered the Holy Immortal Palace, and she asked bitterly: "Then how can we make this bastard recover? Do we need to take turns feeding him medicine to sort him out?" It’s so comfortable.”

"That's not necessary. Let me take care of it now. Outsiders think that you are fighting this demon in the formation and cannot escape from here. You are just outside.

Just wait and practice in the palace, you can take care of me at any time. The holy envoy chuckled and said, "Ten years at most. No matter what happens after ten years, we will start to act. What do you think?" Externally, it was said that we had worked hard to defend the formation and refine it for ten years before we completely destroyed this demon. "

Naturally, all the true immortals have no objection. Since someone is willing to take on the hard work, let him go and be happy and relaxed. So all the true immortals walked out of the back hall one by one, sat cross-legged in the main hall of the Holy Immortal Palace and began to practice with their eyes closed.

The Holy Envoy watched the others leave, laughed a few times, turned around and stared at Shi Yu, rubbed the soles of his feet on the ground a few times, and said softly: "How many years have it been! Success or failure depends on this one move, don't let me down. "

After saying that, he slowly walked out of the back hall, leaving Shi Yu without any reaction. He lowered his head and endured the urging of the forged pillar. The whole hall fell silent amidst the sound of gurgling water.

Far less than ten years, just one year, the Holy Envoy gave up urging Shi Yu. It was not that Shi Yu's soul had grown much stronger, but that all the true immortals could not bear Shi Yu's gluttonous consumption.

The sworn envoy was the first to consume all the spiritual materials.

In the first month, the holy envoy had used up 70% of the spiritual materials. Shi Yu's immortal soul soon became scarless under the nourishment of various spiritual materials. However, the level of strength was much worse, less than a month. become.

At that time, he was extremely excited and believed that his judgment was extremely accurate. It was only because Shiyu Xianpo was so powerful that he had used so many spiritual talents and there was still no obvious change. If he fully recovered, he would definitely be no less than the Holy Immortal. The supreme immortal soul.

But after a month, no matter how many treasures were used on Shi Yu, there was no change at all. No matter how much nourishment was given, it was like a trickle flowing into the desert, only absorbing but not changing.

Three months later, looking at the empty treasury, the Holy Envoy had to ask for help from other True Immortals.

At first, under the eloquence of the Holy Envoy, each of the True Immortals took out a lot of treasures that they would never show to others, and Shi Yu's immortal soul was forced to increase by 10%.

Everyone was happy, and they all thought that this demon's immortal soul was magical. Later, there was no need for the Holy Envoy to say anything nonsense. As long as it was a spiritual medicine and treasure that could help the growth and nourishment of the immortal soul, it was stuffed into Shi Yu's body like throwing it into a bottomless pit. But since the one-tenth increase, Shi Yu's immortal soul has stopped moving again, and no matter how the True Immortals tossed it, it would not grow.

After a year, all efforts were fruitless. The True Immortals began to get angry and irritated. Although they did not fight, they kept complaining about the Holy Envoy's presumptuous speculation, which wasted both time and treasures.

"Holy Envoy, you have raised a pig! It's a pig that only eats and doesn't grow meat! Are you deliberately cheating us?" Finally, a True Immortal couldn't help it and cursed.

The embarrassed Holy Envoy had been irritated by the daily sarcasm and ridicule, but he didn't dare to refute too much. He had no choice but to say that Shi Yu's immortal soul recovery requirements might be too high and the immortal spirit materials could not meet them.

The suggestion of throwing Shi Yu into the Soul Washing Pool for a last try made all the True Immortals completely angry. They attacked him in groups, and fierce words rolled out, accusing him of being obsessed and crazy.

The Soul Washing Pool is the foundation of the Great Void Realm, the only source of the Soul Washing Needle, and the secret place for the Immortal Master to be reborn. Only with the unanimous consent of all the True Immortals can there be a chance to get involved in the baptism.

If a native immortal master of Daxu wants to enter and sublimate, it is impossible without extraordinary talent or great contribution, and there has never been a precedent for a slave to enter.

Now the Holy Envoy actually wants to let a powerful enemy from the Great Realm who is not only a slave, but also a remnant of the Yu Demon enter to wash his soul. No one knows what the result will be.

If he breaks through the realm and wakes up unexpectedly, it will be a catastrophe. If Shi Yu dies in it, it will be a loss of both the wife and the army. Only a pure madman would think so.

For a while, all the True Immortals surrounded the Holy Envoy and spit, and the chattering noise was no different from the fighting of market vendors.

The Holy Envoy had no way to defend himself, so he had to sneer and list the treasures consumed by Shi Yu one by one. Suddenly, all the True Immortals became more angry and anxious, and their eyes became redder. They wanted to tear Shi Yu into pieces and eat him up immediately, but when they thought that these wasted spiritual materials had not yet fully played their role, they were reluctant to let him die now, and they were so entangled and painful that their hearts were about to break.

Finally, a group of violent True Immortals quarreled and shouted as they nailed every bone and muscle of Shi Yu to the Forging God Pillar, and then stabbed all the remaining Soul Cleansing Needles into his soul, and then threw him and the Forging God Pillar into the Soul Cleansing Pool.

The Soul Cleansing Pool, which was ten feet in diameter, was no place for Shi Yu and the Forging God Pillar to be thrown down heavily. The splashing water splashed all over the True Immortals, but they didn't care at all. They stared at him for a while with red eyes and heavy breathing, and left angrily with a series of angry snorts.

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