Life Control Chart

Chapter 219: Immortal Immortal

"The soul is transformed, you are so generous. Which realm are you the master of? You have been holding back for a long time. I have never been hostile. Do you really refuse to let me go?" Just as Shi Yu was approaching the Jingbi step by step and was panicking, a clear female voice sounded. rang in my mind.

Following the words, circles of dark patterns swayed from the world soul and bounced on the crystal jade. Jingbi seemed to be able to hear this and stopped approaching.

"Xiyue! It's you!" Shi Yu shouted a name in his heart in horror without even thinking about it. He completely believed Mujiao's words this time. Xiyue definitely had an agenda behind him, but for now She still couldn't tell whether this attempt was good or bad for her. If she hadn't provoked a world lord, she would definitely continue to hide it.

"It turns out your name is Xiyue. I admire you. You have two parts of your true spirit and soul, and you actually dare to venture into another world. You are really talented and bold. At least, I don't dare. I am the master of the Daxu and Zhenwu realms. You call me I can use the Xuwu Saint, or I can use the Xuwu. I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to give it a try."

The waves from the world soul hit the crystal wall and flew back, bringing with it another person's words, without emotion or ups and downs. If you just listen to the conversation between these two people without any fireworks, it's like two mutual admirers who have heard their names for a long time but never seen each other are complimenting each other.

Shi Yu could no longer speak. Xi Yue, who was hidden in the world soul, blocked Shi Yu's remaining soul fluctuations in his body. At this time, he had completely become Xi Yue's puppet.

"The Great Void Realm, the True Martial Realm, one soul and one body? It seems that Dao Brother's handiwork is greater than I thought, and he found a new way! It is indeed worthy of the title of Lord of the Two Realms! This is really a treasure place, I didn't expect that Dao Brother's cultivation is so good Gao Jue, his soul has been transformed many times, one here, and another in the main hall. Tell me, if you fail, how long will it take for you to recover if I take all of them away?"

Before Xiyue finished speaking, she saw a drop of water jumping out of the pool and jumping onto the body of the figure beside the pool. The man immediately lowered his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"What? Are you still afraid that these ants know your existence? They have already been mortal for a long time. They have only cultivated their souls to reach this level. Do you want to refine pills or weapons?" Xiyue asked curiously when she saw the other party knocking out the people by the pool.

"You can guess all this, so I won't say more. I'm curious, you have raised this little guy well, why are you still reluctant to take action? If you delay it any longer, I'm afraid you won't be his match. Could it be that you did this intentionally? ?" Although Xuwu Shengxian's words were not kind, his calm and calm tone made Shi Yu feel warm and relaxed at the same time, and he was about to fall asleep comfortably without realizing it.

"Brother Dao has misunderstood. This son is a miraculous boy who was not trained by me. Moreover, he is indeed of great use and is worth waiting for. Otherwise, my babysitter would not have chosen him on his own." Xiyue did not stop Xu. What Wu Shengxian did to Shi Yu actually released part of the guard's power, allowing the soul impact he intentionally sent to be more effective.

Shi Yu immediately fell asleep and snored softly and sweetly.

The two world masters were still facing each other quietly, waiting for the miracle that Xiyue said.

"How long do we have to wait?" Xuwu Shengxian asked slowly. He did not feel any changes in Shi Yu.

"Tsk~" Xiyue laughed lightly and responded: "The moment you knocked him unconscious, it already happened. It seems that I overestimated you and intentionally let you try, but you didn't know anything about it. , now you can rest assured. Even within your soul confinement formation, you can’t do anything to me.”

"Oh?" Xuwu Shengxian's tone showed a hint of surprise,

The water in the soul-washing pool suddenly became fierce, sweeping through Shi Yu's body inside and outside, not even sparing his soul.

"I have succeeded in cultivating the spirit, and my Yuanli is quite strong. I can be called a gifted person, but this is nothing in my eyes. I have to ask my fellow Taoist for advice." Xuwu Shengxian suppressed his doubts and did not care about Xi. Yue asked, mocking hostility.

"Why did your soul shed its spirit? If it really sheds its pure soul, the true soul can leave the soul and live on its own. This place is not worth your nostalgia at all, and you will not know everything that happened." Xiyue did not answer Xuwu Shengxian's question. Instead, he pointed out the shortcomings of his practice so far.

"Oh, what fellow Taoist said is, if I can really shed my body, how can I leave a trace of truth here...what!" Although Xuwu Shengxian didn't understand why Xiyue mentioned this matter, he replied to her about the obvious matter. It doesn't matter, but in the middle of the sentence, Xuwu Shengxian suddenly shouted, and the water in the pond suddenly boiled and stirred, "True spirit! Where did his true spirit go!"

The still crystal wall shattered into pieces and transformed into thin snakes, sweeping toward Shi Yu.

"I've already said that I look down upon you, but you still dare to take someone from me. Today, your soul will be completely shattered! Just give me your essence to heal your wounds!" Xiyue showed no sign of weakness and sent out a message in the world soul. With a scream, the water that had filled Shi Yu's inside and outside suddenly turned into white gas, and a three-foot-wide waterless space was created around him.

As the two were making a fuss, Shi Yu's eyes opened again, just in time to see several water snakes piercing the white air and piercing his eyes. If this happened, Shi Yu would be blind even if he didn't die.

But Shi Yu could neither hide nor shout, and felt great pain in his heart: "Why do you want to move me back when you two are fighting? Isn't it better to let me tie the rope in peace?"

In desperation, Holy Immortal Xuwu just wanted to dig out Shi Yuguiyu's soul to find out what was going on. He didn't care whether it would hurt him. The speed and strength of the crystal water snake were a little stronger, and it was no longer watery and straight. Several ice spears passed through the space held up by Xi Yueqiang, and were about to hit Shi Yu's body with a loud bang, tearing open the skin and burrowing in.

Shi Yu was so scared that his liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and he shouted in his heart: Sister Xiyue, you have to hold on! Even if it is for a complete and handsome puppet, you have to save me. I can't be full of holes, missing arms and legs, and blind. This doesn't meet your requirements for choosing a puppet! I will definitely be obedient in the future and worship Jiehun as my ancestor!

Shi Yu didn't care whether Xiyue was a beauty or not, or whether he cared about the beauty or ugliness of the puppet. He just hoped that Xiyue would hear his sincere flattery in his heart and protect his body that had long lost its sensitivity.

Xiyue seemed to have really heard Shi Yu's flattering prayers. She chuckled and emitted layers of space vibrations. The water snakes that were approaching Shi Yu broke into water before they could really hurt him, and melted back into the pool.

Xuwu Shengxian made several attempts but to no avail. All the water snakes dissipated at the same time. The soul-washing needles in the pool connected to each other and melted into a bright silver sword. It shot towards Shi Yu's forehead like lightning.

"Ding"! With a crisp sound, the black world soul no longer hid in Shi Yu's body, and suddenly jumped out and stuck to his forehead, blocking the fatal sword.

Before Shi Yu had time to be happy, a vague and slender figure walked out of the world soul, and slapped him to a corner of the pool with a palm. The world soul was embedded in her brow like a black crystal diamond.

Shi Yu exclaimed that my life was over! Without the protection of the world soul, his out-of-control body was thrown into the pool water, which was equivalent to giving him to the virtual martial saint. How could he still survive?

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu was actually released by Xiyue

The bondage was continuously rang, and the nails and iron chains that were pierced around Shi Yu all scattered and fell to the bottom of the pool.

The pool water that choked his mouth and nose was just ordinary clear water, and it had no ability to invade Shi Yu's body. The soul-washing needles that had been swimming with the waves were still attached to the sword, and there was no one around him.

"It seems that these two are ready to let go and compete with all their strength," Shi Yu thought anxiously, and hurriedly crawled out of the pool, wanting to stay away from the battlefield of the two realm masters.

"Don't go out!" Xiyue's cold words hit Shiyu's mind, "If you alarm those people outside, I can't split my attention to protect you! Letting you go will only give you a little self-protection."

Shiyu hurriedly curled up in the corner of the pool and tilted his face to secretly look at the two people who were confronting each other again.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the Forging God Pillar I carefully refined could be removed so easily by you." Xuwu Shengxian was a little surprised by the strength shown by Xiyue, and hesitated for a moment for underestimating him repeatedly.

"Give him to me, and I will let you go!" After thinking about it, Xuwu Shengxian regained his calmness and did not retreat.

"If you hadn't been so pushy when you first found me, I might have considered it, but you kept pressing me, forcing me to awaken this half of my soul. Now that you're weak, do you think I'll let you go? Can you still keep this trace of your soul?" Xiyue's vague figure swayed in the white space, as if it would dissipate at any time. Shi Yu even wondered if she was too confident.

"I don't care that your soul is divided into two, and half of your soul controls the power of the other half of your soul. Don't forget, I still have a soul and a trace of my soul in the hall. Although my soul is not as powerful as yours, the power of my soul is several times more than yours. If we really fight, you will die!" Xuwu Shengxian was not forced by Xiyue's words and directly showed his trump card.

"You can try to see if you can move that spirit. With your realm, if there is no powerful enemy waiting, you will never create such a formation trap that will hurt both sides, and use your spirit to suppress a broken piece of equipment, which must be a magic weapon with his essence and blood. If you move the spirit of the formation, he will definitely find it. Do you dare to bet that he is not nearby? Then you will not end up losing two strands of true spirit." Xiyue is not an easy person to deal with. It is easy to see that the Immortal Xuwu is afraid.

"Are they talking about the Emperor Yu Tian?" Shi Yu thought to himself. Only this powerful person can make the Immortal Xuwu restless.

Sure enough, the Immortal Void Martial was silent for a moment, and the bright white sword slowly retreated, "Take him away from here, go back to where you came from, and you will be in trouble if you fight to the death."

"Hahaha... You gave up so soon? But I don't intend to let you go! What does it have to do with you whether I am good or not! The best soul tonic! The weak true spirit! How can I give up such a good opportunity!" Before the voice fell, Xiyue flew over, grabbed the tip of the bright silver sword with one hand, and twisted it hard to break off an inch long section.

"Roar!" Shi Yu seemed to hear the cry of the Immortal Void Martial, and the bright silver sword exploded with a bang, breaking into countless soul-washing needles and rushing in all directions.

"Escape? Where to? Haha, no one I've set my sights on can escape! What's more, you're seriously injured! I've already felt that the true spirit in this sword has long been exhausted. Hahaha, this is a godsend!" Xiyue laughed while holding the throbbing blade in her hand, rubbing it with her fingertips, feeling the waves of struggle coming from it.

Shi Yu shrank tighter and tighter. This wild look doesn't look like a realm master with a high realm, but simply a mad woman who is crazy with joy!

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