Life Control Chart

Chapter 234: The Ruins of the Buwu War Academy

Long Kuang pointed with one arm, and the half-collapsed bed in the corner of the room came into Shi Yu's eyes. There were layers of ash inside, and it looked like several pieces of clothing had fallen into decay.

"Both of us are also confused, guessing that the owner here left in a hurry, and many of the treasures he carried with him were not packed in time. The treasures that were treasured for a long time and not used for a long time were left in the corners. This is where the clothes were unearthed."

"But why should such treasures be kept in the acupoints? How could they be left here?" Shi Yu was very puzzled by the departure of the old master of this place.

"It's true. We all keep our belongings with us. Judging from the traces, people here seem to have left them outside. There are also many treasures in the places we searched just now." Mu Liu followed.

"Search carefully, don't miss any corner, focus on searching the classics and books, hoping to survive. Not being able to use spiritual energy here is very troublesome." Shi Yu threw the clothes back to Long Kuang, opening his eyes and looking at every detail in the house. Every detail.

With the three people's full search, the small island was turned upside down in two or three days. Fortunately, they found a stele room full of pictures and texts, and hundreds of stone stele were erected neatly. Pieces of old history are engraved on the ground.

Some stone tablets detail a person's life, and some stone tablets detail a significant past event. All the stone tablets together show off the former glory of the old owners here.

Jian Kaitian and Mu Li were summoned, and the five of them looked at all the stone tablets before they had a preliminary understanding of this place. This small island was neither a sect nor a wealthy family. It was actually a school with the name of Bu Wu Zhan. The academy not only highlights the supremacy of martial arts, but also demonstrates the recruitment of talents.

Everyone was very surprised by this method of promoting cultivation. No matter which world, the cultivation classics of various sects and tribes were all hidden deep and deep, for fear that others would steal them. No matter how generous Shi Yu was, he was still a generous person. , and never leaked the secrets of Yu Shen Palace casually.

But here, there are many stone tablets clearly engraved with who accidentally handed over the ancient books to the school, and who developed the mastery of Kung Fu and spread it to the world.

"Incredible! There is no greater unity in the world than this." Shi Yu admired sincerely.

"If this is the real martial arts world, it's not difficult to understand. Wouldn't the Xuwu Saint Immortal raise people to seize it? It's a pity that the inscription doesn't mention which world this is." Mu Liu said regretfully.

"This must be the True Martial World!" Long Kuang caressed a stone tablet and pointed it to the two of them, "Look, here is written the miracle of the Holy Spirit. The Martial Saint obtained the fax method when he was young, called the Holy Spirit, and it is the same as our Great Void Immortal World Saint. Fairy-like.

The title Martial Saint must also be used by martial arts cultivators. When it comes to the realm of cultivation, it is either Martial Saint or Martial God, and nothing else. "

"It makes sense. It seems that we are very lucky and finally found the Zhenwu God Realm!" Shi Yu felt a big stone falling to the ground. Since this is the Zhenwu Realm and Xuwu Saint Immortal did not appear in Daxu, it proves that he is not in the two realms at all. Just like quelling the Yu Demon Rebellion, he must be rushing back from a very far place! His chances of escaping are now greater.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu hurriedly asked: "You said, this school actually has a teleportation array to Daxu. That means there is communication between the two worlds. Why do monks from the two worlds never communicate with each other?"

"It's intentional. This teleportation array is not for ordinary monks. It must be for a specific purpose. This is unexpected. How stupid!" Jian Kaitian began to despise Shi Yu again.

This time Shi Yu did not dare to underestimate his words and nodded silently.

"Eh! This doesn't look like you. Why did you suddenly change again? You used to always go against me!" Jian Kai was extremely surprised. He lifted Shi Yu's shoulders and looked up and down carefully.

"Don't make trouble! I think you are right. You have spent countless years sleeping in vain, and you see things more clearly than us." Shi Yu forcefully pushed his arm away, and his thin shoulders were pinched by his big rough stone hands. It hurts.

"It's a pity that the classics and books were not left behind, otherwise we could have known better." Mu Liu said with regret.

Shi Yu didn't think so. Now that he had determined that this was Zhenwu, he focused on the immediate purpose and said, "This is not a place to stay for a long time. I came here only to find a body-training technique that is suitable for the Forging God. There is no need." Know everything down to the smallest detail.

This place, like the wasteland of Daxu Immortal Sect, is the first place in the world that was destroyed by Emperor Shenyu. What's more, this is an isolated island overseas. There will be almost no one coming. You can live here in seclusion and think about what is there first. Way to leave. I went out alone to get the body-building exercises and immediately turned around. "

"If that doesn't work, I have to go too! Your son is too tiring!" Jian Kaitian shouted in a loud voice.

"You look like this, and you are noticed as soon as you go out. How can you do anything!" Shi Yu immediately rejected Jian Kaitian's idea based on the idea that doing more is worse than doing less.

"You've never been out, so how do you know that the people here look the same as you? Maybe they're all made of stone and wood!" Jian Kaitian's arrogant roar calmed Shi Yu again.

"I think it would be better to bring Senior Sword. There are all martial arts cultivators here. It would be better for the Lord to have a strong martial cultivator companion to take care of each other." Long Kuang interjected.

Jian Kaitian laughed loudly when he heard this, and patted Long Kuang's shoulder hard and praised: "That's right, the more I look at you, you ugly monster, the more I like it. Don't worry, I will protect your master, otherwise you will be wary if he dies." . That Nuyin thing is really not something made by humans.”

Long Kuang smiled bitterly and jumped to the side while covering his painful shoulder. He looked at Shi Yu guiltily. Jian Kaitian revealed his thoughts with a word. He didn't know if Shi Yu would be angry.

Shi Yu couldn't help but shake his head and look at Jian Kaitian with a wry smile, and reluctantly agreed: "It's okay to go together. Just talk less and don't cause trouble."

"Don't worry, I'm so honest that I've always been bullied by you Shenyu bastards. When have I ever caused trouble? I've only had two fights in my life, one was you, and the other was my senior brother who was killed by you." This idiot is outspoken. After offending Long Kuang, he offended Shi Yu, and he was smug without knowing it.

The five people were talking lively, and Xiao Shifeng, who was running around alone, screamed and broke the peace.

While Mu Liu and Long Kuang were still turning their heads in shock, the other three had already rushed to Shi Feng and surrounded him tightly, looking around nervously.

Shi Yu held Shi Feng in his arms with one arm and held him in front of his chest; Mu Li was a step slower and only grabbed his cold little hand; Jian Kaitian was the most straightforward. While flying, the big sword shot out, whistling through the air along Shi Feng's terrified eyes, cutting off a piece of the stone tablet and sticking it firmly into the ground. He also jumped in front of Shi Feng and blocked the others behind him.

"Feng'er? What's wrong?" Shi Yu tried to suppress his nervousness and asked slowly. He hadn't seen anything unusual so far.

"Bug! There's a bug painted on the stone tablet!" Shi Feng's answer suddenly made all five people lose their temper.

Jian Kaitian's shoulders slumped, he cursed secretly, and strode towards the stone tablet where the giant sword was deeply inserted.

Shi Yu shook Shi Feng in his arms with soreness all over his body, and said as calmly as possible: "Feng'er, don't make such a fuss to scare Master in the future."

Shi Feng saw that Shi Yu was a little unhappy, and hurriedly explained: "No! Master! No! The bug is inside the stone tablet and is smiling at me!"

"The bug is smiling?" The nerves that had just relaxed were tensed again, and his eyes hurriedly turned to the broken stone tablet. Jian Kaitian just walked to the side of the stone tablet and was trying to pull out the giant sword.

Shi Yu suddenly discovered that there was a blue beetle lying on his back, smiling strangely.

Without waiting for Shi Yu to raise a warning, the blue beetle's smile disappeared and turned into a cold face. It opened its mouthparts with sharp teeth exposed and pierced straight into Jian Kaitian's back.

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