Life Control Chart

Chapter 239: Heavenly Root

Not long after, the chubby official was raised in front of Shi Yu by Jian Kaitian.

The two looked at each other, turned and ran away, leaving behind a crowd of officials and civilians wailing in pain.

The fat old man who was kidnapped by Shi Yu and the two men showed no fear when he landed. He looked at them sideways and snorted coldly, which made Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian a little confused.

"Fat pig! What are you laughing at? Believe it or not, I will slap you to death!" Jian Kaitian couldn't hold back his anger, waving his huge palm as big as a cattail leaf back and forth in front of the fat old man, with a ferocious look on his face to scare him.

"You just came here, right? Death is imminent! One word will determine your life or death!" The fat old man was unmoved and said coldly.

"What's the matter with someone who has just arrived and is about to die? It's Grandpa and I'll beat you to death. How can you, a stupid pig, decide whether Grandpa or I will live or die!" Jian Kaitian struck the fat old man's side with a palm, and the solid rock responded. And crack.

"Bang!" The fat old man became even more disdainful. He even had bursts of enthusiasm in his eyes because Jian Kaitian might kill him. He shouted even louder: "Outside the country dog, if you have the ability to do it, you won't be considered a real martial arts hero if you blink your eyes." !”

"Stop! Stop!" Shi Yu quickly dissuaded Jian Kaitian from swinging the giant sword angrily. He had always been someone else's grandfather. Whenever someone dared to ride on his head, the "local dog" scornfully said the damage would be too great.

Shi Yu was very satisfied with the word "Zhenwu" uttered by the fat master, which completely confirmed that their purpose was correct.

"Sir, what do you call us? How do you know we are new to the Zhenwu world?" Shi Yu asked with a smile.

"I am Xuanyuan Aoshi! If you are not new to this world and still have the evil nature, who dares to challenge me! For the unfinished business of the War Academy, I will use the glory of the Zhenwu Holy God to punish you! I wonder why you don't have the devil flames on your body. ?”

The words of the fat official made Shi Yu even more curious. Why did he feel that the natives in this world were a little fanatical and superstitious, and even ordinary people like this also praised the Zhenwu Holy God. This was completely different from the Daxu Immortal World, where monks outside the world were regarded as evil heretics. It's exactly the same.

"Xuanyuan Aoshi!" Shi Yu laughed and looked at Jian Kaitian, and said playfully: "He is more domineering than your name, and his temper is about the same."

Jian Kaitian snorted coldly and made up his mind to deal with this proud person after Shi Yu asked.

"Don't even think about it, Demon Flame. We have completely concealed the power of the soul. I would like to ask, how will the Zhenwu Holy God punish us?" Shi Yu asked.

Xuanyuan Aoshi didn't say anything, and looked at Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian carefully for a moment again, then lowered his anger and said, "You two can be considered successful. If you become my slave, I will let you go."

"What!" Before Shi Yu could answer, Jian Kaitian became furious. He grabbed Xuanyuan Aoshi and held it in front of him, glaring at him nose to nose and eye to eye. "Fat pig, say it again, don't you look at grandpa?" Knead the shit out of you!"

Xuanyuan Ao Shi's cold and cold anger could no longer be suppressed, he pointed his right arm towards the sky and shouted: Tianqi!

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian were startled. They both looked up at the sky, with several layers of Yuanli shields covering their heads. However, the quiet sky was clean and flawless, not to mention not a single cloud in the sky.

Xuanyuan Aoshi didn't seem to have expected such a scene. He stared at the sky with his mouth wide open, all the anger on his face was gone, leaving only surprise.

The three of them stood blankly for a moment. Jian Kaitian lowered his head and struck Xuanyuan Aoshi's face again, and said viciously: "Where's Tianjun? Are you scaring grandpa?" After saying that, he put a little force on his hands, and the sounds of creaking and dislocating bones came one after another, which made Xuanyuan Aoshi so painful. Tears and tears flowed together.

Shi Yu hurriedly ran forward to save Xuanyuan. No matter how small the force was, it was like a sword cutting through the sky. Xuanyuan's facial features were already distorted in pain, and he was about to be crushed into strips of pork belly.

"Tell me, what's going on? Is your Zhenwu Holy God asleep?" Shi Yu was relaxing his muscles and activating blood on Xuanyuan Aoshi. At this time, his internal organs were cracked and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough." After a while, Xuanyuan Aoshi regained his composure, and when he looked at Shi Yu and the others, their eyes changed from pain to excitement, "Come on! Come on! Use whatever skills you have! Sir, I beg for mercy. He’s not a true martial artist!”

Listening to the indiscriminate words between officials and gangsters, Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian were puzzled. Could it be that there are really people who cannot be humiliated in desperate situations and want to die?


Jian Kaitian's anger was gone, he knelt down and poked Xuanyuan Aoshi's forehead with his finger, and said to Shi Yu: "You can't use your soul here, why don't you place a slave seal? How can you figure out what the hell he is thinking about? !”

Shi Yu was also surprised, shook his head and said, "Unless I go through the same experience again, it won't be easy."

Jian Kaitian was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly and said hurriedly: "Oh! Forget it! What I mean to say is that if you leave your body again, I won't be able to explain it when you go back. Your wife and son will be waiting impatiently."

Shi Yu was so angry that he kicked Jian Kaitian in the leg, "Wife and son, your words are getting more and more outrageous! If you continue to talk nonsense, I will risk my life to put you in the slave mark first to stop your bad mouth!"

The two people were bickering with each other, and Mr. Xuanyuan, who was lying seriously injured on the ground, was trying to figure out some ideas. He was afraid that these two people and their accomplices did not show up. This did not worry him. What worried him was that this The two evil spirits were completely unaffected by Tian Qi.

"Two of you, can you please stop bickering?" Xuanyuan Aoshi interrupted the two of them like an old friend, forcing himself to sit up.

"Hey! He's in good shape! He can even get up on his own with this look!" Jian Kaitian had a high opinion of this person. A person who is not afraid of death and has some ability is worthy of his praise.

"Hmph!" Xuanyuan Aoshi showed no mercy and turned to Shi Yu and said, "Although I don't know why Tianqi is useless to you, but listening to your conversation, it seems that you have used your soul?"

Shi Yu nodded, not surprised that this secular official was quite knowledgeable.

"Awesome, dying in your hands is not a grievance. Come on! Let's fight again!" Xuanyuan Aoshi struggled hard, but lost strength and fell back to the ground with a thud.

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian looked at each other dumbly. They really couldn't figure out where this seemingly incompetent official got such courage. Even if the people of Daxu were not afraid of the demon slaves, they would only have the upper hand under the protection of the great world. Really, But they were all crying and wailing.

"We have no intention of killing you. We just want to ask you a few words. Say it and we will send you back." Shi Yu softened his words when he saw that he was too tough.

Xuanyuan Aoshi lay on the ground with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "Don't even think about it! In our True Martial God Realm, we only have heroes who died in battle, and there are no cowards who beg for mercy! If I can't beat you, I will scratch your skin!"

As he said that, he rolled on the spot, and several Gulu rolled to Jian Kaitian's feet. Although they were sweating from pain and his face was red, they still hugged his legs and feet and bit them with all their strength.

Jian Kaitian did not dodge or dodge, just let him bite. If this could really bite through his own hard oil skin, Xuanyuan Aoshi's teeth would be the best in the world. However, this act of risking one's life left Jian Kaitian at a loss. He had no intention to kill, and now that he was behaving like a lunatic, he was even less interested in taking action.

"Do you think this world is crazy? No matter how good a martial artist is, it can't be like this, right?" Jian Kaitian pointed at Xuanyuan Aoshi at his feet, who had cracked lips and teeth, and asked Shi Yu helplessly.

Shi Yu also didn't know how to answer. This was no longer a question of whether he was afraid of death, but a question of frantically pursuing death.

Seeing that Xuanyuan was proud and fearless of death, Shi Yu and the others were at a loss what to do. Looking at him who had bitten his teeth until his teeth fell out, and his mouth and lips were swollen and swollen, Shi Yu said helplessly: "Don't let him bite him, pick it up quickly and send it back. We have to think of other solutions as soon as possible."

Jian Kaitian kept looking down at Xuanyuan. All his clothes were transformed into rocks. Xuanyuan chewed them for a long time. Not to mention biting his legs and feet, even the stone clothes were not damaged at all.

The two of them had no intention of killing, and after all their efforts, there was no result, and they were left disgraced. After throwing the injured Xuanyuan back to the government office, they thought of staying in the city temporarily to see if they could find him. Ask other appropriate persons.

Unexpectedly, the officials who were panicking because of the lord being robbed saw the old man covered in blood falling from the sky. They were all furious. They didn't care who the person standing on the roof was. They rushed towards him with shouts and roars, and they were very worried. A life-and-death attitude.

When Shi Yu saw it, he felt even more guilty, grabbed his sword and ran away.

It was really not interesting to argue with these ordinary people, so the two of them were driven out of the small town by a group of ordinary officials and fled in confusion.

Bulkhead followed Shi Yu and ran far away, throwing away the sword of his pursuers and Kaitian without looking back.

Seeing the figure, he realized that it was impossible for those officials to keep up with his footsteps and actually ran for so long. He felt even more embarrassed and shouted angrily: "Why are you running! I have been led astray by you! These soldiers Wouldn't it be better to kill him with one punch? Why have I ever been so chased by a group of ants that I didn't care about my head?"

With that said, he turned around and went back to kill a few to vent his anger.

Shi Yu sighed and said, "You still call me a bastard. Why don't you go back and kill ordinary people who have no power to fight back?"

"How can that be the same? They provoked me first! Look at my trousers, they are so disgusting to be licked!" Jian Kaitian showed the greasy and bloody half of his legs and feet, stretching them out in front of Shi Yu.

"Okay! Let's go, don't bother with the people, let's find a sect and let you fight to your heart's content!" Shi Yu didn't care whether Jian Kaitian followed or not, and turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Jian Kaitian was still unwilling to give in. He glanced in the direction of the small city for a few times, then stamped his feet and chased after Shi Yu.

In a world where the soul cannot be used, the efficiency of tracing traces is much lower. Along the way, the two of them also tried to be friendly and find people to ask for some common sense. They were either tough and brainless mountain people who didn't know anything about it, or they recognized the two of them when they first entered this place in a few words. The world talks collapsed and took action.

Jian Kaitian was so angry after running into the wall several times that he asked Shi Yu angrily: "Are all the madmen and fools in this world of Zhenwu Gods? They can't talk well except with their fists? Even farmers and vendors are so hot-tempered that they dig the ground without even hoeing twice. They just fight with each other, and the salesmen throw down their burdens and start fighting with each other at the slightest disagreement. How do you survive to this day?"

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "It's strange to say that you and I have been walking for several days, but why didn't we see a woman or a child? The youngest must be fifteen or sixteen. Is it because he is afraid that if he collides with these reckless men, he will be beaten to death? , stay at home?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense! They are not me, at least flesh and blood creatures cannot be like this, let alone there are wood spirit grass monsters here, how can they keep hiding in the dark." Jian Kaitian shook his head and retorted.

"It's so weird! I can't find anyone to ask! Why are there not even any small sects, just secular government offices!" Shi Yu was also a little annoyed.

"Those bastards are the same. Tianyi Tianyi keeps shouting and I still don't know what he is!" Jian Kaitian said angrily.

Shi Yu had already thought about this and said smoothly: "It is probably similar to Daxu's soul-washing needle. It is a method used to trap novice monks. You and I must have avoided this method for a reason."

The two of them were chatting and going on their way when they encountered a group of people fighting for no apparent reason. They no longer hid and observed as before, and had no intention of watching the excitement. After walking around in a circle for a while, Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian turned a blind eye and continued to walk away.

Suddenly, someone in the fighting crowd shouted in grief and anger: "If my energy had not been drained, how could I have been humiliated by you!"

"Drained!" Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian's eyes lit up. This was the first time they encountered an out-of-bounds cultivator. They did not dare to neglect it and turned around and ran straight to the crowd.

A skinny old man was rolling on the ground with his hands on his head. His three long beards were already sticky and rolled into a ball. Four or five men surrounding him kicked him desperately. How could an old man withstand the beating of several strong men? He saw his chest and ribs breaking and his teeth spitting out. If he got a few more hits, he would definitely die.

Jian Kaitian roared wildly, and his steps were bigger and more violent. He crashed into the crowd like a flying stone, not caring which side was killed or injured. He fell in front of the old man and lifted him up to his waist, but the force was too great. The old man fainted without a groan. Jian Kaitian didn't care about these things. He drew out the giant sword with one hand and chopped it randomly, clearing the bloody space in an instant.

Shi Yu was very displeased with Jian Kaitian's rough and violent behavior, but thinking about this Zhenwu God Realm, there was nothing to gain from reasoning except being beaten, so he shook his head and let him go.

The dark figures in the distance appeared again, Shi Yu hurriedly called Jian Kaitian, and the two of them hurriedly left with the old man.

They found a windless cave and rushed in. Shi Yu took out some clothes to pad the ground and gently put the old man on it.

Now there is no healing pill available. Looking at the old man in front of him who is not breathing much, Shi Yu can only inject a little bit of Yuanli to prolong his life, hoping that he can make it.

The old man seemed to feel that the people around him had no hostility. His short and tense breathing gradually became long, and he lay on the ground with his head turned to sleep.

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