Life Control Chart

Chapter 244 The Stone Man Explodes Again

After several rounds of repetition, Zhou Luan was so angry that he could have escaped unscathed, but these three followers were the confidants he had trained with all his blood, so he was reluctant to abandon them. His red eyes looked at Shi Yu, who made sneak attacks from time to time, and then at Seeing the vulgar and shameless Jian Kaitian, he thought suddenly and swung out his fists to force Jian Kaitian away, but instead he rushed towards Shi Yu.

He made up his mind to catch Qin Keyang if Shi Yu dared to escape. If he didn't escape, he would drag him into the melee. Even if he could resist Jian Kaitian's sword from behind, it would be cost-effective.

Shi Yu was not stupid, not to mention that he had been staring at Zhou Luan. As soon as he saw him coming, he grabbed Qin Keyang and ran away. The appropriate distance from Zhou Luan's battlefield was enough for him to react.

Zhou Luan regretted that he had been too trusting. When he heard Xuanyuan Aoshi's report, he thought it was just a misunderstanding and misunderstanding, so he hurried to slay the demon and enchant him alone.

This can't be blamed on him. Since the Ancient Rebellion, there are only one example of monks like Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian who have entered the world inexplicably. The security of hundreds of millions of years has made everyone relax their vigilance.

Neither advancing nor retreating, there is never a coward in the Zhenwu world who abandons a fight and runs away. Zhou Luan was so cruel that he gave up the subtle changes that were flashy to Jian Kaitian, and his power became more and more violent. Every punch and kick was like thunder. .

Perhaps because he applied too much force, his body gradually began to crack, and streaks of bloody light spurted out, followed by endless blood mist, dyeing a large area of ​​the world red.

Jian Kaitian, who was still teasing with words, became alert when he saw this. He had the sequelae of being exploded by the puppet bug. No matter what started to swell and crack, he felt like it was about to explode.

But after all, his strength is far from recovered, and he is currently just trying to suppress chaos. He hurriedly called Shi Yu to quickly resolve the entanglement over there, because something big was going to happen on his side.

Shi Yu also noticed the changes in Zhou Luan. The terrifying sight of blood being torn all over his body made his heart beat. A small puppet insect nearly killed Jian Kaitian when it exploded. Such a big martial artist If the Holy Explosion explodes, the world will be turned upside down!

Qin Keyang, who had no ability to protect himself, was now the biggest burden. Shi Yu had to abandon him if he wanted to subdue the three martial saint followers. This was absolutely impossible.

In an instant, the situation on the battlefield was reversed due to Zhou Luan's ferocity. He seemed to have no regard for life and death. Every time he punched, Jian Kaitian retreated continuously. The giant sword that was originally used to attack now became a pure shield, spanning In front of Jian Kaitian, he desperately resisted the infinitely powerful bombardment. The sword body also began to crack and damage like Zhou Luan's body, and pieces of gravel flew out in all directions under the violent blow.

Jian Kaitian was horrified, thinking to himself that he had underestimated Zhou Luan, and his chaotic steps could no longer escape his meticulous and powerful attacks.

No longer able to care about verbal teasing, and Zhou Luan was no longer disturbed, Jian Kaitian swung out his sword and stabbed Zhou Luan in the chest, trying to force him to stay away, but he punched the tip of the sword viciously.

With a "click", the tip of the sword, which was about a foot long, broke, and the entire giant sword was shot far away and fell out of sight.

Jian Kaitian screamed in agony, his life treasure was scarred until it broke, as if his tight heartstrings had been cut.

Jian Kaitian suddenly became fierce and violent, and with a loud shout, his head was full of sharp stone flakes, turning into knives like a stream, and went straight to the key points of the chaos.

Zhou, who had the absolute upper hand, grinned and swam upstream with a ferocious smile. He punched down the stone knives one by one. In an instant, he was within seven feet of Jian Kaitian. He kicked his legs into a shadow and fanned Jiankai like an iron curtain. The sound of continuous bombardment all over the sky suddenly stopped, and suddenly there was silence between the two of them.

Seeing Jian Kaitian suffer a loss, Shi Yu hurriedly forced away the three followers, trying to find time to help Jian Kaitian. As soon as he raised his clenched fist,

Suddenly I saw a frozen scene.

Jian Kaitian's body was also cracked and glowing, but without the blood flowing freely from Zhou's chaos, the bright yellow light intertwined with the blood-red light and shadow of Zhou's chaos, making it dazzling and confusing.

He hugged Zhou Luan's calf around his waist tightly, his lips parted in a silent laugh.

Zhou Luan suddenly panicked and tried to pull his legs away. How could Jian Kaitian do as he wished? He roared and exploded one step earlier than Zhou Luan. No one in the chaotic and entangled battlefield expected such a tragic scene.

After nine days of thunder-like loud noises, countless fist-sized sharp rocks flew all over the sky, piercing through the nearby Zhou Luan, and also blasted away Shi Yu's entourage of the Martial Saint who was flying and fighting like flies. Meteors roared towards each other, Cutting apart a hundred-mile radius space, the transparent and invisible space of the Great World was like pieces of broken mirrors exploding and intertwining, mixing with distorted light and shadow, and a strange and bizarre light surrounded everyone.

No one dared to move at this time. The shattered space was more terrifying than the sharp sword. Only the place where Shi Yu and Qin Keyang stood was safe. There was no gravel or crack in the space of more than ten feet.

No matter how fast Zhou Luan's fists and feet were, he was unable to completely block the bombardment of gravel. What's more, he was entangled with Jian Kaitian as if they were two people.

The ground the two of them were standing on had collapsed, and Zhou Luan was lying in a pit a hundred feet deep with blank eyes, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The rushing rubble didn't just rush far away, but returned and flew back from all directions. Each one like fire meteors collided with the already fragmented Zhou Luan, trying to smash it into a pool of bloody mud.

Zhou, who was already in a daze, screamed miserably as countless gravels were inserted into his tough body. Blood dripped down the edges of the gravels, and the mud on the ground exuded a fishy smell.

The three followers were stunned by this tragic scene. It was not until Shi Yu came up and grabbed them one by one that they slowly turned their faces to look at him. There was no struggle or shouting. At this moment, no trace of the eternal bravery and arrogance in the Zhenwu world was left.

After dealing with the three followers, Shi Yu's face was livid and he snatched all the healing pills from Qin Keyang. Qin Keyang opened his mouth to say something, but finally lowered his head and gave up.

Jumping to the bottom of the pit, a faint and intermittent call rang in Shi Yu's ear: "Left... one zhang..."

All the pill bottles were crushed by Shi Yu, and he smashed the broken pieces to the direction where the sound came from.

"Oh, I'm almost dead, can't you be gentler."

"It's better to die, it's less troublesome to die! I don't have to eat up all the things I have saved with great difficulty!" Shi Yu said hatefully.

Not only Jian Kaitian didn't die, but Zhou Luan didn't die either. He lay at the bottom of the pit with his dying breath. His eyes turned slightly, watching Shi Yu scolding Jian Kaitian.

Shi Yu picked up Zhou Luan, turned around and flew out of the deep pit, leaving him and the three followers together, and sat quietly aside waiting.

Qin Keyang was not as calm as him. He kept lying on the side of the pit and watched the rubble on the ground slowly rolling, scrambling together randomly. The whole land was trembling slightly as the rubble rolled. Countless essences of the earth veins flowed along the cracks at the bottom of the pit, like gel, and slowly formed a human figure.

The clumsy Jian Kaitian lay on the wall of the pit and tried to climb up. Every time he climbed a few feet, he would slip and fall back to the bottom of the pit. Qin Keyang, who was lying on the side of the pit, wanted to reach out to grab him, but the pit was a hundred feet deep, and he couldn't reach Jian Kaitian. If he went down to help, he would become two disabled people who couldn't climb out and wait for rescue.

Looking back at Shi Yu, he was still standing by Zhou Luan with an expressionless face, and had no intention of coming to help. Qin Keyang didn't dare to speak, and could only watch Jian Kaitian climb several times and finally

exhausted, sitting at the bottom of the pit in a daze.

"Brother Jian! You should recover first, and come up with some strength!" Qin Keyang comforted him.

"No, I'm injured on top of injured, I'm worse than you now, if I want to get up, I have to sleep for thousands of years." Jian Kaitian sat at the bottom of the pit and looked up at Qin Keyang, the stone pieces on his head fell to the ground.

"You really don't want to help him?" Zhou Luan, lying on the ground, recovered faster than Jian Kaitian even without taking medicine, tilted his head and looked at Shi Yu who looked like a stone sculpture, he had no hatred towards Shi Yu and his party, he was only hostile out of duty.

Shi Yu glanced at him sideways, stretched out his hand and broke all his bones with a "ka ba ka ba". He took care of the three followers and said coldly: "He won't die!"

"Haha." Zhou Luan said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that there are still brave warriors among you monsters from outside the world."

"There are many! You have only seen a few monks from outside the world. If it weren't for your damn holy god setting up a protective formation, you would have been wiped out by the monks from outside the world with your tyranny and cruelty to innocent people!"

Shi Yu's rude words angered Zhou Luan. In his heart, anyone who disrespects the holy god should be killed!

After struggling for a few times, his body was as limp as mud and he could not muster any strength. Zhou Luan looked up at the sky dejectedly and whispered: "You are not a warrior, he is. It is not worth fighting for a cold-hearted person like you."

"Humph!" Shi Yu snorted and said disdainfully: "Wait until you meet your Holy God and see his behavior and temperament, then you can talk to me again!"

Zhou Luan looked at Shi Yu in surprise and asked in disbelief: "Have you seen the Holy God? How is it possible? Now even the God of War has no chance to see the Holy God, how can you, an ant, be favored!"

Shi Yu looked at Zhou Luan with pity, shook his head and said: "The God of War is broken Dome, some died, some were injured, and all lost their cultivation. They are not even as good as him, right? "

Shi Yu pointed at Qin Keyang and continued, "How many people broke through the dome with such courage? Even if there was a peerless warrior who broke it, who would come back to celebrate with you? As a pig or sheep, you are still so loyal. The Holy Spirit is really good. "

"Nonsense! I want your life!" Zhou Luan was furious and stood up again. The three followers who followed his lead also showed anger in their eyes. They twisted their bodies desperately to break free from the restraints and fight with Shi Yu again. Unfortunately, their bones were broken and they could do nothing except make some strange noises.

Shi Yu stopped talking nonsense. During this time of chatting, his anger towards Jian Kaitian's reckless fight was almost gone. Grabbing Zhou Luan, Shi Yu mercilessly stretched out his hand to tear open his body orifices, completely ignoring the great harm such violent exploration would cause him.

Zhou Luan could not struggle, and watched Shi Yu pierce his acupuncture points one by one, and laughed bitterly: "If you want to kill me, then kill me, what's the point of torturing me like this? Do you think I will be greedy for life?"

But when he saw Shi Yu take out his private possessions one by one and threw them on the ground, he showed an expression that was even more incredible than when he heard that Shi Yu had seen the Holy Spirit, "How is it possible? Even the God of War can't do it... You..."

The three followers were even more horrified and looked at Shi Yu as if he were a ghost.

Shi Yu was too lazy to explain anything to them. They were not only captive people, but also human sacrifices for the Holy Spirit to enjoy at will. It was a world that never exchanged what it had with the outside world, so it would be a waste of words to say more.

Shi Yu carefully searched for healing items, and threw all the plasters and pills into the deep pit. The crackling sound of the bottle body breaking was heard frequently, and Jian Kaitian's silly laughter was heard repeatedly.

It was a pity that Shi Yu did not find any jade mirrors or books of skills.

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