Life Control Chart

Chapter 246 Haiwu City

Shi Yu wore a heavy inner armor and an outer helmet, like an upstart who had returned from plunder on the battlefield and embarked on the journey again.

Although there was no Jian Kaitian nagging at the side, Shi Yu concentrated on his journey and did not feel bored. Soon he set foot on the edge of the continent.

Remembering the lesson from the last time when he mistook Blood Slaughter Island for the main continent, Shi Yu paid special attention to the small villages and towns to see if any women or children appeared.

Fortunately, this time he did not stray into something weird again. The ordinary continent was also filled with laughter and laughter, and the seemingly normal mundane life was once again displayed in front of Shi Yu.

Except for the slightly fiery temperament of the people and the statues of the Holy God erected everywhere, everything else is no different from the outside world.

Shi Yujiuxuan's heart finally fell back into his chest. He was afraid that Zhan Tugu wouldn't be able to handle it alone.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Shi Yu put away his armor and quickly blended into the crowd, stepping into a majestic coastal city.

The people of Haiwu City have always lived a prosperous life of worshiping the Holy God and praying for peace. Except for the annual selection of Haizi by the Buwu War Academy, no monks come here to disturb the peace and tranquility here.

Shi Yu stood in front of the notice wall outside the city lord's palace, carefully reading the yellow list that had just been posted by the guards. Forty-eight names were neatly written on it.

On the other red list, there are twelve empty positions, indicating that twelve lucky people will stand out from these dozens of people, set foot on the holy land of the Buwu War Academy, and become the martial arts apprentices of the Guangzong Yaozu.

The remaining Haizi who failed to be selected will also become registered apprentices of Buwu War Academy and study together as the official apprentices' attendants. However, they will also need to take care of the daily life and food of the formal apprentices.

Shi Yu was very interested in this kind of selection of monks regardless of family origin. This was similar to his own meritorious service in Shenyu. Both of them charted a broad road to the pinnacle of life for the children of ordinary people.

Maybe this road is painful and arduous, or it may be fierce and cruel, but in the end it is a hope and a choice to leap over the dragon's gate.

Thinking about his unfinished road to fame and the destroyed world of Shenyu, Shi Yu smiled bitterly in his heart, and his eyes were a little blurry when looking at the red list.

"There are still ten days! Think carefully about what to do!" Looking at the final selection marked on the yellow list that will be held in ten days, Shi Yu put aside his inexplicable thoughts and strolled around Haiwu City leisurely, experiencing the folk customs for the last time , can’t even remember when.

The setting sun in the distance reflects the entire Haiwu City. Everyone and every building is covered with a layer of pale golden light. It looks dreamy and warm. The brave Zhenwu people feel comfortable under this soft and warm sunshine. Less violent temper, wandering or running around with a smile.

Shi Yu walked around the city in circles, lazily watching everyone reveal their inner joy, until the bright yellow sunlight turned into a silvery white brilliance.

The gradually deserted streets became sparse with people. Another day passed by under the alternation of sun and moon, and Shi Yu finally woke up from the addiction of returning to the earthly world.

After half a day without worries, the fatigue in his heart was washed away. He weighed the money in his hands and happily walked into an inn. Wu Sheng and his three followers solved many of Shi Yu's problems with their rich private collection.

As soon as he stepped into the inn, the noisy voices of people blasted into Shi Yu's ears. The warm atmosphere made the people in the hotel glow slightly, which was in sharp contrast to the cold street across the threshold.

Rugged men were sitting around the side of the inn. There were not only ordinary people who were the same as before, but also a dozen grotesque beast-headed barbarians, or spiritual plant transformations that looked like lumps of wood.

Shi Yu couldn't help but wonder, this Zhenwu Realm was not connected to the outside world, so how could there be so many creatures of all kinds? How many races from outside the world did the Zhenwu Holy God capture when he created the world to fill it?

On one side where the big men gathered, there were tables filled with late-night snacks and drinks. Everyone was there shouting and playing guessing games. From time to time, small disputes arose, and they rolled to the ground, knocking over tables and chairs.

The onlookers clapped and slapped the table, shouting and inciting the fight.

The store owner has long turned a blind eye to this.

After the beating, a few waiters came forward to clean up a little, and then the sound of plates and bowls clashing with each other was heard again.

The few people who had been beaten to a bloody head just now acted as if nothing had happened. They washed their wounds with wine, found a piece of rag and bandaged them randomly, and then they hugged each other and laughed. I have a bowl, and I will pour you a jar.

Shi Yu was infected by this warm atmosphere. He found a single table in the corner, ordered some food and wine, and let the hustle and bustle envelope him.

He just wanted to sit here and feel it quietly, rather than completely integrate into this atmosphere, but things didn't go as expected.

Among the men who were already drinking happily, there was no room for a clean boy to sit aside, smiling and watching a group of them shouting and fighting endlessly as if they were watching a show.

Not long after, a bull-headed man in a short shirt with extremely strong arms walked up to Shi Yu carrying a jar of strong liquor, slammed the jar onto the table, and grabbed the bottle from the table. A plate of cold cuts was poured into his mouth, and he started chewing, spitting out a few wine burps from time to time, and his sleepy eyes filled with the smell of alcohol swept back and forth on Shi Yu's face.

Shi Yu's smile faded, his brows furrowed slightly, and then relaxed again, Kui San's silly appearance came to mind. Shi Yu waved to the store owner and asked him to come over.

As soon as the store owner saw the big man's behavior, he knew that he was going to provoke him, so he stood behind the counter and stared at this place with interest. Shi Yu's withdrawn and indifferent appearance was really out of place here. Even without this incident, the store owner would have noticed him long ago.

Seeing him waving at this time, I hurriedly walked forward, thinking that he was going to help drive away this man, and I couldn't help but feel deep contempt in my heart.

A truly martial man would not solve a problem with his fists. Even if he is naturally weak, he would try his best to tear off a piece of the opponent's clothes and catch a few blood stains. How could he ask for help before taking action?

Shi Yu didn't care about the disdain on the shopkeeper's face, he threw him a bag casually, kicked out the big man who was still spraying the smell of alcohol, and knocked over all the decorations.

Pointing at all the big men eating haphazardly in the store, Shi Yu said lightly: "Each of them will be given twenty jars of the strongest wine. This ungrateful one will get fifty jars! In addition, all the drinks in the front are mine." . If you can’t finish the drink or don’t dare to drink, don’t act like a hero in front of me. If you want to fight, just start fighting like a girl. Do you still need an excuse?”

This low-pitched tone instantly silenced the entire inn as if it was magical. Everyone looked at Shi Yu, including several rough guys who were wrestling on the ground and looking up at him.

Another moment, like cold water poured into a hot oil pan, everyone drank together with a "coaxing" sound, and ran to the wine cabinet in excitement. Without waiting for the store to take inventory, they started fighting for each other and grabbed a jar. The jar of wine poured into his mouth as hard as he could.

In the past, although we had a lot of fun drinking, it would be better to say we had a lot of fun playing. Ordinary people didn't have enough money to squander. If they couldn't drink freely, they had to join in the fun by guessing and fighting. At this time, there were high-profile guests clearing the table, so why hesitate!

The clanking of wine jars and vulgar curses instantly filled the inn, and layers upon layers of big men crowded in front of the wine cabinets, fighting for their share.

The store owner opened the wallet in his hand and took a casual look. His surprised look disappeared immediately, and he stood in front of Shi Yu with a smile. He didn't care how much damage the store was getting from the fight, but he just liked Shi Yu's straightforward and heroic character, and even more. The bag contained as much money as he had earned in a year.

What's more, Shi Yu's kick was not light. He now took it for granted that Shi Yu's hiding in a corner was not timid, but that he didn't bother to fight with these stupid and innocent idiots.

Nodding to Shi Yu, the store owner hurriedly turned around to prepare wine. The quantity in the wine cabinet was far from what was needed.

The provocative man was drunk and suddenly felt like he was flying like a bird. Unfortunately, this joyful and wonderful flight didn't last long before he fell heavily to the ground. He suddenly felt so drunk that he had a splitting headache.

He didn't hear what Shi Yu said clearly

He said something, and just as he was about to sit up, he was surrounded by several strong men who were even rougher than him. They pulled his arms and legs and hugged him tightly. They opened his big mouth with meat hanging on it and poured wine into it. .

They all saw Shi Yu staring at the big man, whether waiting for him to get up to fight or waiting for him to get up to drink.

But one thing is that since this guy said he wanted to drink fifty jars, he must drink fifty jars of wine.

The provocative man who didn't understand why he was there already had wine oozing from his mouth and nose and his belly was as bloated as a drum after only a dozen or so visits. But no one sympathized with his pain, and jars of strong liquor were forced into his body like running water. Besides, in the eyes of these vulgar men, how can such a beautiful thing as drinking be regarded as suffering?

After this night of mischief, Shi Yu's treatment at the inn was suddenly different. The innkeeper always treated him with great respect, and the men who often came there also giggled when they saw him, hoping that he would come again if he was happy.

At this time, although Shi Yu didn't dare to ask directly, it was much easier to know something.

Chatting with these people intentionally or unintentionally, Shi Yu always brought the topic to the selection of Haizi, secretly wondering if there was a technique similar to the cultivation of gods that could be spread throughout the world.

The rough men didn't know the twists and turns in Shi Yu's belly, and he managed to get everything out of him in just a few words.

Only then did Shi Yu understand that Zhenwu is not like Daxu. All children with excellent talents and bones have been taken in by Buwu War Academy for careful training. There are almost no martial arts masters living outside, and Buwu War Academy does not allow martial arts practitioners. Interfering with the secular world, so no matter in towns or villages, only secular officials appointed by the War Academy will not see real monks.

The so-called cultivation in the world is a martial arts book that is widely spread all over the world. Shi Yu quickly got a copy and flipped through it. The exercises in it were just to strengthen the body and make the body stronger. At most, there were some fighting skills.

In Shi Yu's view, although this is a very important foundation, it only expands the powerful muscles and bones of the meridians, and is in no way comparable to real martial arts skills.

The Haizi selection in Haiwu City just allows young people who have practiced this technique to fight against each other based on their natural talents and physiques. Those who stand out will be selected into the Buwu War Academy. The war academy will then check the physiques one by one and be divided into different halls. Fine cultivation.

Knowing this, Shi Yu knew that it was impossible for him to obtain real body-training techniques from the people. He sighed secretly and could only wait for the result of Haizi's selection, and carefully considered how he could use this opportunity to sneak into the Buwu War Academy.

The most lively days of Haiwu City are coming as scheduled. Dozens of young people in their twenties, surrounded by their own villages or clans, poured into Haiwu City two or three days ago. They reported one by one and were waiting at the city lord's mansion. The official day of competition has arrived.

Shi Yu was not interested in this kind of competition, which was like a child's fight. He did not regard it as a grand ceremony like the others, and followed Haizi's team to show off their martial arts all over the city.

Whether it was a foreshadowing speech or a gorgeous entrance, he lay on the roof of the highest drum tower in the school grounds with squinted eyes to bask in the sun. It was not until the official fight began that he lazily sat up and looked at the martial arts stages.

Seeing this, Shi Yu was so shocked that he almost dispersed his body-shielding energy and was exposed to the dazzling sunlight.

This is not a fight between ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts. It is clearly the most brutal and violent bloodthirsty beasts fighting for territory.

The children of poor families are dressed more simply, and the children of rich families are dressed more exquisitely, that's all. There is no armor or protective gear, nor any external martial arts such as swords, guns, sticks, etc., only the simplest punches and kicks.

But even these simplest punches and kicks, when wielded by these young people with childish faces, show immense power and damage. The solid pillars and stone foundations are often crushed by a missed kick or broken by a punch. The punches and kicks hitting the body bring out bursts of sound like bells and drums, and even crack the muscles and bones and bring down large pieces of flesh and blood.

The more Shi Yu watched, the more he had an illusion that these young people were truly worthy of the words "brave and strong", while the big guys in the tavern were just children with sugar.

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