Life Control Chart

Chapter 249: Risking Life

When Shi Yu woke up, he had been wrapped like a zongzi and soaked in a pot of unknown medicinal soup. The surging juice rushed into his mouth and nose from time to time. The blazing flames under the pot licked the walls, making the soup thicker and stronger.

Even if he couldn't see it, he could feel that the fatal injuries on his body had healed almost completely. The numbness and itchiness spread all over his body. If his one arm hadn't been tied up, Shi Yu really wanted to scratch it hard.

The little true spirit sleeping deep in his soul seemed to feel the recovery of his body. It trembled slightly and finally calmed down.

Shi Yu looked inward at this rare true spirit star, sighed softly, and said silently: "Go to sleep, may the Holy Spirit really protect you and rebirth."

Turning his head to look around, there were dozens of identical burning cauldrons scattered around, and seven or eight people who looked like pharmacists were busy adding water and medicine to the cauldron from time to time. A pharmacist who happened to walk to Shi Yu saw that he had opened his eyes and woke up, nodded slightly, and continued to be busy.

No one spoke, and Shi Yu could not ask rashly. He could only turn his head and look around. Suddenly, he found that there was one less person here. The mighty young man was not being treated here.

"I hope it's a good thing. Let him sneak into the Buwu War Academy, and don't hurt another one." Shi Yu prayed for a few words, then closed his eyes and calmed down, accepting the rapid recovery, and silently repairing his miserable soul.

As the wounded recovered and escaped one by one, the sound in the house became more lonely. Only three or five seriously injured people who were almost incurable like big fish were still being boiled in the cauldron. There was only one pharmacist left to take care of him. Most of the time, he sat at the door and read a few books.

When Shi Yu was bored, five people suddenly broke into the house and looked around. When they saw Shi Yu, they hurried over, lying beside the cauldron and looking at him silently.

The pharmacist sitting by the door looked up and ignored him, and continued to look down at the book he had opened.

Shi Yu also looked at the few people inexplicably. They didn't seem to be hostile, but just curious about him.

"What are you guys going to do? If you look at me again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Shi Yu tried his best to imitate the tone of those rough men in the inn.

"Okay! Come out! Big Fish! I'll beat you to death!" A small man lying on the side of the tripod jumped up, took a few steps back and hooked his finger at Big Fish (Shi Yu).

The others laughed, and one of them patted Big Fish (Shi Yu) on the shoulder and said, "I'll give you a few days, and we'll talk about it after you get better. You actually knocked our cousin off the ring and became your attendant. We have to get this back!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Yu immediately understood that these people were the relatives of the person who had fought with Big Fish in the last battle and both sides were injured. He was not polite at the moment, and said arrogantly, "No need to wait! I'll beat you now!"

Shi Yu tried his best to twist his body, trying to break the cloth wrapped around his body and jump out of the tripod.

"Get out! He is not fully recovered. If you come to cause trouble again, I will tie you all up and throw you into the cage!" The pharmacist who had been sitting at the door suddenly looked up and warned the young men in a stern voice.

When they saw him angry, they dared not pester him anymore and ran out laughing. They vaguely heard a sentence: "This kid is quite courageous. It's different from what I said. Didn't he say he was like a zombie and didn't say a word? I think he has a lot of words."

Shi Yu suddenly felt guilty. He completely forgot that Dayu didn't care about anyone and had been fighting alone silently. He occupied this body, and talking too much would easily arouse suspicion. He immediately closed his mouth and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

The pharmacist looked at Shi Yu, got up and walked over, and touched his head with one hand.

Shi Yu suddenly felt a strange force going down along the fontanelle body orifice, and instantly traveled throughout his body. Every meridian and every orifice was checked by this force. The warm and moist meridian touch made Shi Yu moan comfortably.

"What the hell are you yelling about!" The pharmacist was irritable, and he clenched his free hand into a fist and hit Shi Yu in the face. Shi Yu was so scared that he dared not speak anymore, and kept muttering in his heart: "This world is full of crazy people, ready to hit people at any time."

"You are already a useless person, so you will stay here as a helper in the future, and don't think about having any servants, they are better than you now!" The pharmacist retracted his palm and said something that made Shi Yu feel cold.

Why is it so difficult for me to learn a martial art after sneaking in? I was almost thrown away, and I finally got in and had to help in the medical room. God must be deliberately making things difficult for me! Shi Yu thought angrily in his heart.

Thinking of this, regardless of whether Dayu was taciturn or aloof, Shi Yu immediately shouted loudly: "How can this be! I am here to practice martial arts, not to learn medicine! The Holy Spirit is not looking for a pharmacist but a martial arts god!"

Shi Yu felt that he was getting more and more skilled in using the Holy Spirit's skin, and he kept talking about the Holy Spirit.

"You?" The pharmacist sneered disdainfully, "How can you practice with your arms and legs missing? How can you fight?"

"There is always a way out. Since the Holy Spirit allowed me to enter the War Academy, it is to give me the opportunity to practice. How can I waste my time on this kind of medicine refining and pill making!" Shi Yu stood up with all his strength, leaned against the wall of the tripod, and glared at the pharmacist.

"Hmph! Sharp-tongued, if I hadn't heard about you and thought that you deserved praise for your self-mutilation and harming the enemy, I wouldn't bother to keep you. Well, get out! Die early!" As he said that, he stretched out his hand to clamp the end of the bandage rope, shook the wrapped cloth casually, and threw Shi Yu out of the door, not to mention waiting for recovery.

Shi Yu didn't care whether what the pharmacist said was true or false. He was absolutely unwilling to not practice martial arts but only refine medicine.

Standing in the courtyard, Shi Yu looked around. The high and low walls and trees blocked most of his sight. Only a pure white tower stood majestically somewhere in the War Academy, thousands of feet high and climbing the clouds, very impressive.

Is there a tower here too? Could it be that there is also a teleportation array to Daxu? Shi Yu was lost in thought when he suddenly felt a gust of wind caressing his body and suddenly felt a sudden chill. He looked down and his face turned red, and he secretly cursed the pharmacist for being so unreasonable! He was standing naked outside the door, looking into the distance. If no one was around at this time, he would have really made a fool of himself.

Putting aside irrelevant assumptions, Shi Yu did not dare to take objects from his body orifices, and he could not do anything that was inconsistent with his identity as a big fish. Shi Yu shook his head and found a few broad leaves. Shi Yu quickly tied it into an apron to cover his vitals, and then felt a little confused.

Where to go? Where do you belong? Do you just wear a few leaves to find someone to ask questions?

He had never felt so miserable. Shi Yu hid in the bushes, trying his best to avoid people like a bobcat and a fox. He made up his mind to find a place to stay and steal a few clothes first.

It's a pity that things didn't turn out as expected. This is a martial arts academy built by a master. How could it completely deceive everyone's attention, let alone a caring person guarding one side.

Shi Yu didn't run a few steps when he was blocked by a group of people on a tree with dense leaves. Several people stood under the tree and laughed, constantly provoking Big Fish (Shi Yu) to come down to a duel.

It was the guys who broke into the doctor's room just now. They didn't go far at all. They were waiting to see if the pharmacist would leave because of something. Unexpectedly, they saw the naked big fish being thrown out. If they hadn't been extremely surprised, they wouldn't have been there. After thinking about it, Shi Yu wouldn't even be given a chance to wrap leaves.

Shi Yu was angry and anxious. He was even more glad that he didn't risk taking out his clothes to put on. He looked angrily at the people under the tree. Shi Yu really wanted to kill them all in a heartbeat. Such miscellaneous fish who had just entered the martial arts career could be dealt with in a matter of seconds. None of them are useful.

Several people deliberately humiliated Da Yu (Shi Yu) and kept shouting. More and more people were alarmed by the noise here and flocked over.

Shi Yu closed his eyes tightly in shame and anger, not daring to delay any longer. The more people gathered, the more troublesome it would be to solve the problem.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yu no longer covered his figure, jumped off the branch, and stood in front of a young man who was laughing wildly.

His smile suddenly stopped, and he looked at Big Fish (Shi Yu) with interest. Just as he was about to speak, Big Fish (Shi Yu) hit his face with a hard iron fist, causing blood to splash and a sharp blow to hit him. The teeth fell into the surrounding crowd watching the excitement, staining many clothes.

"Oh~oh~", there was a panic in the crowd, and several guys surrounding Dayu (Shi Yu) were instantly stunned. No one expected that Big Fish (Shi Yu) would take action so quickly, but the result was still so unexpected.

The man Shi Yu injured was known among the young people who had just entered the war academy for his iron skin and iron bones. He was rarely injured in competitions among his peers.

Shi Yu didn't know this. He was just trying his best to control his power. The force of this punch was already very light, otherwise it would not have just resulted in a few teeth falling out and a few skulls being broken.

The fierce attack shocked the crowd who were laughing and joking around, and the scene was as silent as night for a moment.

Others were in a daze, but Shi Yu didn't do that. He grabbed the young man who was still crying and bleeding, tore his clothes to pieces, wrapped them around his waist, and then punched his chest hard. Another mouthful of blood spurted out from his abdomen. This time it was not a trauma to the flesh, but broken internal organs.

Pulling the shredded clothes tightly, although the effect is no different from that of leaves, the feeling is completely different. After regaining his composure, Shi Yu shouted again and pounced on the other people.

At this time, everyone reacted and surrounded the big fish (Shi Yu) in a rage. Heavy punches and kicks rained down, all intent on killing the big fish (Shi Yu).

Although the crowd watching the excitement did not help each other, they did not leave any words of kindness in their mouths.

, are all shouting and inciting that the big fish has to live and die with the other party to be considered a hero.

When Shi Yu started to take action, he became more determined. He was afraid that there was a ruthless person in this group of people whose level was much higher than that of Big Fish. After several rounds of confrontation, he felt that each of them had very little energy and was at most stronger than Big Fish. One or two times. In this level of competition, the weak can easily come back, even if they risk life and death.

The furious and desperate big fish is back again. His fists and feet are falling on his body as if he doesn't feel it, and his bones and flesh are broken and he is severely injured from time to time.

Without saying a word or even shouting in pain, he just stared at the person in front of him, exchanging injuries for injuries and blood for blood. If he broke a bone, he would have to use the other person's two in return.

Moreover, Big Fish (Shi Yu) has a very clear purpose in attacking, and his moves are always focused on the knees, elbows and other key joints. No matter how ruthless you are, resolving the battle quickly is the only thing at the moment.

Although he only had one arm and his body was thin and thin, gradually, the taunting and strange screams of the crowd subsided, and everyone looked solemnly at the miserable and powerless big fish (Shi Yu).

After a short and violent injury to both sides, his only remaining arm tightened the neck of the person and hung it behind his back. His legs were broken and unable to hang on the ground, but he still opened his mouth and bit the person's cheek with his blood-red eyes.

After beating up five people, only the burliest man was left who could barely move. The others had already been incapacitated by Big Fish (Shi Yu)'s violent attacks on their joints. They all rolled on the ground and twisted around, making noises from their mouths. A painful cry.

The burly man with a panic look tried his best to break off the big fish's one arm in order to save his companion. He did not dare to hit the big fish's (Shi Yu's) arm with force. The force passing through the arm would definitely break his companion's fragile neck. After being thrown into a trap, the man became furious and punched Big Fish (Shi Yu) on the head again.

Da Yu (Shi Yu)'s head had been beaten to the point of being unrecognizable, both ears had fallen off, his bloody hair was tangled, and his skull was exposed in many places, with horrifying bone cracks clearly visible.

But for some reason, his head could not be smashed or broken. Whenever a fatal blow was about to come, he would just tilt his head and roll over to avoid it, at most peeling off a layer of scalp and leaving a deep scar.

It was the same again. Just as the heavy punch was about to hit the back of Da Yu (Shi Yu)'s head, there was a cry of surprise around, thinking that the tragic fight was over.

But the young man who was strangled by Da Yu (Shi Yu) was strangled to death at this moment, and his body slumped to the ground, and Da Yu (Shi Yu) also lay on the ground and pressed him under him.

The heavy punch that missed made a sharp whistle in the air, and the heavy fist wind hit the tree and shook off countless fallen leaves.

Da Yu (Shi Yu) who was lying on the ground let go of the person under him, and suddenly turned back to stare at the last enemy, his cracked teeth were covered with blood and flesh, and it was unknown whether it was his own or his opponent's.

For someone who has never been afraid of fighting, for some reason, seeing Dayu's (Shiyu) eyes at this moment, it was like seeing a bloody demon abyss, with countless evil spirits struggling and floating in the blood pool, while he himself was crying in fear.

"Ah~~~~~" The last opponent gave up the fight and fled with his face covered.

"Bah!" Dayu (Shiyu) spat out blood foam from his mouth, supported himself with one arm and sat up shakily, his tattered body looked like it would fall apart at any time. The people around him still looked at him quietly and silently, with complicated expressions in their eyes.

"Get up! All of you bastards, get up!" Looking at the rolling opponents on the ground, Dayu (Shiyu) shouted angrily.

Then he asked weakly: "Who can tell me where I belong? I have to wash myself and change my clothes."

No one here knows who Dayu is, but the few people lying on the ground are familiar with each other, but they have no idea why the two sides fought and what grievances they had, so they can't answer Dayu's (Shiyu) question.

"Hehe"! Shi Yu lowered his head and smiled bitterly, thinking that he would have to hurry up and recruit a few younger brothers in the future. Suddenly, he felt something tight on his body, and someone stretched out his hand and firmly grasped his neck.

Shi Yu was startled, and before he could turn around, he attacked with one arm, and his elbow hit the man's face with all his strength, but was easily pinched by his other hand.

Shi Yu found that the power he was exerting was not enough to deal with the person behind him. When he was thinking about whether to burn his boats and blow up his other arm for a last-ditch effort, a familiar voice sounded at the right time.

"You can do it, kid! Go soak again!" The words of the pharmacist came from behind him.

Shi Yu immediately relaxed his tense limbs, and quickly pretended to meet a savior, and fainted with his head tilted.

Hiding in the big fish, Shi Yu smiled helplessly at himself. In just a few days, he had fainted so many times!

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