Life Control Chart

Chapter 256: Secretly Reading Classics

Suddenly one day, when Shi Yu was about to go out to listen again, he saw Pharmacist Wu returning in a hurry, and he hurriedly followed him to learn more about the inside story.

Wu Pharmacist said nothing, and hurriedly returned to his house to collect some medicine powder. On the way out, he told Shi Yu to prepare some medicinal materials for his own use, and hurriedly left as if his buttocks were on fire, as if something big was waiting for him. Do it.

Shi Yu followed behind and ran around. In addition to saying hello and not even asking to be taken to see the world, Wu Yaoshi disappeared like the wind.

Shi Yu was like an abandoned orphan, standing stupidly at the door of the Sacred Heart Church. A lot of time had passed, and the tight time could not tolerate such a waste.

Shi Yuxin was ready to go his own way and practice step by step. No matter how fast he was, he would not be as direct as taking a different approach. He didn't know when the impact of the failure of the Martial God would end. He was not in a hurry if it continued. Everyone hiding on the island would also Flustered.

Shi Yu made up his mind to go to other halls at night to secretly read classics, even if he was caught and the consequences would be unforeseen, he would not care.

After a few days of chatting, Shi Yu already knew that the upper and lower courtyards were only different in the realm of monks. Each branch hall was equally divided into upper and lower courtyards. Martial arts disciples were promoted to martial arts masters and were qualified to be teachers. They naturally entered the upper courtyard to continue practicing. The skills were also inherited from the same strain. difference.

Once the wrong thoughts sprouted, they could never be taken back. Shi Yu waited restlessly for the sky to get dark, and his first target was the Yinshen Yard.

The practice in this academy is the most cruel, even if your body is broken into pieces every day. I heard that there was once a martial god from the Yinshen Academy who did not practice martial arts and used his pure body to break through the Holy God's dome and break into the Holy God's Celestial House.

At midnight, the war courtyard fell into silence. Apart from practicing, there was no entertainment or entertainment here. If nothing special, everyone was meditating in their own rooms.

Shi Yu quietly slipped out of the Sacred Heart Church and hid in the darkness towards the Yinshen Courtyard. The sparse pedestrians on the road accidentally noticed something strange in the shadows of the grass and trees.

Maybe the people in Buwu Zhanyuan were never worried about Xiaoxiao, or maybe they were not wary in the first place, but Shi Yu successfully touched the side of the Yanshen Academy's Ji Zhai.

While observing, I often saw martial arts disciples from the academy reprinting and borrowing classics, and I had already paid attention to them. There were only two guardian warriors, one on the left and one on the right, who looked mighty and cautious, but in fact they were standing on both sides of the main entrance without any care, chatting casually.

The closed door of Ji Zhai was in sharp contrast with the wide open windows around it. Without any effort, Shi Yu got in through the back window.

Deliberately slowing down his pace and moving lightly, Shi Yu picked up a book and ran to a remote place to check it. When he saw that it was not a physical exercise method, he immediately returned to his original position. Even so, I only read a dozen books in an hour.

Look at the number in the room

Shi Yu frowned at the hundreds of classics. It seemed that he couldn't read them all in just two or three nights.

The sky was getting darker and brighter, and Shi Yu, who had been searching for nothing all night, was about to put the Ji Ce in his hands back and leave first. Suddenly, the door of Ji Zhai was pushed open with a creak. Although the harsh friction sound was not loud, in this quiet dawn, Especially clear.

Shi Yu hurriedly gathered his strength and calmed down, then tiptoed and hid in the dark corner.

"Wang Jiaoxi, Tuoba Martial God failed to reach the summit. Now all the pharmacists are stranded in the upper courtyard. Our seriously injured martial arts disciples can no longer hold on like him!" A voice complained.

"Silence! Is this something you and I can blame? Just do things honestly." Wang Jiaoxi's voice was a little nervous, and his footsteps were a little heavier.

"Well, I'm just saying casually. Tuoba Martial God is almost dead now, and even the Martial Medicine Master is helpless. Our technique has not been practiced for hundreds of millions of years. If he starts practicing it now, will it be useful? And the various schools There are hundreds of similar techniques presented, and it’s impossible to accomplish them in one go! Why is it so difficult to break through the Holy God’s dome? Even the God of War was shattered to pieces.”

"Who knows, this technique is too evil. The more you practice it, the more broken your body becomes. Tuoba Martial God is also desperate. If it doesn't work, he can only be sent to the Martial God Temple."

"Martial God Temple? How many fallen Martial Gods are still alive inside? Will the Holy God go to pick them up?"

The footsteps of the two people gradually approached, they kept talking gossip, and suddenly stopped somewhere. The sound of rustling gradually went away again, and Ji Zhai returned to calm.

Shi Yu slowly emerged from the corner, carefully looked around to make sure there was no one there, then walked to the place where the two of them had stopped, picked up a book and put it in his arms, jumped out of the window in a hurry, and followed the path he came from. Ran back to Sacred Heart Church.

As soon as he returned to the Sacred Heart Church, he saw Medicine Master Wu sitting in his room looking at him with a frown.

"It's broken!" Shi Yu was shocked. How could it be such a coincidence that he was caught by Pharmacist Wu on the first night he ran out?

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you most of the night!" Medicine Master Wu's voice turned cold as he looked at the bulging front of Big Fish (Shi Yu).

"I..." Shi Yu was debating whether to kill the Wu pharmacist immediately and escape from the Buwu Battle Academy, or to make up a lie to fool him first, and then take action when he couldn't do it anymore.

"Take it out! You ran away all night just to be a thief!" Wu Yaoshi's words suddenly became sharp. He suddenly stood up and walked to Shi Yu, reaching out and grabbing him into his arms.

Shi Yu felt cruel in his heart, and just as he was about to use his strength to strike Master Wu to death, he heard him say again: "There have never been any thieves in the Buwu Battle Academy. It's a good thing for you. You've only been doing bad things for a few days. You're better off being poor than you are ambitious!" Win everything with two fists! Oh, I wasted so much time!

Hard work! "

Seeing that the anger in Wu Yaoshi's eyes suddenly faded away, and he looked like he hated iron, Shi Yu suddenly changed his mind and gave up his murderous intention.

Now that he is a big fish instead of Shi Yu, facing a lonely and mediocre martial artist, the martial artist will not talk nonsense if he has the intention to kill.

"Huh?" Seeing that what he took out was not money or treasures, but just a book, Medicine Master Wu's face brightened a little. He flipped through a few pages and saw another body-training technique. He put away his energy with a heavy face, Asked: "I gave you so many skills, why did you steal them from others? And you don't have any method to move Yuanli now, can this be used?"

Shi Yu saw that Wu Yao Shi not only did not doubt him, but also tried to cover up for himself, so he hurriedly replied: "Last time when the chief instructor came back, I wanted to say that those exercises were not suitable for me to practice. It's a pity that the chief instructor came and went. Can tell.

In my low state, resistance is the right way to survive. The Sacred Heart Hall exercises are all about training the muscles and bones of the palms and arms. How can I hold on in the future?

I've been to the Yanshen Academy to attend these days, but the teachers there didn't let me learn, so I had no choice but to make this move. Stealing... taking this book was just a matter of time before dawn, so I stuffed it and ran away in a hurry. The teacher said that this was an ancient secret scroll for practicing the whole body. I thought that no matter what, I would keep it for now and one day I would be able to read it. "

Shi Yu's words weren't all lies. Even if he didn't challenge him, he wouldn't be able to practice the Sacred Heart Hall body-training techniques.

After listening to Shi Yu's half-truth and half-false explanation, Pharmacist Wu thought for a while and nodded slightly. When he returned to the hospital that day, Big Fish (Shi Yu) had indeed been running behind him for a long time, and he could clearly see the way he hesitated to speak. Chu.

"Don't do this in the future! Got it! Find a time to return it." Pharmacist Wu threw the book back to Shi Yu, which was regarded as letting him go. As for whether it violates the rules of the hospital, it is not up to him in the Sacred Heart Church.

When Shi Yu heard this, he was determined and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and asked: "Chief Teacher, last night at the Yanshen Academy, I heard two people say that Tuoba Martial God was almost dead and his body was broken into pieces. They presented this technique in hope. Helpful, really?

Pharmacist Wu shook his head and sighed: "How is it possible? I just sought medical treatment in a hurry. I came to you just for the God of Martial Arts. You have the ability to distinguish all things, and you can help me prepare medicine. Other pharmacists are too busy. If When it comes to using exercises to treat people, only the Chaos Immortality Technique passed down by the Holy God has this effect, but no one has actually perfected that technique and it has long been abandoned... Huh?"

Halfway through the words, Pharmacist Wu's face suddenly lit up with surprise. He looked at Da Yu (Shi Yu) up and down a few times, and his eyes shone with excitement.

The same is true for Shi Yu. He finally heard about a dangerous training method similar to the Shen Shen, which may be the goal he has been pursuing.

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