Life Control Chart

Chapter 267: Sense of Crisis

People outside the Martial Temple already knew everything that happened here after Tuoba recovered.

An Wushen, Tie Wushen and Pu Wushen stood on the side of the rock room with shocked faces, watching Tuoba Wushen busy in front and back with the same admiration as the Holy God himself.

They initially thought that Tuoba Martial God had recovered from his injuries and rescued the big fish that was stuck in the corner like a fool. But when they learned that all the miracles came from the big fish, their jaws almost dropped to the ground in shock. The big fish broke through seventy in an instant. Erqiao is already unprecedented, and now he has become the savior of the seven war gods. This achievement can be said to be unique.

Even the mysterious old man hurried to the Martial Arts Temple. As soon as he appeared, all the Martial Gods saluted respectfully and praised their teacher.

After several confusing words, Shi Yu realized that this old man was actually the owner of the Buwu War Academy who escaped from the old site, named Monrov.

At that time, in order to save everyone's manpower and cut off their retreat, he cooperated with the Holy Spirit and Shen Yu and fought hundreds of moves before retreating calmly.

It's a pity that he still suffered serious internal injuries, and his realm was deteriorating day by day. Today, he is not even as good as an ordinary martial saint. It won't be long before he will probably follow in the footsteps of other deceased martial gods.

Monrov first took the big fish (Shi Yu) and looked at his whole body carefully, and then called in several Quanfu Martial Gods to check one by one. After indeed finding nothing wrong, he laughed to the sky with relief and said frankly that the real Martial Gods The revival of the world is in sight, and the Holy God has sent them a true loved one. They are also very happy that they were the ones who took the initiative to send Big Fish (Shi Yu) to the Temple of Martial Arts.

The only holy coffin with magical properties was solemnly placed in the center of the main room. No one knew what the mysterious fine particles in it were, and no one dared to take them out for inspection. Who knew what would happen after they were taken out? Is the only holy coffin still useful?

Monrov kept stroking the holy coffin and kept murmuring that the Holy Spirit was above him. He had not nurtured it in vain for countless years. It indeed had its own spirituality! After he said this, no one dared to doubt it anymore, and they all bowed respectfully and praised the Holy Spirit.

Shi Yu didn't care about that, quietly pulled Iron Martial God over and asked in a low voice: "Master Martial God, why did I hear Tuoba Martial God say that these holy coffins are the remains of the Martial God? What does that mean?"

Iron Martial God's expression froze slightly, he looked at him sideways for a moment, then dragged Big Fish (Shi Yu) to a secluded place, and then answered: "You are also qualified to know some truths. After all, there is no doubt that you will become Martial God."

Shi Yu didn't answer silently. He wasn't sure what happened to the big fish after he left.

"It is extremely difficult for the current Martial God to break through the Holy God's dome, but that was not the case before. In the past, as long as one reached the Martial God realm, one could easily break through the dome and see the true form of the Holy God.

The moment the dome breaks open, the God of War will shed his mortal body, and his true spirit will go straight into the Holy God's Heavenly House. As for the mortal body, as long as it is still intact after breaking through the dome, it will be taken away by the Holy God and thrown back to the great world when the next Martial God breaks through the dome. "

"This..." Shi Yu didn't know what to say. It's impossible that even the Martial Gods couldn't see such an obvious killing and dumping of corpses. There must be some hidden reason that Iron Martial God hasn't revealed yet.

"Every time a mortal body falls, the War Academy will carefully put it away and put it in the Martial God Temple. The Holy God once said that all mortal bodies are just coffins of the true spirit. These faded mortal bodies were all shed by him as he integrated them into his practice of Chaos Immortality Technique. The flesh and blood can quickly restore the warrior god who was defeated after impacting the dome, so

The body shed by the God of War is also called the Holy Coffin. These were all engraved on monuments at the old site of the Battle Academy, but it’s a pity that you didn’t have the opportunity to see them. "Tie Wushen patted Big Fish (Shi Yu) on the shoulder and said regretfully.

Shi Yu nodded, shocked that the holy coffin still contained the flesh and blood of the Holy God. He didn't know if the flesh and blood had some kind of spirit, and whether he had noticed it or not.

Without thinking about this, Shi Yu still felt that it was too far-fetched to make the Martial Gods give up their hearts to the Holy God with just a little profit, so he asked: "Did those Martial Gods who broke into the dome to see the Holy God never come back?"

The Iron Martial God shook his head and sighed: "None of them have ever returned, but their descendants will suddenly become full of spirituality after the true spirit of the Martial God enters the Holy God's Celestial House, and they will produce Martial Saints for at least ten generations.

Moreover, there are occasional descendants who are possessed by the God of War and make excuses. Everything they say is accurate and everything is true. The insider information of Tianlu is simply unimaginable! When you reach your realm in the future, you can naturally read it. There is no point in talking about it now.

But having said that, you should be able to successfully break into the dome after becoming a Martial God. When your mortal body turns into a holy coffin, it may have magical powers, and it should be no less than the one in front of you. "

Only then did Shi Yu finally realize that the God of Love would also create some strange powers and miracles to fool people. No wonder everyone was deceived to death. However, he had no time to continue to stay in the Zhenwu God Realm to pursue the truth and escape as soon as possible. That's the business. As for Iron Martial God's talk about transforming into a coffin, he just regarded it as nonsense and secretly sighed in his heart.

The chaotic scene in the Martial God Temple continued. Everyone was watching intently as each Martial God returned to its peak. Naturally, they ignored the side details, especially when Monrov stood up energetically from the coffin. At this time, the warm atmosphere reached a climax, and all the martial gods gathered closely together to stamp their feet and cheer.

Taking advantage of the gap, Shi Yu quietly hid in the side room where other holy coffins were placed, and quickly completed the body transfer with Big Fish.

As soon as Dayufu got his body back, he hurriedly ran to the Iron Martial God to excuse himself and wanted to go back to rest. He left the Martial God God's house as fast as he could. He kept Shi Yu's instructions in mind, and would talk less and practice more in the future, and try not to mention peace to others. Shi Yu’s shared experience.

Shi Yu got into the most remote rock room, set up several concealment formations and waited quietly for the crowd to disperse.

Monrov was the last Martial God to enter the Holy Coffin. His recovery from his injury also represented the resurgence of the Martial Arts Academy. Everyone left the Martial Arts Academy in joy and joy. The entire underground hall gradually became quiet with the sound of distant footsteps. Silently, Monrov's excited voice could be heard faintly in the distance: "No courtesy! Everybody go! Everybody go!".

The battle courtyard outside the palace was already decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and everyone was celebrating this extremely joyful moment.

When the last stone door closed, Shi Yu checked carefully and found no more sound, then removed the formation and slowly revealed his figure.

"Huh! It's finally over!" Shi Yu breathed a long sigh of relief and walked towards the side room where the pile of holy coffins was. The excitement outside the hall had nothing to do with him. Now was the time for him to reap a good harvest.

As each sacred coffin was put into his pocket, Shi Yu's face became more and more joyful. It was not until the last sacred coffin containing the soul of the Holy God disappeared in the Temple of Martial Arts that Shi Yu took a photo with satisfaction. He clapped his hands and walked out of the hall with a smile.

The stone doors that Big Fish could not push were easily pushed open one by one in front of Shi Yu, and soon he came to the last stone door.


Crouching inside the last stone door for a long time, Shi Yu listened carefully to the movements outside the door. A few days ago, he welcomed Iron Martial God and his entourage. He had figured out all the details of this section of the road. Where was the Martial Saint Association guarding the temple? He kept an eye on every place he appeared, and carefully planned how to escape smoothly.

The monks of the Buwu War Academy were so happy today that even the guarding warrior saints who were usually hidden on the side were summoned by Monrov to toast and celebrate in the bright hall.

Thinking about it, it is inevitable. All the living Martial Gods have left here. Naturally, there is no need to care about the safety of those corpses. This is the most central location of Buwu Battle Academy. Unless there is a disaster that destroys the academy, who can come here to disturb the predecessors Shen sleep.

When Yu gently lifted the stone slab and slowly stuck his head out, there was only a slight sound of wind blowing through his ears.

Looking at the stars in the sky, Shi Yu determined a direction, hiding in the darkness and running through it. As for when Buwu Zhanyuan will find out that all the holy coffins have disappeared, and what kind of disturbance it will cause, he is no longer considering it.

When he saw the sea again, it was already three months after leaving Buwu Battle Academy. He had been running and flying non-stop, leaving Shi Yu with a thick smell of dust, and even his eyebrows had a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The uneventful journey made Shi Yu let go of his initial worries. To this day, the entire continent is still calm. No monks from the War Academy are seen searching in a hurry, and no people in big cities and small towns are seen walking in a hurry. The storm is approaching.

Without staying anywhere, Shi Yu felt a sense of urgency as soon as he escaped from Buwu Battle Academy. As he got closer and closer to the island, this feeling became stronger and stronger. He always felt that the Holy Spirit was coming. He has returned and is silently watching his clown-like performance in the Tianlu.

"One month! I'll be back on the island in one month!" Shi Yu said softly to himself while standing on the beach. Looking at the boundless sea, Shi Yu for the first time had the expectation to see his old friends again, as if that place was his hometown.

"Haha, what are you thinking about!" Shaking his head, Shi Yu wiped his cheeks with both hands, looked up at the sky, shook off the lingering sense of crisis, kicked off his feet, and disappeared into the sky like lightning.

When he saw the island where the Buwu Battle Academy was located looming on the horizon, Shi Yu felt a little excited. After all these years, he didn't know what happened to everyone. Did Jian Kaitian and Qin Keyang's injuries get better? Did Shi Feng get better? Grow taller and stronger.

Landing gently on the sand beside the island, Shi Yu opened his eyes and looked around. The island remains as unchanged as dust, and the bottomless cracks are still roaring wildly in one corner, without disturbing the tranquility of the entire island.

With a slightly heavier step, Shi Yu walked toward the center of the island. No one came to greet him, so he knew that Jian Kaitian had improved a bit and had dug out the secret room to accommodate everyone.

With his ability to observe the fluctuations of the earth's veins, Shi Yu's slightly heavy footsteps will definitely attract his attention and take the initiative to see him.

Sure enough, just a few breaths later, Jian Kaitian's wild laughter could be heard in the distance, and he greeted Shi Yu with his usual vulgar curses: "You kid, you still know how to come back, we all thought you died somewhere." ! Your son keeps crying every now and then, he’s so annoying!”

A few weak complaints were mixed in with the loudness, gently swaying in the breeze.

Shi Yu felt warm in his heart, and with a smile on his face, he stood up and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

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