Life Control Chart

Chapter 273 Jade Star Land

With a stern look on his face, Qin Keyang took a few steps forward over the crowd. His eyes were shining brightly, and he carefully scanned the star land in front of him, looking for the source of the star-destroying power. If the opponent casually struck a blow, he would need all his strength to do so. If you do that, today will end badly.

Jian Kaitian is different from others. As the spirit of earth and stone, he only has Dabu in front of him and nothing else! The huge jade star continent and the magnificent star boat are both supreme delicacies in his eyes. Of course, now he does not dare to rush forward to feast rashly. Devourers and food often swap roles.

The star boat seems to be extremely slow but is actually extremely fast. Its huge body makes it seem that it does not move very fast, but in fact, thousands of miles of void can pass by in the blink of an eye.

In less than half a moment, it was floating quietly thousands of miles in front of Shi Yu. The vast surface of the ship was spread out in front of everyone like a floating island. There was no one on the ship, which looked like a ship from the underworld.

Xingzhou, Shi Yu and his entourage looked at each other in the air over a thousand miles apart. No one had any intention of speaking first. They were all trying to figure out whether the other was an enemy or a friend.

"What is this for? Do you want us to go up?" Mu Liu was the last one to arrive. He saw the stars suddenly turning into powder. He thought Shi Yu and the others had already started fighting. When he got closer, he saw that everyone was silent, so he had to speak. Ask each other.

In a short while, the star boat got a little closer. The huge body of the boat had blocked most of Shi Yu and his party's vision, and only the edge of the star land behind was visible.

When Shi Yu was about to discuss countermeasures with everyone, Jian Kaitian suddenly let out a strange scream and could not control his body and flew towards the star ship. His dancing style did not look like he was about to attack the enemy in a surprise attack. Moreover, there was no one on the boat, so he had no opponent even if he wanted to fight.

The landowners in the star boat seemed not to have expected this scene, but their reaction was not slow. The sword flew out dozens of feet, and dozens of heavily armored warriors suddenly popped up from the star boat, holding long spears and heavy halberds. He came forward.

Shi Yu and others were shocked. They had no idea where these warriors appeared from, as if they had escaped from the starship out of thin air.

Jian Kaitian was in a panic at first, and after some somersaults he regained his composure. Although he was still passively flying towards the starship and falling, he had already stood upright, pulled out the giant sword from behind, and held it in front of him like a long shield, swinging out With an attitude of no desire to attack, he faced the heavily armored warrior rising into the air from a distance.

Those warriors were careful to guard, but when they saw Jian Kaitian, they had no intention of making a preemptive strike. They seemed to have not received the order to attack, so they just surrounded him and fell towards the star boat together.

The sword fell to the sky and shouted: "Don't move! I don't know why you are like this! It was you who dragged me here!"

Shi Yu and others looked at each other in confusion. Jian Kaitian was hanging on the side. How could he suddenly lose control?

"Hey! This thing can't fly in the air. The starship's radius of a hundred miles is almost half of the star land. It would be weird if it doesn't fall!" Mu Liu said with gloating.

Only then did Shi Yu and others understand. Everyone had ignored this.

The star boat stopped a hundred miles away, and seemed to have heard the words of Shi Yu and others. There was a lot of protective light on the boat, and Jian Kaitian's heavy body fell on the light screen, making a deep depression, like a big net. Generally, he is supported and slowly placed on the boat.

As soon as it hit the ground, the light disappeared, and only Jian Kaitian was comfortable and independent on the ground, and the dozen warriors stood around without saying a word.

Jian Kaitian stood unscathed on the boat, and was greatly surprised by this method of unloading force. In the past, whether he was running vigorously or fighting with others,

Dou, the landslides and ground cracked when he fell. This was the first time he landed on the ground so softly.

The fear in the hearts of Shi Yu and others was even deeper. The fall of Jian Kaitian was tantamount to a sword strike with all his strength. It would be an earth-shattering blow in any world, but it was so easily resolved by this star boat. If If the other party has bad intentions, it will be extremely difficult for him and his party to escape.

Qin Keyang looked at Xingzhou as if he was dumbfounded, and kept muttering: "There is such a great world, Xuanpan..."

Kuanglong suppressed the trembling in his heart, clenched and loosened his fist, and then clenched it again. He really wanted to punch it and test the true quality of the star boat.

Among the people at the scene, Qin Keyang was at the highest level and headed by the powerful dragon. They didn't dare to act rashly just facing a star ship, let alone the others.

Shi Yu took a deep breath and looked at Jian Kaitian standing on the boat, looking left and right. Knowing that this stalemate was not an option, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go! Let's get down first."

As soon as everyone landed next to Jian Kaitian, the towering and abrupt giant palace in the middle of the star boat opened a door with a crackling sound. Just looking at the door, even a thousand-foot giant could easily enter and exit.

"No way! What is the identity of the master here? Can he have such a huge figure?" Qin Keyang was shocked again and again. He couldn't figure out whether the surrounding warriors and monks on the star continent he saw were landlords or slaves. Their size Although there are differences in size, none is bigger than Jian Kaitian.

All monks can control their body shape, and they usually condense into the most convenient body shape for walking. Qianzhang Hongmen shows that there are monks here who use Qianzhang as the minimum limit on daily basis.

While several people were thinking blankly, a line of honor guards came out of the deep and dark portal, which completely shocked Shi Yu and others.

It is rare for ordinary people to take the lead to walk out nine feet tall, then one foot, three feet, seven feet... The last pair of thousand-foot giants lined up on both sides as soon as they walked out, and one hundred and ninety-nine pairs of ceremonial men stood solemnly.

The nine-foot athlete who walked out first, holding a flag and flag, had already walked in front of everyone. He also turned left and right and lined up on both sides, leaving a long three-foot-wide guest path leading to the gate.

Each pair of ceremonial guards of the same height hold different ritual vessels, ranging from flags, banners, and spears, hammers, and halberds. The pair of thousand-foot-long giants each have a three-hundred-foot-long weapon on their left and right shoulders, which is a mysterious black cylindrical object. No one can tell what it is.

"As for what? We don't know each other, so why are we putting on such a show, as if we are the concierge of an important envoy." Shi Yu had done the work of an envoy after all, so he could see what this meant.

Jian Kaitian has always been proud of his tall and strong body, but now he is as wilted as a dried eggplant. Starting from the fifth pair of honor guards, he has become a little bean curd, and there are more than a hundred more pairs to follow. Huge giant man. If he got to the end, he would not be as big as the toes of that pair of giant men.

The welcoming ceremony guard stood still, and dozens of tall figures walked out of the door again. They were finally dressed as normal monks, and their body shape was similar to that of a mad dragon. Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

More than a dozen people rushed to Shi Yu and others but hesitated. Jian Kaitian stood at the front, Qin Keyang had the most elegant temperament, Mad Dragon was the most arrogant, Dragon Madness was the most oppressive, but Shi Yu was surrounded by them. In the end, several of them didn't look like masters and servants or members of the same sect, which made people confused for a while. As for the Mu Liu brothers and Shi Feng, they were simply ignored.

After a moment of silence, the leader took a step forward and faced everyone regardless of the person he was talking to.

Ceremony, he said respectfully: "I don't know which master from this world has come to my Xuanpan. Shuihuan Palace Ao Dingming is here to be polite."

Shi Yu smiled slightly, stood out from the crowd, bowed and said in return: "We are a group of wanderers who have lost their realm, wandering blindly in the void. We accidentally entered your realm by mistake, and we have no intention of offending Zongheng. If it is convenient, please use your realm. Once the door or teleportation array is used, leave immediately."

"Oh?" Ao Dingming was greatly surprised. He received an urgent report from the border patrol camp that a group of extremely high-level monks had inexplicably broken into the Xuanpan Realm, so he drove Xinglu and hurried over to block the road.

Nowadays, there are undercurrents surging in Xuanpan, and we must be vigilant against any unknown forces. Who would have thought that these monks were just passing by? Who else dares to borrow from Xuanpan at this time?

After a slight hesitation, Ao Dingming did not hide anything and replied directly: "That's very good! Because our world is uneasy, I misunderstood everyone at the beginning, so I have no choice but to offend you. Please forgive me. You can tell me where you want to go, I As long as there is a way to Xuanpan, it will be convenient!”

When Shi Yu heard this, he was surprised and happy. He didn't expect that the other party was so easy to talk to. He immediately bowed deeply and thanked him: "I'll go to the Wood Spirit Realm, Azure Realm or Xiyue Realm. Where can I find it more convenient for the master's house?"

Ao Dingming felt even more relieved when he heard this. Although he had never been to these remote small realms, there were all gate directions in the palace, so he quickly sent word and dismissed these rangers to avoid more trouble.

He immediately agreed: "No problem! Please come in and rest for a while. I will contact the palace right away. I estimate that the gate will be opened in half a day and I will send you off."

Shi Yu was even more delighted, with a smile on his face. He bowed repeatedly and was about to say thank you again, when the armor on Ao Dingming's wrist suddenly buzzed and flickered.

The two tall men standing at the end seemed to have suddenly received a secret order. They let out a low roar like a mountain roaring and a tsunami. They knelt on the ground with their iron tubes pointing to the sky. The mountain shook with a rumble, and hundreds of people ran out of the door. A thousand-foot giant and more heavily armored warriors surrounded Ao Dingming, Shi Yu and others in the center, looking up into the sky as if facing a formidable enemy.

Ao Dingming couldn't care less about being polite to Shi Yu anymore, and said angrily with a frosty face: "You're so bully, how dare you come here! Give me the order! Ten rounds of volleys, the worst is possible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cylinder on the shoulder of the thousand-foot-long giant buzzed first, and then thunderous roars exploded in the sky, and the star-destroying divine light that he had just seen shot out, heading towards the unreachable distance. Pounced into the deep sky.

Before Shi Yu and others could wake up from the shock brought by hundreds of rays of star-destroying divine light, thousands more of the same light passed by the starship and moved away.

"Oh my god!" Jian Kaitian exclaimed stupidly: "Thousands of volleys of fire! Even the main continent of the world has been wiped out!"

The feeling of Kuanglong and Longkuang's frog in the well is extremely strong. Even all the monks from the Daxu Zhenwu world can't stop this kind of attack. What a supreme world, what a foreign evil, only you are the real clown! The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and the bitterness appeared in their hearts unconsciously.

As for the others, they had long since lost their thoughts and stared blankly at the light in the sky, but they actually felt the joy of appreciating the festive fireworks.

Only Shi Yu secretly wondered whether the combination of these divine lights was as powerful as the one released by the Shenyu World Protector Formation to save him.

In the end, he shook his head and felt that this was nothing to fear. That divine light spanned the endless void and beat Jin Ke's enemy half to death, which he obviously couldn't do.

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