Life Control Chart

Chapter 275: Shadow of the Battle

"Haha, good! Hahaha, that's good! At least I can last for a hundred and eighty years!" Jian Kaitian rubbed his rough hands happily and looked at other places that were not completely destroyed. Ao Dingming was so frightened that With a shiver, he quickly bowed deeply to Shi Yu, pulled him up and got into the door, and fled to the star boat inside the star continent.

Jian Kaitian had just stared at the Concentrated Ore Palace that he was interested in. He turned around and grinned and was about to speak, when he found that everyone was gone. He stomped the ground angrily and yelled: "Boy Ao! Where are you running from!"

Shi Yu and others moved to a guest house, which was even more luxurious. The battle just now had no impact on this place.

The broad and bright courtyard has dragon pillars standing staggered, and each dragon pillar supports several carved beams and painted buildings. The winding water flowing between the dragon pillars is connected to the gallery bridge, and the thin smoke lingers and overflows, outlining an appearance that can only be found in a fairy palace. .

Stepping into the central hall is another scene. Simple and simple partition screens divide the broad and bright hall into small rooms. Each small room has a different style, so guests can choose what they like.

Even a small ornament in the room can reveal the owner's elegant and extraordinary taste and noble status, and also show that the invited guests have extraordinary status and are suitable for this scene.

Shi Yu and others were full of praise for this place. Even the knowledgeable Qin Keyang nodded in wonder. He had already seen that many objects came from different worlds, and there were even places he had been to.

Seeing this, Qin Keyang was also extremely confused. It is reasonable to search for such rare things as playthings, which shows that the Xuanpan world has outstanding strength and extensive hunting. Why has he never heard of it?

Ao Dingming's depressed mood improved slightly when he saw the surprised and envious expressions of these strange visitors. He immediately laughed and greeted everyone to sit down, and said with some bragging: "I, Xuanpan, have dominated all realms since ancient times. Everyone, What you see are all the treasures that traveling merchants from our world have found from all walks of life. If you like them, you can take them without any problem!”

These words were majestic. Shi Yu and others knew that any gadget taken out in this hall would be a treasure that would break one's head. Is this Ao Dingming so willing to do it? You must be a little reluctant to have the treasures you worked so hard to collect change hands once, and why is this tone and expression so unpleasant?

Except for Shi Feng, who couldn't resist the temptation of the spirit fruit, he picked up a round, bright red, crispy fruit and started to nibble on it. No one else moved, and they all looked at Ao Dingming quietly.

Ao Dingming seemed not to have expected this, and felt that he was too high-profile. He habitually regarded the group of strangers in front of him as country bumpkins. He laughed at himself for a moment in embarrassment and said: "Haha, some gadgets can't catch the eyes of the distinguished guests. They are just being disrespectful." "

Just at this moment, Jian Kaitian, led by his attendants, strode over. He arrived before anyone else arrived, and shouted in a rough voice: "Ao boy, why are you running so fast? I haven't said anything yet. It’s over!”

When he rushed into the lobby, he saw that everyone had strange expressions and was silent. Only Shifeng was munching on the spiritual fruit. He couldn't figure out what was going on for a while. He thought that Ao Dingming had offended one of his own, so he immediately grabbed his hand with a big hand. Collar, fiercely put his face in front of Ao Dingming, and scolded: "Boy! Are you turning your back on me? Don't forget you're still on Star Continent! I'll kill them all if I get angry!"

With one move, a white jade dragon pillar suddenly collapsed, shaking off countless sand and dust and turning it into a spear that pierced Ao Dingming's vest, scaring all the maids who followed him.

With screams, countless monks heard the sound and flew straight towards this place. However, Jian Kaitian waved his hand again, and the thick stone wall rumbled up, wrapping the entire guest house airtightly.

"No, no!" No matter how noble and elegant Ao Dingming is, there is nothing he can do against a reckless man like Jian Kaitian.

In terms of cultivation, he was far behind Jian Kaitian, and in terms of strength, his star land was actually taken away by Jian Kaitian to control at will. Ao Dingming, who was about to cry without tears, cast his miserable eyes on Shi Yu. He knew that what was in front of him was This stupid guy only listened to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu coughed dryly, waved his hand towards Jian Kaitian, and said: "Jian Kaitian, what are you doing? Young Master Ao means well, but we have never seen the world and were stunned for a moment. Look, Feng'er is not eating. Are you very happy?"

As soon as these words came out, Ao Dingming's face became even bitterer. Knowing that Shi Yu was mocking him, he hurriedly said: "Eat whatever you want! Whatever! Wild fruits in the country are not worth mentioning! Come here, take all the spiritual fruit fairy cakes Come on! No! Give me the wild fruit cake!”

Ao Dingming was really anxious, and he didn't want to think about what would happen if he entertained guests with wild fruit cakes. Fortunately, Shi Yu and others knew that his words were unintentional this time, so they just smiled.

Jian Kaitian turned his head and saw that Shi Feng was indeed holding the fruit in both hands and eating it with his mouth full of juice, and then he let go of his big hand suspiciously.

When Shi Feng saw Jian Kaitian looking at him, he arched his eyebrows and smiled. He held up half the fruit to him and asked Jian Kaitian if he wanted to share it with him.

Jian Kaitian suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He immediately moved away from the stone wall and threw down the stone spear. He gently placed Ao Dingming on the ground and stroked his chest kindly, trying to smooth out the wrinkles he had scratched. But what do you think? They slapped him back one after another, causing Ao Dingming to shake his head in pain.

The outside of the stone wall was crowded with monks who came to the rescue. As soon as the stone wall went away, a group of monks rushed in with shouts, but they saw Ao Dingming waving at them and shouting: "It's gone, it's all gone!" No one is allowed to come near without my permission!”

These words seemed to resolve misunderstandings and conflicts, but in fact Ao Dingming no longer wanted to embarrass himself in front of his subordinates. This Jian Kaitian did not give him any face at all, and would treat himself like a monkey. If he continued like this, it would be difficult for him to establish himself in the first half of his life. The image of getting up was completely ruined.

When the maid once again presented a dazzling array of food, everyone put down their barriers and started laughing and chatting. Shi Yu and others were very curious as they had not seen Jian Kaitian display his power to drive away the invading enemies.

Jian Kaitian laughed, hooked his little finger at Ao Dingming, and said: "Boy, you just had a lot of jade mirrors engraved. It must be a bad idea against me. Take it out and show it to everyone!"

Ao Dingming shook his head helplessly and did not call his subordinates. He just gently turned the finger on his left thumb, and a fleeting image was immediately projected in the hall, vividly reproducing everything just now.

This little trick attracted Shi Feng's attention. He dropped the spiritual fruit in his hand and ran around in the floating shadow, scratching at the transformed scene from time to time, making noises of surprise.

The floating shadow begins when Jian Kaitian suddenly jumps into the battlefield.

The most eye-catching thing on the battlefield are those thousand-foot giants. The divine light on the shoulders of the giants has lost its effectiveness at this time. Using such powerful weapons in close combat will only accidentally injure one's own people. They wave their arms and legs like gods, purely by force. Attacking the enemy with great strength, his clumsy body was miserable under the enemy's dense attack.

and surround

The enemies that were constantly attacking around the giant were a group of agile monks dressed in red robes and breathing fire from their bodies. When Shi Yu suddenly saw these monks, he grasped the armrest of the seat tightly with his hand and broke off a small piece of wood with a soft "click" sound.

Ao Dingming glanced at Shi Yu in surprise. There was only an image but no sound. Shi Yu's small movement was extremely clear in the quiet hall.

Shi Yu looked nervously at the flame monk in the floating shadow, contrasting with the rampant figures in his mind. Gradually, he loosened his grip on his fingers and sat back helplessly in the chair. That was not a monk from the fire spirit world, it was just the flame released by an ordinary monk.

"What are the origins of these monks?" Shi Yu asked softly.

Ao Dingming paused, stood up, pointed at a monk with the strongest flames, and said: "I am a disciple of Shuihuan Palace, and these people are our mortal enemies - Burning Fire Valley. Huh, I was here to greet you all unintentionally. How could I know that they would sneak attack me on this mission?”

Shi Yu and others nodded silently, not asking about other people's housework.

Ao Dingming stood quietly for a moment. Seeing that no one asked, he smiled and sat back down to continue to move the floating shadow.

Shui Huan Palace monks and Burning Fire Valley monks were fighting in the sky. Shui Huan Palace was already at a disadvantage. It seemed that the previous long-distance battle had destroyed most of Star Continent's defense and attack methods, and also caused damage to Star Continent monks. Inflicting huge casualties, the other party has rushed to Star Continent to make final reckoning.

Our own giants are just struggling to death, but the thousands of fire monsters on the other side are full of life, roaring and running around every corner of the star continent. Although they are not as big as giants, they are more powerful and flexible, and they are often entangled in two or three. A giant can tear off a large piece of flesh and blood in a moment, and then burn it directly to ashes.

The rest of the Shuihuan Palace disciples were even more miserable. Except for a few people surrounding Ao Dingming who looked like they still had the strength to fight, the others were exhausted and seriously injured and could barely hold on and struggled.

The opponent was determined to capture Ao Dingming alive, so they stayed far away from him. They just kept sending out a spell to draw away one of the guards from his side, gradually weakening the strength of the guards.

Just looking at the floating shadows, you can't tell how high the level of these monks are and how thick their Yuanli is. You can only see that the magic weapons in their hands are amazingly powerful. There are often swords that cut down thousands of feet and streak through the air, clearing a large blank. The thin figure waved his stick, causing the entire star continent to tremble slightly.

At this moment, Jian Kaitian suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield. He stood there alone and looked around. His three-foot-tall figure was not noticeable among a group of giant beasts. For a while, no one could figure out Jian Kaitian's intention. .

Ao Dingming also saw Jian Kaitian's appearance, his face was stunned, and he hurriedly waved for him to hide in the protective circle. Jian Kaitian turned his face and saw him, and strode over angrily, grabbed his collar, and followed him. It was exactly the same as when I entered the hotel just now.

Jian Kaitian's face was full of anger. He was holding Ao Dingming with one hand and pointing at the broken tiles with the other. He opened and closed his mouth and said something. Originally, many monks from Burning Fire Valley wanted to attack Jian Kaitian, but they suddenly saw him. As if they were going to beat Ao Dingming, they all stopped and turned around to get entangled with their original opponents.

Ao Dingming's face gradually became surprised and he nodded hesitantly.

"Brother Jian, why are you so angry? What did you say to Young Master Ao? Is he so surprised?" Kuang Long asked.

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