Life Control Chart

Chapter 285: Breaking through the Thousand-year Realm

Luoyan City is not far from Linlan Villa. It is less than ten thousand miles away and it has been reached in a short time.

Shi Yu stood in front of the city gate with a wandering look in his eyes, and he was full of emotion in his heart: he was busy practicing, and suddenly he felt uncomfortable to be integrated into the noisy world.

Shi Feng saw Shi Yu suddenly become numb, and quickly jumped off Jian Kaitian's shoulder and pushed him from behind, "Master! Don't be dazed, go in! There are Colosseum, Arena, and many other interesting things inside, I will take you to see them all."

"Oh, OK!" Shi Yu was suddenly sobered by his push, and walked into the city gate with a faint smile.

As soon as he entered Luoyan City, the tall Nine Elders Association formation flag in the city danced towards him from afar.

Shi Yu smiled knowingly, knowing that it was the formation spirit who was greeting him, and also released his divine thoughts to stroke the flag lightly.

The man and the spirit were already quite familiar with each other. The spirit and Shi Yu studied the inner world array several times and found many similarities with the Xuanpan protective world array, as if Shi Yu's inner world array was derived from the Xuanpan protective world array.

As for why the Emperor of God Yu would set up this array, the spirit had no memory. He had only heard of the name of the Emperor of God Yu. Zhu Yanlan asked around but could not find out the reason.

Without thinking about these fruitless things, Shi Yu greeted the spirit and followed Shi Feng into the crowd in the city.

Indeed, as Shi Feng said, the prosperous scene in Luoyan City was something Shi Yu had never seen before. Even the capital of the Emperor of God Yu was a little shabby compared to it. There were a wide variety of shops, bustling wine houses, and countless pleasing plays that made people linger.

The more Shi Yu looked, the more he admired how lucky the people of Xuanpan were. They were born to enjoy endless glory. Compared to other great realms, they were like poor and remote villages, and some even still ate raw meat and drank blood.

The day passed quickly, and when the lights were shining like stars all over the city, Shi Yu and his party were ready to return home.

Once again, he probed the formation flag with his mind from afar, and the formation flag seemed to roll up comfortably, emitting gusts of wind, and released a soft force that directly sent Shi Yu and others back to Lin Lan Villa.

The boiling world before suddenly turned into silence, and everyone's eyes were hazy, as if they were in another world.

The blood-colored lines all over Shi Yu's body also disappeared into his flesh and blood with a hissing sound in this sudden ups and downs of his mood.

"Boom"! Shi Yu only felt that he heard a nine-day thunder, and he seemed to see a rolling river of thunder rushing out of his body and instantly submerging the world, leaving only an endless electric light snaking and scattering, and billions of python-headed thunder plasma roared and released countless electric fields to tear the whole world apart.

The wind suddenly blew away the brief distraction of Jian Kaitian and others. Mu Liu was just laughing and saying that he had a good time today and had the supreme honor of being personally sent by the Xuanpan Protective Array, when he suddenly found that Shi Yu was gone.

"Young Master? Shi Yu?" Mu Liu called out loudly. Although he was a little distracted, Shi Yu was clearly by his side just now. How could he suddenly disappear? Shi Feng had been standing behind Shi Yu, watching his master turn into a dark shadow and silently melt into the world.

Mu Liu's voice awakened the stunned Shi Feng. He pointed to the void in front of him and murmured, "Master... Master melted..."

"Nonsense! What melted? Your master must have been unable to hold his urine and ran away!" Jian Kaitian said heartlessly.

Glancing at Shi Yu's house, Jian Kaitian shouted at the top of his voice: "Shi Yu, have you finished peeing? You are very good at peeing!"

"You are talking nonsense!

Which cultivator needs...needs these!" Mu Li was embarrassed by Jian Kaitian's vulgar words.

Except Shi Feng, no one took Shi Yu's sudden disappearance seriously. Seeing that everyone was not anxious or impatient, Shi Feng slowly put his mind at ease, thinking that his realm was too low to see the clues.

Besides, now in the depths of the Burning Fire Valley, the master and the big world array spirit have a good relationship, and there will definitely be no accidents.

Shi Yu once again came to the void in his true body, the world outlined by only lines. The difference is that what he saw was not Lin Lan Villa, but a ruin, a very familiar ruin, the abandoned picture scroll that continued in the Void Dark Abyss.

The thunder river plasma was still pouring out of him continuously, and the first thunder sounded at the same time in all corners of the world that had always been dead and silent.

Countless tiny pieces of debris were shaking and jumping in the land where the thunder rolled, and were swallowed up by the thunder plasma, disappearing in the dazzling lightning.

Maybe it was just a moment, maybe it was eternity. What Shi Yu stood on was no longer a painting spread out in the endless void, but an endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Shi Yu's body was surrounded by tortuous lightning, his eyes were soaked in wisps of thunder plasma, and he looked at the new and noisy world. A sense of heroism surged in his chest, as if this decadent world was being reborn under his baptism, and he would be the master of the future.

The scarlet giant eyes silently opened slowly in the sky, staring at Shi Yu, who was like a thunder spirit.

Shi Yu raised his head suddenly, and two thunderbolts went up against the sky, splitting a large area of ​​the void. He felt the existence that had always frightened him and was always unmatched.

This time, he felt that he could talk to him at eye level, no longer just fearing and annihilating.

"Who are you? Where is this? Why do I always come here inexplicably?" Shi Yu raised the long-buried question in a deep voice.

The giant eye on the sky turned slightly, taking in everything in the void, and a dull voice sounded: "It's nowhere, you haven't gone anywhere, and I don't exist."

Shi Yu's silver-white eyes seemed to see the giant eye shaking its head gently like a human, and his words stopped at this moment.

Shi Yu got the answer, but he didn't understand a word. Just when he was about to ask, the giant eyes suddenly disappeared, neither reminding him to be careful nor killing him because he had shaken the whole world.

"Run away? Ha! Coward! He didn't even dare to speak clearly." For the first time, Shi Yu had contempt for the giant scarlet eyes. He even felt that if the giant scarlet eyes dared to poke out the mountain-like fingers again, he could kill them. Split easily.

Maybe this is an illusion, maybe this is a fact, in short, everything has changed irreversibly.

Without any interference, Shi Yu concentrated on looking at the silver-white world. The silk threads that he had once managed to tie up with great effort were now moving and intertwined as if they were alive. They even had two or three parts of what they were before when they were intact. appearance.

The sound and light of thunder and lightning gradually subsided, and it seemed that the power accumulated in Shi Yu's body was released. He once again stood alone in the center of the dark world, looking at the picture that was beginning to regain its shape.

Although it is still messy and mottled, it is much better than being devastated and broken.

"What on earth is this? What does it mean for me to come here?" Shi Yu looked around and thought hard.

But this world didn't give him much time. There was only a moment of silence, and Shi Yu seemed to

Bubbles in the wind usually slowly condense in the place where they disappeared just now, but when the wind and others have already dispersed, they go their own way.

"Breakthrough!" Shi Yu closed his eyes and felt the sublimation of his body. The red lines buried between the flesh and blood were completely gone. A clean, new body was sucking hungrily the spiritual energy that filled the world.

A thousand-year-old heaviness filled his whole body, and Shi Yu felt that he was the master who had broken out of his rut, and his gaze towards the world had become dull and indifferent, as if everything had no causal relationship with him, and everything surrendered under his feet.

"It's so comfortable~" He stretched out his arms and raised his head and exhaled. This wonderful feeling was something he had never experienced before.

"Shi Yu? Are you daydreaming?" Jian Kaitian's surprised voice shattered the perfection of the moment. Shi Yu felt that he had suddenly left the pure and flawless world and returned to the filthy and noisy world.

Shi Yu's brows furrowed slightly as his indifferent eyes swept over Jian Kaitian's ridiculously surprised face.

"What?" Jian Kaitian felt a faint panic in his heart, as if Shi Yu was unhappy and wanted to attack him, but he was like a child who accidentally made a mistake and was taught a lesson by his elders, full of grievances but unable to resist at all.

Shi Yu also felt that his expression was unreasonable, and he quickly rubbed his cheeks vigorously, and a broken voice flowed out from between his palms: "It's nothing, I broke through. I may have been too happy when I broke through."

"Breakthrough! That's a good thing! But are you so happy that you look like you're going to kill someone? You scared me!" Jian Kaitian slapped his thigh and screamed. His commotion alerted the others, who all walked out of the house with surprise on their faces and gathered around him.

Shi Yu smiled sheepishly and shook his head silently.

Good things often spread quickly. The news that Shi Yu broke the barriers was immediately known to all the people he knew. Even Kuang Long and Long Kuang who were wandering around the world hurried back to congratulate and rejoice.

Everyone knows that Shi Yu will open a new chapter, and the hope of Chaos Immortality's success will be greatly increased.

"Tsk tsk! I really didn't expect that we could break through just by going out for a while. Shi Yu, what do you want us to do?" Zhu Yanlan, who was already very familiar with him, lay on the table, his pretty face in front of Shi Yu and couldn't help but marvel.

Qianji Dagong's appearance was somewhat strange, and his more delicate and firm skin was slightly fluorescent, which made her envious.

"Hey! Don't look at it like that! If you keep doing this, I will become an old man. Anyway, I have lived a thousand years." Shi Yu tilted his face back in embarrassment, avoiding the sweetness that followed Zhu Yanlan's words. Tired smell.

"What's the use? Love comes from the heart. If you don't have a matching state of mind, you will change back again no matter what you become." Zhu Yanlan smiled and sat back.

Fortunately for Long Kuang, he knew that people with powerful souls can often take advantage of the situation as long as they have enough energy to accumulate when their mental state breaks through.

Kuanglong has never felt this way before. He relies entirely on his strong body to support his ascent. As long as his body is strong enough, leaping to the next realm will be a matter of course. However, this process is extremely difficult and painful, and there is no way he will feel happy. Just break through.

At the moment, he was looking at Shi Yu with envy, wondering if he should also find a divine soul technique to practice, but when he thought of the Holy God Slave Seal on his divine soul, he felt uneasy again.

Shifeng couldn't say anything here and could only smile stupidly. Although Shiyu was a master, he was no different from his father in his heart. The stronger Shiyu was, the more he could empathize with his joy.

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