Life Control Chart

Chapter 304 Goodbye, Er

The monks who had been sitting quietly in the golden formation on the wasteland suddenly woke up and flew towards them with a roar. All they could see were broken flags and broken limbs everywhere, among which a shiny thing was particularly conspicuous.

When these monks saw what it was, they howled angrily one by one, turned around suddenly, and looked around, eager to find the person who set up the formation. It would not be enough to satisfy their anger without cutting him into pieces.

"Hahaha"! Standing on a piece of star dust, Shi Yu couldn't help laughing happily. As long as he could make the Golden Spirit Realm suffer, even if he fell down and knocked out a few teeth, he felt extremely happy.

"What is it? Have you always been secretive?" Zhu Yanlan saw through the observation array that all the Jinling monks were suddenly angry. She was itchy that Shi Yu had not told her the truth, so she couldn't help but ask again.

"Haha! It's nothing, just some fragments of blood descendants. I want them to taste the heartache." Shi Yu stared at the observation array and sneered.

"Hey, you still keep such disgusting things? Take them out and throw them away!" Zhu Yanlan had goosebumps all over her body.

"What does this mean? I keep the old mummy from thousands of years ago!" With that said, Shi Yu took out the body of the goat-headed monster and showed it to Zhu Yanlan.

At this moment, something strange happened in the Golden Spirit Realm. A thousand-foot-long blood giant suddenly appeared in the center of the main continent. He jumped up with a roar, stretched out his giant palm to grab the blood fragment, and dozens of other banners. The formations nearby were also broken by him one by one, scattering more fragments.


Holding the fragment in his hand, the thousand-foot giant roared angrily again, his eyes shot out thousands of feet of golden light, like two spears piercing the void, scanning back and forth in a deserted place.

Shi Yu laughed and thought: Who is so stupid to ambush so close.


Before Shi Yu's smile disappeared, a sudden change occurred, and golden eyes really swept out a figure from the void. As soon as the original shape of the figure appeared, he immediately fled into the distance in a panic. It was obvious that he also knew that he was not a descendant of Qian Zhang. opponent.

"Er Er..." Shi Yu stared blankly at the fleeing figure.

Zhu Yanlan also recognized that it was one of the servants who had followed Shi Yu in the Wood Spirit Realm. He watched in surprise as Huan Er ran away desperately, never expecting that this servant would actually appear here.

Qianzhang Xueyi didn't allow Shi Yu to think too much, roared and punched Armand Er repeatedly.

He swallowed the three python beast pills given by Shi Yu two thousand years ago. His current cultivation level could not prevent him from avoiding Qianzhang Bloodline's heavy punches. Several punches hit him in the back. , the armadillo fell into the depths of the void like a meteor, spilling blood all the way.

The Qianzhang Bloodborn didn't want to let Ha Er go. Even the treasure-hunting monk who was hiding aside and trying to take advantage would be a capital crime in his eyes. The withered corpse hanging on the flag was the best proof, not to mention that man was still alive. He was probably the culprit behind the formation.

Shi Yu suddenly panicked. He didn't expect that Er Er would actually appear here. He set up a formation to watch the excitement, but instead made his own people the biggest victims.

"Don't move here, that's one of my brothers, I'm going to save him!" Shi Yu hurriedly told Zhu Yanlan and disappeared.

cut! Do you think I don't know you? Zhu Yanlan curled her lips and looked around, her restless heart agitated again. She smiled, followed Shi Yu quietly, and disappeared into the void.

All the bones in Yan Er's body were broken. After swallowing the beast pill, he now has a cultivation level of more than 20 years.

, although he is not the top spirit beast monk in the world of spirits, he is still capable of dominating a corner.

Originally, he was peacefully staying in his lair to purify his mind and practice, but suddenly he heard news about the frequent occurrence of secret treasures in the world of Shenyu.

Having always been grateful and in awe of Shi Yu, he decided that this was another miracle created by Shi Yu, so he invited Yida and Kui San to come and explore together.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the three people who gathered and spied in various places did not get any news about Shi Yu except that they saw the monks from the Jinling Realm whom Shi Yu hated most occupying the Shenyu Main Continent.

Just when he was about to despair, Yan Er heard that someone had brutally killed all the Jinling monks on the Shenyu Lord Continent. His cold heart became hot again, and he hurried to the Shenyu Lord Continent to find out.

I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune, but he had just arrived and hid nearby for a short time. Just as he was thinking about how to sneak into the Shenyu Main Continent, he saw a sudden explosion that claimed the lives of a team of monks.

Like Shi Yu, he was happy as long as the Golden Spirit cultivator suffered a loss. Yan Er was laughing secretly, but he was accidentally knocked out of his hiding place by the terrifying blood giant in anger.

Yan Er tried his best to put up a heavy Yuan energy shield behind him, trying to reduce some damage. He knew in his heart that the blood giant did not want his life, but just wanted to capture him alive, otherwise he would have been beaten in the first punch. Crush. Even so, he still couldn't withstand three powerful punches.

When his whole body exploded and rolled in the void, Armand II had already seen the golden giant spreading his big hands and grabbing at him expressionlessly.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Armadillo struggled to transform into its original form, and an armadillo more than twenty feet long rolled down into the void.

He saw a piece of broken star with a radius of a hundred miles not far away. As long as it fell there, he could take the opportunity to drill into the center of the earth, and maybe he could hold on for a while longer.

In the blink of an eye, the blood giant chased Armand Er and was thousands of miles away from the main continent of Shenyu. No one was worried about the safety of the blood giant. The existence of the golden spirit world was second only to the Great Elder. All the hundred-foot giants combined were no match for him. .

The blood-born giant had already approached less than a hundred feet behind Armand Er, and the fingertips of its giant palms had scraped against his scales, making a sharp and squeaking sound.

Armand Er suddenly turned over, put his four paws on the giant's palm, and pushed himself back a little distance.

Looking up, the giant's indifferent eyes did not change due to this small movement. His bent arms straightened slightly and he was caught in the palm of his hand again.

Although the blood giant didn't want his life, he didn't want him to become a complete prisoner either.

Armand Two, which was tightly grasped in the palm of his hand, could no longer maintain its true form. The larger the body was, the greater the pressure it was bearing. He had to turn into a human form again and try to lean towards the gap between his knuckles. Only there was still There is some room for shelter.

As he moved with difficulty, large amounts of blood continued to ooze from the corners of his mouth. The severe pain from the broken bone piercing his internal organs made him open his mouth wide, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't make a sound or cry out in pain.

At the moment of despair, Armand Er's eyes suddenly opened wide, and he stared fixedly at a figure hanging above the giant's head. The figure looked down at the giant with a look that was colder and more contemptuous than the way the giant looked at him.

Armand Er laughed, spurting out more blood, staining the blood giant's palms red.

The blood giant was irritated by this cheerful smile. What he hated most was the bright smile of his enemy before death. He roared and increased his power again. As long as there was a breath left,

With its head, you can ask for any information you want. Blood mud is the best destination for the other limbs of this nasty bug in front of you.

However, another bug jumped onto his finger, blocking his gaze from looking at the palm of his hand and giving him a brief pause in the strength he had gathered.

The bug stood on the knuckles, and turned its head towards the bug in the palm of his hand and laughed.

Qianzhang Xueyi was completely angry. He had already seen that the bug standing on his palm was the culprit who killed all the Golden Spirit monks. He actually dared to stand in front of him carelessly, completely ignoring his existence.

A roar that shook the void burst out from the giant's mouth, and the violent sound waves alone shook Armadillo to the point of vomiting blood.

How could Shi Yu allow him to show off his violence in front of his face? He also swung a fist that looked extremely small in the eyes of a giant and hit his wrist with thousands of punches in an instant.

"Ah! Roar!" The blood giant let go and shouted in pain. He felt an inexplicable force quickly penetrate his arm along the place where Shi Yu hit.

The strength of the entire arm suddenly disappeared at the wrist, and he watched the seriously injured Armand Er roll into the void, and even his own palm was unable to fall into the deep space.

The bloody giant looked at Shi Yu in horror. He had been very careful to prevent Shi Yu from tearing the rift in space and releasing the chaotic weapon, but he still lost a palm unknowingly.

Shi Yu ignored him and flew to the side of the exhausted and weak Hu Er, gently picked up his body and flew towards the star chips not far away.

The blood giant hesitated for a moment, looked at his palm that was drifting away, and quietly stepped back.

"I thought everyone in the Golden Spirit World was a hero. It seems that you have perfectly inherited the shamelessness and despicability of Jin Ke Enemy, and you actually want to escape from the battlefield?" Shi Yu did not look back, but the words he said seemed to directly ring in the blood. The giant's ears were extremely clear.

The blood giant's expressionless face twitched slightly, but he was not beguiled by Shi Yu's taunting words. Instead, he retreated faster. As long as he returned to the Shenyu Wasteland, he could mobilize more power to kill There is no need to fall into the enemy's trap just for the sake of temporary anger.

Shi Yu stepped onto the land of Xingcheng, slowly put down Yan Er, smiled at him, then turned to look at the blood giant who had run far away, and shouted: "It takes half a moment to come and go, and then come back again." Gone too! Stupid big guy!"

The blood-born giant looked back and saw Shi Yu gently waving the Realm Gate Token at him. He couldn't help but hesitate again. Shi Yu was right. By the time he moved in to rescue his troops, Shi Yu would have already opened the Realm Gate and fled.

Shi Yu smiled, squinted at the blood giant, shook his head, and mocked: "Is this the so-called supreme weapon of Jin Ke Enemy? Do you think I will really leave? You can run away and go back to my lair to wait for me. , when I settle down my brother, I will come and kill you all!

Ah~ By the way, if it's too late, you can call that old beast Jin Kedi here, and I'll take care of him together! "

The blood giant looked at Shi Yu deeply, turned around and left without saying a word.

Shi Yu sighed. After all, the Golden Spirit Realm is not a real martial arts world. The top monks are more than just ordinary people. No matter how they provoke each other, they can always judge the situation and advance or retreat with evidence.

After giving up chasing the blood giant, Shi Yu was about to save Armand Er when suddenly there was an earth-shattering roaring wave behind him. The stardust under his feet swayed wildly with the impact of the wave, almost throwing Shi Yu and Armadillo out.

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