Life Control Chart

Chapter 365 Heavenly Witch Hall

Kui Gang's frank words left Shi Yu helpless. An Wushen, who always looked coldly at the side, couldn't help but shouted:

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Since it's already a white land, it doesn't matter if we go there? Who has the final say in your wild world now? Call me out!"

Kui Gang didn't accept this trick at all. He rolled his eyes at An Wushen and closed them tightly. Make it clear that you are capable of killing me.

The word "barbarian" is important for barbarians, and those who can reason are not barbarians. What's more, they have already decided that Shi Yu and his party have bad intentions, and they must not tell them the location of their ancestral land.

"These fools have little ability and a bad temper. It seems that questioning is useless." Shi Yu waved his hand, threw Kui Gang aside, and turned to look for Nv Jie again.

Nv Jie's group of people saw this moment of chaos, and understood that Shi Yu and the others had no faults. When they saw Shi Yu looking at them, they suddenly became nervous and held their weapons tighter.

"You! Come here!" Shi Yu waved to the person in front with a kind expression.

The man's eyes were as wide as copper bells. He grasped the long stick in his hand back and forth several times, swallowing dryly and slowly drifting away.

Shi Yu smiled first, trying to dispel the visitor's nervousness, "Where's Nv Jie? I saw her running, why did she suddenly disappear?"

The man twisted his body a few times and said hoarsely: "The clan girl took people to Kuibu, and we stayed to stop these people."

"Kuibu? What are you going to do? When will you come back?" Shi Yu tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible. For some reason, the barbarian in front of him became increasingly uneasy and turned to look back from time to time.

Shi Yu looked around and saw that Kuigang was leading people away. The barbarians running on the ground brought out a stream of smoke.

"What? Want to catch up?" Shi Yu asked softly.

"Well! These people are gone. I'm afraid the clan girl won't be able to hold on." As he said that, the man looked behind him again.

"Then let's go and have a look together. Although it's not a good past, Nujie and I are old."

The barbarian hesitated for a moment, nodded, turned around to greet his own people, and chased Kui Gang and the others in the direction they fled.

After running more than 3,000 miles, Shi Yu and his party saw someone fighting again. This time it was not a one-on-one duel, but thousands of barbarians fighting in a melee. The fight was so dusty and bloody.

Nv Jie was mixed in the crowd, her arms turned black, like two cast iron rods, making the enemies around her scream.

But she was not invincible. A big man with yellow hair and a yellow beard, with blue eyes, brandished a huge mace in his hand, chasing the female warrior and smashing her.

As long as Nv Jie was blocked by someone, his giant stick would be swung down, forcing Nv Jie to raise her arms and try her best to block.

The barbarians who were brought with Shi Yu and others saw that Nv Jie was suffering a loss, and they all rushed into the battlefield with curses, using their weapons to attack the opponent's vitals without risking their lives.

Shi Yu and the others watched in awe, not because of the bloody scene or the fierceness of the battle, but because most of them were still biting during the fight, just like two groups of wild beasts colliding in one place, the fangs are the real fatal arms.

The Iron Martial God, who had just looked at the barbarians, shook his head more and more. Not even beast cultivators like Yanda and the others could fight like this.

Before everyone arrived, the female soldiers were at a disadvantage, and the reinforcements arrived late, making the situation even worse.

Nv Jie obviously didn't have enough kung fu, Nv Jie's whole body was pitch black, and after so many years, her arms were still only black, extending to her upper arms at most. She could only resist the pressure of the big man with yellow hair.

A few moments later, almost all the people Nu Jie brought were killed and injured, but the other party still

There were hundreds of remnant soldiers, taking turns to fight in small groups, beating Nv Jie and others so hard that they didn't even have a chance to breathe.

"It's almost done. If you continue to fight, you will break the promise if the person dies." Shi Yu promised the female hunter to put down his hatred and help the female hunter if possible. Of course, he couldn't help her being beaten to death.

Iron Martial God's concept changed extremely quickly. When he saw the savages fighting to the last soldier and none of them begging for mercy or running away, he praised them full of praise and quickly followed Shi Yu's words:

"That's right, they are all good men...well, good warriors! If you catch Zhenwu and train well, you will definitely have a bright future."

As soon as he raised his hand, Shi Yu ejected a piercing black light, which struck between Nv Jie and the big man with yellow hair. They were so startled that they jumped back at the same time to avoid the chaos in front of them that could melt all things.

"You two, if you have any deep grudges, wait until I finish asking before continuing, or continue next time we meet." The slightly joking words made Nv Jie and the big man frown at the same time.

Especially Nv Jie, she always thought that Shi Yu was here to seek revenge and wished that she would be beaten to death soon. She didn't understand why he stopped the fight. If she fights for a while longer, she will die if she doesn't agree to Huang Mao's conditions.

"Who are you, Nvshou?" Shi Yu asked an irrelevant question first, just because he was very interested in Nvshou herself.

Nujie was stunned, and even her opponent became serious.

"The first generation Jie tribe girl, the eternal god of the Jie tribe! Ah! Yo yo yo!" The female Jie's answer was a bit fanatical, and she made several strange screams one after another.

"God? What kind of god is she?" Shi Yu was very surprised. In his opinion, the female hunter was just average, far from the definition of a god.

Nv Jie glanced at Shi Yu with disdain and mocked: "How can a skinny chicken like you understand the power of God? Without the Witch Mother, the entire Witch Clan would perish."

"Witch Mother? It's getting more and more complicated as you talk about it, but I just had a fight with her. She wasn't as powerful as you said, right?"

"You entered the Heavenly Witch Palace?" Nujie and Huang Mao exclaimed at the same time.

Shi Yu glanced at them in surprise, "Only the female hunter fell from above and nothing else. How can it be called the Heavenly Witch Palace?"


The mace in Huang Mao's hand hit the ground, and a burly man began to tremble all over.

"The female hunter... the female hunter is back... the female hunter is back!" He screamed and ran wildly, leaving his people behind in the blink of an eye and disappearing at the end of the world.

The savages he left behind were not slow either. They followed them with a "rumbling" movement that was more agile than fighting.

Shi Yu and others felt that they seemed to have overlooked many important points. If the female hunter only had the power she showed, the barbarians would never be so afraid.

"No wonder you suddenly appeared in our ancestral graves. You saw the female hunter..."

Nujie is completely different from Huang Mao. She is not afraid of the Witch Mother, but her eyes are dull, more like an abandoned man and a resentful woman, immersed in her own memories.

Suddenly, her eyes opened sharply and she stared at Shi Yu, "How did you come out? The female hunter will never let anyone go. She used her own life to create the Heavenly Witch Palace. No one except the Witch Emperor will come out." Don’t come!”

Hearing the female Jie's voice getting louder and louder, and finally almost screaming, Shi Yu frowned, "She's not as powerful as you said? She couldn't beat me in the end, so she let me out."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! No one can defeat the Huntress except the Witch Emperor. You lied to me!"

Nv Jie suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Shi Yu. She couldn't accept Nv Jie's

The fact that Qiu was defeated made him even less convinced that what Shi Yu said was true.

Shi Yu was a little impatient. He grabbed Nv Jie's wrist and easily imprisoned her in the air.

"I'm not interested in explaining to you. Tell me where the Witch Emperor's skull is and I'll leave immediately. This is what the female hunter asked me to ask you."

Nv Jie was not at all panicked because she was captured by Shi Yu. She was still lost in the news that Nv Jie suddenly appeared and was defeated by Shi Yu.

Her lips that kept opening and closing seemed to be talking to many people, and her misty eyes flashed through thousands of pictures.

Shi Yu didn't understand the overly superstitious ancestor worship of the barbarians, but when he saw Nv Jie calm down, he gently loosened her restraints.

"You go back and dance. It's best to find an old wizard. He should be the one who sent me in. Then you can see the female hunter." Shi Yu outlined the appearance of the old wizard and pointed out his location. Tell the female hunter and wait quietly for her to come back to her senses.

The female hunter gradually woke up and stared at the old witch for a long time before nodding and saying: "It turns out they are the witch guard clan. Only you outsiders can encounter them. We can't find them."

"Oh?" Shi Yu was surprised, "Aren't they in that mountain? Is it a magic formation or a confusion formation?"

Shaking her head vigorously, Nujie tried to make herself more awake, but also denied Shi Yu's guess, "No, what you see doesn't exist at all."


Shi Yu and others were even more surprised. If it didn't exist, who would they have been fighting with for a long time?

If it doesn't exist, the python scale armor is really missing!

"In other words, you had a fight with the witch incarnation of the female hunter, and you were the first group of people to come out of the Heavenly Witch Palace alive.

The sorcerer clan, who is the witch incarnation of the sorcerer emperor of unknown generation, intends to intercept the monks from outside the world. "

Nv Jie's words made the Martial Gods break into a cold sweat. They had just traveled out of the world and fell into a closed and desperate situation created by other world masters. If there was no Shi Yu, they would definitely be a few handfuls in the pile of bone meal.

Nv Jie said no more and hurriedly walked in the direction where Shi Yu and others appeared. Although Nv Jie could not appear there again, a sacrifice was always necessary.

When it came to this kind of ritual involving religious sacrifices, Shi Yu had no choice but to wait patiently for them to end.

The costumes were more exaggerated than ghosts, the dances were wilder than demons, and there were offerings of blood and fire everywhere. Shi Yu and others couldn't help but be speechless.

In a short time, hundreds of thousands of captives captured from nowhere were sacrificed to the female hunter.

Their blood was sprinkled on the land where Shi Yu and his party suddenly appeared, and their heads were neatly piled up next to each other in the Jingguan.

"Back then... was the ideal of Emperor Shen Yu Tian just to give ordinary people a peaceful land to live in?" Shi Yu looked a little distracted, speculating on the intention of Emperor Shen Yu Tian to seal off the entire world and drive all the monks out of the main continent.

After finally waiting for the female Jiebu to finish the sacrifice, Shi Yu got a chance to talk to her in detail.

"After the skull of the Witch Emperor was taken away, the thirteen witches immediately used spells to hide the ancestral land.

If we, the Wu clan, want to worship our ancestral land, we can only climb the Babel Tower. The Babel Tower is easy to find, right in the center of the Wilderness Continent.

The Thirteen Witches can see everything in the Wilderness Continent. When they are moved by piety, they will guide us in the right direction of our ancestral land.

So, go back to where you came from. The thirteen witches will not pay attention to you when they see you. "

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