Life Control Chart

Chapter 411: Resentment

"Hehe, hehehe, what a pity, I can't even hurt you, father, mother, I'm so incompetent, I can't even hurt the culprit who killed you! I can't even hurt you...hehe, hahaha!"

Shifeng suddenly burst into laughter and burst into tears.

Jian Kaitian's face stiffened, he let go of his hands, stood Shi Feng in the air, and glanced at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was standing in the air, frowning and staring at Shi Feng's back in confusion. Suddenly, when he heard his words, his face instantly darkened.

The chaos in the Daxu Immortal Realm got out of control precisely because Shi Yu deposed the Ten True Immortals. Shi Feng's family also lost their lives in that chaos that affected the entire world.

Therefore, Shi Feng was not wrong in saying that Shi Yu was the culprit.

But over the years, Shi Yu has taken good care of Shi Feng, and until today, Shi Feng has never shown such thoughts. Has he always regarded Shi Yu as an sworn enemy?

Everyone was silent. Those who knew the inside story wanted to see what Shi Yu would do. Those who didn't know the inside story were secretly speculating on the reason.

Shi Yu slowly floated in front of Shi Feng, looked at Shi Feng who was still laughing and crying, and said slowly: "Do you really think so?"

"Yes! That's what I think. I can't wait to drink your blood and eat your flesh! I'll crush your bones and raise your ashes to pay homage to my dead parents!"

Shi Feng screamed wildly, the blood oozing from his clenched jaws stained his mouth, and countless blood foam sprayed onto Shi Yu's face.

Shi Yu nodded and took a deep breath, "Then you can go die!"

Suddenly making a move, Shi Yu slapped Shi Feng on the forehead. Jian Kaitian and Pu Wushen, who were also trying to stop him at the same speed, were so shocked that they only had time to grab his arm.

The others were stunned by this repeated turn of events, and only Yuan Long snorted coldly.

Yuan Long's cold snort woke up Zhu Yanlan first. She screamed and rushed over, "Shi Yu! What's wrong with you! How can you kill Feng'er!"

She hugged Shi Feng and dragged her back, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Even if Shi Feng attacked Shi Yu secretly, and even if Shi Feng revealed the deepest resentment hidden in his heart, she did not think that Shi Yu, who had always been gentle and gentle, would be so decisive and kill him immediately.

The three brothers huddled together in fear again and looked at Shi Yu shivering. The chill on Shi Yu's face was enough to last forever.

Jian Kaitian and Pu Wushen grabbed Shi Yu's arm blankly, but their eyes followed Zhu Yanlan.

Shi Feng was held in Zhu Yanlan's arms, his eyes widened, but there was no trace of energy in him anymore.

Jian Kaitian's "sudden" punch hit Shi Yu's face hard, while Pu Wushen retreated with no expression on his face.


Yuan Long snorted softly again, "This big man is as smart as a fox, but as stupid as a pig!"

Shi Yu grabbed Jian Kaitian's fist, threw him far away, and smiled slightly, "Care leads to chaos."

Everyone was confused by Shi Yu and Yuan Long's words, but they all knew that they had misunderstood Shi Yu and hurriedly looked at Shi Feng.

Shifeng still had the same dead-set expression, without any change.

"You don't care?" Yuan Long was surprised.

"Of course I care. Who else cares more about Feng'er than me? I know he will definitely not take action against me, so the one who really took action was someone else who underestimated the resentment hidden in the corner card."

Shi Yu walked slowly to Zhu Yanlan, took Shifeng from her hand, turned around and fled to the ground.

"Let's go! Find some peace and quiet

place to see what happens. "

Everyone who woke up hurriedly followed.

Shi Feng still looked as if he was dead and unconscious, lying motionless on the ground.

Jian Kaitian hurriedly dug out a cave, and with the support of Shi Yu's simple formation, he drove away the spiritual thoughts that were sweeping around.

"What's going on? That's right, you kid!"

Jian Kaitian waited for Shiyu to complete the formation and stood next to Shifeng again before shouting at the top of his lungs.

"I just temporarily blocked Shi Feng's soul. I shouted that voice in the hope that the resentment in Feng'er's body could escape on its own, but unfortunately, it didn't.

But I underestimated the monks in the life world, they can still take advantage of the loopholes even if they are dead! "

Shi Yu put his hand on Shi Feng's forehead, and a trace of spiritual power penetrated into his soul sea. After a while, he sighed and moved his hand away.

"How?" Even though he heard Shi Yu sigh, Jian Kaitian still hoped to hear good news.

"It's hidden too deeply. I can feel the existence of that evil force, but I can't capture it. This force is constantly arousing Shi Feng's memories, driving him to a dead end in his thoughts."

"You mean, Shi Feng's mind was controlled by someone? To make him continue to hate you?" Jian Kaitian shouted.

Shi Yu nodded, "It's almost the same idea, but it's not about controlling thoughts, but about guiding. There can be countless ways to think about the same thing, and the results will definitely be different.

Feng'er was deliberately guided in the direction that would most easily produce hatred for me. It can be said that he is already a different person now. "

Jian Kaitian's mung bean eyes widened, "What's the difference between this and possession by an evil spirit? Is Feng Boy controlled by the evil spirit now? Do you want to perform a ritual to exorcise the evil spirit?"

"Possessed by an evil spirit?" Shi Yu felt that what Jian Kaitian said was really appropriate.

Yuan Long interjected, "The big guy is smart again. Laws are very similar to incantations, but they are more severe than incantations. If incantations are a battle between souls, then rules are a battle between true spirits. The entanglement is deep. The power is great, and the backlash is even greater.”

"Can the true spirit be used to fight?" Jian Kaitian shouted in surprise.

"Pig! I just said you were smart, but now you are stupid again! Metaphor! It's just a metaphor!

Whether it is a spell or a law, both use the power of the soul to attack, but one can only hurt the soul, while the other will harm the true spirit! "Yuan Long cursed.

"Senior, do you have any solution? I just expelled it for a while, and that power is indeed too deeply entangled with Feng'er's soul, and it is difficult to distinguish it clearly. "

Shi Yu lowered his head and asked Yuan Long, after all, he had fought with Sha Luanhua, and perhaps knew how to restrain the law.

"If you want to completely remove the harm of the law, you can either be like you, strong enough to force out the soul power that does not belong to you, or slowly adjust and wait for the power to disappear by itself.

If you want Shi Feng to recover as soon as possible, you can only go to his soul sea. He is too weak and can't force it out by himself. "

When Jian Kaitian heard this, he quickly pushed Shi Yu in front of Shi Feng and asked him to start treating him immediately.

Shi Yu also felt that there was no time to lose. Although there was something wrong with his soul leaving his body just now, as long as he controlled his mood, there should be no big problem.

He immediately said: "You guard the surroundings, I'll go for a walk."

Jian Kaitian stabbed the big sword into the ground, patted his chest and roared: "What are you talking about, go and come back quickly! Leave this to me and Lao Pu!"

As he said, he pulled Pu Wushen to his side,

and the two of them covered Shi Feng tightly.

"Senior, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Shi Yu's dark soul stepped out of his body, and the ghostly aura was very scary.

"I just wonder if Shi Feng's small body can withstand your chaotic soul breaking in, and don't let him be rushed to death by you all at once."

"It doesn't matter, I just need to restrain my soul power, and there will be no leakage, and Feng'er won't be hurt. "Seeing that Yuanlong had no special instructions, Shi Yu turned his soul and entered Shi Feng's soul sea.

In Shi Feng's body, Shi Yu took every step carefully, fearing that he would be careless and release some power, which would hurt him.

Compared with the meridians that Shi Yu had seen, Shi Feng's meridians were much thinner, even worse than those withered human skins in the Void Dark Abyss. The cultivation of three centuries was really not worth mentioning in Shi Yu's eyes.

While walking, he carefully sensed the evil power. The seemingly slow speed could actually travel through dozens of meridians in the blink of an eye.

But the power was too strange. It was clearly in Shi Yu's perception, but he could not grasp the clue. It seemed to be everywhere, but nowhere to be found.

Within two or three moments, Shi Yu had traveled through all the meridians and soul seas. , nothing was found.

He stopped in the sea of ​​souls where Shi Feng's soul was, quietly watching Shi Feng's soul floating on the sea of ​​soul power.

Shi Feng's soul could not condense into shape yet, it was just like a cloud of mist floating, and countless bright lights were surging and floating with the expansion and contraction of the soul.

Slowly approaching, Shi Yu slowly covered his soul.

He wanted to completely merge himself with Shi Feng and peel off all the marks that did not belong to Shi Feng. The feeling of being omnipresent and nowhere to be found can only come from Shi Feng's soul itself. The power of Lu Yan's invasion had already merged with Shi Feng's soul one step earlier.

But just when Shi Yu was distinguishing which ones were the main body of Shi Feng's soul and which ones were the invading evil power, Shi Feng's soul suddenly resisted violently and almost took away Shi Yu's power.

Shi Yu was immediately shocked. This power was much stronger than Shi Feng himself. No wonder it could easily change his cognition and make him regard himself as his eternal enemy.

Holding himself firmly, Shi Yu allowed Shi Feng's soul to be turbulent. As long as he could not break through his own restraints, he would not have control over his body, and would not let outsiders notice anything unusual.

As Shi Feng's soul trembled more and more violently, Shi Yu passively saw more of his past.

The memories before meeting Shi Yu were all fragments. The clearest one was the scene when Shi Yu saved Shi Feng and cremated his mother.

This farewell scene was clearly outlined, with the mother's face still reluctant to leave after death, the child's sad and attached cry, and the The blood spilled and the endless burning fire.

Everything was engraved into Shi Feng's soul through countless memories.

After that moment, until the age of five, Shi Feng's memories were all fragmentary, and it can be clearly seen that his dependence on Shi Yu was increasing day by day.

Such memories are no different from those of ordinary people.

As for Shi Feng's determination that Shi Yu was the culprit and the root of the turmoil in the Great Void Immortal Realm, most of them were just a few words, not a formed picture.

In other words, Shi Feng would at most doubt Shi Yu based on these verbal memories, and it was impossible for him to form extreme hatred.

But he was caught by someone who took advantage of this little doubt and stimulated it excessively into boundless murderous intent by taking advantage of the deep grief of parting with his deceased mother.

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