Life Control Chart

Chapter 427: Verification of Identity

This offensive act immediately alerted the old men of Xuanli Sect. Everyone stared at Jian Kaitian, feeling very uneasy.

Their cultivation was not worth mentioning in Jian Kaitian's eyes. With only a hundred centuries of accumulation, they could not even handle the three brothers of Ni Da in a real fight.

As soon as Shi Yu entered the hall, Kong Ningfu followed him in.

He walked quickly to the stone statues enshrined in the hall, muttering in his mouth, and his hands made complicated movements, as if he was performing a grand worship.

After half a minute, Kong Ningfu stopped, bowed to the stone statues, and retreated.

"Master Shi, I have asked for the unique brand of Master Yangming. The divine light will come to your body later. Please don't be nervous."

Shi Yu understood that the so-called mental method verification was to use the mark left by the master to identify the identity, which was really the best.

With his identity as the direct disciple of King Wenshen, it must be easy to pass the verification.

As soon as he started thinking, Shi Yu saw a stone statue standing in the third row, suddenly turned around and looked at him, with two eyes emitting dazzling blue light.

Shi Yu was slightly startled, but he did not dodge or resist, letting the two eyes shoot at him, and a familiar feeling arose spontaneously.

Shi Yu pursed his lips and smiled, this feeling was the same pain that King Wen Shen forced the marrow cleansing pill into his body.

The stone statue clearly looked like King Wen Shen, perhaps, this was the master looking at him from afar in the dark!

He used the chaos to eliminate all the power that invaded his body, and the pain on Shi Yu's body disappeared immediately, and the blue light also receded immediately.

But then, another mighty breath quickly flowed out from the stone statue at the top, filling the entire hall.

When the blue light faded, Kong Ningfu was about to congratulate Shi Yu on passing the body check, but suddenly he felt a mighty aura. His face changed drastically, and he said "quickly retreat" in a hurry, and then he ran out of the hall like he was escaping.

Shi Yu looked at Kong Ningfu hurriedly running away with a squint, and stood firmly in the hall without moving. No matter what, he had to complete the so-called body check.

Just now, he clearly felt a force wrapped around him, just to fix him in place.

Although Shi Yu could easily break the restraint, he was unsure in his heart whether the current situation was that Xuanlimen had bad intentions, or there was a body check method that Kong Ningfu was not clear about.

Shi Yu decided to wait and see. Since there was an accident after the master's mark was verified, it meant that the ancestors of Xuanlimen still had doubts about his identity. He could not leave, and leaving meant failure.

Strangely, just as Kong Ningfu left the ancestral hall, the door of the hall suddenly closed by itself, trying to lock Shi Yu in.


Zhu Yanlan's face suddenly changed, and she glared at Kong Ningfu with a pair of angry eyes.

The three Ni Da standing behind her also immediately prepared themselves, and their hands were faintly glowing. As long as Zhu Yanlan gave an order, the star-destroying divine light would hit the hall and the people of Xuanli Sect without hesitation.

Jian Kaitian did not move, he just stared at the slowly closing hall door, and gradually exerted his strength with both hands on the giant sword.

Although the realm of the Xuanli Sect members in front of him was not high, this was the main sect of King Wen Shen after all. Who knows if there are hidden great powers or outstanding formations.

Shen Yuan's words before leaving, "Take care of yourself", are still lingering in the ears of several people.

The Xuanli Sect members standing outside the hall did not seem to expect such a scene to happen, and they all exclaimed in low voices.

Their surprise made Zhu Yanlan even more unhappy. Obviously, Shi Yu had a problem inside.

"Don't be impatient, Master Shi has touched the seal of the founder. Although we don't know what the result will be, Master Shi must be a disciple of my Xuanli sect. We will never be hostile to Master Shi."

Kong Ningfu noticed the restlessness of Zhu Yanlan and others at the first time, and hurriedly explained.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Could it be that the founder has appeared and wants to compete with my husband?" Zhu Yanlan asked coldly.

Kong Ningfu immediately shook his head, "I really don't know. We have only heard that the seal of the founder will move, but we have never seen it with our own eyes.

Just now in the hall, I had asked Master Shi to retreat, but he ignored me and stood there to resist the seal. Even now, Master Shi still has time to come out!"

Hearing that it was Shi Yu who took the initiative to stay in the hall, and then looking at the hall door that was only half closed, Zhu Yanlan's face looked better.

Jian Kaitian also loosened the giant sword in his hand a little, but his face was still serious.

Shi Yu stood quietly in the hall, feeling the increasing pressure.

The stone statue at the highest point seemed to have condensed a unique aura for countless years, which was now released and pressed on Shi Yu.

"Not of my kind! Their hearts must be different!"

Shi Yu suddenly heard a roar, exploding in his ears.

At the same time, Zhu Yanlan, Jian Kaitian and others who were standing outside the door all "swish" into the hall door that was about to close and came to Shi Yu's side.

Several people were all shocked, looking at Shi Yu, and then at the hundreds of stone statues on the high platform.

Jian Kaitian grinned and raised the big sword in his hand.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand to hold Jian Kaitian, frowning, "Not of my kind" is usually said to creatures of other races. He is obviously a human, so how can he cite such biased words as "not of my kind"?

Moreover, he saw many spirits and monsters in Xuanlimen just now, so this sentence is even more unreasonable.

Nowadays, in the universe, there are very few pedantic races that insist on purity, and mutual communication and integration are the general trend. The Xuanli Sect is based on literature and science, and it is impossible for it to be obsessed with educating only the human race.

After shouting angrily, the majestic energy emitted by the top stone statue became even stronger, and his two eyes also turned from gray to black, as if two gems were embedded in it.

Shi Yu was neither anxious nor impatient. He could feel that the power of the stone statue had reached its limit. This power was not enough in front of him.

With a slight shake, Shi Yu released some chaotic energy, and the pressure around his body became lighter. He chuckled and looked at the stone statues on the platform one by one.

It was a rare visit to the Xuanli Sect, so it would be nice to recognize the past sect masters. Although the hostility in the hall was getting thicker, he didn't want to break up with each other immediately.

As he watched, Shi Yu's brows gradually furrowed. Each stone statue began to resonate with the one on top. Soon, all the stone statues released their aura to oppress Shi Yu, including the Wenshen King.

"You evil beast! Who gave you the courage to break into our Xuanli Sect's ancestral sacrificial hall? You will be killed in this formation, and you will be reborn as a human being in the next life!"

When the breath released by the stone statues made the walls of the hall feel overwhelmed and creaking, the angry voice sounded again.

Shi Yuqu flicked his finger, and an air bomb gently grazed the forehead of the tallest stone statue.

He was not disrespectful, but he had a strange feeling that became clearer and clearer. The Master of the Zhengqi Sect standing there seemed to be

Looking at him like a sycophant.

And gradually, the stone statue of the founder of the mountain began to take on an extremely fierce aura, filled with the intention of killing Shi Yu quickly.

With this snap of his fingers, Shi Yu and the others suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies had increased a hundred times. The three brothers of Yida could not bear the pressure, their faces were distorted, and they roared in low voices.

"I just think this bastard Xuan Limen has no good intentions! He tricked us into joining the battle and was ruthless indiscriminately. Shi Yu! Don't be polite, just fuck him!"

Jian Kaitian roared angrily, swung the big sword in his hand and slashed horizontally and vertically, splitting out the formation patterns of the ancestor sacrifice formation in two or two strokes, and the rippling patterns like water waves tightly wrapped around Shi Yu and others.

The stone statue of the ancestor suddenly leapt up during the wave of the great formation and hung in the center of the hall. Its seven orifices simultaneously emitted silvery white light. With just one roll, Shi Yu and his party were brought to a wonderful place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. .


Jian Kaitian, who was struggling to chop, stopped. He looked around suspiciously, stretched out his hand to grab, and fished out several formation patterns from the air. He pulled them hard and broke them into several pieces.

But the strange scenery around him remained unchanged. A young man holding a book in his hand and speaking loudly came from a distance.

Seeing Shi Yu and the others, the young man was also surprised. He put the scroll in his hand behind his back, walked over quickly, and bowed respectfully to everyone, "Teacher, I wonder where you are coming from? Why are you staying at my Xuanli Gate Secret Array?"

Shi Yu and the others looked at each other. They were undoubtedly trapped in the ancestral sacrifice formation, and the formation patterns that were torn apart by the sword were still flickering.

But what they received was not a murderous attack, but a formal scholar greeting them politely.

When the scholar didn't answer, he frowned, stood up and asked, "Did the younger generation send them in? But I don't think you have any evil intentions at all?"

"Array spirit?" Shi Yu finally asked softly.

"Yes, I am the spirit of the ancestral sacrifice formation. I won't let you in. How could you fall into the formation? If you were a traitor, I should have felt it a long time ago, right?"

Looking at the confused formation spirits, Shi Yu and the others were even more speechless. They didn't know why they were thrown into the formation by the ancestor of the Xuanli Sect. From the looks of it, the formation spirits didn't seem to be hostile to them.

"Then...can you send us out of the formation? I am actually the seventh disciple of Wang Yangming's sect leader. I returned to the provincial sect today and was suddenly involved in the formation."

"Wang Yangming?" Zhen Ling's brows furrowed even more tightly, "Hasn't he been dethroned as the leader of the sect a long time ago? How come his disciples still dare to come back to recognize their ancestors and return to the sect?"

"What?" Shi Yu was surprised. He had never thought that his master had been deposed as the leader of the sect. Then his return would be unfair and his words would be inconsistent.

Just as he was about to ask in detail, a strong wind suddenly blew by, and a fierce and loud voice sounded again, "Covered by chaos, possessed by evil spirits, kill!"

The formation spirit suddenly showed a shocked look. As soon as he raised his head and looked up, a golden light pierced his eyebrows from top to bottom, and instantly disappeared into the formation spirit's body.

The formation spirit, who had been kind and gentle just now, immediately had a gloomy look on his face. He looked at Shi Yu Jiejie and smiled strangely, "The traitor, who covets the throne, and who enters our Xuanlimen with evil energy, shall be punished!"

Jian Kaitian had been impatient for a long time, and slashed at the formation spirit with his sword. Ever since he saw the ancestral sacrifice hall, he had always felt something strange in his heart, indescribable boredom, and indescribable uneasiness.

Now that he has completely fallen out, there is no need to be polite.

The formation spirit was destroyed at the first touch, and immediately formed a figure in the distance, looking at Jian Kaitian with a sly smile.

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