Life Control Chart

Chapter 435: Going to the Land of Panlong

Away from the Wanling Realm, Shi Yu and his party tore through the boundary wall and entered the chaos.

Now that Jian Kaitian has also achieved the Great Perfection of the Primordial Chaos, he can protect everyone in the chaos by himself, and the others are happy to be idle, watching him maneuver in the chaos alone and break out a large space.

"It's very simple to go to the Panlong Land, just reach the realm of the realm master." Shi Yu followed Jian Kaitian and kept guiding him in the direction.

Ni Dada looked at the chaos around him with a trembling heart, and squeezed hard to Shi Yu, "Young Master, are you the realm master now?"

"No, I can't break through the last barrier, and my Yuanli has always stayed at the four thousandth century. It seems that I can only go to the unknown land to find opportunities."

Shi Yu was also very depressed. After such a long retreat, he could feel that his strength and speed were constantly increasing, but he couldn't break through.

Jian Kaitian has accumulated five thousand epochs of Yuanli, Ling Xiao has even broken through six thousand epochs, and even Zhu Yanlan has the strength of three thousand epochs, only he has made no progress.

"Then how do you know the direction? This is chaos! How can there be a direction?" Ni Da was shocked.

"We don't, but Senior Yuanlong does. I helped her break through the realm and gained a lot of insights. It's not unexpected that I can feel the direction of the unknown place in advance. Senior Yuanlong called that place Panlong, so I called it that too."

Yuanlong nodded slightly, "Shi Yu is so strange. I was so seriously injured that it was difficult for me to recover completely, but the mess he made could actually help me break through the realm before my injury healed. It's incredible."

"I also feel strange. As my cultivation level gets higher and higher, I feel that everything is getting more and more handy.

I think about how much I suffered in order to start practicing.

But today, it seems that as long as I am willing, I can believe anything. "It's easy to help you break the shackles of countless years. "

"Maybe your starting point is too high. When you first started practicing, those auxiliary things were too poor and unworthy of your use, so you couldn't enter the Tao.

Think about it, you used the world's root and Lingxiao fruit, which are rare treasures of heaven and earth, to have the induction of Qi, and then got the world's master's treasure, the world soul, to find a unique way out of despair and really start practicing. Which of these things can others expect?

Not to mention that you can also be exposed to the will of breaking the world since childhood, you are really a freak. "

Yuan Long's words made Shi Yu fall into deep thought. Thinking about it carefully, it was really the case. Things that worked well for others were useless for him.

Thinking of the thirty-seven marrow cleansing pills, he shuddered all over, feeling that they were useless except for pain!

I don't know how long they have been walking along the way. Everyone has lost the concept of time, and all the topics they can talk about have come to an end. Except for Shi Yu's occasional direction, no one has the desire to speak.

In addition to instinctively following the instructions, Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian spent the rest of their time using Hunyuan Taichu to separate the chaos, and using the foundation of creation and the essence of soul to help the others temper their bodies and souls. It is good to have more improvement before reaching the end.

The years of ignorance and unconsciousness passed quickly and slowly.

Inside the eternal and unchanging chaos, everyone fell into a dull and unconscious practice, and their bodies kept the same posture, like a bug solidified in amber.

Suddenly, Yuan Long woke up from deep practice, and her eyes cast to the chaos on one side. Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian were also staring at that

direction and thinking.

"Someone is taking action." Yuan Long whispered.

Shi Yu nodded and said, "Master, those who can fight in the chaos must be the realm master.

Are they also heading for the Land of Panlong? Or did they reach here from the Land of Panlong?"

Jian Kaitian drew out the big sword behind him and blocked that side. If the person who took action rushed over, Zhu Yanlan and Ni Da would be in danger.

The fourth one to wake up was Xiao Hei, who had been sleeping on Yuan Long's shoulder. At this time, he was awakened by the whispers of several people and hummed a few times in dissatisfaction.

Perhaps these hums alarmed the person who took action, and the chaos in that place stopped immediately, as if the people there were also observing Shi Yu and his party.

With the idea of ​​less trouble than more, Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian did not stop, and continued to move forward rapidly in the chaos, and soon left the abnormal chaotic area behind.

Yuan Long was alert for a moment, and seeing that no one was chasing and attacking, she put down her high heart and prepared to close her eyes to practice. After all, her injuries had not yet fully recovered, and the foundation of creation separated by Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian was of great help to her.

At the moment when Yuan Long closed her eyes, a fist suddenly stretched out from the chaos and hit her back fiercely. The man had been spying on the side, waiting for the only realm master in the group to let down his guard.

The moment Yuan Long's fist just stretched out from the chaos, he opened his eyes wide, shouted angrily, turned around and swung his fist.

But she looked like a little girl, her voice was too delicate, and her fist was too tender. No matter how you look at it, she is no match for the iron fist of the sand bowl.

Everyone was awakened by this angry shout, and looked at Yuan Long's delicate and white little fist in surprise, and it collided tightly with the iron fist that was several times larger than hers. The bright white light immediately bloomed from the intersection of the two fists, dazzling people unable to open their eyes.


Yuan Long's tiny wrist bone broke instantly, and a small fist fell limply.

Yuan Long's expression remained unchanged, watching the fist still stabbing at his chest, and the other fist hit it again.

Shi Yu knew that this was because Yuan Long's injury had not recovered. How could she, who could fight with Yu Luyao and his wife, break her hand bones with just one blow?

With a low shout, Shi Yu turned his palm into a knife and slashed at the fist. Everyone seemed to hear a disdainful chuckle.

What surprised Shi Yu was that his hand failed, and someone else who moved faster than him took action, or in other words, a beast that moved faster than him took action.

Xiao Hei, who had always been well-behaved, became furious when he saw Yuan Long being injured. He jumped out from Yuan Long's shoulder and bit down on the iron fist.

There was another "click", and the iron fist that broke Yuanlong's wrist bone was bitten out into two neat rows of blood holes. The owner of the iron fist screamed and retracted his fist into chaos.

Xiao Hei didn't allow him to come and go as he pleased. He let out a scream and fired electricity, and actually chased that person.

When both of them disappeared into chaos, Shi Yu's palm was able to strike in front of Yuan Long.

Yuan Long shook his broken hand, and after bursts of spiritual light flashed, he returned the bones to their original positions.

"Amazing! Even if I'm at my peak, my body is only 50-50. Now that I've only recovered 50-60%, I'm really no match for him. I wonder which world this guy comes from?"

Shi Yu frowned and looked at the direction where Xiao Hei disappeared. The chaos was turbulent. It had never calmed down since it got in. It was obvious that it

Fighting against the sneak attack.

"Senior, why is Xiao Hei so close to you? He has never done anything except sleep here!" Shi Yu asked while instructing Jian Kaitian to turn around and go straight to Xiao Hei.

"I think it regards me as a close relative. Its mother is the first Kun, and I am the first dragon. They all have the aura of creation in this world. After rebirth, this aura is stronger, and it will so."

"Then I have one too? Xiao Hei was with me at first." Shi Yu said in surprise.

Yuan Long shook his head, "I don't think you have this kind of aura, it must be for other reasons."

Several people calmly came to Xiao Hei, who was biting and hitting half of his body angrily. It seemed that the attacker used the Golden Cicada to escape from its shell.

This scene made everyone's jaw drop again. Everyone thought that Xiao Hei was not afraid of blows because of his rough skin and thick flesh. Unexpectedly, he actually won a great victory, forcing the man to abandon half of his body and run away.

"Hey! Where are you running?" Jian Kaitian's big head swept around, and the big sword in his hand struck out fiercely. An invisible sword light broke through the endless chaos, and shot thousands of miles in an instant, hitting the back of a stumbling figure.


Unbelievable screams came out of the man's mouth, and a long blood groove exploded behind his back. He hurriedly looked back, but his pace was even faster.

This glance back made him extremely regretful. Jian Kaitian struck out with more than ten swords in succession. The moment he turned back, the second sword light struck him right in the face.

Immediately afterwards, there was one sword strike after another, and none of the sword rays from the sword Kaitian missed, they all hit him, until he was like a rag bag rolling around in the chaos.

It was his fault today. He thought Yuan Long was the most powerful among the group of people, but little did he know that there were three other people who were not much worse than Yuan Long!

If this person was not seriously injured, or could sense the incoming sword light, but was first snatched away by Xiao Hei and then received a sword unexpectedly, he would have lost most of his intuition and would not even know where to hide.

Kui San saw the half-dead attacker still struggling to burrow into the chaos, and he smiled evilly as he drew out the Star-Destroying Divine Light.

It's not easy to encounter interesting things on such a boring journey, how could he miss the opportunity to have fun.

The Star-Destroying Divine Light, which was supposed to be impossible to harm the Realm Master, hit the man's head with such force that it caused his beard, hair, and mouth to fall off, achieving unexpected results.

To say that the vitality of the powerful world leader is tenacity, at this point, that person can still stay awake and use up his last strength to escape far away.

Yuan Long snorted coldly and jumped forward.

She was injured in a sneak attack today, and it was Xiao Hei and Jian Kaitian who helped her regain her position. How could she, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, endure it?

Blinking back and forth, Yuan Long brought the man back and punched him in the eye, making him burst into tears. Then he coldly said to Chaos on the other side: "You have been watching for so long, it's time for you to come out, right?" ”

The chaos slowly opened up, and a middle-aged man with a frightened face walked out. As soon as he showed his face, he quickly bowed to several people and saluted, "I'm Lan Tu, I've met you all."

Yuan Long looked Lan Tu up and down, then threw the monk in his hand in front of him, "Kill him, didn't you two fight very fiercely just now?"

Lan Tu looked at the monk with an embarrassed expression, feeling regretful in his heart. Why did he stay here if he had nothing to do? I didn't get it cheap, and I was blocked.

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