Life Control Chart

Chapter 451: Medicine Fragrance City

This sentence immediately cooled down the scene. All the realm lords looked at Yuan Long in surprise, wondering in their minds which realm lord had just come to take control of his life. He even dared to mess with the realm lord who owned the city.

The man in fine clothes immediately turned around to face Yuan Long and narrowed his eyes.

"Your Excellency, you have such a strong voice. Did you just come here?"

"Hey, it's not long, just a dozen years."

"For more than ten years, it seems that no one has taught you a lesson. Today, I will let you, the arrogant Realm Master, know that you are just an ant!"

Shi Yu pulled Mo Liqing behind him to block his figure. If he raised his head, he might not be able to withstand the intense gaze.

Mo Liqing quietly raised her eyebrows and looked at Shi Yu's back, secretly guessing when the master accepted this disciple and why he had such a bad fate and fell into Tie Zhan's hands again.

Yuan Long was furious. From the moment she was born, no one dared to call her an ant. Even the world leader had to be polite and call her a friend when he met him. What is Iron War? Never heard of it!

He punched Tie Zhan in the chest. Tie Zhan looked at Yuan Long in shock, and Yuan Long also looked at Tie Zhan in shock.

Tie Zhan didn't see how Yuan Long jumped in front of him, but the severe pain in his chest made him feel something he hadn't felt in countless years.

As for Yuan Long, he was surprised that his punch did not blow up Tie Zhan, but only made a head-sized dent in his chest.

After the shock, Tie Zhan screamed in pain. He clutched his chest and backed away, knocking over several stalls before sitting down on the ground.

"Awesome!" Yuan Long looked at his red fist and said in disbelief: "I thought you became a scumbag all of a sudden? What is your true form? Why didn't I see it?"

The expressions of the realm masters in the shop changed. The power Yuan Long showed was far beyond the scope of what the realm masters here should have.

This small town is the dividing point between the edge and the periphery of the land of destiny, and judging from Yuanlong's strength, he should at least appear in the inner periphery.

Tie Zhan twisted his face, struggled to stand up from the ground, and no longer dared to speak loudly. He cupped his fists and apologized to Yuan Long, "I am Tie Zhan, the master of the Tie Yuan world. The body is an iron mountain. I don't know what you call it?"

Yuan Long shook his fist disdainfully, pointed at Mo Liqing, and asked: "Tell me what's going on first? The world masters are only dead, how can anyone be a servant?"

This is absolutely correct. As long as it is a realm lord who can come to control the land of destiny, whoever is not a powerful lord in all realms would rather die than submit to others.

Shi Yu suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly penetrated into Mo Liqing's body. After a little inspection, he became furious, "Slave Seal! It turns out to be Slave Seal!"

Tie Zhan took a deep breath and explained: "These are realm masters who lost the battle. They were rescued from the brink of death. After taking the slave seal, they sealed their cultivation. I just bought a few to be servants."

Shi Yu and Yuan Long frowned at the same time. There is actually a business of buying and selling people in the land of Yu Ming? But what is the value of such a completely disabled person? Is Tie Zhan still willing to trade treasures for a few handymen?

"What's the price?" Yuan Long asked coldly.

"No money! As long as I can come forward when that person needs help, as for other people who want to buy it, just a piece of white Yuanling per person."

"So expensive?" Shi Yu was shocked. The white Yuanling was already the highest level among the Yuanlings. How willing to spend such a high price to buy a servant with no fighting power!

Immediately, Shi Yu felt that something was wrong. No one would do a loss-making business. A piece of white Yuanling was enough for an ordinary world leader to fight for half an hour. What could a servant do?

What's the use? Which realm lord still needs someone to serve him? This is not Wanjie!

"Senior Brother, what's going on?" Shi Yu took Mo Liqing's arm and walked back to Zhu Yanlan.

Zhu Yanlan couldn't help it, so she also called her senior brother.

Mo Liqing was shocked at first. How many more disciples did Master Xindao accept after he left? Why are they all Realm Lords? Then he raised his eyes to look at Yuan Long, secretly guessing who this great master was.

With so many masters supporting her, Mo Liqing put down the burden in her heart and sighed: "It's all my fault for being too impatient. I thought I was invincible after entering the world master realm. Who knew that when I came to the realm of destiny, I couldn't move even an inch and was on the verge of being beaten to death?" die.

Later, there was a world leader who was good at using secret healing methods. He rescued people like me and called them medicine people. Sell ​​it to others to raise, and only wait for the injured to be directly stripped of the essence and blood to heal the injury.

Although our cultivation level has been sealed, our body is still the main body of the world, and our essence and blood are still of some use. "

Shi Yu understood that when he rescued Xiao Hei, he also killed a dozen world masters and used their blood and essence to water Xiao Hei's weak body.

"You're so stupid. You can be marked as a slave even if you lose. How did you climb up to the Realm Lord Realm?" Yuan Long's unceremonious voice sounded, making Mo Liqing hang her head in shame.

Shi Yu didn't have time to waste any more nonsense, so he immediately walked up to Tie Zhan and asked: "Where is the person who took the slave seal?"

Anger suddenly rose in Tie Zhan's brows, and then dissipated. Although Yuan Long was powerful, if he encountered a powerful realm lord who controlled the trade of medicine men in nearly a hundred cities, he would only be defeated. It would be best if he could be killed, so that he could get out of his chest. Bad breath.

"To the northeast, one hundred and seventy thousand miles away, is Yaoxiang City, and the city's lord is Lord Yao Shen."

Shi Yu nodded and walked to Yuan Long, "Senior, please help me take care of Yan Lan and the others here. I'll be back soon."

Yuan Long punched Shi Yu on the forehead, "You brat, you're crazy! The other party is a prosperous world lord, why do you do that?"

Shi Yu grinned silently and reached out to scratch his neck a few times.

Yuan Long hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Then... you should be careful, leave this place to me."

Shi Yu immediately stood up and ran away, galloping in the direction Tie Zhan said.

The dozens of realm masters who had been watching stared blankly at Shi Yu flying away, wondering why an ordinary cultivator would go to Master Yao Ning? Even if he was a medicine man, Master Yao Ning thought his realm was too low!

Shi Yu had no intention of attacking head-on. Not long after he flew out, he covered himself with the barrier leaf he had just taken back from Zhu Yanlan, and rushed to Yaoxiang City invisibly.

The location of the city lord was also easy to find. Master Yao Ning was very high-profile in his work. In an ordinary small city, his medicine hall was the most conspicuous.

Shi Yu stepped into the medicine hall invisibly. Dozens of realm masters who were tied together were sitting on the ground with sad faces. From them, Shi Yu sensed the same aura as Mo Liqing's slave seal.

These realm masters never thought that one day they would be reduced to being bullied by others.

An old man was busy around the gurgling and smoking cauldron. From time to time, he grabbed a realm master and dug out a few drops of hot blood from his heart. I think this is the Medicine God mentioned by Tie Zhan.

The captured realm masters all had hideous and twisted faces, as if they wanted to curse, but they were controlled by others and couldn't spit out a word.

Shi Yu looked intently and found that the lifeline of Medicine God was not as thick and tough as Yuan Long's, which made Shi Yu more confident in launching a sneak attack.

While Medicine God was concentrating on refining medicine, Shi Yu moved to the side of the medicine cauldron.

Medicine God immediately became alert and slapped the medicine cauldron with a "bang". The boiling medicine juice in the cauldron rushed up to the sky and fell to every corner of the medicine hall.

Shi Yu, who was standing next to the medicine cauldron, was the first to be hit and was about to be drenched in soup.

Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly and rushed out of the medicine hall as soon as the illusion appeared. He didn't dare to stay in the hall to attack. He didn't know what the effect of the boiling soup was, so he didn't want to get involved.

The God of Medicine looked around the hall suspiciously, ignoring the twisted realm masters on the ground.

The pot of medicine juice, when sprinkled on others, was a wisp of green smoke, as if it corroded the bodies of the realm masters like chaos. Even the ground was sizzling, and fist-sized pits appeared in front of him.

"Strange, no one? It's a pity that my Huayang Water was wasted so much at once. Alas! I'm old and suspicious."

The God of Medicine whispered to himself, shook his head and looked at the boiling pot. A large layer of medicine juice was missing.

Shi Yu didn't dare to get close to the old man again. He had never really competed with the full-blown realm master. In the past, they were mainly sparring, and each realm master gave him some points, otherwise Shi Yu would have no chance to stand intact.

The noise on the ground gradually subsided. The jumping worm-like realm masters looked very strange in their silent struggles. Their gray eyes were lifeless and their dry lips slightly opened and closed. The bones were broken where the medicine juice was poured.

"You should be happy. Without me, you would have died in the void long ago. Being alive is more important than anything else."

The God of Medicine whispered to the dying realm masters on the ground as if he was telling a story, and reached into the boiling pot with both hands to stir it constantly.

Just as Shi Yu was about to move, Medicine God suddenly smiled and said to Shi Yu without turning his head: "My friend, you have been standing at the door for so long, come in and take a rest."

Shi Yu was startled and was about to retreat, but he did not expect Medicine God to turn around suddenly, and his kind face looked like a ghost.

"Hey, who can escape from my Medicine Fragrance City? You, a little cultivator, can actually come to the place where life is controlled!"

The full cauldron of medicine juice rushed up with a bang. This time, it not only diffused in the Medicine Hall, but also covered the entire Medicine Fragrance City in an instant. What's more strange is that all the medicine juice did not fall to the ground, but was densely suspended in the air, like a thick fog.

All the houses that encountered the thick fog were like snow meeting water, and they quickly rotted and collapsed. The small Medicine Fragrance City became a ruined ruin in the blink of an eye.

The realm masters in the city suddenly screamed, and fled out of the city in a panic. They screamed when they touched a drop of medicine juice. Even though their body protection force was strong, they could not force the medicine juice away completely.

Everyone knew that the only one who could use medicine to attack was the Lord of Yaoxiang City. It was better not to provoke this old demon.

Shi Yu wanted to activate the illusion to avoid the medicine juice, but the God of Medicine was one step faster than him.

Although the God of Medicine did not spread his mind, he had already locked Shi Yu's position. The medicine juice in the sky seemed to have spirituality, turning into clouds and dragons that coiled around and surrounded Shi Yu tightly in the middle.

Shi Yu saw that there was no way to hide anymore, so he simply put away the barrier leaves, turned his head and looked around, and looked at the strange medicine juice.

He stretched out his finger to touch a drop, and the sizzling smoke rose immediately.

Shi Yu laughed in his heart. This was too different from Chaos. If he hadn't intentionally gathered the Chaos at his fingertips, the medicine wouldn't have left any injuries.

Knowing that the medicine was useless to him, Shi Yu felt relieved, shook off the medicine at his fingertips, and looked up at the Medicine God.

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