Life Control Chart

Chapter 461: Flying Zombie

Shi Yu was focused on chasing the Lord of the Untied Hair Realm, and ignored the insignificant attack of the Lord of the Hidden Realm.

It was his carelessness that caused him to encounter the first accident in this battle. A pitch-black sharp blade actually pierced through the black armor and stabbed Shi Yu's back.

"Chaos!" The Lord of the Hidden Realm was shocked and quickly threw away his weapon and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shi Yu stood in the void, the black armor retracted and reappeared, and the sharp blade inserted in the armor immediately fell down.

Shi Yu reached out and grabbed the sharp blade, and looked at it carefully. This was a divine weapon tempered in chaos. No wonder it was not afraid of chaos and pierced through the black armor and stabbed Shi Yu's vest.

"I was careless!" Shi Yu sighed in his heart. It was the same for him to have armor or not. He only wore armor to fight because of his feelings. His real strongest defense was still his body.

The Chaos Blade still failed to pierce Shi Yu's skin, but it also alerted him. Hunyuan Taichu said that it could resist divine weapons, but that was also seen in the Ten Thousand Worlds. When it came to the Land of Controlling Life, it was hard to determine what kind of weapons the Realm Masters had in their hands and whether they could hurt Hunyuan Taichu.

Breaking the weapon in his hand casually, Shi Yu looked up at the three Realm Masters who gathered together again.

Their faces were obviously very ugly, and now they just wanted to get out of this battle as soon as possible.

Shi Yu smiled lightly, "Just now I said, leave all the floating wealth, and you can leave."

The three Realm Masters just relaxed their faces and were ready to agree to Shi Yu's conditions, but heard cold words again.

"But now, I have changed my mind, I will take the things myself!" Without waiting for the three to speak to seek compromise, Shi Yu disappeared like the hidden Realm Master.

The three were shocked and immediately used their life-saving skills to disperse, hoping that Shi Yu would chase others so that they could escape.

The first person Shi Yu wanted to take down was the Hidden Realm Lord. He was not fast, but he had a secret technique that could make him disappear in sight and mind. Among the three, only he could easily escape Shi Yu's pursuit.

Under the effect of illusion, Shi Yu clearly saw the Hidden Realm Lord slowly disappearing from head to toe.

Just when his feet were still exposed in the void, one foot in front and one foot behind, as if he was going to step into the air and fly back to avoid Shi Yu, Shi Yu punched out and hit him five feet above his feet.

There was the chest of the Hidden Realm Lord.

There was no need for screams, and there would be no more.

When Shi Yu retracted his fist, a corpse with a hole in the chest slowly floated up.

The physical disability was not enough to kill a realm lord, but Shi Yu's soul power rushed out at the same time, blasting towards the soul along the wound, and the Hidden Realm Lord instantly became a newly dead hot corpse.

The Beast Tamer and the Flying Haired Lord fled in completely opposite directions. They were cunning and left the front, where Shi Yu could easily chase them, to the Hidden Lord. Perhaps this was their tacit understanding. After all, the Hidden Lord had the greatest chance of escaping.

Shi Yu looked around, swung his body, and threw himself behind the Flying Haired Lord. He shouted, shaking him dizzy and weak.

Knowing that he was unlikely to escape, the Flying Haired Lord finally used his real ability. Without the boring bone spear and space cage, he suddenly grew wings on his back, his whole body became shrunken and old, and his skin was close to his bones, as if he had suddenly become a ten-thousand-year-old zombie.

"Flying zombie? Shi Yu! Kill him!" Yuan Long, who was looking from afar, shouted in shock.

Even Yuan Long shouted to kill him, so Shi Yu certainly did not dare to neglect him. He rolled up the chaos with his fists and smashed it into the face of the flying zombie.

The flying zombie grinned and also raised his fists to meet Shi Yu's fists.

When the four fists met, Shi Yu felt his arms go numb, and the flying zombie screamed and wailed, rolling over.

The flying zombie wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape when Shi Yu repelled it, but Shi Yu blocked him in front of him and punched his ears with his fists, causing his brain to burst.

Shi Yu was also surprised. The hair-flying master turned into a flying zombie, and his strength was more than a hundred times greater. If it weren't for Shi Yu's blessing of Huan Shi, who also had a thousand times the strength of Yuan Long, he might not be the opponent of the flying zombie.

Seeing the flying zombie die suddenly, Yuan Long's tense face relaxed. At this time, the beastmaster had already fled far away.

But he was the least threatening and the least likely to escape. Shi Yu disappeared in an instant, stood in front of the beastmaster and casually threw out a few chaotic flying blades, cutting him into several pieces, killing him to death.

The other realm masters who had been alarmed by the grand battle retreated quietly after seeing that the battle was over. No one thought that Shi Yu had exhausted his strength. Moreover, the three who took action were the most powerful realm masters nearby. Even if they wanted to fish in troubled waters, they were not very capable.

While collecting the spoils, Shi Yu asked Yuan Long, "Senior, what happened to the flying zombie? You seem very nervous."

Yuan Long patted his chest in fear, "This is a completely unexpected discovery. The flying zombies once ravaged the world a long time ago. Not many people know about their existence. After several consecutive encirclements, there are still fish that have escaped the net.

The flying zombies may not be very powerful, but they have a characteristic. Any cultivator who has fought with them will voluntarily become their blood food as long as they cannot kill them.

If you fight with him for a day and are evenly matched, as long as he wants, you will lie down and let him eat you!"

Shi Yu took a breath and couldn't figure out what kind of magical power this was.

"It's nothing. What's the difference between this and the Beast Taming Lord capturing and raising spiritual beasts? Is it just because he eats cultivators?" Kui San was still angry at the Beast Taming Lord, but he didn't care about Fei Zhuang's behavior.

"You're stupid! Even if a monk can capture a spiritual beast, he can beat you. Fei Zhan can touch you lightly and pretend to apologize while you are angry. One day later, he will come up to you and ask you to donate your own blood and flesh. What can you do? ?" Yuan Long hit Kui San hard on the head.

"Is this okay?"

Everyone was really shocked. With this ability, he was truly invincible. Everyone would accidentally bump into someone, so we couldn't kill everyone who accidentally touched him, right?

"So, this guy took the opportunity to kill countless more powerful realm masters than him. If Shi Yu hadn't pushed you into a hurry today, he wouldn't have been exposed. I think this guy is hiding here, just waiting for the war to start. Go for the cheap ones last.”

"How to identify such monks?" Shi Yu asked again.

"Eyes! The pupils of Fei Zhan's eyes are all slightly slanted. There are very few Fei Zhan nowadays, and no one even knows how to identify them, so you don't have to worry too much." Yuan Long said with emotion.

Shi Yu pondered: "I think Fei Zhan must also have an extremely powerful soul and a talent for confusing people, otherwise it would be incredible!"

After a short rest, Shi Yu and his party embarked on the journey to find Xi Liuyun again.

The remaining power from the First World War was still there, and the surrounding world lords retreated when they saw Shi Yu and others. Those who had a fixed base on the star continent did not dare to show hostility anymore.

A few people easily traveled seven or eight days and settled in a town.

On the outskirts of the Land of Controlling Life, Shi Yu truly experienced the Realm of the Realm Lord.

The more powerful you go, the more lush and prosperous you can see. There are even flowers, plants and trees near some monks who use spiritual plants as their main bodies. This makes Shi Yu and others who are tired of seeing the barren hills and cracked soil. People are very excited.

Shi Yu also expected to meet Cao Xinxin in these beautiful places, but what he saw disappointed him.

The reason why he settled here was because Mo Liqing couldn't hold it any longer.

In the past few days, Mo Liqing had been suppressing his injuries in order to prove that he was still a strong Realm Master. In fact, he had been weak for a long time, and today he finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell into the void.

The towns built by the powerful world lords are not like the small cities on the edge. They can call themselves a city with only a few houses and three or four avenues.

The towns here actually have a bit of a market atmosphere. In addition to shops for purchasing treasures, there are also courtyards for people to stay temporarily.

Their only purpose in building a town is to exchange for treasures from other realm lords and strive for the rare opportunity to break through the realm in the future.

Yuanlong did not live in those empty houses, but randomly found a larger open space, and built a small courtyard with a few rooms. She had never thought about how luxurious and comfortable it was, and how to simply block the wind. Just cover it from the rain.

Shi Yu and others didn't care about this. They settled down with Mo Liqing and took a short rest before strolling through the streets of the town to see if there was any treasure they liked.

In towns, as long as there is no conflict with others, it is always safe.

After only visiting two shops, Shi Yu encountered three or four disputes. The world masters who were confronting each other did not say much and directly jumped up into the void. The treasures that were spotted by both of them were put aside for the time being. Put it on hold until someone comes back to discuss ownership.

Yi Da and Kui San followed Shi Yu cautiously, not daring to say a word. Only Zhu Yanlan looked at the world leaders who left to fight and asked Shi Yu in a low voice, "What if neither of them comes back?"

"If neither of them comes back, this item will continue to be sold in three days!" The owner of the stall smiled and took out a few treasures that the female cultivators liked and placed them on the stall, making it clear that they were doing Zhu Yanlan's business.

The Realm Master was very ingenious and saw that Zhu Yanlan was dressed in fiery red, and the treasures displayed were also of a fiery nature. They were all surrounded by red flames and looked extremely exquisite.

Zhu Yanlan had never used World Lord-level treasures as jewelry before. When she saw those phoenix hairpins and earrings, she couldn't take her eyes away. She just felt that if she brought these treasures, her realm would rise to a higher level out of thin air.

It was rare for Shi Yu to see that his wife liked foreign things, so he immediately asked: "My friend, how much do these things cost?"

The owner of the stall was very happy. He pushed the things in front of Shi Yu and said loudly: "Take all the ten pieces of black Yuanling."

Without hesitation, Shi Yu reached out and took out a piece of white Yuanling that Yuanlong had shed back then, and handed it to him.

A white Yuanling as big as a fist is much more valuable than ten black Yuanlings.

The owner of the stall took the Yuan Ling with a smile, glanced sideways at Yuan Long, who looked unhappy, and said in a low voice: "Xialuoxian, you are so generous. The Yuan Ling body that this girl has shed is so lifelike. A treasure trove!”

Yuan Long's face became even more worried when he heard this, he stared at Luoxian fiercely, and growled: "Boy! If you don't accept it, let's fight!"

Luoxian waved his hands repeatedly, "It's a joke! It's just a joke. I watched the battle between you guys from beginning to end."

Shi Yu glanced at Luo Xian in surprise. He knew he couldn't afford to offend him, but he still kept his mouth shut. His courage was really extraordinary.

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