Life Control Chart

Chapter 468 Mai Heng

Hahahaha, uttering some nonsense, Jian Kaitian suddenly looked stern, with a big face, and the facial features were squeezed inward at the same time, creating an ugly and ferocious King Kong anger look, which frightened the three of them even more.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Kaitian pulled out the giant sword behind him, and thousands of golden lights struck out. In an instant, he flashed in front of the Lord of the Three Realms, and he killed him without even testing.

The masters of the three realms were shocked and angry at the same time. While shouting, they all resorted to the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, and several colorful shields immediately blocked the front.

Nan Ke stretched out his arms and threw out a large piece of bright light like a feather, which collided with Jian Kaitian's sword light and made a sizzling sound.

Jian Kaitian looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. The violent sword light hit the bright light and swelled and collapsed like a bubble, just like an ordinary monk attacking and falling into chaos.

Shi Yu was also curious. In this extremely fringe realm, it was rare to see a realm master who could block Jian Kaitian's full blow.

"Okay! Your grandpa and I haven't moved our muscles for a long time, so I'm going to have some fun with you today!"

There was a loud shout, and the giant sword that opened the sky was thrown up into the sky, and he pressed his palms falsely. The surrounding stars and continents began to tremble violently again, turning into sky-breaking spears and roaring towards them.

Shi Yu smiled, remembering that when he first entered Xuanpan, Jian Kaitian also turned Xinglu into a giant pillar reaching the sky, instantly killing tens of thousands of ambushing monks in Shuihuan Palace, and breaking the trap carefully laid by Ao Dingming.

It seems that Jian Kaitian is no longer his reckless nature, just slashing with his sword. He knows how to make good use of the talent of the Earth and Stone Spirit King, using the power of the earth to defeat enemies and kill thieves.

The three realm masters had just blocked thousands of sword rays when they saw giant spears dozens of miles thick rushing towards them. The void around them suddenly became dark. All directions were blocked by the giant spears, and there was no space for them to dodge. No.

Unable to suppress their horror any longer, the three of them stood on their backs and waved their magical weapons at the same time.

Nanke's feathers flew up, like long arrows piercing the air and piercing the giant spear. They collided with each other, causing the earth and rocks to fly and the feathers to break.

As for the other two, they were both circles drawn in the void, with pieces of pitch-black round shields standing upright. When they hit the giant spears, they were like irons driven into fat, burning open several feet of nothingness.

After all, the spear was made of the Star Continent. It was made of loose material and seemed to be powerful. However, its actual strength was too scattered and insubstantial, and it could not stop the concentrated strength of the Lord of the Three Realms to focus on one point.

But this was enough. When the Lord of the Three Realms broke through the giant gun bombardment and passed by the broken gun body, they were photographed by the big sword thrown by Jian Kaitian. The five-foot-wide sword body could just kill all three of them. Cover.

The two Shield Masters were slightly weaker and did not immediately notice the strangeness on the top of their heads. They thought it was the unfinished gun body that had missed the target, so they stared straight ahead and forgot about the top of their heads.

Only Nan Ke screamed and struck forward, and the flying arrows rushed out quickly and hit the broad sword body.

The big sword is not a giant spear, but a divine weapon carefully cultivated by Jian Kaitian. Not only did the flying collision of Ling Yu fail to slow down the incoming force, but it aroused the ferocity of the divine weapon, spontaneously counterattacked with more sword light, and hit the three of them head-to-head.

Shi Yu was surprised. He didn't know that Jian Kaitian had actually nourished the natal artifact to such an extent that it seemed as if there was a sword spirit inside that could proactively face the enemy.

Mai Heng nodded repeatedly as he saw it. Although his strength was shattered, his vision was still there. Jian Kaitian, whether it was himself or a divine weapon, could penetrate his eyes.

The Lord of the Three Realms only had one active attack from the beginning to the end, and that was the green energy. What followed was endless resistance and suppression, and at this moment, it finally became difficult to resist and collapsed instantly.

The sword light inspired by the feathers thrust forward, and the powerful and heavy sword body slapped behind. After the sword light pierced the protective energy of the three realm masters, the giant sword slapped them flat again.

The three people screamed in the void and plummeted hundreds of miles, clinging to

The sword was vomiting blood profusely.

If Jian Kaitian had not been merciful and used the sword body instead of the blade, they would have been chopped into several pieces, and their souls would have wandered away in the void.

Jian Kaitian was merciful not because he was kind-hearted, but because he had more ruthless and greedy thoughts.

Carrying the three people back to Shi Yu, Jian Kaitian dropped the three people who could no longer resist. He looked at Shi Yu without saying anything and just raised his jaw to signal.

It wasn't until Shi Yu tore open their body orifices that Jian Kaitian grinned and laughed silently.

Mai Heng watched in shock as Shi Yu performed his magical skill of opening up the orifice. He shrunk his neck and did not dare to speak. He was afraid that Shi Yu would do the same to him, and he would never survive a day.

Every time at this time, Xi Ling would jump out with everyone, ignoring Jian Kaitian's murderous gaze, roll up the treasure and run away.

The Lord of the Three Realms looked at this scene powerlessly and horrified. In his eyes, Shi Yu was no different than the Demon Lord from the abyss of hell, and Jian Kaitian was his sharpest minion.

After peeling off all the treasures, Jian Kaitian pushed the three of them in front of Shi Yu, "Don't waste it, Devour the Yuan Jing."

Shi Yu was startled, Zhu Yanlan and Yi Da were stunned for a moment, and even Kui San, who had already thrown himself into the treasure pile, froze in it and looked back.

Shi Yu shook his head and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Let them leave and leave the place where they control their lives."

Jian Kaitian curled his lips, "If it were Ling Xiao, he would never let them go."

"I'm not Ling Xiao, don't talk nonsense, give them what they need to return to the world, and drive them away quickly!" Shi Yu frowned and turned around.

Jian Kaitian casually grabbed a few spiritual materials, stuffed them into the hands of the three, and spent some Yuan energy on them, splitting the space barrier and kicked the three of them in, without leaving them any time to say a word.

"You can't do this! Only relying on aura and chaos, it will take you and me who knows how many years to enter the Realm Lord Realm. Only by using the Devouring Essence Sutra, can you enter the Realm Master Realm earlier and be able to protect yourself in the depths of the Destiny Land. , think about what to do!”

Jian Kaitian said nothing and went to grab the treasure from Kui San as if nothing had happened. The yelling was not formal, as if the vicious person just now was not him.

Zhu Yanlan stood next to Shi Yu and said, "I think Jian Kaitian is right. Look here, everyone is fighting for each other, and if they win, they let them go. You are the only one."

Mai Heng looked at the three realm masters who fell into chaos with some regret. Shi Yu couldn't give it to him at all. Anyway, these people were seeking revenge from him. If he killed them, he would not be burdened, and he could also take the essence to live longer. sky.

Shi Yu didn't answer. He already had an idea on how to break into the realm of the world master.

Offering his hand to Mai Hengyi, Shi Yu directly explained his purpose of coming, "Senior Mai, I am here to ask you, how did you realize the will to break the world? How did you realize it at that time?"

Mai Heng was startled, lowered his head and thought for a moment, "Well, at that time, I was meditating, and suddenly I felt that this world is an illusion, just a shadow of another world. As long as I can follow the shadow to find my true body, I can escape from the illusion. Go into the real world.

I did it, I suddenly stood up, and then everything in front of me disappeared, and I was in nothingness in no time.

I've told you what happened next. I didn't see anything there, but I was slapped by someone. "

"I remember you said that you felt like you were standing at the top of the sky. Why?"

"Because I can feel that everything is under my feet, and I am standing on top of all the worlds, including the place where I control my destiny."

"The place where you control your destiny

Also at your feet? "

"Well, everything is at your feet, including the place where you control your destiny." Mai Heng nodded firmly.

Shi Yu didn't know if what he thought before was correct. He had guessed that the place of controlling life coincided with the space of controlling life. The two were just different in appearance.

"How to realize the will to break the world... It should be that my realm is high enough. I was already at the top of the world masters at that time. I suddenly broke through the realm during practice and was one level higher than others, so I naturally developed the will to break the world. Even now, I can still feel that there is a world above, but I am unable to go up. ”

Mai Heng continued without stopping.

Shi Yu's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly: "In other words, if you recover your strength now, can you regenerate the will to break the boundary and go there again?"

Mai Heng hesitated and said, "I think it should be okay."

Shi Yu thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Have you ever met Yu Luyao?"

"I've seen this guy, he's a very powerful guy. He was evenly matched against each other back then."

"Yu Luyao has the will to break boundaries, do you know that?"

Mai Heng let out a long sigh and said, "I know, we had a long talk. He was much wiser than me and forcibly stripped away the will to break the boundary. He said that at that time he felt that the time to break the boundary was not yet ripe and he could not ascend rashly. Therefore, he also His strength is greatly reduced, otherwise he wouldn’t be tied with me.”

Shi Yu took a breath of cold air. Yu Luyao, whose strength had been greatly reduced, was already a top master among the realm masters. So what would he be like in his full glory?

"Besides Yu Luyao, how many people can compare with you?"

"I've seen hundreds of them, and there are some I've never seen in person, I just heard about them."

"So many?" Shi Yu was surprised.

Mai Heng looked at Shi Yu sideways, "What? All realms have existed for countless years, and realm lords have emerged one after another, and they have infinite lifespans. Who knows how many realm lords there are in the land of destiny?"

Shi Yu was silent, Mai Heng was right, as long as the world masters did not fight with others, they would be immortal, and there would only be more and more of them.

"...Do you think I will be your rival in your heyday?"

Mai Heng considered it carefully and shook his head, "If it were just the strength you showed now, it would still be a lot worse. That big man can support me with a few moves."

Shi Yu didn't expect that he would be better than Yu Luyao now, but Jian Kaitian could only hold on for a few times, which was really beyond his expectation.

"Then..." Shi Yu finally revealed his true purpose, "Let's give it a try. I'll help you regain your strength, and then go up with you to have a look! Are you willing?"

Mai Heng's eyes widened and he looked at Shi Yu in disbelief. He was not surprised, but thought that Shi Yu was crazy. The only way for low-level monks to help the Realm Master recover is to serve as rations. One is definitely not enough, countless are enough. reluctantly!

Shi Yu didn't say much, stretched out his hand to separate the fist-sized foundation of creation and soul foundation, and showed it in front of Mai Heng, "Which one is useful to you?"

Mai Heng's eyes widened even more. No matter which one, he felt extremely heart-beating, feeling that his hope for survival lay in Shi Yu's hands.

He couldn't wait to grab the foundation of creation and put it into his body. He also grabbed the foundation of soul and stuffed it into his forehead. A pleasant moan came out of Mai Heng's mouth.

The face is relaxed and the eyes are closed smoothly.

His body, which had been seriously injured for many years, suddenly became ten thousand times more relaxed.

But Shi Yu's brows were still frowning tightly. In his eyes, Mai Heng's vitality suddenly soared, but then slowly fell. He still did not get rid of the heavy shadow of death.

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