Life Control Chart

Chapter 489: The Ultimate Yin and the Ultimate Yang

Dujiao roared loudly, and the twelve yellow eyes shot out bright golden light at the same time, which collided with the two blazing suns and made a thundering roar.

But he was obviously no match for Jiu Chan. The twelve golden lights collapsed instantly, but the blazing sun still flew down and struck, with the potential to kill Shi Yu and Mu Jiao in one fell swoop.

"Are you injured?" Shi Yu turned to ask Mu Jiao, his performance was really poor.

"Yeah! That bitch Xiyue made a sneak attack, and she broke most of my meridians when I didn't check." Mujiao's eyes flashed with hatred, and hundreds of golden lights shot out.

Shi Yu glanced at Xi Yue. She was still like a full moon hanging in the sky. She couldn't stop giggling after hearing Mu Jiao's words.

"Good brother, my sister was so happy to see you that she couldn't hold back her strength during the moment of intimacy, but she didn't really want to hurt you, geez!"

Jiu Chan on the side immediately frowned when he heard this, hummed lowly, and then shot several bright sun wheels.

Shi Yu raised his hand, and a hundred torrents of chaos rushed forward, making a "buzz" sound against all the light wheels, and then quietly transmitted a message to Mujiao:

"I'll seize the opportunity later and give that concubine a hard blow."

Mujiao paused slightly when he heard the words, his expression remained unchanged but his feet began to gather strength, and the limbs like chicken claws trembled slightly.

Xiyue immediately noticed it, and with a "hoo" sound, she approached Baili, and the bright green light splashed down again, chasing the light wheel that had not completely disappeared and hitting the twilight corner.

Shi Yu shouted loudly, raised his palms up to the sky, the rushing chaos became more turbulent, and thousands of black lights shot out of his eyes, flying into the center of the light wheel.

The sharply falling Sun Sun Wheel immediately shook and collapsed, exploding with a loud bang.

The light shield was shattered, and the chaos was like a group of pythons entangled. They instantly merged into one force and rushed towards Xiyue's green light. The upper and lower divine powers collided and annihilated each other. The confrontation point moved up and down, and there was a stalemate. No one could do anything about the other.


Shi Yu shouted violently again, stepped on the ground with both feet and stood up, charging towards Xiyue with all his strength.

The slight smile on Xiyue's face immediately stopped, and she didn't dare to neglect her hands. The already strong green light suddenly pressed towards Shi Yu like a huge wave.

Jiuchan, who was hanging on the side, saw that Mujiao was seriously injured on the ground and unattended. He smiled ferociously and pounced away, his fists once again blooming with blazing light. Xiyue shouted a brother's voice so affectionately, even though he knew it was false, he felt angry and wanted to punch Mu Jiao.

Just when Jiu Chan was about to pounce in front of Mu Jiao, and his ferocious expression grew bigger and bigger in Mu Jiao's twelve eyes, a person suddenly flew out from Shi Yu's body and slashed Jiu Chan's back with his sword.

Jiu Chan was concentrating on destroying Mujiao when he suddenly felt the murderous intention behind him. He thought it was Shi Yu who turned around to attack, so he immediately turned around in the air, punched out both fists, and the majestic fist shot up into the sky.

But his eyes suddenly widened when he saw everything clearly.

Shi Yu was still charging forward against the green light in the distance. What came over him was a rough and giant man. The big sword in the giant man's hand had already drawn cracks in the space and was about to hit the top of his head in an instant.

"Huh? It's you!"

Jiuchan immediately recognized Jian Kaitian, the stone man who was slapped away by him in Xiyue Secret Realm!

"It's your grandpa and me! You bastards, let's see who dies and who lives today!" Jian Kaitian screamed louder, and he could not forget the humiliation of that day.

Jiuchan turned around and left the empty door of his vest to Mujiao. Mujiao also knew that this was not the time to be polite, and immediately his twelve yellow eyes shot out golden light at the same time, hitting Jiuchan and pushing him faster. Toward Jian Kaitian.

"Damn it! I want both of you to die!" Jiu

Zen was furious, but what he shouted was nonsense. Now it was a dramatic battle for each other's lives, and no one would let anyone go!


Jiuchen's fist power collided with the giant sword of Jian Kaitian. The Jian Kaitian that he expected to fly in response did not appear. Instead, the two fist powers were like congealed fat meeting fire. The crackling sound continued to dissipate, and the sharp sword edge In an instant, it hit the forehead several inches straight.


Jiu Chan screamed in pain, if his body wasn't super strong, this sword could split him into two pieces.

He immediately opened his palms and slapped the sword surface hard. Jiu Chan clamped the sword body tightly to prevent it from penetrating further into his body.

But this also caused his body to fall rapidly with the sword, and then headed towards the dusk corner.

Mu Jiao was merciless when faced with the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. His two forelimbs thrust forward at the same time, and unexpectedly shot out from his body, piercing Jiu Zen's heart like flying claws.

What's even more amazing is that these two steel claws flew silently, without any feeling of power.

Jiu Zen, who had his back turned to the steel claw, had no idea that the danger was approaching. Even if he senses danger, Jiu Zen has no time to take care of it.

Jian Kaitian's sword body is full of chaos, which is pouring into his body from the wound on his forehead, wiping away his head bit by bit. Even the two palms holding the sword body are completely destroyed at this moment, and the snow-white bones are exposed inch by inch. Erosion.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and bright light burst out from Jiuzhen's palm again, creating a tiny gap between the palm and the sword body, blocking the chaos that kept biting the palm.

Little by little, Jiuchan slowly pulled out the giant sword from his body.

Just when he was about to succeed, Duijiao's steel claws came behind him and inserted into Jiuchan's body easily. One pinched his heart and the other strangled his neck and throat.

In terms of cultivation, Jiuzhan was much higher than Jian Kaitian. If not for this, he would have been swallowed up by the chaos. But he had lost the opportunity. At this moment, Dujiao was attacking behind him, and he fell into a huge defeat in a moment.

Jiu Chan's eyes suddenly widened, his whole body burst into endless light, and instantly turned into a brilliant blazing sun. With a roar, he forcefully knocked open the sword Kaitian, and flashed to Xiyue's side.


Dujiao also roared loudly, and grasped hard with his detached arms, but felt that his grasp was not fully real, and the heart tube that was fully grasped in the claws suddenly slipped away from the gap between his fingers.

Flashing to Xiyue's side, Jiuchan exploded with a "bang", and then quickly gathered into a human form. Mujiao's arms were caught in his hands, looking at him with hatred.

Jian Kaitian looked at Jiu Chan in surprise. He still looked half injured. There were no sword marks on his forehead, no scratches on his body. He was completely clean and his palms were full of flesh and blood.

Mujiao, who had lost his arms, was roaring and accumulating power again. Jiuchan, who was still furious, heard Xiyue scream: "Throw away! Throw away the claws!"

Although Jiu Chan was shocked, he did not hesitate. He immediately swung his arms and threw Mujiao's claws far away.


The huge explosion shattered a large area of ​​​​the void, and the floating stars and continents within a radius of thousands of miles were trembling violently.

Mujiao smiled ferociously, stretched out his broken arm, stretched out his two intact arms, shook his claw joints a few times, and shook off the sticky body fluids.

At this time, Shi Yu had already rushed in front of Xi Yue under the green light. There was only an inch between his palms and Xi Yue's body. In this square inch, the green light and chaos were compacted, and huge power flowed and condensed. , almost forming a solid clot.

The sound of cracking and squeezing indicates that if one party is weak, it will be blasted back by the extremely condensed power.

Go ahead, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"Go to hell!"

Jiu Chan, who was very close at hand, took advantage of the void and burst into light again. A scorching sun instantly rose behind Jiu Chan. He was like a sun god standing in the middle of the scorching sun, looking down at all living things.

Shi Yu, who only wanted to fight Xi Yue head-on, had no chance of distracting himself from Jiu Chan, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

Jian Kaitian was so anxious when he saw this, he immediately roared and jumped out, but before he could do it in time, as soon as he moved, Jiu Chan's fist hit Shi Yu's forehead.

Shi Yu had to grit his teeth and try hard to redirect his strength. Even if he took Xiyue's blow, he still had to fend off the fist that hit the head with all its strength.

A surprising scene appeared. Xiyue also turned her strength at the same time, blasting all the condensed power between him and Shi Yu on Jiuchan.

Without any surprise, Shi Yu and Xi Yue blasted out with all their strength at the same time. Only Shi Jue Master could handle it. Jiu Chan, who was so close at hand, was instantly broken into thousands of heavenly threads.

"Xiyue! You are so cruel!"

This was Jiu Chan's last mournful cry before his death, while Xiyue rolled up the blazing sun that was still blooming high in the sky and escaped with a sharp smile.

"Kekeke! Jiuzen, rest in peace! I will enjoy your Zhiyang essence!"

The sharp and receding laughter made Shi Yu and others feel cold all over.

"What a poisonous woman! She played with us all over again!" For a long time, Jiankai Genius trembled and cursed, regardless of the ambiguity in his words.

Mujiao felt something, and his body shook violently to regain his human form, which also woke him up from the nightmare.

Shi Yu was still high in the sky, staring at Xi Yue's retreating direction for a long time before slowly falling back to Jian Kaitian and Mu Jiao.

He could not imagine such a cruel woman.

"What did this poisonous woman capture? What kind of treasure is that shiny thing?" Jian Kaitian only thought that Xiyue was coveting Jiuchen's treasure, so he suddenly resorted to murderous measures.

Mujiao sneered and said: "That's not a treasure, it's the source of power! Xiyue's yin and charming body needs the power of the blazing sun to reconcile and moisten it. That dead idiot has been shining brightly. Haha, let yourself go now. Dead!"

Shi Yu looked up at the deserted sky again and sighed: "Aren't they Taoist companions? Why would Xiyue attack her Taoist companion?"

"Taoist couple? Who told you that they were Taoist lovers? If she had a Taoist couple, my wife back then..." Mujiao couldn't continue, his eyes suddenly turned red and his teeth clenched.

Shi Yu knew a little about Xiyue and Mujiao's past. Xiyue captured Mujiao's wife, tortured her to death in front of him, and locked Mujiao in Xiyue's secret realm.

She herself said that she once liked Dusk Point, but the way she liked him was really terrifying.

"They have been together for countless years and they are not Taoist couples?" Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian were surprised at the same time. Jiuchan kept saying that he was Xiyue's husband and he was always by Xiyue's side. What else could he be if he were not a Taoist couple?


Mujiao's eyes were closed tightly, and he exhaled a depressed breath for a long time, "Xi Yue, this bitch, whoever touches her will be in trouble!

With her yin and charm body, the best Taoist companion is of course someone like Jiu Chan who practices the Fierce Yang Technique. They are the same as each other. But if they form a Taoist couple, they will always advance and retreat together in the same realm.

Let me ask, with Xiyue's insidious and selfish temperament, how could she be willing to limit her own strength to others? She just wants to seize the other person's origin to fulfill herself! Stupid Jiuchen, his death is not worth it! "

Only then did Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian understand, and they shook their heads repeatedly.

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