Life Control Chart

Chapter 493 The world lies at your feet

Wu Po was even more embarrassed and muttered: "How come you know everything? You speak exactly like that old man Yu Luyao."

Shi Yu put down his finger and said curiously: "Yu Luyao also said that? It seems that he has really figured out a lot of things!"

"That old man is so naughty. If he hadn't stopped me last time, I would have punched Yu Tong to death. He and his son clearly refused to deal with it, but he didn't even want me to take action! This old guy will die sooner or later after his son On hand."

"Did you almost kill Yu Tong?" Shi Yu exclaimed.

Wu Po looked at Shi Yu in confusion, "What's so great about Yu Tong? It's just three punches and two kicks."

"Don't kill him! Leave it to me! If anyone kills him in the future, help me stop him." Shi Yu looked at Wu Po solemnly.

Wu Po stared at Shi Yu, wondering how much hatred Shi Yu and Yu Tong had? He actually wanted to save his enemy from death, so he had to do it himself.

"You are definitely no match for him?" Wu Po said directly.

Shi Yu sneered, "Not now, but soon!"

Wu Po still shook his head, "Yu Tong had a fight with Wan Lei when he first came in, and was slightly behind. But now if he meets Wan Lei, the outcome will be difficult to predict.

Yu Tong grew up too fast. Most of the strength of all those killed by him could be transferred to him. Maybe in a thousand years, I will not be his opponent. "

"Tsk! Isn't it just the Yuan Devouring Sutra? Sometimes, it's useless just to have strong Yuan Power and magical skills. It depends on the level of power."

"Strength level? What do you mean?" Wu Po frowned in confusion.

Shi Yu smiled and didn't answer. He also suddenly had such an idea. He didn't even understand it, so how could he answer it?

Shi Yu felt that all attacks in the world, including the Land of Controlling Life, were directed against the body and the soul. Only his fate line was directly directed toward life.

With your lifeline in your hand, no matter how strong your body or soul is, life or death can only be determined in an instant.

Shi Yu is still using ordinary power to control the lifeline. If he can find the real power suitable for controlling the lifeline, and can control the life and death of all things with a small amount of power, he may be able to understand the power level just mentioned.

"Let's go! Keep moving forward."

Shi Yu raised his steps and took a steady step forward. Cao Xinxin, who was led by Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts, followed immediately.

Wu Po opened his mouth wide in surprise and couldn't say a word. He has no problem moving back now, but he can't even lift his toes when moving forward!

"Wait!" Wu Po shouted urgently, struggling forward desperately, but couldn't move at all.

He remembered again that it was useless to shout anymore, Shi Yu couldn't hear his voice at all.

Cao Xinxin stood next to Shi Yu and looked back at Wu Po. She also couldn't see anything. Despite his doubts, Cao Xinxin still remembered Shi Yu's instructions and entered the land bridge without saying a word.

After taking more than a dozen steps, Shi Yu completely confirmed that the suppression here was completely useless to him! Then he can think that any secret place related to the lifeline may not be able to stop him.

Cao Xinxin on the side couldn't bear it any longer and tugged on Shi Yu's sleeves with confusion on his face.

"Sister Xinxin, what's wrong?"

Seeing Shi Yu asking, Cao Xinxin hurriedly said, "I feel like someone is calling me!"

"Who's calling you?"

Cao Xinxin looked up at the sky, pointed at the sky and said, "Someone has been calling me up there. What he said was not words, but I can clearly understand the meaning of that voice. I feel that I am now

You can leave this body and go directly to another world! "

"The will to break the boundary? Sister Xinxin, please don't act rashly! This is how Mai Heng was defeated!" Shi Yu hurriedly reminded Cao Xinxin.

Cao Xixin walked into the land bridge under the cover of his spiritual thoughts. The will to break the boundary formed under this special situation is definitely not the real will to break the boundary. Maybe he will be beaten to ashes after going up.

Looking up at the sky, Shi Yu thought for a while and walked back quickly.

Wu Po was still standing there waiting anxiously, and he breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw Shi Yu return.

He hurriedly grabbed Shi Yu's arm and shouted: "How did you do it? Why can you go so far despite your low cultivation level? Is this what you mean by different levels of power?"

A bunch of questions were thrown on Shi Yu's face. Shi Yu didn't answer any of them. Instead, he said to Wu Po with a serious expression: "This has nothing to do with strength, it's talent! I can see through the reality at a glance."

Wu Po looked at Shi Yu suspiciously, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

"I'll take you forward, but let's make an agreement first. I won't be responsible for anything that goes wrong! My sister just wanted to gather the will to break through the world and fly away across the sky. You have to think about it."

For people like Wu Po, it would be easier to win people's trust if he spoke more straightforwardly, and it would also prevent him from thinking that it was Shi Yu who was behind the scenes and becoming hostile if something happened later.

"Okay! Life or death is a matter of fate! I, Wu Po, am not the kind of person who doesn't know what is good or evil!" Wu Po was eager to find out the secret of Luqiao and immediately agreed.

Shi Yu nodded, and a thread of spiritual thought climbed onto the lifeline on the top of Wu Po's skull, giving Wu Po his own aura.

Wu Po suddenly felt something in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became clear. With a thought in his mind, he took several steps in succession. The heavy pressure that seemed to be there just now was completely gone, and the entire land bridge turned back into an ordinary bridge.

When Wu Po was extremely surprised, Shi Yu and Cao Xinxin had already caught up.

"Who are you?" Wu Po asked in a deep voice.

Cao Xinxin burst into laughter. It seemed that everyone was asking Shi Yu the same question.

Shi Yu scratched his head and pretended to be puzzled, "I told you! My name is Shi Yu. If you ask me carefully, I am a monk who came out of Yu Luyao's world, the only survivor of the world's destruction."

"Coming from the world of Shenyu? No wonder, no wonder you want to kill Yu Tong. I also know a little bit about him and Yu Luyao. But this is not the answer I want!"

"I only have this answer. If you don't believe me, I can't help it." Shi Yu didn't want to explain more and walked forward again.

Soon, the three of them arrived fifteen steps away. Wu Po suddenly stopped and closed his eyes to carefully feel everything around him. For him, every next step will be a new realization, which is completely different from the first time Cao Xinxin walked in without any delay.

"I feel like my realm is loosening. I haven't felt like this in countless years." Wu Po, with a look of intoxication on his face, whispered in a low voice.

Shi Yu frowned and looked at Wu Po. Cao Xinxin felt like he was flying through the air just now, and now Wu Po's realm is loose again. Could it be that this land bridge is not only for checking the level of realm, but also has the effect of helping people break through the realm?

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Shi Yu continued to move forward, "Don't stop, suppress any rash actions, and wait till the end to see."

Wu Po was awakened by this word, and he hurriedly opened his eyes and followed Shi Yu, suppressing whatever he felt in his heart with all his strength.

Cao Xinxin had already been covered by Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts. Except for the strange washing feeling layer after layer from the inside to the outside of her body, she felt nothing strange at this time.

With the three people running quickly, the long and wide land bridge was almost halfway over in no time. The more Wu Po ran, the more frightened he became. He could no longer suppress the desire in his heart and just wanted to get out of his body immediately and rush towards the world of his dreams. .

"Stop! I can't go any further!"

Wu Po shouted in shock, suddenly half-kneeling on the ground, his hands tightly grasping the ground, and a strong force was exerted on his broad back. Even if he is the ultimate realm master, he can't control his body and mind, as if he will be caught soon.

Shi Yu stopped and put his hand on his shoulder. Wu Po immediately felt more at ease. He raised his head and reluctantly raised the corners of his lips towards Shi Yu.

"I can fly directly into the upper realm now without condensing the will to break the realm. Do you think this is true?" Wu Po shouted.

"False! This road is not for you, but for those monks who are qualified to truly enter the upper world." Shi Yu attacked Wu Po mercilessly.

Wu Po lowered his head and gasped, "I think so. Without you, I wouldn't be able to get here."

Halfway through his words, Wu Po looked at Cao Xinxin, who was calm and composed, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Shi, can't you help me more?"

Shi Yu smiled and said, "I'm already helping you, isn't it? A normal fifteen steps, but now I've traveled almost twenty thousand miles. What will happen if I let go of my cover?"

Wu Po's expression changed drastically, and he thought: "He will explode and die immediately."

"If you didn't die, what level do you think you could reach?"

"I can destroy the entire place of controlling life by myself!" Wu Po answered quickly.

"Does it feel ten thousand times stronger than your true cultivation level?"

Wu Po was silent for a moment, "No, I feel that the fastest change in strength is in the first ten thousand miles, which is only about a thousand times, but my state of mind... I feel that Wanjie is no longer worth cherishing, and the place where I control my life is just mediocre."

"Nothing? But here is less than half of it!" Shi Yu raised his head and looked towards the end of the land bridge.

"Sister Xinxin, where are you?" Shi Yu asked Cao Xinxin again. He didn't feel anything here, just like anywhere else in the world.

Cao Xinxin thought carefully before replying: "Although I can't do it, I have the mentality to crush Yu Luyao to death with one finger."

"That's right!" Shi Yu high-fived, "Pure intimidation and suppression, as long as no one takes action, no one will know the reality, just like cows and horses will scream in fear when they see a picture of a tiger. I think if we go out, all the world owners will They all have an instinctive awe of us, but in fact we are still us.”

Shi Yu released another spiritual thought, covering Wu Po's entire body.

Wu Po suddenly felt relaxed all over, except that his state of mind that was not matched by his own strength was still rising rapidly, as if the place where he controlled his destiny was created by himself, and all the world masters were just ants.

Standing up slowly, Wu Po looked at Shi Yu cautiously and whispered: "If this is really your talent, it would be too scary. When you display all your talents, won't the world crawl at your feet? ?”

"At my feet? The world is at my feet?" Shi Yu's eyebrows wrinkled.

Suddenly, he thought that he was standing in the void, with all the life lines under his feet. If he moved at will, the life lines could be twisted and broken. If he kicked at will, the entire world of the picture scroll would be shaken and shattered.

"Haha, it's really like this. What kind of talent is this?" Shi Yu couldn't help but grin, which made Wu Po feel chilled.

Cao Xinxin raised her eyebrows, as if she wanted to say something to Shi Yu, but when she saw Wu Po on the side, she held back.

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