Life Control Chart

Chapter 496: Mirage Master

Ling Xiao snorted when he heard the words, and his body expanded again and turned into a huge tree, firmly sealing the gap in the cave. Except for Cao Xinxin, who opened a gap when he flashed into the cave, anyone else who dared to get close was swept by the dazzling divine light. The people who came were staggering and rolling, in a state of confusion.

When those who were attacked calmed down, they would find that they were unscathed, thinking that Ling Xiao's true strength was meager and they were just not prepared for his huge body.

Immediately, the twelve realm masters shouted in unison and rushed towards him.


Roaring angrily, Ling Xiao immediately released his supreme momentum, shocking all the masters of Shiling Peak and fleeing, hiding outside the peak and not daring to return.

What surprised them even more was that the various attacks that had just been launched indiscriminately fell on the giant tree without any damage. Instead, they were absorbed into the tree like nourishing power, making the green giant tree appear more vibrant.

Outside the cave, Ling Xiao was safe alone, but Shi Yu and others got into big trouble.

The seemingly harmless giant shell suddenly let out an angry scream when Shi Yu and others rushed into the cave. Immediately afterwards, the fog that filled the entire cave spread out majestically, completely confusing the vision and thoughts of several people. .

The cave space that was supposed to be limited suddenly became an endless living world. Everyone saw the scene that they were most obsessed with and expected in their hearts.

Xiao Hei was the first to fall. He was young and not very intelligent. When he saw his mother walking towards him with a smile, he immediately jumped for joy, turned into the little spirit beast again, got into his mother's arms and fell asleep beautifully.

If anyone could see it, Xiao Hei actually got into the gap of the big shell by himself, and was held by the shell in his mouth and chewed slowly.

Layer after layer of flesh was licked and swallowed by the soft body inside the shell, but Xiao Hei still smiled sweetly, as if his mother was gently soothing him.

Shi Yu was brought to the battlefield and brought back to the moment when the world of Shenyu was destroyed.

The fire that fills the heaven and the earth will burn everything.

Countless monks from the Fire Spirit Realm and the Golden Spirit Realm ran rampant in the Shenyu Realm, killing and laughing wantonly.

There are also those soldiers who betrayed Shenyu and are inserting steel knives into the bodies of their former compatriots.

Shi Yu didn't move at all, because he was imprisoned in the black abyss of the void again, and Qingxi was screaming for him to escape and never return to the world of Shenyu.

Seeing the clear pond and clear stream being torn apart and swallowed up once again, Shi Yu's heart sank as hard as iron, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

Suddenly, a violent wind blew across the sky and the earth, all the flames were extinguished in an instant, and the monks who were killing them were turned into dust in an instant.

The astonished Yu Tong suddenly turned his head and looked at the place where the wind was rising.

A slender figure shouted angrily and grabbed the Fire Spirit King with one move, pinching him hard and crushing him into a cloud of sparks.


The attacker struck out with another palm, and Jin Kedi, who had no time to react, turned into gold stars all over the sky, sprinkled into the Shenyu earth and turned into fine dust.

Yu Tong panicked and knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing to the visitor and crying bitterly, "Father! It wasn't me! I was forced by Jin Ke Enemy! Look! Look! I also saved Mo Yudan!"

Mo Yudan, who had been frightened for a long time, hurriedly knelt behind Yu Tong, his head covered with long snow-white hair pressed tightly to the ground.

"You traitor! Do you think I'm an old fool? Go to hell!"

With an angry shout, Yu Tong suddenly exploded into countless blood foam, and even Mo Yudan was blasted into blood mist, and he was no longer separated from his new master Yu Tong.

In the fierce and furious battlefield, the ravaged world of Shenyu was saved from danger by the appearance of one person.

The surviving people looked at Yu Luyao hanging in the sky, rushed to kneel on the ground, and cried bitterly to thank the savior for returning in time. Among them were Shiyu's parents and his young brother who was babbling.

I saw Yu Luyao stretching out one arm, and Shi Yu, who was trapped in the black abyss of darkness, involuntarily flew to Yu Luyao's side.

Yu Luyao looked Shi Yu up and down, sighed softly, and said: "You close the door for me as a disciple, and from now on, the world of Shenyu will be handed over to you."

"Leave it to me?" Shi Yu smiled.

He walked up to Yu Luyao and pierced Yu Luyao's eyes deeply, forcing Yu Luyao to squint slightly angrily.

"Presumptuous!" Yu Luyao exuded a boundless terrifying aura and pressed hard towards Shi Yu, "If it weren't for the fact that you are destined to me, if it wasn't for the fact that you learned from Wang Yangming, I would have killed you, such a rude junior, with one strike! Kneel down and receive the order!"

"My son!" Li Ming and Wang Yunzhi exclaimed when the ground rang, "My son! Kowtow to the Emperor of Heaven and apologize! If you offend the Emperor of Heaven, how can our Shi family gain a foothold in Shenyu from now on?"

"Establishing a foothold in Shenyu?" Shi Yu smiled again.

"This old man has even killed his own children. Is he really going to save the world? What if he takes me in today, but uses me as a sacrifice to the enemy the next day? Is it going to be another scene where the father wants the son to die, and the son has to A tragic drama of death?" Shi Yu laughed loudly and grabbed Yu Luyao in front of him.

Yu Luyao was shocked, as if he didn't expect to be caught by Shi Yu, and immediately released endless power, blasting the heaven and earth to pieces and destroying everything.

"What? Don't you pity your world anymore?" Shi Yu smiled scornfully.

"How dare you come so close to me when you're seriously injured? You can't even transform into another person, and you're so arrogant that you think you can easily deceive me?"

Shi Yu stared at Yu Luyao in front of him and spoke word by word.

"You have seen the regret in my heart, but have you seen my expectations? Now, I will show you!"

"No! How is this possible? Who are you! What are you doing?" Yu Luyao was suddenly frightened, and countless lights and shadows flickered in his eyes.

"You are so insignificant, how can you guess my power? You think Yu Luyao can make me fear and awe, but you don't know that he is not even an ant in my eyes now!"

As Shi Yu scolded in a low voice, more and more exquisite light appeared in Yu Luyao's eyes. He could no longer maintain the false figure and exploded, turning into a stream of light and quickly moving away.

"Haha, you want to leave? You have entered my soul and you still want to walk so lightly?"

Shi Yu smiled faintly, and a bright light suddenly lit up inside the soul. Unparalleled powerful true spirits shot out from everywhere in the soul, stinging the fleeing soul until it howled miserably.

"Ah~ Why? Why is your true spirit so powerful? Why doesn't your true spirit burst into chaos?"

Listening to the howling and questioning, Shi Yuli paid no attention. The other party was no match for him. There was no need to waste any more words. The flood-like impact of the soul became more violent, making the invading soul instantly stupid.

After the soul battle, Shi Yu came to the side of the giant shell in a few steps and grabbed its lifeline. The giant shell immediately bounced up and down and went crazy.

But only for a moment! The lifeline has been firmly grasped by Shi Yu. How could Ju Bei still have the strength to resist? After calming down, Ju Bei countered the trend and returned the billowing energy back to Yuan Long and others.

What Cao Xinxin saw was a vast expanse of green land, with countless orchids just like her own body competing for beauty on this land.

The scene turned, and a group of green girls were chasing and playing with each other, and a cheerful atmosphere filled every corner of the world.

Cao Xinxin herself was surrounded by those girls.

"Sister! Sister, come quickly!" The girls shouted happily, reaching out to pull Cao Xinxin's arm, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Sister, from now on we will always be together, and you won't have to talk to the stars anymore!"

"Sister, look, there is a little guinea pig there! We have the first little beast in the wood spirit world!"

"Sister, let's go see Xiaomu. He's lazy and sleeping again. He doesn't know how to transform quickly!"

Cao Xinxin's ears were surrounded by a flurry of words. She was always smiling but did not say a word in reply.

This was the scene she had been looking forward to for endless years, but now it was transformed into a big shell.

In all the worlds, there are very few illusions that Cao Xinxin can fall into. She walked across the mysterious land bridge again. It can be said that any confusing method used by the world master is useless to her.



Sighing, Cao Xinxin was afraid that others would be harmed, waved his hand to break the sweet illusion, and returned to reality.

If she had no other concerns, she really wanted to continue reading to see what the future would be like for the beautiful wood spirit world.

As soon as the illusion disappeared, Cao Xinxin saw Shi Yu already waiting for her, holding Xiao Hei who was crying in his arms. Chaos rolled over Xiao Hei's body. Although it was still painful, its injuries were recovering quickly.

A branch from Ling Xiao also rested on Xiao Hei's body, releasing soft green light to ease its pain.

There was a large, angry-looking shell on the ground. Both shells were paralyzed, and the soft body kept squirming and bouncing inside the shell, but there was no power to burst out.

Cao Xinxin was surprised and couldn't help but ask: "What's going on? I was afraid that you would be involved in the illusion."

Shi Yu touched the little black in his hand lovingly, and chuckled: "This guy calls himself the mirage master, and he is really capable! He wanted me to fall into an illusion, but now he is dreaming on his own."

"Oh?" Cao Xinxin walked to the shell and took a closer look.

"What are these beads? They seem to be very powerful?" Cao Xinxin picked up a colorful pearl in the shell and held it in front of her eyes.

"It's just a world purely woven by souls. Each bead is a world of souls, and all the souls that are deceived by it live in the bead. If you don't wake up, I will forcefully call you." Shi Yu laughed. answer.

Cao Xinxin looked around and saw that there were more than hundreds of millions of beads in the giant shell. If each bead was an endless world of souls, there would be too many worlds that the giant shell could control!

Slowly reaching out to insert his spiritual thoughts into the ball in his hand, Cao Xinxin could see a monk lost in the illusory world of souls, constantly absorbing the power of his soul from the remains of the Mirage Lord.

Withdrawing her spiritual thoughts, Cao Xinxin couldn't help but exclaim: "It's amazing! It can nourish the souls and true spirits without bodies, and it can also make them grow and thrive, feeding back the power of the souls! This mirage master is simply a true god!"

"Fortunately, this guy was seriously injured, otherwise he wouldn't have been so easily confused by me!" Shi Yu smiled brightly.

Cao Xinxin pursed her lips and smiled, and asked: "What did you do again? Such a great master was tricked to death by you!"

"It's also unlucky. In terms of strength, I believe it is not inferior to Yu Luyao or Wu Po. It might as well just use its remaining strength to kill me with its Yuan Power.

But he just fought with me for the soul and soul. Do you think I would be afraid?

In the world of gods and souls, I saw Yu Luyao killing Yu Tong, but behind him was the burning world of gods and Yu!

snort! No matter how much I hope that my parents and younger brother will be reborn, I will never believe that Yu Luyao has the intention to save the world. Besides, among us people now, who thinks that Yu Luyao is not an ant? Who would be fooled by ants?

How could the small soul world created by the mirage master accommodate my true soul? I flushed it and poured a piece of my memory into it, and it dreamed on its own. "

Cao Xinxin looked at the seven-headed beast and Mo Liqing who were still hanging in the cave. The water flow that originally robbed them of their power was returning all their power.

"What is the mirage master dreaming about? Is he releasing his power like crazy?" Cao Xinxin asked in surprise.

Shi Yu smiled slightly, "It thinks it is fighting Big Eye. In its eyes, who is more terrifying than Big Eye?"

"This is not fighting! This is leaking power!" Cao Xinxin said doubtfully.

"Yes! He saw that Big Eye was using the Devouring Essence Sutra to steal its energy, but in his eyes, Big Eye's body was extremely weak, and it could burst with a little more force. Of course, he had to attack with all his might, haha."

Cao Xinxin rolled his eyes at Shi Yu, "You are getting worse and worse, and you can even think of such a trick to cheat people."

Shi Yu laughed, "You asked for it! If it wanted to talk, it wouldn't attack us right away! In addition, I have a good news for you, Xinxin sister, guess what it is?"

Shi Yu deliberately kept Cao Xinxin in suspense by winking at her furtively.

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