Life Control Chart

Chapter 5 Why should I learn this!

"It's so boring! Why do I have to learn these?" Shi Yu has been learning martial arts for a few days, but he can't find any tricks. This is the first time that reading a book can make him feel so painful.

Lying limp on the bed and complaining constantly, Shi Yu threw the martial arts book in his hand far away in the corner of the room. The practice books that people all over the world want are like worthless waste paper, scattered on the floor, and let the breeze blowing in from the doors and windows read.

"I'm not going to take the martial arts exam, nor am I going to be a court mage. I'm not sick or in trouble. Why does the master insist that I learn these useless things! I don't teach myself, and I don't let others teach me! The two sisters are also silent, as if I can learn it by myself!" Shi Yu, who had a little temper, looked blankly at the pages of the book that fell to the corner of the wall and flipped around. He was stunned for a moment, sighed, and slowly moved off the bed, picked them up, blocked them in front of his eyes, and read them painfully.

"What is that? Where is the body orifice? What is the soul sea? A picture will do!"

Shi Yu recognized all the dense words and long and short sentences, but he was confused about what they meant.

The boring study made time pass slowly and dullly, and wore away the last bit of spirit in Shi Yu's eyes. With a slight snoring, he fell asleep softly on the bed again.

I don't know how long it took, but after opening his sleepy eyes, Shi Yu rubbed his eyes hard, and his scattered eyes gradually gathered, and what came into view was a dark and hazy scene.

"Ah? It's almost dark! I slept for so long! Oh no! Sister Qingxi is going to scold me again!" Shi Yu quickly got up, stretched his body as much as he could, and hurriedly turned back to pick up the book from the bed and continue studying to answer the master's questions, but when he looked back, he was stunned.

"Where is this? Where are the books? Where is the bed?"

Looking at the empty land behind him, Shi Yu was shocked to find that he was sleeping on a huge rock. He turned around and looked around, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

"This is..." Shi Yu panicked as he looked at the sky and the earth around him at a loss. In the world in front of him, the sky was getting dark, and there was a slight breeze. A long bluestone road stretched infinitely from his feet to the distance. Where the road and the sky met, a dark shadow stood vaguely.

There was no other choice. In this dead and deserted world, only this road to the unknown was feasible. Shi Yu gently raised his footsteps and stepped onto the cold road.

A city, the streets were lined with tall trees, everything was quiet, there were no pedestrians, no birds or insects, and even no signs of life. Only Shi Yu's footsteps were echoing, and only the bleak buildings stood on both sides of the street, as if a giant standing still was overlooking this tiny life.

The windows are like those dark eyes, scary and lifeless. Gray, only gray. The colors of the colorful world are unified into a single tone here, which is so depressing that Shi Yu can only think simply.

"Is this an empty city? What happened here? Where are the people?" Shi Yu asked himself silently while walking around.

He was a little panicked and tried to call out loudly, hoping to get a response, but when the voice was about to burst out, it was stuck in his throat by an unknown force, as if reminding him that if the tranquility here is broken, something unpredictable will happen. Shaking his head vigorously, Shi Yu asked himself: "How did I get here? Why did I come here?"

The road is long, extending step by step under your feet, where is the end? This road seems endless, when will it stop? Shi Yu looked up at the sky, there is no sun, moon, stars, only a gray that seems to have existed forever, blocking everything behind it. Looking back, it is no different from the road before, everything is orderly and silent.

Keep going, don't stop! The heart called out to Shi Yu.

A strange future

There was no end, and the fatigue that should come from walking for a long time was nowhere to be seen. He just walked silently along the road that had been clearly indicated.

Everything that did not change made time lose its meaning. Only those few same questions kept lingering in Shi Yu's mind, thinking over and over again, but there was no answer.

Shi Yu had lost his sense of everything around him. It seemed that he had not seen what he saw, heard what he heard, and it seemed that he was no longer stepping on the road. His entire soul and body seemed to be torn apart, as if a phantom was floating in the air, watching his body move forward on its own.

The wind suddenly became stronger, and a violent howl suddenly rose. The flowers, plants and trees that had been standing quietly on the street suddenly bared their fangs and claws like crazy monsters, and the sound of "squeaking" branches and leaves covered the only footsteps.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger. It was no longer just the plants and trees that were going crazy. Even the silent building began to respond to the howling of the wind. The violently shaking window frames made a "clicking" sound, which became louder and louder.

Everything was running uncontrollably towards the other extreme.

The trees were about to fall and the buildings were about to collapse. Shi Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his soul immediately returned to its place. He looked around, and his ears were filled with the wild laughter of the wind. The strong wind made his eyes, which had just opened wide, close again. The sharp pain of the needle made Shi Yu feel that his life seemed to have a little meaning at this time.

Shi Yu slowly opened his red eyes slightly, and looked carefully at the changed world, hoping to see new things, but except for the wind, everything remained the same. If there is any difference, it is that the originally clear road can no longer be seen too far, as if the dim space keeps twisting and overlapping, and everything that comes into view becomes shadowy.

Instinct still drove Shi Yu to keep moving forward, letting the strong wind and fierce sounds hit his body. The wind was like a cruel officer's iron chain, mercilessly beating a zombie-like prisoner, and it whipped through Shi Yu's body; the sound was like a cold-blooded thug's sharp knife, which penetrated deeply into the innocent body and penetrated into Shi Yu's ear holes.

Shi Yu no longer has the ability to think about anything else, he can only resist tenaciously everything that hurts his soul, like a weed in the wind, trembling violently involuntarily.

Lowering his head, bowing, bending his legs, protecting his eyes with his left arm, and holding the Tao tree tightly with his right arm, Shi Yu slowly wriggled forward like a dying beetle, and the breath of death turned into an invisible thick fog at this moment. enveloped him.

The pain of splitting body and mind made Shi Yu's deep-rooted numbness finally start to throb, and his thoughts became slightly active.

He stopped walking and looked hard at the buildings on the side, hoping to find a shelter from the wind.

"Why have I never thought about seeing what is in these tall buildings? Why have I never even thought about getting close before?" Shi Yu asked himself, his hands touching the door leaf and pushing it open with force.

The door has been opened, but the object has not appeared.

There was only darkness inside the door, and even the door leaf pushed in could not be seen. There seems to be a dark curtain along the threshold that separates the two worlds inside and outside, one gray and one dark, with a clear boundary.

Shi Yu put his hand in the door, only to see his palm protruding into the threshold and disappearing immediately, with the arm-length cut tightly attached to the black screen. Looking at all this in a daze, Shi Yu hesitated. The situation outside the door was so bad, but what about inside? The hand that reaches in feels the same as usual, but if it really goes in, will it be peaceful? Can you give him a temporary refuge?

Perhaps it was Shi Yu's rash actions that woke up the master of this world. A pair of giant eyes suddenly opened high in the sky, fixed directly on Shi Yu's body. The giant eyes covered almost half of the sky, with only the pupils and nothing else visible. The red-yellow pupils were covered with bright red bloodshot eyes, and the pupils as black as ink opened and shrank from time to time according to Shi Yu's movements.

Everything in the world disappears under the gaze of these giant eyes!

The buildings disappeared, the grass and trees disappeared, and the sound of the wind disappeared immediately. Only Shi Yu still stood in the void, stretching out a hand. A black line appeared under Shi Yu's arm, crossing the

The position of the threshold seemed to tell Shi Yu that it was this line that separated the two spaces a moment ago.

Shi Yu woke up instantly. He suddenly retracted his arm and looked around, feeling that everything in the world just now was compressed into the present. The whole world suddenly turned into an endless scroll hanging in the void, and he stood on the scroll.

The scroll is extremely simple, consisting of dots and lines of varying thicknesses intertwined with each other.

In this new world, there are no secrets in Shi Yu's eyes. Some are entangled with each other and remain motionless, dividing the entire painting into different areas; while some lines are taking shape and changing on their own, sometimes discrete, sometimes closed, and discrete. The place gradually fades away, and between opening and closing, there is vivid movement. If you look closely, it is obvious that the little lives are jumping for joy, like countless people running around, and like countless animals and birds dancing together...

Mountains, rivers, stars and oceans, everything can be traced in the lines. But there was no trace of the street Shi Yu walked on just now in the scroll.

Shi Yu seemed to see the graffiti he made when he was young and ignorant, smearing and scratching branches on the ground as the sun cleared after the rain.

The difference is that the picture in front of me is obviously more rigorous and vivid. A whole new world opens up, where there is life of its own and its own splendor! And everything in this world seems to have not noticed Shi Yu's existence at all, and is still free and free.

Shi Yu was completely attracted by everything under his feet. Although he was only standing in a corner of the world, he could see any corner and every detail of the world at will. Whenever he set his sight, he wanted to take a closer look at something that was out of reach. His body can reach the border area in an instant.

This magical scene deeply shocked Shi Yu. He stood quietly for a moment and involuntarily stretched out his hand to touch a line in front of him. He wanted to find out what everything in front of him was. This root had life. What do the lines mean to me?

The lines gradually bent and then broke, and Shi Yu seemed to hear a "bang" sound, as if he had broken a bowstring. This small touch caused everything around the lines to become chaotic, the closed shapes fell apart, and the surrounding living creatures ran around in panic.

Shi Yu looked at all this and suddenly felt that he had become a god and could control the fate of everything in front of him. His mood suddenly brightened at this moment. He looked at the two groups of shadow threads chasing and playing in another place, ready to stretch out his fingers again and realize the power of the true god again.

The giant eyes in the sky had already been angered by Shi Yu's reckless behavior. They no longer just looked at Shi Yu, but patrolled the entire picture.

He was obviously annoyed by the insignificant changes in this huge picture.

A black hole suddenly appeared next to the giant eye, and a huge mountain fell rapidly, changing all the time, sometimes round, sometimes square, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. It is said to be a mountain, but it is not like a meteorite that is unified in size and bounded. Instead, it extends endlessly from the black hole and goes straight to time and space.

Shi Yu was still unaware, everything in the air was violent but silent. He was still looking intently at the scene he wanted to erase, and slowly clicked on it with his fingers.

When the endless mountain falling from high altitude was about to hit Shi Yu Tianling, he felt his whole body tighten.

Suddenly he raised his head, and in panic he saw only a half-exposed scarlet giant eye and a huge meteorite in the sky.

"Ah~~~~~!" With a long howl, Shi Yu immediately retracted his arms, put his hands on his head, and waved them in vain, hoping that this meaningless struggle could ease the pain and fear before death, but his thin body was no better than a speck of dust in front of this unparalleled destruction.

The irresistible force instantly oppressed Shi Yu, and the scroll also shrank and disappeared in an instant, leaving only the pair of scarlet giant eyes and a huge mountain in the vast void.

Darkness descended, and everything was reduced to ashes.

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