Life Control Chart

Chapter 551: Layers of Space Fragments

Jian Kaitian rushed out in one step, slashing wildly with the giant sword in his hand. In a few strokes, the space fragments were broken, revealing another dark world.

In this secret realm, space fragments are layer upon layer. Only by breaking through all the fragments and reaching the core can we return to the real world again.

But the pain is that every space fragment has strange attacks, and if there is a slight flaw, it will fail.

Jian Kaitian held up the space rift, spilling chaos into the sky to form a covered bridge. Everyone followed the chaos shelter and entered the dark world, leaving the insect nest that had devoured all flesh and blood.

When Shi Yu left, he looked back and saw that his chaotic barrier was already covered with insects, turning into smoke layer after layer, but there was still no trace of it.

As soon as Shi Yu stepped into the dark world of fragments, he was violently impacted. One after another fierce soul collisions hit him, but they didn't seem to be artificial.

The entire space is filled with the power of divine souls that come and go, like the out-of-control soul sea of ​​a violent monk.

However, this poses the least threat to everyone. Even the three of them only felt slightly uncomfortable and frowned. The Realm Masters looked relaxed and allowed the spirits to collide and fall on them.

Before Jian Kaitian could show his power, Yuanlong with an angry look took the lead, tearing open the space barrier with a stab, and then punched hard to clear the way.

The rumbling Yuan Power rushed away, blasting the space into pieces.

Not seeing any threats, Yuan Long grunted and stepped into the space fragment.

The chaos of the souls in the dark world suddenly became violent, as if someone was angry and could not be restrained by it, and could go elsewhere so easily.

Yuan Long's mind was entirely in another space. He had just taken out a leg but was the first to be hit. He fell back to Shi Yu with a howl of pain, and the clearly visible fist mark was clearly visible on his forehead.

"Back off! Back off everyone!" Shi Yu shouted.

Everyone else was not hit hard again, and the sudden chaotic soul impact returned to its original appearance.

"Senior my father, come and clear the way! Great Sword, you are on the side for protection." Shi Yu didn't want to let people who were unfamiliar with the secret realm take risks anymore. With my father as a ready-made guide, he could save as much energy as he could and do as little harm as possible. .

Zhu Yanlan knelt down and helped Yuan Long up, complaining: "Senior, please don't be so reckless anymore, it hurts me just looking at him."

The three-foot-long Yuanlong is like a spiritual pet. The small dragon head and fangs collide with each other, making an unbearable clicking sound.

My father strode forward and shouted: "Remember! Charge in with all your strength. If you hesitate for a moment, you will be hit hard and bounce back!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at the densely cracked fist seal on Yuan Long's head and nodded, even more annoyed that Yuan Long's fangs were grinding out sparks.

The two axes flew, and in the blink of an eye, a crack in the space of about ten feet appeared in front of everyone. My father shouted loudly and rushed into the crack like a meteor. A strong wind visible to the naked eye blew behind my father, grazing his vest and falling into the empty space.

Jian Kaitian struck out a few more times, opening the rapidly closing crack again.

"Next!" he yelled.

Under Shi Yu's eyes, everyone quickly jumped into the space cracks one after another, and soon only Shi Yu was left in the space where the soul was roaring.

"Shi Yu! Hurry!" Zhu Yanlan on the other side shouted with anxiety on his face.

The battle over there has begun. Yuanlong and Zhikun roared through the air and could be heard clearly across the gap.

Shi Yu waved his hand, signaling Zhu Yanlan not to be impatient.

With a stroke of his hand, the crack that was only about two feet wide expanded to a radius of one foot. Shi Yu turned his back to the crack and shouted in a low voice, "Come on, I know you are more than this! You don't want to devour me and replenish your soul power." What?

? I am the most suitable. "

The howl of the soul suddenly became violent, and the whining and roaring circled around Shi Yu.

Shi Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and put a hand into the crack in space, "Who are you? I feel like I know you."

As if Shi Yu was surprised, the frantic roaring stopped instantly, and a thread of soul thought gently penetrated into Shi Yu's soul sea.

Shi Yu closed his eyes slightly and allowed the soul thought to touch his soul.

After a while, Shi Yu opened his eyes in surprise and whispered: "Master of the Shadow Realm? It's you? Could it be..."

Shi Yu sensed the aura of the Shadow Realm from this soul thought.

No one talked to Shi Yu, even the trace of soul thought was full of malice, wanting to pierce Shi Yu's soul, capture his true spirit and devour it.

But it failed. Shi Yu easily counterattacked that ray of soul thought, peeled off a few memory fragments, and also knew the origin of this dark world.

This is really the soul sea of ​​a powerful realm lord. The realm lord is dead, but his most powerful Diyuan Technique has remained.

It's just that this Diyuan Technique is activated entirely by instinct, and its power is incomparable.

"How did this strange world of fragments come into being?" Shi Yu said to himself.

"Shi Yu! Come here quickly!" Zhu Yanlan called again from the other side.

The shouts of Yuan Long and the others became louder and louder, and they sounded like they were not far away from Zhu Yanlan.

Shi Yu turned around and jumped into the crack without hesitation. This was not the time to investigate the cause. Mysteries abounded in the land of destiny, and not everyone could find the answer.

As soon as he landed next to Zhu Yanlan, Shi Yu saw the three brothers standing in front of her as if facing a formidable enemy, nervously watching the fierce battle in the distance.

Shi Yu raised his eyes and looked into the distance, his mouth wide open in surprise. Everyone was attacking a soul body, but it was his side that was at a disadvantage.

That soul body is intangible and qualityless, and no attack will leave any damage on it. However, any attack it sends out will cause a ball of blood to bloom on anyone it lands on.

"Tianling clan?" Shi Yu exclaimed.

"No!" My father in the battle group shouted loudly, "This guy is just a divine soul. I don't know who went crazy and left it behind! Come on, the last time Wang Qi and I came, he wasn't so powerful!"

Shi Yu thought for a moment and felt that there was no need to fight with this guy. It was the best option to open the space rift and avoid them all.

Seeing that Shi Yu still hadn't moved, my father shouted again: "Don't even think about it! We can't tear open the space barrier without beating this guy away!"

Shi Yu's eyes narrowed and he felt that my father was really a mature man and he knew exactly what others were thinking.

After a moment's delay, Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao were hit and rolled everywhere by the thousand-yuan power punch blasted by the phantom.

Yuanlong and the other three divine beasts were not even close to each other, and they were entangled in huge nets that appeared out of thin air.

Only my father, who was like a flea, flashed here and there in various directions on the battlefield, and only struck the ax when he saw the right opportunity.

Cao Xinxin, Mai Heng and Xi Ling were all magic cultivators. They stood far away and used various spells in endlessly. Whether they were snow flakes, needles, or space solidification, they seemed to disappear when they landed on the shadow, and they couldn't even slow down their figure.

Shi Yu could only breathe coldly when he saw it. If the monsters in every space fragment were so powerful, let alone rescue Wang Qi, it would be fine if he didn't fall.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Shi Yu still had no intention of fighting this guy head-on. It looked too powerful. It was no match for everyone who surrounded it, and it might not be possible to turn the situation around if he got involved.

Raising his hand, he spread out a large number of formation flags,

Shi Yu shouted loudly: "Bring them here! These guys don't have enough brains! How about trying the formation!"

My father's eyes lit up, he picked up two big axes and jumped away, hitting the shadow hard and then turned around and ran away.

My father who really showed his speed was definitely defeated by Shi Yu. He jumped into the center of the formation set up by Shi Yu in an instant and whistled sharply at the phantom, as if he was laughing at its stupidity.

The phantom was split in half by my father's heavy axe, but instantly returned to its original shape. When it heard my father's frivolous whistle, it screamed angrily, whipping up strong winds all over the world and chasing after it.

Shi Yu was absolutely right. This guy had no brains. He shouted to introduce the formation, but the shadow still rushed towards him. Its fighting instinct dominated all its decisions, but it did not include thinking.

As soon as we entered the formation, the formation rumbled into action. People outside the formation could not see any changes, but my father inside immediately started to scream miserably.

"Shi Yu, you brat, get me out of here! Are you trying to harm me on purpose? Ah~~"

Shi Yu knew that my father was deliberately exaggerating. He knew how powerful the formation he had set up was. It would at most make my father panic for a while, but would never make him scream like a slaughtered pig.

He reached into the formation and grabbed my father's tattered body, which really shocked Shi Yu.

"Isn't this...impossible? Senior, why are you so weak? Can a small trapping formation and grinding killing formation hurt you like this?"

My father was so angry that he punched Shi Yu in the stomach regardless of the blood and flesh on his body, "You bastard, you definitely did it on purpose! You know I'm not smart and you still use the trap? That guy and I are both looking inside." If there is no way out, he will just hit me! Do you think I can handle it?"

Shi Yu grinned and rubbed his painful belly, wanting to laugh but not daring to.

Jian Kaitian learned his lesson at this time. Seeing that the soul shadow was trapped, he quickly picked up the big sword and wanted to split the space barrier and leave here, but the space barrier that should have been brittle was like a flexible tendon, pulled by the sword's edge. It became strands but never broke, and instantly bounced back to its original place, creating layers of tiny ripples.

My father, who was seriously injured, became even more angry and cursed: "Did this guy take Dali Pill? Last time, Wang Qi and I teamed up to easily drive it away. Why was it so powerful this time? I was the only one who escaped." In the secret realm, the return journey is not so difficult!”

Shi Yu frowned, wondering if it was possible that he had sorted out the places where he controlled his destiny and promoted the guardians in each secret realm along the way?

He hurriedly asked: "My father, when was the last time you came in?"

My father poured jar after jar of the red liquor into his mouth and complained: "Isn't it just a few days after Jian Kaitian made the ax for us?"

Shi Yu was determined. It seemed that the problem was likely to be his own. The increased pressure in the Land of Control appeared not only on the interface, but also in these secret realms.

But he didn't dare to express this idea. If he did, he would definitely be drooled over.

The array laid out could not help but tremble violently, and it would not take long before it was destroyed by the brute force of the soul body.

It's brainless, but it definitely doesn't lack power!

Shi Yu took out a large number of formation flags and sprinkled them into the sky and earth, stabilizing the trembling formation again.

But this is not a solution after all. There will always be a moment when the array flag will be used up, but no one knows when the power of the soul body will be exhausted.

Jian Kaitian was still slashing wildly, and Yuan Long and Zhi Kun, the two most powerful guys, also joined in. The three of them violently attacked a little space, but they could only tear open a small hole the size of a needle tip, and then disappeared in an instant. It was absolutely impossible. Let people pass through safely.

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