Life Control Chart

Chapter 59: Each one does his own thing

"Shi Yu, you said you still have a few companions waiting for you on the Red Mountain. This year is coming. If you don't continue to look for the Lingxiao Fruit here, I will inform them and wait a little longer." Gu Yun and Shi Yu sat side by side in a secluded place chatting.

Although the relationship became closer, Gu Yun still did not always call Shi Yu Shi's younger brother. He said that this title was too childish and was sorry for Shi Yu's identity and future achievements. Calling him by his first name was enough. Shi Yu tried to persuade him several times to no avail, so It's up to him.

"How can this work! Since Brother Gu can pick the first one, he can pick the second one. I don't have any other skills. I can still climb up and down to find things!" Shi Yu was still interested in Ling who ate Gu Yun. Xiaoguo was very worried about it and decided to pick one with his own hands and return it to him.

"Haha, you think too simply! I have been looking for Lingxiao fruit for decades. I saw three and only picked one! And this one was unlucky. I don't know how I got it!

That day, I was unstable when climbing. My feet slipped and I grabbed the branches and leaves to stabilize myself. Unexpectedly, there happened to be a Lingxiao fruit there, so I picked it off. The other two disappeared with just a touch. "Gu Yun's confidence in Shi Yu can't be said to be a blow, but he is definitely not optimistic either.

Everyone knows that whether you can pick the Lingxiao Fruit depends on God's will. There is no chance of success. Gu Yun picked one and it was already a blessing. It is possible to find another one. It is completely hopeless to pick it. As far as we know, No one has ever been able to obtain two Lingxiao Fruits.

"But what the elder brother worked so hard for was swallowed by me in one gulp. The younger brother is really sorry." Shi Yu still refused to give up.

"No one in the world can get two Lingxiao Fruits. If you want to go, it's better for you to find them yourself. My presence will be a hindrance. I might as well find someone for you, so you can find the Lingxiao Fruits with peace of mind." Gu Yun in turn comforted Shi Yu.

Shi Yu thought quietly for a moment, nodded and said: "What the elder brother said is true, and the younger brother is also quite worried about those people, so I can help the elder brother to go over and stabilize them. You wait for me for two days, I have something for you, by the way." Bring some to them as well. If you find them, you can meditate first." After that, Shi Yu sat quietly for a moment and began to use his energy. Yuan spirits emerged one after another.

Gu Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, secretly thinking that he must have such a strong heart to practice in this way!

It is not that there are no monks who practice with Yuan Ling, but they are only possible if they are giants from wealthy families that are beyond their reach, or core experts of high-end sects with hundreds of millions of years of inheritance. I have never thought about it.

Now Shi Yu was throwing them out piece by piece like pulling out a carrot, and he really couldn't bear it.

Shi Yu concentrated on exercising his power, and Gu Yun did not want to disturb him. Two days later, Shi Yu stopped exercising with a tired look on his face. This time he almost emptied his body and used all his strength to condense these Yuanlings.

Looking at the seventeen dollars in front of me

For the orange Yuanling, Shi Yu said to Gu Yun: "Brother's Lingxiao Fruit can't be replenished for the time being, so let's practice with these first. I will search carefully during this trip and try to pick it successfully. These Yuanlings, those four Give them a piece each, and keep the rest for use when needed. "

Gu Yun was not polite and put away those Yuanlings. He knew that being polite to Shi Yu at this time was just a waste of time. The number of these Yuan Spirits has far exceeded his expectations, and he feels that it is enough to make up for Ling Xiaoguo's debt.

When putting away Yuan Ling, Gu Yun asked Shi Yu casually: "Those of your friends haven't used this practice yet, right?"

"I have used it. Occasionally I give one or two pieces, but I only use it when I encounter bottlenecks and require a lot of energy impact." Shi Yu stood up and moved his body after sitting for two days, and his fatigue was slightly reduced.

"Oh", Gu Yun nodded. Although he had a guess, it was still a bit unbelievable to hear Shi Yu say it himself.

A few low-level monks can actually use Yuanling to practice from time to time, and their treatment is far better than that of the so-called masters. Anyone who sees it will be jealous. This has completely subverted Gu Yun's cognition.

Fortunately, those few people were lucky and were not discovered while practicing. If anyone knew about it, they would probably risk their lives to take away Shi Yu and his belongings, and hide him in the door to lay golden eggs every day.

The ignorant are fearless, the ignorant are fearless! Gu Yun couldn't help but sigh.

After waiting for Shiyu for a few more days, Shiyu absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gradually recovered.

During this period, Gu Yun told Shi Yu in detail about the surrounding characteristics and picking methods when he discovered the Lingxiao fruit. Although the scenes were different each time he saw it three times, it is good to have some experience. Maybe he can encounter similar places. As for The picking method depends on one's destiny.

Then the two of them said goodbye and went their own way. Shi Yu climbed up to the top of the tree again. He had no intention of fighting with others at this low place. Gu Yun, on the other hand, ran towards the place where Shi Yu said the big and small people were waiting.

On this climb, Shi Yu no longer just hurried all the way. When he reached about five thousand miles, it was estimated that there would be no other monks here to interfere, and he began to carefully examine the petiole of each Lingxiao leaf.

Gu Yun had only seen three Lingxiao fruits in decades. He didn't know if he would be lucky enough to find one as soon as possible.

The so-called endless obstacles and difficulties in climbing the Lingxiao Tree, Shi Yu still encountered none. He was also puzzled by his situation. Other monks had gone through a lot of hardships to find a suitable position. It was obviously unreasonable for him to want to go anywhere.

The spiritual consciousness was released far away, covering an area of ​​about several miles, and every leaf looked the same. Shi Yu remembered that Gu Yun said that spiritual consciousness could not detect the Lingxiao Fruit, but he still wanted to try.

Everyone has this habit. As long as you haven’t done something that others have confirmed, you won’t be able to do it.

If I happen to be able to do it, I will definitely try it.

Although his spiritual awareness is wide, it is useless. His eyesight is visible but the range is too small. This contradiction gives Shi Yu a headache. If he really spends ten or eight years here, even if Gu Yun finds Ni Da and his party to settle down, Jiang Shuangxue's master may find her and take her away during this time.

Parting is certain, but Shi Yu still wants to have a farewell.

There are also benefits to searching carefully. Shi Yu saw many details that he had never noticed before, such as some branches with marks left by predecessors, most of which were stops or names left before leaving; and some thick branches actually have huge tree holes, which are enough for people to rest.

One day, Shi Yu stopped in a tree hole and carefully recalled what he had seen and searched in the past few days, hoping to find some patterns to increase the chance of finding Lingxiao fruit.

The only thing that Gu Yun saw Lingxiao fruit three times was that it was in the evening, but it had nothing to do with the fruit itself. It can't be said that Lingxiao fruit doesn't like daytime and only comes out to breathe when it's getting dark.

Out of boredom, Shi Yu began to recite the miscellaneous books he had read and told himself stories to relieve his boredom.

He liked the story of a poor scholar meeting a ghost while taking an exam, and it had to be a female ghost, preferably a prettier one. The human and the ghost first quarreled, then fought, and then became a family, so festive and joyful.

This irrelevant memory gradually led his thoughts to the girl in green.

He still didn't know whether it was a dream or not. The actual experience of that day was gradually blurred when he recalled it. Except for the girl herself, everything else had faded. If it was really a dream, he would believe it.

Shi Yu didn't realize that whenever he was alone and quietly thought about the girl, he would fall asleep. This time was no exception.

Shi Yu lay in the tree hole. The quiet night was without a single noise, only Shi Yu's own shallow breathing hissed. He was like a baby sleeping in his mother's body, without thoughts, without sorrow, lying purely and quietly and falling asleep.

The Sky-High Tree seemed to have seen Shi Yu's sweet dream, and layers of pale energy leaked out from under him, washing away the dust on Shi Yu's body.

In an instant, the abundant energy in Shi Yu's body felt the call of the Sky-High Tree, and it surged out from every pore like a river, wandering around in and out of Shi Yu's body, rolling up the gift of the Sky-High Tree and returning to its original position, repeatedly washing Shi Yu's body.

If there were outsiders present, they would be surprised to see Shi Yu's body was a piece of white, as if he had completely transformed into a human-shaped spirit, constantly spewing endless light around, passing through the hole and shooting straight into the sky.

When Shi Yu was sleeping soundly, the cultivators in other parts of the Sky-High Tree were already in chaos, and the cultivators on the entire Sky-High Tree were all abnormally alert.

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