Life Control Chart

Chapter 608: Sneaky Sword Opens the Sky

In the sparsely populated peripheral areas, the protagonists are the strange beasts and rare birds running around.

There are even more secret realms that have never been explored one after another.

But none of this aroused Jian Kaitian's interest. He moved quickly without looking at him, which made Shi Yu feel very surprised.

Especially when he saw a strange beast that was no less than a spiritual creature in his body running in front of him, and Jian Kaitian didn't even turn his eyes, Shi Yu couldn't help it anymore, "Big Jian, you can't even run over to such a treasure." Grasp?"

"What's the use of this thing? It's just a meal of meat, Xuanpan is more important!" Jian Kaitian, who was about to pluck out the hair from his legs when a fly passed before his eyes, was able to say such words, which made Shi Yu extremely surprised.

But before Shi Yu could ask any more questions, Jian Kaitian spared no effort to activate Huan Shi.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Shi Yu was puzzled and had no choice but to speed up and chase him.

When the Juezhu camp appeared in front of them, to their surprise, it was deserted. The howling breeze blew through the simple houses that had been deserted for a long time, making people feel decadent involuntarily.

"No way! Grandpa, I finally plucked up the courage! They all ran away?" Jian Kaitian overturned one house after another, but it was still empty.

Shi Yu thought about it and knew why.

"They all went to find Ye Mobai, and Xuanpan was no exception."

"It's boring!" Jian Kaitian muttered and stepped into the land bridge.

"Hey? Why are you going again?" Shi Yu shouted loudly.

"Go out for a walk! Since Xuanpan isn't here, go find my father! I'll go there for a walk myself." Jian Kaitian walked quickly without looking back.

Shi Yu frowned and looked at Jian Kaitian's back, feeling that this guy had something up his sleeve and that he was not pulling him out to grab the treasure, but to deal with Xuanpan.

"What are you going to do? You're sneaky!" Shi Yu caught up and asked loudly.

Jian Kaitian ran faster and shouted loudly: "We don't need you anymore! There is nothing good worth grabbing in the edge of the land, you go back!"

The more Jian Kaitian behaved like this, the more Shi Yu didn't want to leave. He took a few steps to catch up with Jian Kaitian and grabbed Jian Kaitian's arm, saying angrily: "You can't live without me? Don't you want to live now?"

Jian Kaitian shook off Shi Yu's palm and continued to run, "I can live without being greedy for money. Why are you so annoying? I can't live with a sissy like you following me!"

"Eh?" Shi Yu stopped and watched Jian Kaitian running further and further away.

"Then I can leave! Be careful!" Shi Yu turned around and walked toward the outside. After a few steps, he took out the barrier leaf to cover his body, and secretly followed Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian ran for thousands of miles, then turned back to see if Shi Yu had really left. He rolled his eyes for a long time, then carefully searched the distance of a hundred miles with his spiritual mind, and confirmed that Shi Yu was really not behind him, then he hummed a little tune and carried the big gun The sword keeps running.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! This guy has even unleashed his spiritual thoughts, what shameful thing is he going to do?" Shi Yu stood where Jian Kaitian stopped and looked back, muttering to himself in a low voice, and continued to chase after him quickly.

After leaving the land bridge, Jian Kaitian kicked away the stone tablet that warned those who came after him. He chuckled a few times and looked around. After a while, he found a direction and escaped.

Several realm owners who were hesitating at the entrance of Luqiao saw someone suddenly run out and kick the stone tablet away. One of them was about to scold Jian Kaitian, but his companion grabbed his sleeve and shook his head.

"Don't cause trouble, I think I've seen that guy before."


"I can't remember, but the smell is similar."

"It's right not to mess with him, otherwise you will have become dead souls at this moment!" A clear voice sounded, and several world leaders hurriedly looked towards the Luqiao entrance.

Shi Yuzheng walked out slowly, looking at the direction where Jian Kaitian was retreating and thinking.

"Dare to ask this friend,

Is the Lord really camping on the other side of the bridge? "One person asked Shi Yu politely, cupping his hands.

"Yes! But they have left, and there is no one on the other side now. But it is not certain when they will come back. If you are not sure about rushing directly across the land bridge, it is better not to take the risk. It will be bad if you are blocked inside."

With that said, Shi Yu also jumped up and chased Jian Kaitian away.

"Are these two people chasing each other? They are running so fast!" A realm master asked doubtfully.

No one could recognize Shi Yu's appearance. He was using a soul body at the moment, and his body was pitch black like a ghost.

Jiankai Tianyu returned to my father early in the morning, running happily all the way. No one or anything could attract him, just like a wanderer who is eager to return home.

But there were too many disputes and fights in the borderlands. Jian Kaitian didn't want to delay any longer. There were always blind monks or realm masters blocking the way.

"Go away!" Jian Kaitian roared again to disperse the crowd. This time it was a fierce battle between two major sects. Tens of thousands of people crowded into a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles and the sky was shattering. The leaders were a dozen world leaders.

He couldn't get around it even if he wanted to.

The fighting paused for a while, and the low-level monks hurriedly got out of the way, but those realm masters were fighting to the death, with pairs of angry eyes piercing Jian Kaitian's eyes.

The grumpy Realm Master waved the magic weapon in his hand, and several space cracks suddenly appeared next to Jian Kaitian, tearing apart the chaos and swallowing him in.

Before the rift could close, Jian Kaitian burst out of the air with a roar and struck at the Realm Lord with a sword.

Billions of giant swords suddenly appeared in the sky, and the sea of ​​swords that filled the sky rushed past. Not only did they chop the world lord into flying ash, but also swept away a large area of ​​​​the world behind him.

The battlefield that had been crowded just now suddenly showed a smooth path. Without Shi Yu by his side, Jian Kaitian didn't even want to keep a piece of meat.

With a cold snort, Jian Kaitian inserted the giant sword back behind his back like a master, and his eyes swept over all the realm masters on the battlefield.

None of those realm masters dared to look at Jian Kaitian, and they all lowered their gazes and avoided the side. They would wait until Jian Kaitian left to talk about their grudges.

"You don't know what is good or bad! If grandpa hadn't had something to do today, I would have killed you all without leaving a trace!" With these cruel words, Jian Kaitian rushed past the open space created by the sea of ​​swords and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

The fierce battlefield was forcibly intimidated, and there was a moment of silence. The two hostile sects looked at me and I looked at you. Just as they were about to muster the courage to fight again, another dark figure passed through the middle of the battlefield, interrupting them again. Initiated shout.

"Hell!" The two gangs whose fighting spirit was extinguished could no longer fight. They looked at each other bitterly and then retreated.

Chasing behind Jian Kaitian, Shi Yu was more and more surprised. The sword sea magic skill just now was clearly Wan Fang's special skill. Could it be that Jian Kaitian integrated Wan Fang's sharp sword and learned his unique skill?

Shi Yu had no idea what Jian Kaitian was going to do. Jian Kaitian at most stopped occasionally to get his bearings, and then continued to hallucinate, and finally stopped in front of a glorious mountain gate.

Jian Kaitian looked up at the big characters on the mountain gate, hesitated for a moment and then walked in.

Shi Yu saw Jian Kaitian chatting with the disciple guarding the mountain for a few words in the distance. The disciple shook his head frequently and politely invited Jian Kaitian out.

It was rare that Jian Kaitian didn't lose his temper because of others' rejection. He happily left the mountain gate with his sword and fled further away.

When Shi Yu got closer, he could clearly see the big characters on the door, which read: Brahma Tao Sect.

After taking a closer look, a good sect-protecting formation was gathered outside the sect to prevent any unscrupulous people from sneaking in.

Shi Yu had never heard of the Brahma Tao Sect, and he didn’t know when Jian Kaitian came into contact with the monks of this sect, but judging from the situation, it should be a grudge.

Shi Yu knew clearly that Jian Kaitian had not gone away. After he escaped from the sight of the disciples guarding the mountain, he landed in a nearby small city.

Went in and out of various shops in the city.

Shi Yu showed up in no hurry. Jian Kaitian must have encountered something difficult, but he didn't want Shi Yu to intervene.

Either because he was afraid of being implicated, or because it was too private, in short he wanted to resolve it alone.

But the necessary inquiries about Shi Yu still need to be done. Since Jian Kaitian is not dealing with the Brahma Dao Sect, it would not be a good idea if he did not know anything about it.

Following Jian Kaitian to the city, Shi Yu found a teahouse and got into it. He found a storyteller and threw a piece of purple Yuanling on his table. He said that when he first came to the treasure land, he saw the extraordinary aura of the Brahma Dao Sect. I would like to understand the origin of Brahma Taoism.

The storyteller's eyes lit up, he put away his Yuan Ling, and recounted everything he knew.

The story is very boring. In fact, the Lord of the Brahma Realm, who claims to be the number one in all worlds, came here to occupy the land and became the king. All the big cities in the surrounding millions of miles are his private property.

The secret realm belongs to whoever opens it first, and whoever dares to touch it will die when it comes to him.

Shi Yu secretly smiled, but fortunately there was no abundance here. The real Absolute Master and even the peak realm master would not look at it. This shameless Brahma Realm Master had no one to listen to him for a while, leaving him to rule the roost.

Of course, the Brahma Realm Lord described by storytellers is extremely brave and majestic. He is actually a true gentleman and magnanimous god who is unique in all realms.

But in Shi Yu's heart, he was just a bully of stupid people.

"Haha, when did Jian Kaitian become so just and want to kill such hypocritical realm lords to support the common people?"

"Okay! I have heard clearly that the Brahma Dao Sect, one master, nine assistants and ten masters of the world, are all invincible true gods who can destroy the world and destroy the world. They are indeed worthy of this prosperous world! You have also met. Good master, live your life in peace, hahaha!" Shi Yu slapped the table and stood up, laughing up to the sky and going out.

After listening to the story, Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts implicated in Jian Kaitian also began to move.

Jian Kaitian's work was simple and direct. He found the largest trading company in the city and beat everyone up and down. Seeing him was like seeing his own father. Anyone who saw Jian Kaitian was the boss of the business, and the boss kept shouting at them.

Jian Kaitian's plan to clean up this trading house was not without purpose. This trading company was sending a batch of treasures to the Brahma Sect. Jian Kaitian appointed himself as the owner of the trading company and wanted to use his identity to sneak into the depths of the Brahma Sect.

Shi Yu followed behind and possessed a man unprepared. He walked timidly into the Brahma Tao Sect with his head lowered.

It was a inspection of goods and a physical examination, and the group walked with great difficulty. Shi Yu was very impatient about why Jian Kaitian suddenly became such a bitch. If he wanted to kill someone, shouldn't he stand outside the mountain gate and roar and strike with his sword?

"Stop!" Yihu's pretending to be a powerful warehouse disciple stopped Jian Kaitian, "I don't have time at the moment, so you can rest here on the grass for a few hours. I will come to check the quality of the goods later, and then put them in the warehouse and make a record."

Jian Kaitian was just an ordinary burly man at this time. When he heard that someone was making trouble, he hurriedly took out some rare objects and treasures from his arms and stuffed them into the disciple's hands. The charming smile on his face made Shi Yu feel sick.

The disciple took the treasure and threw it on the ground casually, "Who do you think I am from the Brahma Tao Sect? How dare you do something that can't be brought to light?"

Those who don’t know still think that everyone in the Brahma-Tao Sect is clear-minded and fair in everything they do.

But when Jian Kaitian put two pieces of green Yuanling into the hands of the disciple, his expression immediately softened and he hummed: "Enter Gansanku, and wait until we go to the guest house to rest."

After saying that, he threw a token to Jian Kaitian and left as if nothing happened.

Jian Kaitian bent down and smiled flatteringly, until the man disappeared, then he stood up with a sneer and threw the token to the real bank master beside him.

"Go! Do as he says! If you dare to reveal even a little bit of news, your whole family will be destroyed!"

The bank leader had already been subdued by Jian Kaitian, and he took the token and called on his disciples to step up their work.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Jian Kaitian twisted his figure into the ground and quickly escaped towards the depths of Brahma Dao Sect.

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