Life Control Chart

Chapter 628: Sworn Brotherhood

"This... the child hasn't been born yet?" Yuan Long hesitated, but if he wanted to suppress the Wu Emperor and Wan Ling at the moment, the only real deterrent would be to be connected with Shi Yu and his wife, and no other names or tokens would be enough. Will be looked down upon by these two people.

"Okay!" Zhu Yanlan agreed happily and ran out to find the Qingchi and Qingxi sisters for advice. They were familiar with this kind of etiquette and rules better than anyone else.

Qingchi and Qingxi were a little dumbfounded when they heard that they wanted to take care of their unborn child. This was against the rules.

It's okay to verbally agree in advance, but if there is a ceremony, how to follow the etiquette without children in front?

Shi Yu doesn't care about this. Having children is not in line with the etiquette. Then let Zhu Yanlan and Yuan Long become sisters, and by the way, God's marriage is also included in the title. Wouldn't everything be fine?

Soon, word spread that Yuan Long and Zhu Yanlan were married to Jinlan and became the godmother of Shi Yu's unborn child.

Although it was only circulated among relatives and friends, everyone knew that Shi Yu would not let Wan Ling's voice in Yanlan City become too loud and threaten Yuan Long's status.

On the day of the sworn vows, the entire City Lord's Mansion was decorated with lights and colorful flowers. Thousands of monks from the Yunyin Clan served as attendants and stewards, floating in and out of the mansion like clouds of smoke, making the City Lord's Mansion look like a fairyland on earth.

In order to establish prestige for Yuan Long, naturally everything was focused on Yuan Long. She deliberately took out the colorful dress she wore when she was the Dragon Emperor and wore it with Zhu Yanlan.

The noble and heroic costumes make the two women look sassy and gorgeous, like a pair of Valkyries coming to the world.

There were no descendants of the Dragon Clan here, so Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao went around to catch countless rare birds and animals to decorate the atmosphere.

He even led my father to break through eighteen secret realms, captured the guardian beasts and forced them to transform into dragons, hovering and flying over the city lord's palace, with dragon roars coming out from their mouths from time to time. The scene was quite spectacular.

This scene made Yuanlong extremely emotional. Nowadays, only one dragon clan is left in Xuanpan. Thinking of the hostility between Xuanpan and Shi Yuyin, Yuanlong thought of moving the clan again.

Without digressing, Qingchi Qingxi sent invitations to all the sects in a billions of miles radius before the official day of sworn sworn ceremony, and asked Mai Heng to drive around in a chariot hung with the head of the Master to deliver the invitations. His words were extremely polite, but That sheer intimidation made all the sects tremble with fear.

When one sect after another sent envoys to bring gifts and express their congratulations to Yuan Long and Zhu Yanlan, the two women smiled as brightly as flowers, and they felt as if thousands of sects had come to court.

Only Wan Ling was sitting in the front seat on the left, his face as heavy as water. The three siblings, Zhi Kun, felt their bodies were full of thorns and couldn't sit still. They had no choice but to sit under him to prevent him from getting angry at any time.

Hei Fumang sat opposite Wan Ling, smiling all the time as he looked at Wan Ling, who had an extremely dark face, and sent messages to Wan Ling's divine thoughts from time to time.

But they must not be good words. Wan Ling's expression is getting more and more ugly, and anger is gradually covering his face.

When the two girls officially became sworn brothers and everyone stood up to congratulate them, Wan Ling's face turned extremely pale. If my father hadn't quietly stood beside him and whispered comfort, Wan Ling would have walked away.

Because the words of worship between the two women actually contained words of unity and destiny, to kill traitors and traitors together. It's easy to talk about outsiders, but doesn't this traitor clearly mean that he is a traitor?

Shi Yu didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he just hid in the crowd and watched the ceremony. He had more important tasks today and was just waiting for something to happen.

Just after the wedding ceremony, when everyone was sitting down, an unexpected accident happened suddenly. Zhu Yanlan, who had been immersed in joy, suddenly

He screamed in surprise, and his whole body was covered in blazing flames.

Endless power rushed through his body in an instant, and the barriers to cultivation were broken open one after another. Zhu Yanlan only felt that he would rise to the top and become a god who looked down on all living beings.

She hurriedly closed her eyes and sat upright in the throne. A hurricane broke out around her, setting off waves of mountain roaring and tsunami sounds. Endless spiritual energy surged in and blasted into her meridians along her body.

Immediately, there was a rumbling sound of hidden thunder exploding in Zhu Yanlan's body, and streaks of light shot out in all directions.

The giant dragon hovering over Yanlan City roared, summoning more spiritual energy tides to stir the world.

The young cultivators from the Yunyin clan who were floating inside and outside the city lord's palace could not keep their figures steady in this sudden torrent of heaven and earth. As the huge waves of spiritual energy screamed and crashed towards Zhu Yanlan, they were about to be smashed into pieces one by one. The big day is smeared with an ominous layer of blood.

Yuanlong roared and danced his arms rapidly, one by one Yuanli dragon claws penetrated the hurricane, grabbed Yunyin monks and threw them far away.

The other realm masters of Yanlan City also shouted violently at the same time, and they all tried their best to help, thus avoiding the bloody scene that shouldn't have happened.

The world leaders and monks from various sects who came to congratulate him were full of surprise.

This strange scene was obviously a temporary emergency, but this unexpected event was that Zhu Yanlan, who worshiped one of the true masters, broke through on the spot and entered the world master realm in one fell swoop!

Worthy of great joy!

The hunting wind blew Zhu Yanlan's clothes dancing wildly, and Yuanlong standing next to her smiled brightly. What better gift could there be than Zhu Yanlan breaking through, and what gift could be more shocking than breaking through on the spot!

Shi Yu, who was buried in the crowd, was also ecstatic. Zhu Yanlan's delay in entering the Realm of Realm was not only a knot in her own mind, but also a worry that could not be erased from Shi Yu's heart.

If Zhu Yanlan does not reach the Realm Lord realm, he will not be able to practice with peace of mind, not to mention that he may break into the upper realm in the future, and he will have to leave the low-level Zhu Yanlan in the world.

It only took a moment to break through. The rising flames suddenly retracted from the body, and the violent wind suddenly subsided. Sitting in the honorable seat, Zhu Yanlan slowly opened his eyes. His fiery eyes swept across all the guests in the hall one by one. When he saw Shi Yu When she smiled, the corners of her lips were raised high.

Everyone stood up again, bowed to Zhu Yanlan and shouted: Congratulations to Zhu Jiezhu for reaching the pinnacle!

Her breakthrough was unique in the Ten Thousand Realms. Thousands of Realm Lords witnessed it in person, and tens of thousands of cultivators congratulated her at the same time. Who else had this honor before?

Zhu Yanlan stood up and bowed in return, thanking several important guests one by one.

"Hahaha! Great!" The storm settled, and Yuanlong on the side reached out and pulled Zhu Yanlan over. The pair of beautiful ladies stood close to each other and looked at the people in the hall together.

"Today is a great day for me, Yuanlong, and Zhu Yanlan to become sworn sisters, and it is also a great day for my sister to break into the realm of master!

Everyone is here to congratulate me, Yuanlong is grateful and will remember it in my heart. If you have any difficulties in the future, please feel free to ask, as long as my two sisters can do it, we will do our best!"

It sounds like just a nice talk, but Yuanlong has invisibly brought Yanlan City and the thousands of sects around it to form a vague alliance, or they can advance and retreat together in the future and stand in the place of controlling life.

Wanling's face was uncertain, Wu Qianman ran to the Wanling Realm to ask him to come out, he was not very willing to put down his status to assist a junior who was not sure how many generations behind him, and he was also angry with Yuanlong, so he had been burning with anger in his heart.

But at this time, seeing Shi Yu taking Zhu Yanlan

to go up there for a tour, he can break through the realm of master when he comes back.

With my father accompanying him, his strength was far superior to his. Wan Ling felt that such an incredible thing could not be expressed without a miracle, and his arrogance that he thought he should be above everyone else was slightly lowered.

My father noticed that Wan Ling's mind had changed slightly, and he tilted his head and whispered, "If you want to make a difference in the future, don't learn from Xuan Pan and Yu Luyao. They are Shi Yu's family, and they are better than you and me in terms of conditions, but now they are fighting to the death!

If it weren't for Yu Luyao's two former maids who stopped them openly or secretly, they would have died in Shi Yu's hands! Think about it!"

Wan Ling lowered his head, groaned and sat back in his seat, with a fierce light in his eyes.

Just at this moment, a loud and provocative sound of knocking on the city was heard outside Yanlan City.

A huge hand fell from the sky and suddenly slapped the guards stationed outside the city.

The city defense array thundered, and a powerful force rushed into the defense array. With the roar of the soldiers, they slashed wildly, splitting the sky-breaking light column straight into the giant palm.

The light palms met and disappeared in an instant. The rumbling sound of thunder burst through the city defense array and rushed into the city lord's mansion, shocking the guests with doubts, thinking that they would not be able to sit down today.

Although the army array was fierce, it was still powerless to face the powerful enemy who attacked, and it collapsed after breaking the giant palm that covered the sky.

The soldiers fell and flew, one by one hitting the wall of the city defense array that had already condensed, and crashed into pieces of ripples of light.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. The array sprinkled a clear light and rolled the soldiers into the defense array, regrouping to prepare for the next round of surprise attacks.

Shi Yu smiled slightly, turned around and walked out. This was the highlight of today. Without enough people to shed blood and add color, how could there be enough power to help Yuanlong successfully conquer the people's hearts.

My father also drew out the giant axe from his waist, and chased after Shi Yu with a strange laugh.

Yuan Long's loud and clear voice sounded again, "Everyone, on such a great day, how can we not have some performances to liven up the atmosphere? I have arranged for Yu Luyao to attack the city and perform. Please enjoy it calmly."

This scared everyone, including Wan Ling!

Let Yu Luyao attack the city and perform? How arrogant can one be to say such a rampant word?

Wan Ling didn't know in advance that there would be a big enemy coming to cause trouble today. At this moment, he just felt that everyone in Yanlan City had kept the matter from him, and his resentment rose again.

It was not until the three people beside him, Zhi Kun, asked each other in surprise that they realized that only a few people knew about this matter.

"You three didn't know that Yu Luyao would come to the door today?" Wan Ling asked Zhi Kun in a deep voice with a cold face.

Zhi Kun shook his head and pointed at Moro and Wan Lei who had hurried out, "They don't know either, right? Look at how flustered they are."

Not only Moro and Wan Lei, but also Yuan Long, my father, Hei Fu Mang and Shi Yu, everyone else was shocked, even Zhu Yanlan, who was still immersed in the joy of breaking through the realm, turned pale.

Wan Ling saw Zhu Yanlan pulling Qingxi to ask what was going on, and Qingxi was also confused, so his face looked better.

After another low hum, Wan Ling stood up and walked quickly to the door. He had guessed who had arranged this on purpose. It seemed that they were afraid that too many insiders would leak the news, and scare the cultivators of various sects from coming to congratulate in person.

Yu Luyao failed to break the city defense formation with one palm, and his face was slightly surprised. Just as he was about to raise his palm for a second strike, a person he least expected flew out of the formation and stood in front of him with a sneer.

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