Life Control Chart

Chapter 635 Taishu Peak

Without any distractions, Kui San was determined to make his way as soon as possible. The rest of the journey disappeared behind him like a shadow, and he arrived at Taishu Peak in a few years.

This was already the edge of the Land of Controlling Life. The familiar scene of the young cultivators holding spiritual objects in their hands and looking forward to the new world master entering the Land of Controlling Life could be seen everywhere.

They suddenly saw a huge spiritual beast coming on the wind. The young cultivators hurriedly made way for it, and then stared blankly at Kui San who was gone in a dusty manner, and rushed to the top of Taishu Peak in a few steps.

"Are these people crazy? They even broke into Taishu Peak?" Immediately, there was a buzz of whispers among the young cultivators.

They rushed to the sky one by one, looking at the fate of the cultivators who entered Taishu Peak recklessly.

Before coming, Shi Yu and others did a very rough homework. They only knew which secret places and major sects were there along the way they were going to explore, but they didn't take the dangers they would encounter seriously.

At least, they should have stopped outside the peak and asked the surrounding monks what was so magical about Taishu Peak.

But it was not their fault. With my father in charge, he could go anywhere in the land of life control. Except for a few people, who could withstand his axe?

So when everyone landed on Taishu Peak, they suddenly heard the monks' exclamations in the distance, and then looked at the empty mountain, and they really felt that they were a bit reckless.

Jian Kaitian always moved faster than he thought, and he chopped out a palm and swept over a monk and landed in front of everyone.

That monk was just a little braver and got closer to the mountain, so he was caught by Jian Kaitian and put in a deadly place. He was immediately scared and screamed.

Ni Da slapped the monk on the back of his head and shouted, "Why are you yelling? I'll let you go after asking a few questions. What's there to be afraid of?"

The monk seemed not to hear Ni Da's scolding. He was still shaking and twisting his body around the peak. His legs flashed layers of phantoms like sieves, almost catching up with Shi Yu's speed.

Ling Xiao frowned, stretched out his fingers and shot a green light into the monk's body. Xi Ling also sprinkled a piece of ice and snow on his head. The monk shuddered violently and slowly calmed down.

"Run! Run!" After a little thought, he started shouting again.

Shi Yu looked around in confusion. There must be strange dangers on the peak, but everything seemed fine at the moment. Why was this monk so frightened?

My father had also carefully picked up the axe and said that he would let the three brothers of Ni Da lead the way. If there was really an irresistible crisis, it would still depend on several realm masters to help break it.

"The power of space, I feel the power of space again! Just like my father, your Yumie." Xi Ling suddenly spoke.

Xi Ling, who never spoke, made everyone feel that something was wrong when he spoke.

A slight breeze blew on the top of the peak, and the grass and trees swayed gently in the wind.

"It's coming! It's coming!" The monk screamed in fear again, but did not dare to take a step to escape.

"Who is coming? Tell me clearly!" Kui San grabbed the monk's collar and lifted him up.

"Put it down! Put me down quickly!" The monk looked even more terrified, and regardless of the huge gap in strength between him and Kui San, he waved his palm and slapped two wind blades to cut at Kui San's face.

"Bang bang" two light sounds, Kui San's face was unscathed, he was furious, raised his hand and bent his arm to throw the monk to the ground fiercely.

A few strands of hair suddenly floated in front of Kui San, and even fell on his nose. Kui San was startled and stopped what he was doing, and looked up into the sky.

The sky was still clear, and no hair-removing ghost appeared.

"Hahaha!" Jian Kaitian laughed loudly, and Kui San turned his head hurriedly to see that the monk he was holding with his fingers was laughing.

Not only him, but everyone was staring at the monk in Kui San's hand and trying not to laugh.

Kui San looked down and saw that the terrified monk was actually bald at this time, and his shiny skull was shining in the skylight.

"Huh? What's going on?" Kui San had lost his temper, and gently stood the monk on the ground, looking at his half-bald skull in surprise.

Shi Yu chuckled a few times and then became serious, "I think it must be a space crack. Xi Ling said it was a special crack like Yu Mie. It seems that it just brushed past this person's head. Forget it, let him go."

Waving his hand, Shi Yu asked Kui San to throw the man out of the peak.

"No! Don't!" The monk screamed again, "If you don't die here, you can live a little longer. If you leave Taishu Peak, you will definitely die!"

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Jian Kaitian didn't believe it, and controlled a rock to throw it outside the peak.

Sure enough, the rock flew only three or five feet away from the peak, and suddenly disappeared in the air, apparently swallowed by the invisible space crack.

Everyone became serious and looked around carefully.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the hem of the clothes was lifted up. Jian Kaitian stomped on the ground and lifted up countless dust, and instantly forced the crack hidden in the wind to reveal its original shape.

There was no way to escape. The layers of space cracks seemed to be controlled by someone, like soft ribbons coiled a few feet away from everyone, swallowing wisps of sand and dust.

"Just now it was a few feet away, and now it's in front of us?" Ni exclaimed.

My father looked at the crack seriously, "No, these have always been around us, otherwise the kid wouldn't have had his hair cut. The stone just now was far away, not surrounded by this crack."

Kui San took out a spear and stabbed it carefully towards the crack. There seemed to be an invisible sharp mouth in the air, swallowing the spear inch by inch.

"It's really similar to your Yu Mie, senior, both are scraped into pieces instead of swallowed directly." Shi Yu looked at the half-broken spear in Kui San's hand and exclaimed.

My father snorted angrily: "It's a pity that I don't know the Yu Mie trick, otherwise I would use it to see who is more powerful!"

"You don't know how? Aren't the clones of the Witch Emperor all mentally connected?" Jian Kaitian asked curiously.

"Some moves can only be activated by talent. Yu Mie is a unique move for a big man. How can I know it?" My father himself was a little helpless.

Seeing the big bosses chatting again, not paying attention to the crisis at hand, the three brothers were even more helpless. The flames they had spearheaded were almost extinguished just as they were ignited.

Shi Yu asked with a smile: "What can you do? If you have anything to say in the future, speak out boldly and show off your energy to fight for the treasure with Jian Kaitian."

The second one took courage and pointed at the ground, "How about digging a hole? If there are cracks in the ground, the mountain will not be so stable."

Shi Yu nodded, indicating that he could try it.

Yan Er got the promise and thrust his hands down into the soil. He did not dare to bombard with his elemental force, for fear of inducing airflow and causing a space crack that was almost close to his body.

A square foot of soil was carefully dug out by Armand Er. The pit was silent and no spatial cracks appeared. Just as he was about to dig a second piece, Xi Ling suddenly stretched out his hand and hit Armadillo's back with Dou Da Yuan force.

Armand Er immediately stopped. His fingertips that had just penetrated the pit were peeled off by a thin layer of skin that suddenly appeared in the space crack.

The crack suddenly appeared and then disappeared, and the pit returned again


"Well, it seems that it's not that it's not there, it's that it's hidden. What is the origin of Taishu Peak? Which senior and powerful person is buried there?" Shi Yu stretched out his foot to kick back the soil dug by Er Er, and cleared the pit. Fill in.

The soil that fell back into place was unharmed.

Yan Er stared at the flattened fingertips, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it carefully, and said in surprise: "This smell is similar to yours, Master."

"Huh?" Shi Yu was shocked. Could it be that his dead body was causing trouble here?

Grabbing the palm of Armand Er's hand, Shi Yu felt it carefully, thought for a moment and then stretched his palm into the winding crack a few feet away.

Everyone watched this scene silently, even the trembling monk standing by could not take his eyes away.

His fingers slowly pressed against the crack, and without any surprise, a piece of thin skin was torn off. Shi Yu retracted his palm and brought it to his face again, wrapping his spiritual thoughts tightly around it.

"It's not's the aura there." Shi Yu glanced at the captured monk but did not explain clearly.

"Where?" Everyone's thoughts changed and they understood where Shi Yu was talking about. There was the aura of the life-controlling space here!

"No wonder the eyes are big..." Jian Kaitian stopped mid-sentence, and the monk turned the curious baby's eyes to him again, his ears standing straight up.

Feeling deeply that he had made a mistake, Jian Kaitian looked at the monk with strange eyes, wondering how to deal with him.

As if he felt that danger was starting to come from around him, the monk hurriedly lowered his head, huddled up and moved slowly behind Kui San.

Only Kui San's huge figure could completely block Jian Kaitian's strange gaze.

"Don't hide, come out!" Shi Yu was funny. He still had something to ask, but the monk actually wanted to hide.

Kui San grabbed the monk's neck and twisted him before placing him in front of Shi Yu.

"What's your name?" Shi Yu tried to be as gentle as possible.

"You villain, three things and nines." The monk responded hastily.

"Three Articles and Nines?" Everyone shouted in unison and couldn't help but laugh.

"What kind of name do you have? What do your parents do?" Jian Kaitian asked with a laugh.

"Everyone in the village has the surname Santiao, just because Santiao rivers pass by the village. I am the ninth eldest child in the family, so..."

"Then your eldest child is three to one? Your second child is three to two? If your parents were more diligent, wouldn't they be ranked three to fifty-six?" Jian Kaitian interrupted him.

"There are only ten brothers and sisters in my family. The youngest sister is not called Sanjou Ten, but Sanjou Ling." Faced with topics that were getting further and further away from the topic, Sanjou Jiu still did not dare to neglect and answered quickly.

"Three zeros? Are you asking your sister to continue having babies and start from scratch? Your family can only count to nine?" Jian Kaitian continued to laugh.

"It's not Zero, it's Ling of Lingluo Satin." Sanjoku explained hurriedly.

"Hey! Although this surname is not good, it seems that adding Ling is not bad, hahaha!" Jian Kaitian laughed again.

"Okay! I said Sanjojiu, hahaha!" Shi Yu couldn't help laughing. Just as he was about to change the topic, he couldn't help but laugh when he read the name.

"Sanjojiu, puch! Tell me the origin of Taishu Peak. Don't worry, we'll protect your life, hahaha..." Shi Yu couldn't help it anymore and turned around to suppress his laughter.

The cold Xi Ling's face turned red, and when she saw Shi Yu turning around, she hurriedly turned around and covered her face.

Sanjojiu looked at everyone helplessly. Every time someone heard his name, they would have this expression and this reaction.

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