Life Control Chart

Chapter 639: Soul Guardian Slave

"Then keep walking. Big Eye wants me to die, so I broke through all dangers to show him! Maybe we can meet more people from before the reincarnation of the world, which will also be good for us to know the real secret of the upper world. ." Shi Yu made up his mind.

My father agreed, "Uncle Bachen has almost satisfied Big Eye Dushe's needs, but he is obviously not strong enough to kill us instantly.

I'm worried that if Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan really break into Jiufeng, they will be directly selected and possessed by the Big Eye, and then it will be difficult for us. "

"So we must be stronger. Either kill them before they reach the Nine Peaks, or restrain Big Eye. Anyway, we must not let those guys have the chance to go up by themselves."

Several people here were discussing how to act in the future. Somewhere far away, a fleeing world leader suddenly stopped and looked towards the direction of Taishu Peak with horror on his face, "The main body is dead? How is it possible? Why did he wake up? "

He raised his head and looked towards the sky. There was nothing strange about the quiet sky.

"Damn, it's just a little bit close!" Taishu Bachen's reincarnated face became extremely gloomy, and he snorted and fled towards Taishu Peak.

Life-controlling space

Big Eyes stood quietly on the scroll, watching the lifeline of Taishu Bachen's body change from thin to thick and then to extremely thin. His face, which was exactly the same as Shi Yu's, had no expression at all.

When the life lines representing my father and Jian Kaitian began to move along the faint path, the big eyes turned slightly.

After hesitating for a long time, he attracted some power of controlling the space and brushed the road he had drawn. Several silent thin lines suddenly became thick and active, and the already living creatures became more active.

The power attracted by the big eyes is just a light and shadow on the scroll, but when it falls on the place where the destiny is controlled, it is like a sudden wind.

A sudden pillar of wind rose up from the ground in front of Shi Yu's eyes and shot straight into the sky. It roared and danced for a moment and then roared away like lightning.

As soon as Big Eye withdrew his gaze from the scroll, the entire Life Controlling Space violently rioted as if he was enraged. The violent force slammed into Big Eye, smashing his huge body into pieces and ruthlessly tearing it into pieces.

Within a moment, only a half-broken eye was left in the powerful big eye, and the dying breath disappeared into the life-controlling space.


"Those who act rashly will die!"

There was a tremor and a roar in the life-controlling space, and a torrent of power chased into the void where the big eye disappeared, stirring up space ripples like huge waves.

An illusory body suddenly appeared, quickly patrolling the scrolls. When it found the life lines changed by the big eyes, the phantom appeared and seven figures jumped into the scrolls at the same time and disappeared instantly.

Shi Yu and others, who were walking in the place where they controlled their fate, were just surprised by the hurricane that suddenly appeared in front of them, and heard the roar between heaven and earth.

Everyone stopped all movements, stood on the ground and stared at the sky.

"Those who act rashly will die! What do you mean?" Jian Kaitian was still spinning the Erosion Spirit as he walked, and a lot of fly ash fell from his hands.

"Is Big Eye attacking someone?" Shi Yu was also surprised. This sentence was so similar to Big Eye's warning to him!

My father scratched the stubble moved by the steel needle and speculated: "Someone is tampering with the lifeline? Are there people like Shi Yu in the world?"

In the life-controlling space, no one except Shi Yu can touch the lifelines all over the ground.

Shi Yu looked back at Taishu Peak, who was not far away, and said, "Shu Taishu appeared in this strange situation just after Bachen was wiped out. It couldn't be because he had a clone outside, so he couldn't die and went to the Life Control Space to recuperate, right? "

"Same as you?" Jian Kaitian smacked his lips, "How about we go to Nine Peaks first? Then go up and have a look?"

"No, I'm afraid all the methods I have used can no longer be used to enter the life-controlling space. Big Eyes is very smart. I'll do everything I can to prevent me from blocking you.

There is no way, and it’s useless for you to go up. "

My father echoed: "I don't think I'm in a hurry to go up there. It's not a good place. From the tone just now, the fate of those who have touched their lifeline will not be good!"

In just a few words, under the astonished gazes of Shi Yu and others, the violent hurricane that had just blown across the ground quickly followed the route drawn by the big eyes, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Do you think we are too strong? Big Eyes wants to make the road ahead more difficult and dangerous? Look at the secret realm ahead, the brilliance is even more intense!" My father murmured.

"Is the big eye staring at us from above?" Jian Kaitian pointed his sword towards the sky.

Only Ye Mobai, who was lying on the top of the main peak, knew that no one was entering or leaving the upper realm, and his eyes never left the sky.

He could clearly hear the majestic sound of heaven and earth, but he didn't see anyone being driven out for offending the gods.

"What exactly happened? Why are there so many changes in the upper world?"

Feng Zhu, who had just disappeared in front of Shi Yu and others, had now arrived beside Ye Mo Bai. The huge wind breath swept the completely unable to move Ye Mo Bai into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

What surprised Ye Mobai was that his severely injured body was hit to the ground by the hurricane. Instead of aggravating the injury, he quickly recovered and became stronger than before.

Lying on the ground, Ye Mobai couldn't understand what happened at all, why the power of heaven and earth rushed into his body to erase all the pain.

Suddenly, Ye Mobai saw an illusory figure standing in front of him, lowering his eyes and looking at him silently. The hurricane calmed down with the gentle wave of the figure's palm.

Before Ye Mobai could say anything, the figure suddenly thrust his finger into Ye Mobai's forehead, and a spiritual thought rushed into Ye Mobai's mind: "Give you the power to suppress the boundary and defend the land for a thousand years! The winner after a thousand years will be Servant of Heaven and Man.”

Then a memory was engraved into Ye Mobai's soul, and the figure dispersed with the wind, as if he had never appeared before.

Ye Mobai's eyes suddenly lost focus, then his brilliance gathered, and he slowly stood up from the ground. After a long time, he looked up at the sky, grinning, with bitterness on his face.

"So this is the truth of the God? A slave! Haha! Just a slave without any freedom and power! Hahaha! I have waited for so long, and looked forward to it for so long, only to become someone else's slave!

You gave me power just to make me a soul-guarding slave who will never be freed? Breaking the realm? Breaking the realm is just a lie! Hahaha!"

Ye Mobai, who laughed loudly, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the sky, roaring: "Since the one above is going to be killed! You can just choose a slave, why do you want us to fight to the death? I am not the guardian of the secret realm! Why do you count me in?"

But his angry question did not get anyone's answer. Just thousands of miles away from the ground, Ye Mobai was hit into the void by an invisible huge force and hit the top of Jiufeng again.

The main peak collapsed. Ye Mobai, who was endowed with divine power, was a hundred times stronger than he was in his prime. How could the divine peak withstand his violent impact?

Lying on the ground, Ye Mobai was motionless again, staring at the unreachable zenith with a dull look. The main peak below him quickly recovered and became the fairyland with beautiful mountains, clear waters and misty clouds.

"Soul-guarding slaves... It turns out that all realms are prisoners who can never escape! This place might as well be called the prison? Heaven... Who can become a real heaven?" Ye Mobai whispered to himself and closed his eyes in despair.

After an unknown period of time, Ye Mobai stood up and stretched out his hand to completely gather the nine peaks in billions of rays of light.

When the light dispersed, his Dongzhan Realm, which had been destroyed by other absolute masters, appeared under his feet again.

If someone stepped into the central realm and climbed the nine peaks, he would find that he had stepped into an inexplicable and strange world in one step

! Countless figures were rushing around, and the noise was noisy. The nine peaks that once climbed to the sky were no longer seen!

In the deserted central territory, no one noticed Ye Mobai's fierceness. The same was true for the inner circle, but the outer and edge territories were different.

Seven figures rushed into the world of the scroll, and each chose a point on the path painted by the big eye and entered.

Just as one of them chose Ye Mobai, the other six figures were also standing in front of the six secret realm creatures.

The six creatures were of different races and varied in appearance, but they had one thing in common: they were all guarded by the secret realm whose power was forcibly raised by the big eye.

Somewhere on the edge of the territory

The messy limbs on the ground were still emitting heat, and thousands of terrified monks shouted meaninglessly and fled in all directions.

The sect master who was still showing his divine power just now was suddenly beaten into a bloody mess by the mad secret realm guardian beast, and the other sect masters around him were instantly slaughtered.

"Soul-guarding slaves! Kill all creatures that invade the territory! The decisive battle will take place a thousand years later! Interesting, slaves are slaves, I am not the slave guarding here, haha, hahaha!"

With a wave of his hand, the scenery of this secret place suddenly changed, and the clouds and mists were steaming for thousands of miles, and nothing could be seen.

With another flash, it seemed that the beautiful fairyland that no one had ever set foot on appeared on the earth, and the blood on the ground and the monks who had not yet escaped disappeared without a trace.

Still on the edge of the territory, a secret place near the land bridge

The guardian beast that looked like a sea eel angrily bit the spirit that dared to stand in front of it. It thought that this shaky and invisible guy was a spirit.

But the spirit did not avoid the guardian beast's bite, and gently poked its forehead with a finger. The beast's eyes suddenly changed from only cruel in nature to extremely spiritual and insidious, shaking its head and tail and drilling into the earth.

The protective wall of the secret realm here dissipated at the same time, perfectly integrating the secret realm and the place of controlling life.

Somewhere in the outer boundary

Dozens of peak masters were still whispering about what the hurricane that just rolled over was, and a very faint figure fell into the secret realm not far away.

Everyone was shocked. They clearly saw that the figure suddenly appeared and fell into the secret realm without any hindrance, and that secret realm was a treasure land that dozens of them had never opened together.

"Let's go! Go and take a look!" Someone immediately called everyone to run out together.

But as soon as they ran to the side of the secret realm, they saw that the protective wall of the secret realm suddenly disappeared, and a huge and bright flower fluttered in the center of the secret realm, swaying slightly towards them.

The figure that fell into the secret realm had long disappeared.

"Where is the person?" One person asked softly. Facing such a charming and strange magic flower, anyone who spoke would involuntarily lower his voice.

"Was it swallowed by this monster?" Someone responded in a low voice.

As if hearing the whispers of the crowd, the flower gently turned its corolla, trembling like a beauty offering her love.

Everyone was shocked and quickly stepped back, and then one by one, they stepped forward with a smile, willingly walked along the calyx into the pistil, and plunged into the sweet and moist nectar.

"Hehehe! So delicious! The thousand-year decisive battle? I'm really looking forward to this battle in the upper realm..." A charming female voice really rang in the empty world, and the bright flowers looked even more charming and seductive.


Seven phantoms created seven powerful monsters at the same time. The seven monsters lined up along the road that Shi Yu was going to take, covering seven demonic domains.

Thousands of years later, these seven monsters will have the ultimate showdown in the life-controlling space to decide who will replace Da Yan as the soul-guarding slave.

However, this secret is only known by seven powerful monsters, and Shi Yu and others are still walking on their own path without knowing it.

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