Life Control Chart

Chapter 642: Backup Soul Guardian Slave

Shi Yu and the others were surprised only by the soul shadow mentioned by Tuo Yi. The so-called soul shadow must refer to the life line. Tuo Yi could actually see the life line?

This used to be a miraculous talent that only Shi Yu possessed.

As for the so-called inability to break through the boundary, several people knew that it was impossible. Without Shi Yu, everything was just a delusion.

"Who is that person? Is he a heavenly being? Can he kill the soul-guarding slave?" Shi Yu's tone became urgent.

Others were also surprised that there was more than just Big Eyes in the life-controlling space, and there was someone silently watching everything, but why didn't he kill Shi Yu? The damage caused by Shi Yu is much greater than that of Big Eye!

"How did I know? I'm just a slave and I know my status very well. Okay, I've said all I know, it's your turn." Tuo Lizi licked his lips and glanced over Shi Yu's head again.

Shi Yu calmed down, looked at Tuo Yiye's lifeless skull, and said slowly: "My name is Shi Yu, and I have dealt with the guy above, more than once.

He always wanted to get rid of me, so he led me here. I guess... the infusion of power you felt for the first time was his doing. He wanted to make you stronger and more confident in killing me. He was also killed for this. "

"Is it over?" Tuo Yi waited silently for a moment, but when he saw Shi Yu actually stopped talking, he couldn't help but urge.

"It's over!" At this time, Shi Yu realized that his understanding of the upper world and the big eye was pitiful, and he was not as good as the backup soul guard slave in front of him.

"You bastard! You lied to me so much and you just said one word?" Tuo Lizi was furious.

Shi Yu helplessly spread his hands, "That's all I know. Oh, by the way, I once moved my lifeline, which is the soul shadow in your mouth. The soul-guarding slave above wanted to kill me but couldn't, so I wanted to Use your hands to get rid of me now.”

Tuo Lizi suppressed its anger and looked Shi Yu up and down. Just because Shi Yu had moved his soul shadow in the upper world and was still alive, it had to feel fear in its heart.

The person who gave it power was too powerful, and even such a powerful person did not kill Shi Yu. This must be considered carefully.

"Are you saying that the former soul-keeper slave couldn't kill you? No one else took action against you?"

"No, I have only seen one soul-keeper slave."

Tuo Yi fell silent for a moment, intense thoughts swirling in his mind, "The guy suspected of being a celestial being didn't explicitly say who he wanted to kill. He only asked me to kill all the creatures that broke into the garrisoned area.

And the former soul-guarding slave didn't say anything and only gave me great power.

If these two people wanted to get rid of Shi Yu, why didn't they speak out? Are they all afraid of Shi Yu? Then should I be the first to kill Shi Yu? "

Shi Yu was also fighting in his mind, "The Tuo Lizard in front of me may be the next big eye, and it is also a potential enemy, but it seems better to kill it now than to wait until it becomes a soul-guarding slave. At least the soul-guarding slave cannot harm it. own.”

Shi Yu's eyes lit up and he chuckled: "Now that we have finished saying what we need to say, let's take our leave. I wish you can defeat all opponents in the future battle to seize the throne and successfully become the master of the upper world."

Tuo Lizi watched coldly as Shi Yu and the others shot away and landed thousands of miles away, but were blocked by an invisible barrier. They all waited for its decision.

Tuo Lizi stretched out his palm and gently grabbed a handful in the air. The energy that Shi Yu had just shot still had a faint breath.

The mysterious power that the phantom instilled into it can also be vaguely felt in Shi Yu's energy.

If Shi Yu is stripped of all his power, will he be able to take the upper hand in future wars?

Tuo Lizi raised his head and looked towards the sky. There was no longer a watcher there.

"Only one of the seven candidates will survive in the end. Life is better than death, isn't it? Although those two people didn't explicitly say who they wanted to kill, they gave me the power and ordered me to stay here for a thousand years. Isn't that just waiting for someone to come to their door? ?”

Thinking of this, Tuo Yi's eyes grew stern, and he fixed his gaze on Shi Yu, "You said you have been to the upper realm, and you still have the power of the upper realm in you. Hand it over. If you hand it over, I will let you go."

Then he turned his attention to the others, "Or, you can capture Shi Yu to me, and you can all go!"

The provocative words fell on the ears of my father and others. They all smiled faintly and waved their troops towards Tuo Lizi.

After several "bang bang" collisions, Tuo Lizi retreated into the distance, and my father and others also stumbled back to Shi Yu's side.

Tuo Lizi is incredibly fast, and no one's eyes or thoughts can catch up with his pace.

As soon as they fought, my father, Ling Xiao and Jian Kaitian suffered a small loss. They were all forced back by heavy blows and looked in pain.

They couldn't touch Tuo Lizard at all, but Tuo Lizard appeared and struck them with several sharp claws.

The green smoke had just touched my father and the others, and with the sound of "chichi", large areas of skin began to corrode and fall off.

Jian Kaitian recovered the fastest, and the poisonous smoke disappeared after a burst of chaos.

Ling Xiao followed closely behind, green light flashed, and those horrific scars disappeared one by one.

Only my father's flesh and blood body was severely injured, and his pale white bones were exposed.

But the Witch Emperor is worthy of being the ancestor of mankind, and he possesses countless strange tricks and skills. When he roared, the sky was filled with blood, and his whole body became bright red and ferocious. All the spiritual energy was held half a foot away from his body by the red light. , the poisonous nature of the Tuo Lizard will be ineffective.

Tuo Lizi was a little surprised when he saw that everyone had quickly restrained one of his methods. He chuckled and used his extreme speed to hide in the void again, shocking everyone and slashing with their swords, shattering the space around him.

"Damn it! If Taishu Bachen was here, this little thing would have scratched itself to death!" Jian Kaitian looked at the thousands of space cracks that he had cut out after working hard for a long time, and he was deeply envious of Taishu Bachen's space blades that were wrapped around his body.

A flash of inspiration flashed through Shi Yu's mind. The lizard's swift and terrifying speed could only be caught by compressing its activity space. Or simply let it hit the swords and weapons, so that it could be injured.

Shi Yu threw a series of formation flags into the void, and large areas of space turned into solid crystal blocks, becoming obstacles to the lizard's movement.

The puppet iron tower also fell to the ground, and billions of steel beasts roared out, waving their iron claws at will to attack the space around them. They replaced quality with quantity, just hoping that the lizard could crash into the sea of ​​claws where there was nowhere to land.

It was indeed effective. The lizard hit several invisible solidified spaces in succession, and its body slowed down a lot, but the impact of these solidified spaces on it was only a slight slowdown, and it did not leave any injuries.

My father and Jian Kaitian both rolled into two balls of light and shadow, and used a sword and an axe to wield the whirlwind slash to the extreme. According to the divine thoughts sent by Shi Yu, they rolled wildly, shuttling between the crystal walls of space, and trapped the untraceable Tuo Lizard in a smaller range.

Ling Xiao was too slow, and he couldn't catch up several times. He simply gave up chasing Tuo Lizard and set fire everywhere. This move

had an unexpected effect. When the extremely faint figure of Tuo Lizard cut through the flames, the light and shadow were messy, and it easily exposed its whereabouts.

The figure of Tuo Lizard stood out, and he was furious. He pounced on Ling Xiao and scratched him at a high speed. Ling Xiao didn't check it for a while and was scratched all over his body. He quickly turned into a giant tree to avoid the pain of being crushed to pieces.

Seeing that he couldn't kill him in a moment, Tuo Lizard didn't want to waste time on Ling Xiao. He laughed wildly and rolled around the giant tree and shot away.

Its barbs scratched Ling Xiao's branches and leaves, breaking and screaming. If Ling Xiao had not been very resilient, he would have been reduced to pieces of wood after being scraped by this circle.

The furious Ling Xiao's injuries eased a little, and he burned the bright flames even more fiercely. A faint figure crisscrossed the flames.

Xi Ling found that such a large-scale spell could capture the whereabouts of the lizard, and he also waved his slender hands and danced in the sky. Snowflakes covering the entire secret place fell down and filled the sky and the earth in an instant.

It was like a raging mountain fire was ignited in the snowy night, and the figure of the lizard became clearer in the mixture of snow and fire.

Without the miraculous concealment effect brought by speed, the lethality of the lizard was reduced by half. But its power was still very strong. Every time its claws hit the blade shadows of my father and Jian Kaitian, they were knocked stumbling, and the whirlwind slash was immediately broken.

But that was all. The lizard wanted to get closer to increase the damage, but it couldn't do it. Once it was greedy and reckless and was entangled by my father and Jian Kaitian, Shi Yu's Mo Lu would pierce around it, and it was cold.

After fighting for more than ten breaths, both sides of the fight fell into a deadlock that they could not help each other. Shi Yu's formation flags were not really endless. They were about to run out, and there was still a large space outside the formation.

The iron puppets were more seriously damaged. Every piece of green mist sprinkled by the lizard turned into nothingness, which was just the same as the number of puppets running out of the tower.

The lizard was impatient. Since its strength was so strong, no one could survive a single move in its hands. With its speed and poison gas, it could kill all cultivators instantly, even the realm master.

But the few people in front of him were too strong. Not only were they not afraid of the strange poison, but they also used magic to break its extreme speed. They also rushed up to play a group fight without morality. They did not have the demeanor of a master.

If it was a one-on-one fight, it would have won a great victory.

Gradually, the lizard turned its eyes to Xi Ling and others standing in the distance, thinking about killing a few weak ones to disturb the enemy's mind.

Among these people, only Xi Ling can be considered an opponent. The other three small fish that came out inexplicably will be killed in one blow, right?

With a determined mind, Tuo Lizard swung his claws to slap away my father and Jian Kaitian who were attacking in front of him, and then knocked down the thousands of steel spears thrown by Ling Xiao one by one, and suddenly turned around and rushed towards Xi Ling and others.

Shi Yu had long been prepared for Tuo Lizard's move. On its way to Xi Ling and others, he set up a continuous space solidification array, forcing Tuo Lizard to fight and snake, winding around to get closer.

This bought Xi Ling and others precious reaction time. The three brothers were not strong, but they had a good master. A lot of talismans were poured out from the body, almost piling up the space around them into a mountain of talismans.

At first, Tuo Lizard didn't care how powerful the talismans thrown by a few little monks could be, but when it plunged into it, it found something wrong.

These talismans have the power to resist the peak realm masters. Although it is not afraid, its actions are greatly disturbed, and its best speed is slowed down by 30% or 40%.

"Oops!" Tuo Xi was shocked. Without the speed it was proud of, its power was not enough to suppress the four masters.

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