Life Control Chart

Chapter 644: Six Senses Disordered


Shi Yu took a long breath and pushed Jian Kaitian away, "Everyone, get out of the way! The further away, the better!"

"Second brother! You..." Ling Xiao not only did not retreat, but instead put his hand on Shi Yu's shoulder.


Shi Yu shouted violently, grabbed Ling Xiao and threw it out. My father saw that the situation was not good, picked up the three of them and jumped further than Ling Xiao.

Jian Kaitian growled, turned around, hugged him up, and jumped thousands of miles away when he turned around.


There was no earth-shattering explosion as imagined, no earth-shaking collapse, only a huge wave that rolled high into the sky burst out from Shi Yu and rushed in all directions.

In the land swept by this huge wave, the grass and trees instantly grew a hundred times in size, and the insects stood ten thousand times stronger. Strange creatures burst out from the soil among the grass and trees, chirping and fled.

Everyone looked at everything in front of them with dumbfounded eyes. Shi Yu was like the true god who gave life, creating one life after another out of thin air to fill the world.

The huge waves rolled over thousands of miles and then broke apart. Within a thousand miles, with Shi Yu as the center, the weakest green grass grew to the height of two people. The existing green trees were thousands of feet tall, with huge insects jumping and climbing among them, like A world where trolls live.

But in just a moment, all life, including weeds, shattered into pieces and turned into fine dust that fell back to the earth. The bare ground for thousands of miles was devoid of any life.

Only Shi Yu stood alone in the earth, eyes still closed.

Everyone approached cautiously and slowly. The void was filled with the ups and downs of life tides, and life and death were entangled in reincarnation.

Standing in front of Shi Yu, no one dared to speak. Shi Yu was like a god falling from the sky to the earth. Looking closely, it was blasphemy.

"Sir, have you really become a god?" Kui San, the most straightforward person, finally broke the silence. His deliberately lowered voice was like thunder in the silent world, making everyone's ears numb.

No one can answer, no one knows what happened to Shi Yu.

realm? It seems that there is no promotion.

strength? There seems to be no change either.

It only gives people the feeling that Shi Yu is getting further and further away from this world.

Shi Yu was alarmed by Kui San and slowly opened his eyes, a faint smile hanging on his face.

"Where can I become a god? It's just a different level of power! This is the first time I've felt a realm barrier besides breaking into the realm master."

After patting Kui San on the shoulder, Shi Yu looked at everyone.

"A realm barrier above the Realm Lord?" My father was shocked. This situation has never happened to anyone.

Realm Lords are Realm Lords, even if their real cultivation levels are vastly different, they are still Realm Lords. There are no perceptible realm barriers at all.

"Yes! My father, do you think this counts as me possessing the Diyuan Technique? Tuo Lizi gave me such a big gift! Now I can finally exert my normal power in the void body, and I am no longer invincible to others. Me, I can’t touch other people’s trash!”

"Really?" My father was overjoyed. He put aside his doubts about the realm barrier and hit Shi Yu on the head with an axe.

Shi Yu laughed loudly and watched as the ax cut straight from his fontanel to the ground, making a big hole on the ground and filling it with dust.

My father tried to lift the ax again, but a barely visible foot stepped on the back of the ax, pushing the ax back to the ground. Another punch hit my father on the shoulder, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

"Double! My strength has doubled. It seems that I can't continue on this road of seeking danger."

Done! "Shi Yu turned back to the physical body, raised his leg and released my father's axe.

Shi Yu's words surprised and delighted everyone. Ever since he entered the Life Controlling Land, Shi Yu could no longer be promoted in the same way as ordinary monks. Only the few times he broke into the Life Controlling Space were his opportunities to increase his strength.

Now, killing a tuo lizard will double his strength, which is a shocking joy for him.

If Shi Yu does not become stronger, everyone's journey to the land of destiny will be full of ups and downs, and it will be even more difficult to break into the upper world.

Now there are six masters who are just like Tuo Lizard, or even more powerful than Tuo Lizard, waiting for Shi Yu to harvest. If each master can let him break through the first layer of realm barrier, and when he takes all the power into his body, the future will be really bright. Can be expected!

Shi Yu was ecstatic, while the other six soul-guarding slaves were trembling in their hearts.

A faint breath of death enveloped their hearts, causing them to raise their heads to the sky in horror, and then looked around anxiously to see if the gods had gone back on their word and wanted to take away their lives.

There was nothing, the clean sky, no portal to the upper world opened, and nothing strange happened around the quiet body. The six soul slaves were shocked and confused, and only one person vaguely guessed the truth of the matter.

"Shi Yu? Don't you allow this to happen? Who is the real heavenly being, you or him?" Ye Mobai sat on the ceiling and frowned as he looked at the bustling world in front of him.

In front of him was a wooden disk that simulated the lifeline diagram of the life-controlling space. The dolls walking in his illusory world were all reflected on the wooden disk one by one.

While Shi Yu and others were rejoicing, my father's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up silently and looked into the distance.

Shi Yu suppressed his excitement and narrowed his eyes slightly. My father's expression can only mean that something strange has happened to the Witch Emperor's clone somewhere. If there is something strange in Yanlan City, he must rush back first no matter what.

"Is there something going on in Yanlan City?" Shi Yu asked anxiously.

My father waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "It's not Yanlan City, but the drastic changes in the periphery. Xuanpan and the others invaded a secret place on the periphery, and actually got into a fight with another soul-guarding slave."

Shi Yu's expression suddenly changed. If Xuanpan and the others were allowed to obtain the power of the upper world first, his future would not be easy.

Moreover, if the soul-guarding slave fails, he will definitely reveal the secrets of heavenly beings, and the consequences will be extremely unpredictable.

"How is the situation now?" Shi Yu asked calmly.

My father grinned, "Xuanpan and the others rushed over after receiving someone's request for help. They are still evenly matched at the moment."

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "If there are seven soul-guarding slaves, then we have to encounter at least one before we enter the perimeter. How about..."

Shi Yu's meaning is self-evident when he turns his attention to my father.

My father smiled slightly and nodded, "I will let the clone lead Xuanpan and the others to the edge. But when the time comes, everyone must be careful not to hurt their own people."

Everyone laughed in unison. With the sneaky avatar of the Witch Emperor and the four Jian Kaitian who had never shown their faces and didn't know the truth, it was really not easy to distinguish between friends and foes.

"Can you at least give me a hint? Otherwise my sword won't have eyes!" Jian Kaitian shouted.

My father raised his hand and a burst of Yuan force hit Jian Kaitian, laughing and scolding: "Whoever hits you, you hit, as long as you don't implicate innocent people!"

"Old fox! I really don't know what you are doing secretly! Wu Qianman is so powerful but he doesn't come to help. He just wants to wait until the end to pick peaches! Old me, if you rebel against him, you will become the boss of the Wu Emperor!" Jian Kaitian's big sword danced. He took the flowers and encouraged my father to rebel.

Looking hot in front of my eyes

In the endless scene, Shi Yu suddenly felt a sense of alienation, as if he had seen the scene before him somewhere before and knew exactly what was going to happen next.

The world in his eyes was suddenly covered with a hazy light, and everyone's words and movements became slow and lengthy.

Shi Yu only felt like he was watching a show, and he was the only person in the show who knew the truth and ending.

"Sir? What's wrong with you?" A very heavy and long dragging sound slowly poured out from the giant mouth, and Shi Yu could see the vortexes of air created by his tongue flicking up and down.

Jian Kaitian slapped Shi Yu on the back with a fierce palm, knocking him staggering. The brilliant light in front of Shi Yu's eyes flew away in an instant, and he returned to the real world.

"Are you going to bring up hysteria again? I remember that you broke through the realm several times and if someone owed you millions of souls and didn't pay back, with a murderous look on your face!" Jian Kaitian's loud voice Lit up, he put his hands on Shi Yu's shoulders and shook them vigorously.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes and patted Jian Kaitian's big hand away, "I'm not the little monk who couldn't help myself everywhere. I can't easily have ups and downs in my mood. It's just that I was standing here just now, but it seemed like I had gone to another world. , you all look like a phantom."

"Oh, daydreaming? I have one too!" Jian Kaitian continued to shout loudly.

"You have one too?" Shi Yu was surprised.

"Well! Doesn't it mean that everything seems fake? Then you know everything others say and do clearly?"

Shi Yu felt relieved, it seemed that this was not something strange happened to him.

My father gave Jian Kaitian a slap in the face, "You are so troublesome, this is a sign of whim. The stronger you are, the closer you can see what is happening to you!"

Maybe Shi Yu will be able to see the next battle if he watches for a while longer, and it will all be ruined by you kid. "

"What? Is this a whim? Then I woke myself up eight times if not ten times!" Jian Kaitian refused to accept it.

My father rolled his eyes at him disdainfully and said sarcastically: "It would be great if you, the stone lump, could have some sense of signs! I have only been in there twice in my life.

Shi Yu, please remember, next time you feel this way, immediately close your six senses, and maybe you can trigger a whim. "

Shi Yu was thoughtful and couldn't remember whether he had the same feeling of being in a different world before when he got into a whim.

As soon as he turned around and was about to call everyone to continue walking, Shi Yu suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, as if a hot molten iron juice spurted out from his neck and rushed straight into his skull along a thick meridian, engulfing the entire brain and inside. His soul and spirit were all burned.

The strong stinging moment caused Shi Yu's six senses to become disordered. He seemed to see sounds and hear smells. His vision went dark and he saw countless golden lights bursting out, which stung his eyes extremely painfully.

"What's wrong with me? What happened again?" Shi Yu asked urgently after waking up from the severe pain and confusion.

No one could answer him, and his eyes turned into darkness again, as if he had returned to the Black Abyss.

It's just that he is the only one here, and the dark world is endless and vast.

"Help me! Help me!" A weak cry for help sounded in the bottom of Shi Yu's heart, but it shocked Shi Yu so much that his skin tightened and his cilia stood up. Waves of chills swept through his whole body from the bottom of his heart, almost freezing Shi Yu.

"Who?" Shi Yu shouted loudly.

"Help me..." The cry for help that had some strength a moment ago suddenly became weak and low, as if the person calling for help was already dying.

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