Life Control Chart

Chapter 676: Eating meat

"Not bad! If the battlefield is arranged in someone else's home, the Xuanpan Realm will be safe." Jian Kaitian laughed.

The tall and strong man said coldly: "This is not someone else's home, this is my world. No one has ever known that I created a world and comprehended a new Diyuan technique."

Shi Yu stretched out his hand to scoop up a handful of spiritual energy in the world, twisted his fingertips lightly and smiled, "No one has ever known? Do you think too highly of yourself? Why do I feel the breath of Yu Luyao? He just came."

"Yu Luyao?" The four people were surprised and disappeared immediately. They must have been taken to the main land by the tall and strong man.

Shi Yu and his companions were not in a hurry. They hung in the void and waited for the four spirits to return. Looking at the anxious appearance of the four spirits, Yu Luyao must be coming for no good.

Sure enough, in a moment, the violent fighting waves came from a very far distance, rushing up and down the floating land in the void. Shi Yu and his companions smiled at each other and rushed towards the source of the fighting.

"Yu Luyao! How did you get into my world? How dare you, a villain, spy on my foundation and interrupt my cultivation!" A familiar voice sounded in the void, and a familiar figure also appeared in Shi Yu's eyes.

The four spirits merged, and the freak appeared again.

The one who fought with him endlessly was the elegant and graceful Yu Luyao.

The two of them did not notice the approach of Shi Yu and others, and they were still fighting desperately in the empty main land.

It is not appropriate to say that there was no one. More than a hundred corpses were scattered on the ground, obviously they had just been killed.

"Two liars met! The four spirits have been secretly practicing his evil method, and Yu Luyao must have wanted to steal the secrets of the four spirits' skills and lurked here secretly. Haha, I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing." My father said the whole story in one sentence, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Shi Yu also sneered, "It seems that the skills these two people practiced have the same roots, but Yu Luyao has made a new change! The second half of the damn Devouring Origin Sutra was born from the Four Spirits' evil sect of the Origin Art! They dared to capture the world master to practice in the Ten Thousand Worlds. The Four Spirits are so brave!"

"Boring! I can't even have a good fight, and I'm messed up again." Jian Kaitian reluctantly put away his sword and sat cross-legged in the void with his chin in his hand to watch the battle.

Kui San came to Jian Kaitian and smiled flatteringly: "Uncle Jian, can we discuss something?"

"What is it?" Jian Kaitian was bored and answered weakly.

"Look at the corpses on the ground, they are all world masters! More than a hundred!" Kui San deliberately exaggerated his tone to remind Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian got up quickly, his two small eyes stared at the corpses scattered on the ground, and his bitter face immediately blossomed into a brilliant summer flower.

"I'll give you 20%!"


"Hmm? You are tired of living!" Jian Kaitian glared and grabbed Kui San by the collar.

Kui San took his time, holding Jian Kaitian's big hand and slowly pried open his fingers, "By the time they finish fighting, those realm masters will be dead, right? If you go to rob them, will the young master be willing to let you ruin this battle?"

"Then do you have a way?" Jian Kaitian was a little impatient.

"Of course I have a way! While they are fighting in a mess, let my second brother fish in troubled waters and get all back unknowingly! Then... hehehe!"

Jian Kaitian and Kui San turned their eyes to Shi Yu and found that he did not react to these words, and nodded with a sly smile.

"Okay! 60% is 60%! This time it depends on you to make a great contribution!"

Shi Yu was helpless. While they were watching the battle, these two like-minded guys were still thinking about how to make money.

Seeing that the two had agreed and Shi Yu had no clear intention of objecting, Erji made a long detour and quietly sneaked into the main land.

Shi Yu had seen a battle in which both sides were evenly matched but did not want to fight to the death. Si Ling was still a thin sword with an indestructible body, and Yu Luyao was also a bright long sword with various spells.

The two of them punched and kicked each other, and they attacked each other with all their strength, but in fact they were waiting for the opponent to show a flaw and kill him with one blow.

No one was reckless, and no one burst out with all their strength. The splendor on the scene was far better than the actual threat it could cause.

The two fought for a long time, and they did not use any magic weapons or divine objects. They fought with their own Yuanli, and they seemed to be afraid of each other.

Such a battle was long and boring. Shi Yu yawned after watching it for half a day.

With the endless fancy fighting, the corpses on the ground disappeared one by one, and Shi Yu secretly praised Erji for his cleverness.

He only dragged the corpses into the ground and put them into his body when each force landed and raised dust to bury the corpses. It didn't take long for more than a hundred corpses to become his possession.

And the two people in the fight didn't notice anything unusual. They really thought that the battle was too fierce and destroyed hundreds of realm masters.

The dusty Er circled back to the crowd. Jian Kaitian laughed and patted Er's shoulder hard to praise him for his cleverness.

Finally, Si Ling and Yu Luyao found something wrong. It's true that fierce fighting buried everything, but it would also turn the buried things out again. But after fighting for almost two days, no corpses were exposed again. Just thinking about it, you know something is wrong.

At the same time, they jumped back and pulled the distance apart, looking at the ground suspiciously.

Devouring the bodies and souls of others for cultivation is already criticized by everyone. Now that all the killed realm masters are gone, the two suspect that the other party has done something.

Yu Luyao had sneaked into the realm, and he didn't dare to stay if something unusual happened. Taking advantage of the distraction of the four spirits, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a door and disappeared.

The four spirits were about to chase him, but they remembered that there were still a group of powerful enemies in the realm that they had to deal with, so they stopped angrily, "Have you seen enough? Now it's our turn."

Jian Kaitian had just made a huge fortune and was feeling very happy. He lazily stood up with his big sword on his shoulder and asked kindly, "You have been fighting for so long, why don't you take a break?"

Si Ling said disdainfully: "What's so great about Yu Luyao? If he hadn't spared his strength to deal with you, he would have been a dead soul under my sword!

I would like to ask, you don't seem surprised to see me like this. "

Jian Kaitian laughed loudly, "This is nothing to be surprised about. I have seen seven strong men rubbing together, and you only have four. It's nothing special."

"Seven? More powerful than me?" Si Ling didn't believe it.

Jian Kaitian curled his lips, "Of course he's better than you! Every one of them will crush you to death with one hand! You four couldn't defeat Yu Luyao together, so you still let him run away."

"Hmph! What a boast! Yu Luyao is undefeated. He just ruined my tens of thousands of years of hard work. You guys can make up for it! Let's go together!" Si Ling only felt that Jian Kaitian's nonsense was nonsense. His expression suddenly became fierce, and countless streams of light flashed in his eyes.

Jian Kaitian laughed loudly, "Hahaha! You think too highly of yourself! I will cut you into seventeen or eighty pieces by myself!"

The four spirits were extremely angry. The strongest trump card had been revealed. Not only was the opponent not surprised, but he even dared to say that he could be dealt with by just one person. He immediately stopped talking and stabbed Jian Kaitian with a sword.

Just as Jian Kaitian was about to raise his sword to fight hard, he suddenly seemed to remember something and violently withdrew his giant sword. The Four Spirits rapier opened a scar on Jian Kaitian's chest without any courtesy.

He screamed strangely and turned several somersaults, his sword flew out of the sky to evade

Kai Siling attacked closely, then threw out several stone spears to force him back. He raised his hand and threw the giant sword to Shi Yu, "Hold it for me and watch me defeat the enemy with my fists!"

"Look at you! It's embarrassing to get stabbed by someone if you're not careful!" Shi Yu took the big sword and cursed.

Si Ling was so angry that his face turned black. Sword Kai Genius looked down upon others as soon as he started fighting. He even threw his weapon aside. Since he is eager to die, let him be killed!

Only Shi Yu and others knew that Jian Kaitian was afraid that the sword spirit in his sword would be swallowed by the Four Spirits Sword, which would be more than worth the loss.

The Four Spirits rapier that I grabbed at the place where my destiny is controlled is many times stronger than the current rapier that the Four Spirits are using.

The Four Spirits went crazy and attacked again. Jian Kaitian laughed and rushed forward. Although he was slightly uncomfortable without the giant sword, he also had no worries and swung his fist to hit the Four Spirits sword blade.

With a grin on his face, Si Ling was very confident that his rapier could cut open the sword's Kaitian fist arm. The rapier would not be corroded by chaos.

The facts once again surprised the Four Spirits. When Jian Kaitian hit his fist with the rapier, he suddenly turned his fist into a palm and grabbed the sword. He bared his teeth at the Four Spirits and showed a cunning smile of success.

Immediately afterwards, Si Ling felt that the thin sword he held like an arm was melting rapidly, and after two soft "click" sounds, it actually broke into several pieces.

"No!" Si Ling yelled in pain and hurriedly pulled the thin sword out of Jian Kaitian's hand.

But he only snatched an inch-long fragment of the blade from Jian Kaitian's hand, and the useless hilt and butt were intact.

"Good! This is a great move to use Soul Eclipse!" Shi Yu praised loudly from the side.

"Bastard! I want you to die!" Losing the rapier was like losing half of his life. Si Ling roared and threw away his sword and rushed towards Jian Kaitian. His body suddenly swelled and became thinner, as if a piece of human skin was spread out.

Jian Kaitian waved his hand and sprinkled two handfuls of dust, and laughed and said: "Old thief, you still want to play with your secret body-melting technique? Today grandpa will let you know how ignorant it is to eat a living person!"

The expression of Si Ling, who was already flying in the air, changed drastically. He did not expect Jian Kaitian to see through his weird secret technique at a glance, and screamed: "How do you know my magical technique? Where did you know it from?"

"I will tell you when you die!" Jian Kaitian suddenly jumped forward and rushed towards Si Ling. If Si Ling wanted to swallow it, let him swallow it.

Si Ling was already in a state of panic. He didn't notice Jian Kaitian's obvious counterattack, but he still wrapped him up.

As soon as he gathered Jian Kaitian in his body, Si Ling regretted it. His fusion technique was just beginning. Swallowing ordinary world masters was extremely difficult, and it was impossible to swallow Jian Kaitian.

Greed is the original sin, and misestimating the power of Jian Kaitian will push yourself into a dead end.

As soon as Jian Kaitian's eyes darkened, he roared and burst out with all his strength. He had already experienced defeating the four spirits. All the power pulsed into the four spirits along the meridian, awakening and releasing all the true spirits imprisoned in the four soul seas.

In an instant, the four spirits began to howl and disintegrate. Even the bodies of the four could not be held together. Each of them held their heads and screamed and fell into the void.

"What! There are only thirty or so people in the Soul Sea, so I thought I could get thousands of them!"

Jian Kaitian shook his body fiercely to get rid of all the dirt on his body. He cursed and grabbed the giant sword from Shi Yu's hand, chasing the defenseless four spirits and slashing at him!

The poor four spirits of Xuanpan, who didn't know what the land of destiny looked like, turned into souls and returned to the west, becoming Xiao Hei's great help.

The souls and true spirits rescued by Jian Kaitian were far less powerful than those seen in the Land of Controlling Life. As soon as they were exposed to the void, they turned into blue smoke and dissipated one by one, leaving no words behind.

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