Life Control Chart

Chapter 736 Soul Search

Shi Yu ignored the Witch Emperor and shouted loudly at the mention of Tianchu, "Tell me! What kind of evil spell did Ling Xiao fall into? Don't force me to search for souls!"

Mo Lu tried his best to only poke a few small holes in Tianchu's body. At this time, it seemed to be angry, moving back and forth just inches in front of Tianchu's eyes, with a clear intention of intimidation.

It is not very intelligent and cannot understand why it is so difficult to break through the defenses of the little people it once crucified!

Although Tianchu was extremely frightened, he actually laughed again when he heard Shi Yu's threatening words, "Haha! Searching for souls? Feel free to kill me! Feel free to kill me! As long as I, Tianchu, don't die, the human race will be destroyed!"

His voice suddenly became louder, and the slightly fierce struggle made Tianchu even more painful. He felt as if his soul was about to be pulled out of the body by Shi Yu's hand.

My father's face became increasingly ugly, and his eyes were about to burst into bloody rage.

The reason why he stepped in to help Shi Yu was, firstly, because Tianchu was miserable in chasing him, and secondly, he wanted to eliminate a big scourge for the human race.

But this scourge is too arrogant, and they have become meat on the chopping board and they can't stop clamoring to destroy the human race.

"Hey! As expected of Tianchu, the number one person in the world, he is indeed arrogant and cruel! What are you waiting for, my friend? Do you still expect him to answer your questions honestly?" Soul Shadow Witch Emperor pointedly The harsh words rang out again, and he just wanted Shi Yu to take action quickly to avoid a long night of nightmares.

Shi Yu hummed softly, and was about to fly back when he mentioned Tianchu. He didn't want to question Tianchu here. There were two clones of the Witch Emperor watching from the side, so it was difficult to let go.

"Huh? You are so unreasonable! Do you really want to monopolize Tianchu? How can you catch up without me risking my life to bump into him?" The Soul Shadow Witch Emperor suddenly refused and stood in front of Shi Yu. He stood in front of Shi Yu. You must see Tianchu die with your own eyes.

Soul Shadow's bold behavior frightened my father, and he hurriedly pulled him away from Shi Yu.

Shi Yu looked up and down at the Soul Shadow Witch Emperor's erratic and changing form, and finally understood why he was always coming apart and not cohesively. Guess it was because of the violent collision that seriously injured him.

But daring to stand in front of Shi Yu despite being seriously injured seemed to be inconsistent with the nature of the Soul Shadow Witch Emperor.

The Soul Shadow Witch Emperor, whose main character is despicable, is not a fool. He would jump out and seek death. He must have sensed through some secret method that he would not be in danger again.

"Just say what you want to say, I don't have time to talk." Shi Yu got straight to the point.

"Happy! Just waiting for your words! I just want to know how you can have my Soul of the Witch Emperor in you! I can feel that the Soul of the Witch Emperor is very strong! Stronger than me and my father!"

Hun Ying's words were so shocking that not only my father was stunned on the spot, but even Tianchu, who had been screaming in pain, became silent.

Immediately, Tianchu broke the brief silence with his unscrupulous ridicule, "So you are also the Witch Emperor. I didn't expect that there are other clones of the Witch Emperor that neither of you know about, hahaha!

He is worthy of being the ancestor of the human race and the source of all evil! Could it be that my father is also a clone of the Witch Emperor? No wonder my two fathers look exactly the same and even dress the same! "

"That my father?" The two Witch Emperor clones in front of Shi Yu exclaimed at the same time, their eyes turned to Tianchu, and then to Shi Yu.

My father's face changed rapidly. A powerful spirit of the Witch Emperor appeared in Shi Yu. Either Shi Yu was a clone of the Witch Emperor, or Shi Yu had swallowed a clone of the Witch Emperor!

Hearing Tianchu say that there is another father of mine, things got even weirder. My father and Hun Ying knew the whereabouts of all the Witch Emperor's clones, and there was no possibility of them being kidnapped and eaten alive.

Shi Yu knew that there was no way to explain this kind of thing, so he immediately said, "This is my innate instinct. I can draw up anyone's soul. After dealing with Hei Fumang, I felt that he was good, so I separated a ray of The true spirit imitated him.”

"Really?" My father tilted his head and frowned, looking at Shi Yu suspiciously.

Shi Yu didn't say much. He merged almost two complete souls of the Heart of All Things, and immediately separated thousands of true spirits, large and small, floating in front of the two Witch Emperors. They were so shocked that they gasped and almost choked to death. past.

Tianchu's eyes bulged when he saw it, and he couldn't understand how one person could hold so many true spirits without exploding to death!

What's more, I can't figure out what kind of evil skill Shi Yu is practicing, which requires swallowing so many true spirits.

Neither Tianchu nor the two Witch Emperor clones took Shi Yu's talent for simulating souls seriously. With this ability, the world would have been in chaos, but the evil demons that devoured countless true spirits would also be the scourge of annihilation.

"Don't think too much! These are all my own true spirits. They are just similar to some monks. As the Witch Emperor, how could you not know whether the Witch Emperor died suddenly?"

Shi Yu's obviously lies and prevarication made the two Witch Emperors extremely hesitant. They still believed that Shi Yu must have devoured countless true spirits, including the Witch Emperors. However, they could not find a reasonable explanation that could overturn Shi Yu's words, so they had no choice but to Recognize it first.

"The other father..."

"Aha, isn't this how my elders admire my father's predecessors? Human ancestors are supreme, leading hundreds of millions of people to fight against heaven and earth to create the world we have today.

The elders in my family have always taken you as a role model, so they imitate you everywhere, hahahaha! "Shi Yu started talking nonsense. He really wanted to twist his ass and leave, but he was afraid that the two would not let go and he would secretly follow him back to the station. In that case, my father and I would have a lot of fun meeting each other.

"Only a ghost will believe you! You two fools, don't be deceived by him. There is definitely something wrong with my father!" Tianchu, who was still in jail and was still dishonest, shouted loudly, which made Shi Yu pull hard on his lifeline and pulled him His mouth was crooked, his eyes were slanted, and he screamed repeatedly.

Hunying felt that Shi Yu was getting more and more ridiculous, and none of his words were true, but he could not refute them. He said in a deep voice: "Since you admire my first clone of the Witch Emperor, would you please introduce me to the world master? Hei Fumang has no chance to meet that powerful world master..."

"No, no! I can't say more. Anyway, I thank you two for your help today. If you don't want to cause chaos in the human race, you'd better not meet my father rashly! Remember! I'll say it in advance, don't think about following him secretly, it will inevitably lead to the complete death of the Witch Emperor!"

Shi Yu couldn't make up any more lies, so he could only scare people with naked bad words.

"Two pieces of trash! You are scared into stupid dogs by a few words from this kid! My father must be doing evil in your name, and it's clear that he wants to harm the wild barbarians! Kill him quickly!" Tianchu squeezed Shi Yu nakedly, provoking the suspicion in the hearts of the two clones of the Witch Emperor.

Shi Yu was furious, and with more force on his palm, he pulled out Tianchu's lifeline half an inch. He screamed and half fainted.

But Shi Yu's intention to stop Tianchu from talking made the two Wu Emperor clones suspicious, and they were silent and their eyes flickered.

"Goodbye! I can say so much, which shows my sincerity. You two should stay away from this place and travel somewhere else first. It will not be peaceful here in the near future. It will be bad if you are hurt by mistake!"

Shi Yu bowed slightly, dragged Tianchu and carried Lingxiao on his back and left in a flash, leaving the two Wu Emperor clones who were in doubt and silent for a long time.

It didn't matter what the two Wu Emperor clones thought.

Shi Yu planned to let my father hide in the snow bead as soon as he returned, and never show up unless he returned to this time and space. Moreover, Lingxiao's matter was more important, so Tianchu had to be dealt with first.

It took several days to go back and forth. When Shi Yu returned to my father and Jian Kaitian, they were anxiously waiting, fearing that Lingxiao would fall into Tianchu's hands and something unexpected would happen.

Finally, when Tianchu was half dead and captured by Shiyu, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Lingxiao was still unconscious, and they were worried again.

Jian Kaitian was the most anxious. He took Lingxiao, turned his eyelids over and over, and repeatedly asked Shiyu what was going on.

Shiyu knocked Tianchu unconscious with a palm, and asked my father to seal his six senses before telling everything.

I heard that it was the two witch emperor clones who suddenly helped. My father didn't need Shiyu to say more and rushed into the snow bead.

He knew himself best. Shiyu's long-winded talk would definitely be useless. Those two would definitely follow secretly, especially the soul shadow clone, who might have quietly touched his side.

My father acted decisively, and Shiyu didn't hesitate. He didn't intend to continue to interrogate Tianchu, and directly stretched out his hand and pressed Tianchu's forehead to start soul searching.

Unexpectedly, Tianchu was well prepared for this. His soul was also wrapped in a barrier like Lingxiao's. It was impossible to break it with only divine thoughts and a little soul power.

Shiyu didn't have so many concerns about Tianchu. He planned to directly break into Tianchu's soul sea with his soul out of his body, even if it made Tianchu an idiot.

If he could successfully break the barrier outside Tianchu's soul, he would be more confident when he treated Lingxiao later.

Fearing that Tianchu would suddenly rise during the soul search, Shiyu led everyone to a more remote void. Shiyu stopped and sat beside Tianchu until there were no more world masters within a million miles.

To be on the safe side, Shiyu set up many traps and cast many witchcraft spells, imprisoning Tianchu so that his breathing was barely perceptible, and then he let go of the lifeline he was holding tightly in his hand.

As soon as he let go, Shiyu frowned. Tianchu's originally thick and black lifeline suddenly became extremely thin and weak, as if he was about to die.

Shi Yu hurriedly ejected a wisp of Yuanli and passed it into Tianchu's body. He stopped the emergency treatment until the lifeline was swaying like a candle in the wind, but it was still able to hold on tenaciously. He released the soul and entered Tianchu's skull along the wound stabbed by Mo Lu.

Tianchu was extremely weak at this moment. He had no reaction to Shi Yu rushing into his skull. He didn't even have the body's instinctive rejection of the strange soul.

What the soul saw was completely different from what the mind saw. Shi Yu saw a thick blue-gray fog wall standing in front of him. The soul would bounce when it touched it, and the mind would be destroyed when it touched it.

This was not difficult for Shi Yu. There was no one in the world who could compare with his soul, no matter which time and space.

Transforming the soul into a needle, Shi Yu stabbed into the fog wall with force. A hissing sound was heard immediately. A palm-sized gap appeared in the blue-gray fog wall in an instant, revealing the pale golden soul inside.

Tianchu seemed to have noticed the damage to the soul wall, and his body trembled slightly.

Jian Kaitian slashed several times from outside, all of which hit Tianchu's tendons and joints, but they were all blocked by Tianchu's strong body, leaving only a clang without any wounds.

Jian Kaitian, who didn't believe in evil, released two transparent sword beams comparable to Mo Lu, stabbing the softest tendons and skin.

This time, Tianchu's slightly trembling limbs immediately lost control and fell limply to the ground.

The expression of pain became more and more dense on Tianchu's face. His self-protective soul barrier had been broken, and Shi Yu walked in calmly. The wide meridians were like a thoroughfare to heaven, allowing him to stroll freely.

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