Life Control Chart

Chapter 739: Stalemate

Hua Xian was right. Shi Yu hurriedly entered Ling Xiao's body. He could not find a portal to break through the barrier and enter the soul sea even though he had traveled all over his body.

Although the power of chaos is strong, the barrier is more tenacious, actually stronger than the one inside Huaxian's body.

Tianchu must have regarded Ling Xiao's body as a treasure, and put most of the power of dead souls into Ling Xiao's body.

"Tian Chu! If Ling Xiao makes the slightest mistake, I will destroy you in heaven and on earth!"

Shi Yu had no choice but to use violent methods again. The already restless true spirit was once again released by him and flooded the soul barrier, frantically grabbing the power of the dead soul that had no defense.

Tianchu was also complaining endlessly at this moment. After he left Hua Xian's body, he didn't know what would happen there, but he was determined to trick Shi Yu into the sea of ​​souls, and he would definitely be sealed in by the soul barrier.

He had no idea that Shi Yu would actually appear in Ling Xiao's body.

Just when Tianchu was still speculating on what method Shi Yu used to break through his soul barrier, he saw endless true spirits flying out of Shi Yu's soul to plunder the dead soul power crazily.

This horrific turn of events scared him so much that he almost gave up trying to fight for the body with Ling Xiao, turned around and ran away.

The true spirit that Shi Yu bloomed was so terrifying. If you glanced at it, there were thousands of true spirits that were more powerful than his entire true spirit. This made Tianchu unable to resist at all.

No matter how strong a person's true spirit is, there is always a limit. Tianchu also knows that the soul barrier can only be defeated by being extremely strong, which relies on its huge size to block the enemy.

Just like an evil tiger can eat a goat, but it will definitely be choked to death by a giant elephant, there is no monk in the world who can swallow all the soul barriers in a short time.

However, Shi Yu used his incredibly powerful true spirit to swallow all the soul barriers in an instant.

Confronting a monk with such a terrifying true spirit, Tianchu thought that he was not crazy enough yet.

The crazy feast of the endless true spirit soon came to an end, and Shi Yu was once again overwhelmed by the power brought back by the returning true spirit.

If in Hua Xian's body there were still hundreds of millions of strong men squeezing into thatched huts, now they were like billions of giant dragons cramming into a loach hole. Countless cracks and cracks exploded on Shi Yu's soul body from the inside out, causing him so much pain. Screaming in agony.

Shi Yu's indestructible, formless and supernatural soul could not withstand this sudden surge of power no matter what form he took. He was the evil tiger who was about to be swollen to death!

The stunned Tianchu breathed a sigh of relief. He really wanted to run just now, but he couldn't find the direction to escape.

There are powerful true spirits rushing in all directions, and if he makes the slightest move, he will be devoured by the true spirits as soul power.

Although it was difficult for him to understand that Shi Yu had swallowed all the power of the dead soul, Shi Yu was about to die suddenly because of this, and he was relieved of his serious worries.

I don't know how many powerful true spirits are restless in Shiyu's soul, and chaotic consciousness has arisen in them. The first thing they have to do is to kill all the other true spirits and become the only master.

The shortcomings of the heart of devouring all things have completely exploded at this time.

Shi Yu's own true spirit was unable to calm down all the chaos. Instead, it was knocked up and down by countless powerful true spirits, like an involuntary driftwood swirling helplessly in a rushing river.

Ling Xiao's soul was still imprisoned in a mist. Although he couldn't see Shi Yu's miserable condition, he could feel his pain and cry from the violent fluctuations in Shi Yu's soul.

Ling Xiao had no choice but to be anxious. The first time Tianchu captured him in a surprise attack, he used a soul barrier to completely seal his true soul.

Yin completely enslaved him.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao himself was strong enough. Tianchu was unable to successfully enslave Ling Xiao, so he could only imprison Ling Xiao's soul using various means to figure it out later.

If Tianchu hadn't been able to guarantee that Ling Xiao would still have endless energy after his death, he would have killed him immediately.

Just when Shi Yu felt that he was no longer able to suppress the violent and chaotic spirits and Ling Xiao could only act in a hurry, a dull bull roar suddenly penetrated Ling Xiao's body.

Shi Yu's true spirit, which was about to run out of strength, immediately invigorated, exuding strong pressure and tightening its control over all true spirits.

Ling Xiao was also refreshed and resisted even more fiercely, making Tianchu unable to deal with Shi Yu wholeheartedly.

This is the only assistance my father, Jian Kaitian and others can do outside the body.

After a detailed discussion with Hua Xian, I learned that Shi Yu had forcibly swallowed the death soul power of thousands of realms. My father, Jian Kaitian and others were so shocked that their jaws hit their feet. They also learned why Shi Yu looked so hideous. Horrifying, he is simply forcibly suppressing the violent and chaotic true spirit. The true spirit that belongs to him is already beyond its power.

After repeatedly thinking about the dispute, everyone agreed that Kui San was the only person who could help Shi Yu now.

Because anyone whose spirit enters Ling Xiao's body cannot guarantee that Shi Yu is awake. If he attacks him indiscriminately, even Jian Kaitian will regret it and die.

Only by letting Kui San's Encouraging Diyuan Technique boost Shi Yu's true spiritual power and allowing Shi Yu to suppress all chaos can the current dilemma be solved.

A bull roar washed over Ling Xiao's body, and everyone immediately heard Shi Yu's slightly clear voice: Continue!

Kui San was in high spirits. He was extremely excited to be able to help Shi Yu. He was no longer a mere burden. He rushed out of Kuokou with a shocking roar and summoned up all his strength to help Shi Yu break the situation.

Yi Da and Yan Er were not idle either. They placed their four palms tightly against the cow's head, pouring energy into it desperately, for fear that Kui San would lose strength from screaming.

Jian Kaitian's eyes lit up, and he immediately wanted to leave his body to help Shi Yu, but my father slapped the emerging soul body back into his body with a palm.

"Why are you so anxious? Shi Yu is obviously a little clearer! Wait until he speaks again before you can go in!"

"What if he can only make this sound?" Jian Kaitian yelled.

"Then if you go in, not only will you not be able to help, but you will only cause trouble and seek death! What he shouted was not for help, but to continue! Shi Yu can handle everything by himself!" My father's voice was louder.

The three brothers were so frightened by the two loud arguments that they turned pale. They dared not intervene in the dispute between the two big brothers, so they could only focus more on using their strength to encourage the bulls to roar.

Kui San was more direct, tearing open his chest and aiming the split heart at Ling Xiao's head.

Only then did my father and Jian Kaitian realize that the cow's roar was just a form of "encouragement". The real inspiration came from the huge beating sound of Kui San's heart.

Immediately silent, my father narrowed his eyes and grasped the ax tightly, scanning the surroundings with a pair of fierce eyes. At this time, anyone who dared to appear within a radius of ten thousand miles would be chopped into pieces by his axe.

Kui San's heart is now completely undefended. In the eyes of interested people, it is a treasure that can be used directly without any sacrifice.

Jian Kaitian held the sword and escaped thousands of miles away, flying around the sky like a meteorite. He wanted to block the Wu Emperor of this time and space who didn't know the importance and was interested in exploring.

Encouraged by Kuisan's powerful heart drum, Shi Yu's situation improved slightly, and his ferocious and painful expression calmed down slightly.

Tianchu immediately became nervous. Without the protection of the soul barrier, he could either concentrate on dealing with Shi Yu or suppress Ling Xiao. His strength was not enough to deal with the two masters at the same time.


The only solution now is to let Shi Yu continue to be confused, so that he can prevent anyone from coming in again, and he will also have time to seize Ling Xiao's body quickly.

A divine thought shot out from Tianchu's soul and hit Shi Yu quickly. Tianchu didn't need to cause much damage to Shi Yu, as long as Shi Yu was unable to suppress the restless true spirit.

Just a little distracted, Tianchu began to complain incessantly, and Ling Xiao's struggle became more intense, almost breaking out of his confinement.

"Damn! Who are these people? Incredibly strong!" Tianchu cursed in his heart, but at the same time, his desire to seize Ling Xiao's body became stronger.

In terms of strength, Ling Xiao's body is not as good as Hua Xian's. In terms of strength and vitality, Hua Xian can't catch up with Ling Xiao.

As soon as the soul thought, several streams of light popped out from Tianchu and stabbed Shiyu's soul.

The continuous beating of Kui Niu's heartbeat sounded like an inspiring war drum to Shi Yu, and it was a harsh and disturbing noise to Tianchu's ears. He could not let the situation develop in a direction that was not good for him.

Under Kuisan's encouragement, Shi Yu managed to suppress the chaos and restlessness of countless true spirits.

But that was all. He still had no ability to spare the strength to deal with Tianchu, and was blown away by the light thorns shot by Tianchu.

He was like a scarecrow standing in the field. He looked scary but was actually weak and weak. It only made Tianchu unable to concentrate on dealing with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao didn't see Shi Yu coming to rescue him for a long time in confinement. He understood that Shi Yu had not gained the upper hand in the fight with Tianchu, and immediately resisted desperately.

The several restraining forces that trapped Ling Xiao's soul body were constantly being impacted by huge forces, and it seemed that they would be defeated by Ling Xiao in the next moment.

Tianchu was startled, and hurriedly turned his head to pounce on Ling Xiao's soul. Several soul threads spread out, binding Ling Xiao's soul tightly again.

Seeing this scene when Shi Yu was in severe pain, he breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that Ling Xiao was just trapped and not seriously injured.

The three of them were in a stalemate in this difficult situation where they were restraining each other, but they were all concerned about one thing and the other.

"Tianchu, Hua Xian has taken back his own body, and you are now a homeless ghost!" The low and hoarse sound of divine thoughts vibrated around Tianchu.

Although Shi Yu had to endure the pain of his soul being torn apart and his true soul shattered every time he spoke a word, he had to try his best to interfere with Tianchu's suppression of Ling Xiao.

As expected, Tianchu was slightly at a loss. When he saw Shi Yu defeating the soul barrier here, he could imagine that the barrier in Hua Xian's body must have been broken long ago. However, when Shi Yu personally told the news of Hua Xian's awakening, he still let him The heart is agitated.

"If you can't go back, you won't go back! This body is ten thousand times stronger than Hua Xian's! You will explode at any time now. No one dares to come in to help you. I have plenty of time to subdue this wood!"

Shi Yu wanted to disturb Tianchu's mood, and Tianchu didn't want to put Shi Yu in a desperate situation. Neither of them had the energy to do anything, so they simply used words to fight.

"They can help me even if I can't come in. Do you hear the sound of the drums?" Shi Yu deliberately made his words lighter, as if he could suppress the disorder of the true spirit more and more easily under "encouragement".

Tianchu was not fooled by Shi Yu and sneered: "Very good, then come and save your brother, he can't hold on any longer.

Now I have figured out his origin. It turns out that he is the guardian of the wood spirit world. What a towering tree! Hahaha! "

After laughing several times, Tianchu was stunned.

"Wood Spirit Realm? Where is it? Such a powerful Realm Master cannot have grown up in the past hundred years. It takes tens of millions of years for the body of light to grow! Why do I know nothing about it?"

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