Life Control Chart

Chapter 75: Find out your origins

Shi Yu shook his head, trying to drive away these unnecessary disappointments. This action shocked his mother, who thought Shi Yu was dissatisfied with this younger brother. Shi Yu's status today is completely different. The whole family's happiness and misfortunes all depend on this eldest son.

"Son, aren't you happy?" Wang Yunzhi's voice lowered again, cautiously.

"Oh, no! No! Mom, don't think blindly!" Shi Yu quickly put down his brother and helped his mother sit on the bed.

As soon as the little guy saw his mother sitting down, he staggered over to his mother and shouted, "Mom, mother!" He got into his mother's arms and let her hold him. His two dark eyes stared at Shi Yu fiercely, not showing any signs of it. Other children are so timid when seeing strangers.

"Your brother's name is Shifeng. You don't like your name Shigure, but your father is stubborn and insists on naming your brother Shifeng, which is both wind and rain. Feng'er, please call me brother." Wang Yunzhi said with a smile. As he spoke, he looked at Shi Feng with eyes full of love, and gently wrapped his arms around Shi Feng.

"Brother!" The little guy called out loudly, his voice like it was mixed with honey.

Shi Yu rubbed his stiff face, nodded, reached out and pinched Shi Feng's face gently, took out the greeting gift that he had prepared and stuffed it into Shi Feng's hand.

"Come, brother brought you something fun, see if you like it."


That night, after a pleasant family banquet, Qingchi went to rest, and Shi Yu's family of four crowded into Shi Liming and Wang Yunzhi's bedroom and played.

Shi Liming didn't ask about Shi Yu's study tour experience. Even if Wang Yunzhi asked intentionally or unintentionally, he would always interrupt, pretend to be angry and scold him, saying why do children always talk about such hard work when they come back? He just changed the topic back to Shi Yu's childhood. On the fun things and fashion that bring joy to the family.

Wang Yunzhi was not as knowledgeable as her husband, so she didn't like him, so she stopped asking any more questions.

She also preferred to talk about her own pleasures. She hugged Shi Feng and compared Shi Yu. They had similar eyes and noses and the same clinginess. Her biggest hope was that Shi Feng could become as wise as Shi Yu. , written at the age of three.

Shi Feng was as novel and active as a normal baby. After the initial unfamiliarity, he was very curious about Shi Yu's strange appearance. From time to time, he stretched out his hand to touch his face, "Brother, touch it, brother, touch it."

When Wang Yunzhi talked about enlightenment, Shi Yu had the topic of access. He was still thinking about his biggest task: to find out his origin.

Shi Yu picked up Shi Feng, put it on his lap, let him touch his face, patted his little hand and asked, "Mom, you think I'm so smart! Did Wenquxing come down to earth and bring auspiciousness from heaven when he was born? "

Shi Yu pretended to be joking,

He spoke to his mother.

"There is no auspiciousness, but the rain is very heavy, so why don't your father name you Shigure. When this wind was born, there were a few small winds blowing, and your father also insisted on following you. Calling him Shigure is really far-fetched. "Wang Yunzhi saw that his two sons were getting along well with each other, and all the worries he had had disappeared, and he felt happy and happy.

"The rain was very heavy? How much? Is the house flooded?"

"It's not that big, but it's bigger than usual. The rivers and ditches are overflowing, and the fields are spoiled. The harvest is about to end that year. Fortunately, Shen Yu is rich and transfers the surplus grain from other places to provide relief." Wang Yunzhi's words, sometimes Yu's birth was ordinary, just a small natural disaster.

"That's it, that's strange. I'm so smart, but my brother is a bit ordinary. Is there some expert who caress me?" Shi Yu continued to make up reasons, trying to find out all the clues.

"The tallest man caressing the top? Does your father count? He is the tallest man in our village." As he said this, Wang Yunzhi pointed at her husband. He was indeed quite tall.

"Huh?" Seeing such chatter, Shi Yu really couldn't ask anything, so he gave up and chatted with his parents casually. He even talked about whether the Qingchi who came with him was the girl Shi Yu liked. When Shi was married, Shi Yu even said no, and told his parents not to think too much.


Lying in his bedroom without any results, Shi Yu looked straight at the roof beams. It seemed that his trip home could only be to save the family. Everything his parents said showed that Shi Yu had nothing to do from conception to birth. Ordinary, the only difference is that he suddenly became enlightened at the age of three.

If being able to read and read is a vision, then this is it. There is nothing else. This does not show any signs of the heart of all things, it is just close to the appearance of Yu Tong's awakening.

Shi Yu thought over and over every word of his parents, trying to find possible clues, but he couldn't find a way out.

"Should I tell Master about the Heart of All Things?" Shi Yu asked himself.

"No, no, if Yutong doesn't like me, tell the master, will there be any trouble if he finds out? How about asking Sister Qingchi first? Or forget it, Sister Qingchi is not confused, so she shouldn't know The heart of all things.”

When he thought of Yu Tong, Shi Yu stopped speaking frankly, and was repeatedly entangled in his various thoughts, unable to figure out the clue.

"I'm going back to Yu Shen Palace now, and I have to go to the Golden Spirit Realm immediately. I'm afraid I won't have anywhere to investigate in a short time. What should I do? Sister Xinxin is still waiting there. Alas, there are also Brother Gu, Yi Da, Shuangxue and the others. , I also need to find a chance to see why there are so many things to do!”

Confusing thoughts rolled around in Shi Yu's mind, and Shi Yu felt upset. The quiet night filled his ears with noisy noises.

Really unable to calm down, Shi Yu took out the jade guide with the practice techniques engraved on it and started reading through it one by one, hoping to immerse himself in practice and get rid of uncontrollable distracting thoughts.

The Shenyu Realm is indeed the pinnacle of the heavens and myriad worlds. Each set of exercises clearly explains the principles of cultivation, even if they are side skills.

With Shi Yu's comprehension and the support of his current powerful Yuanli, he quickly mastered the initial implementation essentials of each exercise. After learning the subtleties, Shi Yu danced and carved the appearance of the exercise, simulating the effect of fully performing it in his mind, and a slight wave of Yuanli spread in Shi's mansion.

"Hey, the magic walk, transforming into nothingness and condensing into a shape within the reach of the mind, good, really good!

The sky-splitting technique, breaking through the space barrier, hiding outside the big world, hehe, must be used to escape! Um, it doesn't work! I can't learn it because my skill is too low.

The phantom step, turning and moving in a small space, the secret method of breaking the formation? What's the use, never mind, learn it first!

Hmm? Crossing the world? Opening the world gate! Finally found it! Uh, the power of a thousand years...stable breath...forget it, just memorize it first..."

What made Shi Yu happy was that he finally found the detailed explanation of the body orifice to receive and take things, and then he realized that he really misunderstood how outrageous it was to break the weak point of the connection between the body orifice soul sea and the unique void and grab other people's things.

The real weak point is the orifice of the palm that is often used to store items, but he didn't master the correct method.

Seeing that it takes at least one century to open someone else's body, and if the opponent is too strong, a thousand centuries will be in vain, Shi Yu secretly thanked his master for being so willing to force himself to drink so many marrow cleansing pills containing huge amounts of energy.

Shi Yu was learning happily in the house, and completely ignored that his own energy was like a worm with thousands of touches, exploring in all directions during the exercise, instantly covering the entire imperial capital, and even spreading to further away.

Ordinary people are still unaware, just feeling a little breeze, but the cultivators who have achieved success in cultivation are restless as if they were pierced by hundreds of claws. They only felt that a wild giant monster was entrenched in Shi's house, peeping at them in the endless darkness.

Qingchi, who was sitting quietly in his room, also felt Shi Yu's strangeness at the first time. He was slightly startled, and stretched out his hand to place an invisible membrane wall to enclose Shi's house and isolate it from the outside world.

As Yu Tong awakened, many cultivators who should not exist appeared in the imperial capital. Although Qing Chi knew the origins of these cultivators, she had never thought about what these cultivators would do after waking up in this peaceful world. This was not something she could figure out, let alone control.

Thinking of Yu Tong, Qing Chi frowned slightly. If Shi Yu provoked this abnormal Yu Tong, it would definitely not be a good thing.

But her actions were obviously too late.

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