Life Control Chart

Chapter 793: Fight whoever you want

Jian Kaitian didn't seem to be afraid of the reborn Wan Fang or Xuan Pan who was standing next to Wan Fang.

He jumped up to Wan Fang, looked up and down, and asked in surprise: "Strange! You are obviously dead, but I saw with my own eyes that your dry skin was swallowed up by the land of destiny."

"Dang! Dang!"

The sound resounded loudly on the Lingxiao tree. Wan Fang glanced sideways, and saw two white apes holding up bladed shields and beating happily. It was his body-protecting aegis, and when he glanced at it again, Shi Yu had disappeared from his standing position.

When Wan Fang noticed Shi Yu's change of position, he immediately put away his thoughts of killing Jian Kai Tian, ​​tilted his head and looked at him, and smiled.

"Yes, you three little guys deceived me into the depths, beat and swallowed me, and tortured me to death. But don't you think it was too easy for me to die? I am the world-creating master who is as famous as Xuanpan! "

Jian Kaitian shook his head disdainfully, "Don't flatter yourself, you are not as powerful as Xuanpan, and no one can figure out the details of Xuanpan until now. You may be very powerful, but at best you are Xuanpan's younger brother."

Wan Fang's expression changed, and he stared at Jian Kaitian coldly, "You just look down on me like that? Do you really think that I am really vulnerable if I fall into your hands once?"

Jian Kaitian stretched out his hand and pointed at Yu Luyao, "Can you beat him? If you can't beat him, you don't deserve to be named the same as Xuanpan! Even if it is just a false name, Xuanpan will not accept being named the same as a weakling.

It’s not a problem for them to go to Nine Peaks now, can you? "

Jian Kaitian's words made Wan Fang laugh out loud, and also made other Jue Masters look in surprise.

Can Xuanpan and Yu Luyao go to Nine Peaks? Why does Jian Kaitian say that?

"No need to act, you are Xuanpan's little brother. You can stand by his side not because you are strong, but because he is protecting you and you are still merging your soul!"

After Jian Kaitian finished speaking, he shouted and retreated, leaving behind Wan Fang who looked astonished and Xuanpan who frowned deeply.

The eyes of other Jue Masters flickered, and Wan Fang and Xuan Pan kept acting distant.

The two of them often had disputes against the soul-guarding slaves on weekdays. It seemed to everyone that the two of them were neck and neck, secretly striving for power, each trying to overpower the other.

Now Jian Kaitian's words seemed to reveal a secret, which made the faces of Juezhu surrounding the two of them look suspicious.

"Wan Fang! Is what he said true?" a Jue Master asked coldly.

The Jue Masters who surround Xuan Pan and Wan Fang respectively have daily frictions, big and small. If all this is created deliberately by the two of them, then it goes without saying that Xuan Pan and Wan Fang want to create hatred between the Jue Masters. Metaphor.

Wan Fang's expression did not change, he turned to the Jue Master and smiled: "Do you believe it? You follow me every day and you can't tell any clues. How did he know that Xuan Pan and I are secretly one? Can a nonsense be taken seriously? "

Before the Jue Master could figure it out, Jian Kaitian's mocking voice rang out again, "Da Ming Tian Suppresses the Prison King! You no longer need to wear Wan Fang's human skin to show off and deceive. You and Xuan Pan are acting, so you can't hide it." I can't hide it from others!

I have known for a long time that you and Wan Fang merge into one person, and Yu Luyao also knows, but he has been helping you hide it from other Jue Masters! "

"Da Ming Tian Suppresses the Prison King?" All the masters whispered in their hearts, and then turned their attention to Yu Luyao to see how he would explain.

Yu Luyao groaned and said nothing, but only tightened the protection around him.

"Okay! Very good! You two are very good!" The master didn't need to think too much and knew that everything Jian Kaitian said was true. He immediately stayed away from Wanfang and Xuanpan.

A dozen other absolute masters who had been provoked by Wan Fang and Xuan Pan also made an appointment at this time.

And when they gathered together in the same place, they all showed undisguised hostility towards the two of them.

In an instant, Xuanpan and Wanfang, who were the leaders of the two forces just now, stood alone in the void, looking so miserable.

Wan Fang, whose expression remained motionless and already extremely angry, laughed loudly and waved his palm towards Jian Kaitian who was hiding far away.

Wan Fang has been able to move around freely in the periphery for a long time. He thinks that killing Jian Kaitian does not require much effort. He is not afraid of Shi Yu hiding in the dark and looking for opportunities to strike. Xuan Pan on the side is not a vegetarian either!

"Wan Fang suffers death!"

My father, who was fighting head-on with the soul-guarding slave not far away, saw Wan Fang making a move towards Jian Kaitian and suddenly shouted loudly, hitting Wan Fang's forehead with a wild leaping slash.

My father's magical skill that is not limited by space forced Wan Fang to give up his pursuit of Jian Kaitian, and he did not dare to be careless. The appearance of the prison-suppressing king of Da Mingtian with eight arms and sixteen heads suddenly appeared in front of him. In front of everyone.

The ferocious Da Ming Tian Suppressing Prison King raised his palms with two arms to block his forehead, and the other six arms struck my father's side without mercy.

My father laughed loudly, put his feet on the arms that were slapped and walked away thousands of miles in an instant.

The soul-guarding slave who was chasing behind my father stopped and looked around in surprise.

Wan Fang's aura and power at this time is far above all the absolute masters, and is only slightly inferior to the soul-keeping slaves.

With his eyes narrowed, the soul-guarding slave looked warily at the Xuanpan that was still untouched and Yu Luyao, who was dimly flickering on one side, and quietly took a few steps back.

In a one-on-one challenge, the soul-guarding slave believes that no one is his opponent, but if these cunning guys are surrounded, who knows how much strength they have hidden, will they be exposed and become angry and refuse to hold back?

In the blink of an eye, my father and Wan Fang fought together, but the battle between the two was not a tough fight. The scene was much more flexible and colorful than the battle between my father and the Soul Keeper.

Wan Fang was originally a sword cultivator, but after merging with Da Ming Tian Suppressing Prison King, he became a sword and magic cultivator.

He threw out countless sword shadows and curses to protect himself, using his spirit to defeat his strength and his skill to defeat his brutality. He blocked my father's blow and then moved and retreated thousands of miles away.

My father, who had just chopped off Wan Fang with his axe, turned around and jumped towards the Soul Guardian Slave without hesitation. His way of provoking two big battles alone made both sides hate him.

These two sides were also mortal enemies, and it was impossible for them to join forces to fight my father. The situation became that my father could fight whoever he wanted to fight, and the Soul Guardian Slave and Wan Fang became his sparring partners.

Wan Fang raised his arm to look at his broken palm, and then looked at the smug Jian Kaitian from a distance, but he still didn't dare to rush out to fight with Jian Kaitian. If he was hit by another heavy blow from my father, he might be seriously injured directly.

"Haha! Are you scared?" Jian Kaitian still provoked Wan Fang without knowing how to advance or retreat, and waved his great sword in the air, with two transparent sword shadows floating erratically.

"When I killed you, I melted your sword into my giant sword. It's very useful! If you have any more, take it out and show it off!"

Wan Fang snorted, and his sinister eyes locked on Jian Kaitian, but his mind was still lingering on my father.

Xuan Pan smiled faintly, looking at the alert Juezhu in the distance, and shook his head slowly, "What a pity! How many times have I saved you from the hands of the guardian of this secret realm? All the kindness was turned into nothing by a light word.

Well, let's see how long you can live in the future. Wan Fang and I will never interfere."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the Juezhu changed slightly. It was not that they relied on Xuan Pan's strength.

But Xuan Pan and Wan Fang were the only ones among the Juezhu who could be trusted and give them orders.

The others were not convinced by each other. They could never move forward and retreat in unison and support each other in the face of the soul-guarding slaves.

Looking at the soul-guarding slaves who were still fighting with my father, these Juezhu didn't know whether they should retreat.

It would be fine to retreat, but without the coordination of Xuan Pan and Wan Fang, it would be difficult to have the opportunity to learn from the soul-guarding slaves again and quickly comprehend the place of controlling life.

The powerful my father gradually fell into a disadvantage. These Juezhu would probably be killed by the soul-guarding slaves in a few moves if they fought alone.

Yu Luyao snorted again, and floated a few feet closer to Xuan Pan. Without saying anything, his support was obvious.

Now the other absolute masters were even more embarrassed. Their hatred for Xuan Pan was definitely not as great as Yu Luyao's.

Everyone knew that Yu Luyao was determined to kill Xuan Pan. He was on Xuan Pan's side at this time, so what did the small grudges of others mean?

"I admire you! You are worthy of being a hero who can kill his own son! Licking him is the right thing to do!" Jian Kaitian's hateful voice sounded again, and he gave Yu Luyao a thumbs up.

Yu Luyao said nothing, and suddenly flashed into a ball of light mist and pounced on Jian Kaitian. In an instant, he cut Jian Kaitian into seventeen or eighteen pieces, and then smashed all the broken pieces into heavenly silk with another palm.

As if he felt that he had succeeded too easily, Yu Luyao was stunned in the void where he killed Jian Kaitian, and the chaotic sword energy around him became sparse, revealing his puzzled look.


The giant axe chopped down head-on. My father did not let Yu Luyao go. He immediately abandoned the soul-guarding slave and chopped straight at him.

The axe shadow and the sword energy collided violently. The clanging sound of the collision awakened Yu Luyao and shocked my father.

His giant axe did not fall on Yu Luyao. It only cut into the protective sword shadow for a few feet before it was blown away with a scream. The injury was even more serious than that caused by the soul-guarding slave.

The soul-guarding slave chasing behind my father was trembling. He knew that Yu Luyao had been retaining his strength, and he was extremely angry that this group of absolute masters treated him like a monkey.


My injured father had not yet gotten angry, but the soul-guarding slave, who felt that he had suffered a great humiliation, roared first.

The fierce head of the dragon raised its head to the sky and howled, and its arms were pierced with ten fingers and stood up, and it rushed directly to Yu Luyao while taking advantage of the momentum of the attack.

The soul-guarding slave's strong attack was beyond everyone's expectations.

When my father arrived here, he challenged the soul-guarding slave arrogantly. The soul-guarding slave was caught off guard and beaten into a mess, but after a short breath, he went after Yu Luyao. Everyone fought at will and in a chaotic and disorderly manner.

Yu Luyao was surprised. He only hit Jian Kaitian, and he might not really kill Jian Kaitian. My father was fine, but why did the soul-guarding slave chase him?

The war did not allow Yu Luyao to think too much. Although my father did not directly smash his body, the huge axe force had already hit him through the sword shadow, which shocked Yu Luyao so much that his heart blood was reversed and he was dizzy and wanted to vomit.

Seeing the soul-guarding slave coming fiercely, Yu Luyao hurriedly tried to avoid it, and swung his arms lightly, and thousands of sharp swords whistled out.

My father was suspended in the void and scratched his head in confusion. In Yanlan City, he chopped Yu Luyao to vomit blood with an axe, but now he was slightly injured.

In these short days, Yu Luyao's strength has increased unbelievably.

Shi Yu, who had been hiding in the dark, was also amazed, thinking that every absolute master was a nine-tailed fox, and there would be a change every time he saw one.

After he escaped from Wan Fang's gaze, he kept floating around the soul-guarding slave and observing him carefully.

No matter how powerful Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan were, it was difficult for them to hurt him, but the soul-guarding slave was different. He still remembered the terrifying feeling when he was poked by Tan Weiyang's tentacles, which even Huaxu couldn't do.

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