Life Control Chart

Chapter 8: Once you enter Yushen Palace, you can study again

Returning to his residence, Shi Yu had not recovered from what had just happened. He sat in the courtyard with distracted eyes, and several unfamiliar words flashed through his mind from time to time: Master...Emperor...Senior Brother...Yu Shen palace……

Although Shi Yu is already thirteen years old, his life experience is almost a blank slate. His simple life makes Shi Yu almost ignorant of the outside world.

For thirteen years, he stayed at home for the first seven years and lived with the master for the next six years. All I knew and learned came from books, and I had never thought about anything other than scientific examinations. I suddenly became a master and wanted to go far away. I was really panicked.

Qingchi, who accompanied Shiyu back, saw that he had been sitting in the courtyard silently, and comforted him: "Shiyu, you don't have to worry. My sisters will also go to Yushen Palace together, and they can still take care of you, and Master Dixian The status is transcendent, you don’t have to worry about anything there.”

Only then did Shi Yu come back from his confusion, remembering that there was a Qingchi beside him, and hurriedly grabbed her sleeve and asked hurriedly: "Sister Qingchi, where is the Yu Shrine, and what kind of place is it? Master, oh, who is Master? I’m afraid you and Sister Qingxi are not ordinary people, so what kind of people are you?”

Qingchi smiled slightly and said softly: "When you arrive at the Yu Shen Palace, you will gradually know these things. You can't explain them in a few words. All you need to know is that what you are going to is the most important and critical place in the Shen Yu World. . That's where the real secret of the Shenyu Realm lies. You see, Yu Wubing was so happy that he couldn't even go there. At first, he was sick and angry every day because he couldn't worship in the Yu Shen Palace. Drive yourself crazy."

"That's right! I also have an emperor brother, hehe, it's unbelievable. Then how come he can suddenly go in?" Shi Yu asked helplessly with a smile.

"You will encounter more incredible things. Don't think too much about it yet. While you are still in the imperial capital, see more and walk more. It will not be easy to come back in the future. As for Yu Wubing, the opportunity has come. Don't do it. Just mind his business and be yourself." Qingchi tapped Shiyu's forehead to remind him.

Upon hearing this, Shi Yu started to panic again: "It's not easy to come back? What about my parents? Can't we go with them?"

Qingchi shook his head and said: "Of course not! However, the master has told Yu Wubing to set up a house in the imperial capital to house your parents. After entering the temple, if you make rapid progress, you will still have the opportunity to come back to see them. As for when you can see them, can you How many times we meet depends on you."

"Myself? What should I do?" Shi Yu asked hurriedly.

"You will know what to do in the future, and your parents have been picked up by someone. Before going to Yu Shen Palace, you should spend more time with them. The master is calling me, you can rest first." After that, Qingchi No longer being secretive, he transformed directly and left. Shi Yu was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the table.

Shi Yu calmed down and sorted out his thoughts. His originally clear life suddenly became confusing and unreasonable.

Shi Yu focused his attention on the martial arts book that the emperor's first master asked him to read. He picked up one and flipped through it. The words in it, which he had already memorized by heart, reflected in his eyes like running water.

Looking at Qingchi’s appearance just now, it’s impossible for me not to learn these things in the future. I used to study hard.

The red tape, it seems now, has completely lost its meaning.

Shi Yu felt as if his backbone had been ripped out, and he lay limply on the table. More than ten years of hard work had turned into smoke, and in the future he would be buried in a realm where there was no feeling, like a strange force and chaos. The sense of loss was indescribable. .

Later, Master Dixian finally returned to the side hall, and Shi Yu immediately rushed to find him. This day brought too many questions, and Shi Yu needed answers.

The master looked at Shi Yu who looked confused and couldn't bear it. Accepting this child as his disciple was a much-coveted opportunity in the eyes of many people, but it was hard to say whether this opportunity was what Shi Yu wanted. I felt soft-hearted, and when I saw Yu Wubing sighing and becoming increasingly agitated, I wanted to help him, but I pushed Shi Yuqiang into the Yu Shen Palace. Now it seems that it was purely unnecessary.

Before the time comes, unnecessary actions will only make things develop in an uncontrollable direction. It may not be a blessing for Shi Yu to live out the life of an ordinary person well, not to mention that he is outstanding and has a firm control over his life, but he has reached this stage.

One step at a time, one step at a time, the situation became even more difficult for Master Di Xian to control.

"Shi Yu, I know that you have many questions to ask. Before you ask, let me tell you that entering the Yu Shrine is unchangeable. You must enter. Even if you don't want to be my disciple, this matter cannot be changed. Contrarian.”

"Student, uh, apprentice, uh, disciple, I understand! I have figured this out. I must have been contaminated by some cause and effect. Otherwise, I would not have the chance to become a disciple of Master and would have to enter the Yu Shen Palace."

Seeing that Shi Yu suddenly became so sensible, Master Dixian nodded, "As long as you understand, if nothing else is said, I will tell you the origin of Yu Shen Palace."

"Yes, my disciple is all ears."

"Our Shenyu Realm is the first among all the worlds. You have read this, but do you know why this is so? You have never been involved in martial arts since you were a child, and our Shenyu Realm strictly prohibits private learning of martial arts. , only tweet Wenzhi, do you know why?”

"Student, uh~disciple, I don't know"

"The great world of Shenyu was created by Emperor Shenyu. This is true. Emperor Shenyu actually came from another world and experienced bloody storms. He hopes to create a territory where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment and the people live a prosperous life. Emperor Shenyu With extraordinary cultivation, he established the great realm of Shenyu, conquered all heavens and realms, and established himself as the first realm of Shenyu.

Then the Yu Shrine was established, and brave and invincible people were selected to guard and protect it. The first was to vigorously eliminate the folk rangers and wealthy people, so that there would be less fighting and more life in the world; the second was to deal with foreign enemies and keep the peace of the world forever.

The books you have read before all say that this is an ancient legend and cannot be verified because ordinary people do not need to know the truth. Ordinary people only need to generate their own machines to ensure the continuity of their bloodline.

They don't need to know the existence of Yu Shen Palace. Even Wu Bing only knew that I came from Yu Shen Palace and did not know my true identity.

When the Emperor of Heaven establishes a boundary, the first thing he recommends is to restrict martial arts. Why? It's not that they are afraid of latecomers taking over, but they don't like the constant disputes and conquests within the realm.

The martial arts techniques relied on when the world was created were only passed down from generation to generation among the people who accompanied the Emperor of Heaven when he created the world, and could only be stationed at the borders and would never be used again.

You have to step into the territory defined by the empire. Among the people, some strong government officials and police officers are enough to protect people's livelihood.

Now that you enter the divine palace, you must practice martial arts diligently, become a great weapon early, and protect the well-being of the people in the world. "

Shi Yu said so much to his master, but he didn't seem to understand. He was more concerned about his own affairs.

"Then I have been studying hard for more than ten years. Isn't it in vain? Now I can't take the imperial examination. I am so disappointed. From now on, I will abandon literature and join the martial arts. Knowing a few words will be enough. No wonder Sister Qingxi said that studying is useless."

"How could it be that God Yu established a boundary to protect all beings, and you thought that force alone was enough? The writing and grammar we have learned are all passed down from generation to generation by the great emperor. The emperor's original intention in establishing the boundary was based on benevolence and righteousness. Could it be due to his literary heart?

Furthermore, the martial arts we practice in the Yu Shen Palace are different from those of the Realm Gate Guards. We do not emphasize the supremacy of martial arts. We think about fighting and killing every day. What is important is to control martial arts with culture, complement each other with culture and martial arts, establish martial arts with culture, and protect culture with martial arts. Heart, civil and military, one strong and one soft, one inside and one outside, complement each other.

If you hadn't studied diligently and learned well, how could I accept you as my disciple? There are countless people in the world who are more talented in martial arts than you. Why don't I accept them? Our Yu Shen Palace has unparalleled military power and is far superior to the guards. Why? It is to protect the country and protect the country, to be considerate of the heaven and earth, not to be brave and ruthless, to kill ruthlessly, that is just self-destruction. If you don't study, you won't understand these principles. No matter how talented you are, you won't be able to be cultivated by the shrine. "

Shi Yu nodded as if he didn't understand, and said: "What does master mean, is that people who only know writing but not arts and science, and are obsessed with martial arts will only make mistakes?"

"It's roughly like this. People who are pure martial arts show off their courage and fight fiercely. Maybe they are pure and kind at the beginning of practicing martial arts, and they are chivalrous and righteous. But later in the training, relying on superior force, they have already forgotten their original intention. Could it be that you are fighting for it and treating human life like a piece of grass. At a glance. If things don't go their way, they'll punch and kick, if they don't agree, they'll draw swords on each other, and even massacre the city and destroy the country for a trivial matter.

There are very few such warriors in our Shenyu world. When you achieve success in the future and travel to the outside world, such warriors can be found everywhere, making all worlds filthy. "

Hearing what his master said, Shi Yu didn't know whether it was right or not. What his master said was that civility and martial arts complement each other, and it seemed that he was more interested in using civility to suppress martial arts. Although I don't like fighting, when I was young, I fought with others over cakes and candies; villagers and village women also fought with each other over fertile fields and water sources. If this makes sense and everyone abides by laws and etiquette, how could this happen?

Shi Yu asked confusedly, and Master Dixian laughed loudly and did not answer in detail. He only said: "Disciple, you still don't understand the meaning of a warrior."

The master's words were unclear, but questions are questions. The point is not at this moment. Shi Yu hurriedly asked: "Master, I went to Yu Shen Palace, how often can I come back to see my parents? I am the only one of my parents, and my disciple is about to When I reach adulthood, if I stay away for a long time, I will miss my parents and my behavior will be contrary to filial piety."

"It all depends on how well you are practicing. You can come back when you are satisfied with your cultivation. The master will lay the preliminary foundation for you in the past few days. In the future, when you enter the palace, you can practice quickly." Master Dixian looked mysteriously. said with a smile.

Shi Yu was speechless. He knew that none of this could be changed by himself. Only by working harder could he win a chance to control his destiny - the long river of destiny was no longer calm.

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