Life Control Chart

Chapter 814: One Body, Two Souls

Suddenly, everyone felt their eyes flash, and a fiery red figure stood where Mo Liqing had just been.

The huge three-foot-tall body burst into flames that soared into the sky, making everyone retreat in horror.

"Master?" Jian Kaitian shouted in shock, stupidly looking at the flame giant who suddenly turned from Mo Liqing to Chi Shang, and punched his head.

Before Jian Kaitian could evade or before Shi Yu and the others could rescue him, the fiery red figure suddenly dissipated, and the foolish and foolish Mo Liqing appeared in front of everyone again, clutching a piece of wet green leaf and heartbroken.

The fierce fire burned the sky just now, and the entire area was burned into white ground. Only the remaining leaves that Mo Liqing held in his hand before disappearing were still emitting a faint green light.

The drizzle fell, making a hissing sound on the hot ground. White smoke rose up, making the astonished people look like ignorant people who had strayed into a wonderland.

"Who can tell me what's going on? How did the master and senior brother become the same person!" Jian Kaitian spoke with gritted teeth and every word.

It wasn't because Chi Shang attacked him, or because Mo Liqing ignored him, but because he couldn't accept that the master and apprentice, who were even different in race and gender, had become the same person!

As if startled by the words full of doubts and anger, the dazed Mo Liqing suddenly woke up and saw Jian Kaitian who woke him up at the first sight.

"Junior brother? Run away!"

An extremely anxious look appeared on Mo Liqing's face, and then he saw Shi Yu and others. Just as he was about to speak again, his expression suddenly changed into a confused look, and he lowered his head and picked up the fallen leaves in his hand and murmured.

Shi Yu and the others were really frightened again and again, and they winked at each other and quietly stepped back.

As soon as he exited Baizhang, Mo Liqing disappeared from everyone's eyes, and he didn't know where he went.

Jian Kaitian hurriedly ran back to the place, turned around and searched everywhere, his big hands grabbed again and again in the air, but he couldn't catch anything.

Ling Xiao stretched out the dragon's spine stick and helped Jian Kaitian sweep back and forth in the empty space of 100 feet. The shadow of his stick did not encounter any obstacles.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? Could it be that master and senior brother have also learned your virtual body?" Jian Kaitian searched to no avail and shouted at Shi Yu, extremely regretting his move of retreating just now.

It took a lot of effort to lure the two of them out, but they were lost again before they could figure anything out.

"Come again! Come again!" Jian Kaitian grabbed Shi Yu and started shouting, "Senior Brother, do you like senior sister? I will catch you..."

Shi Yu was furious and kicked Jian Kaitian away. Even if he wanted to lure out Mo Liqing, he couldn't use his wife as bait. What's more, the relationship between a man and a woman should be the most taboo and cautious.

Even if Jian Kaitian had rashly used such despicable methods once, Shi Yu could not tolerate his repeated nonsense.

"Jian Kaitian, stop talking nonsense! Leave here first and then think of a solution!" The angry Shi Yu quickly escaped and turned towards the dividing mountain range.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat, and I'm talking like crazy, but my second brother is really a little angry!"

Ling Xiao's cold words drifted past, and he slapped Jian Kaitian hard on the back, and disappeared into the horizon with Shi Yu in the blink of an eye.

Xi Ling wanted to follow Ling Xiao and leave, but felt that Jian Kaitian who was so stupid on the spot was too pitiful. He stood there looking left and right, not knowing what to do.

"Hey! That's not it. I don't really want to do anything to my senior sister and senior brother!" Jian Kaitian felt that Shi Yu was making a fuss and muttered a few words in a low voice.

Then he asked Xi Ling to follow him.

As soon as the few people left, Mo Liqing's delirious figure appeared again, muttering incoherently, staring at Jian Kaitian's back with a pair of blank eyes, and a few more flashes of light flashed across his face.

Suddenly, as if he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, he began to roar with a ferocious expression. The two completely opposite faces of a man and a woman, one cold and one hot, kept changing.

Even the body changes repeatedly between red and white.

Soon, Mo Liqing calmed down, stood up straight with an awkward look in his eyes, and listened quietly to the rustle of the rain hitting the dense leaves.

Jian Kaitian flew not far before he asked in a low voice: "Xi Ling, how do you think I should apologize to Shi Yu? He might be really angry, otherwise why would he have to go to the mountain to discuss it?"


With Xi Ling's always cold temperament, her most passionate expression of emotion is to stand aside and say nothing. She has never done anything to offend anyone close to her, so she doesn't know how to apologize to others.

"Forget it! At worst, I'll give him a beating, and let the senior sister give me another beating. If he still doesn't calm down, I'll give him two more beatings. Do you think that's okay?"

Xi Ling looked at Jian Kaitian who turned to ask her seriously and could only nod. She didn't know if it would work.

The two fell into silence again. After a long time, Xi Ling finally plucked up the courage to say: "All living beings are divided into men and women, so you should not easily talk about emotions, especially true feelings. You should not take this seriously."

The flying Jian Kaitian paused slightly and let out a deep hum.

After flying for a while, Jian Kaitian, whose mind was not on the road at all, realized something was wrong.

The wild forest that should have been left long ago was still stretching under him at this moment. Looking up into the distance, there was still endless tall trees and drizzle, as if he and Xi Ling had just been spinning in place for a long time.

With his heart tightening, Jian Kaitian stopped his escape and quickly drew out the giant sword from behind, stretching out his arms to stop Xi Ling who was following behind.

Xi Ling was not as good as Jian Kaitian. She simply did nothing during her flight and just stared at Jian Kaitian's generous back without thinking. If Jian Kaitian hadn't stopped to stop her, she would have been able to fly like this until the end of the world.

It was only then that Xi Ling gathered his gaze, looked around and exclaimed "Ah".

Jian Kaitian quickly calmed down. He first raised his head and looked in the direction where Shi Yu and Ling Xiao were going, only to see no one in the vast sky.

Looking back at the dense forest burned by Chi Shang, there were no traces long ago, and it was completely green.


With a low shout, Jian Kaitian raised his giant sword and slashed in all directions. Space cracks ran through the air, but no chaos rushed out.

And the illusion that Jian Kaitian thought had not changed at all.

"This is not an illusion, we have fallen into another dimension!" Xi Ling stood next to Jian Kaitian and said softly.

Jian Kaitian's eyebrows immediately stood up and he said angrily: "Even the space will be shattered by me! Look at the sword!"

More violent sword light blasted in all directions, and a sea of ​​swords rushed out.

Jian Kaitian also knew that this was not the time to think about the old relationship between his master and his sect. If he showed any slight weakness, he would be killed on the spot, not to mention that he had to protect Xi Ling from harm.

But no matter how fierce the bombardment is, it will have no effect. Facing this space, Jian Kaitian is just like facing the earth spirit world when he was just born. It’s a huge piece of land, and it’s impossible to break through the space.

Making a decisive decision, Jian Kaitian roared wildly and pulled it out into a three-foot-long stone man, tore open his chest and moved towards

Attack Ling and catch him.

Only by settling Xi Ling first can Jian Kaitian focus on defeating the enemy. Now that he is in a dangerous situation, where can he be more solid and reliable than his own chest.

Xi Lingben was still shy and ashamed, and felt that it was outrageous to run into Jian Kaitian's arms without being injured at all, so he immediately stepped back.

As soon as she took a step back, Jian Kaitian's furious shout reached her ears, "Stop! Is now the time to make love?"

Xi Ling was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. He watched helplessly as a pair of big hands picked her up. Her eyesight went dark and she returned to a familiar place.

The thin stone marrow under the feet is still condensing, and outside the thick stone wall is the continuous roar of Jian Kaitian.

Concentrating his mind and releasing his thoughts, Xi Ling felt uneasy about Jian Kaitian's angry roar.

At first glance, he was even more shocked. The red fire spirit woman was already fighting fiercely with Jian Kaitian.

The fierce giant sword and the elegant fire silk are fighting fiercely. It seems that if the situation is too late, Xi Ling will be involved in the battle circle with the enemy.

But obviously, Jian Kaitian was no match for the Fire Spirit woman. The soft-looking fire silk brushed a layer of stone powder over the giant sword, and when rolled over the body, it could wrap around a piece of stone skin.

Even though Jian Kaitian tried his best, he still couldn't force the woman back half a step.

"Master! Wake up!"

Unable to fight or escape, Jian Kaitian felt helpless and could only shout in vain at Chi Shang who was attacking crazily.

After fighting for more than ten breaths, Jian Kaitian found that the force exerted by Chi Shang always weakened at the last moment, and the force that actually fell on him was not even one-tenth of Tan Weiyang's.

Holding the master's last shred of wisdom, Jian Kaitian hoped that his shout would make Chi Shang wake up.

It seemed that Jian Kaitian's call had awakened Chi Shang, and her ferocious attack suddenly froze in mid-air.

The flames and flying fire ribbons all over the sky disappeared in an instant, and Chi Shang's eyes gradually softened, and when he looked at Jian Kaitian, there was a faint smile.

Jian Kaitian was overjoyed. Just as he was about to meet Chi Shang, he saw Chi Shang transform into Mo Liqing.

As soon as Mo Liqing appeared, he shouted at Jian Kaitian with panic on his face: "Run! Run away!"

But before Jian Kaitian woke up from his shock, Mo Liqing had a fierce look on his face. He looked at Jian Kaitian like he was looking at an enemy of life and death, and slapped his head with his palm.

Jian Kaitian, who had just slackened, let out a strange cry and rolled back a long way, barely avoiding Mo Liqing's fierce palm that almost shattered his chest.

The strong wind that passed by cut off the only protruding nose on Jian Kaitian's stone face.

"Elder brother! What happened? Where is the master? Where has the master gone?" Jian Kaitian roared with a louder voice, imagining that he could awaken Mo Liqing like he awakened Chi Shang.

But Mo Liqing, whose expression changed drastically, not only did not slow down, but his attack was even more vicious and vicious than Chi Shang's, all his moves were aimed at Jian Kaitian's fatal spot.

He didn't have Chi Shang's flames and heat that were more splendid than lethal. He only had a concentrated force that hit Jian Kaitian like a flying arrow.

Every impact would either knock away the rubble in the sky or pass through the entire body, always leaving severe trauma to Jian Kaitian.

Jian Kaitian was no match for Mo Liqing at all. Every time he swung his giant sword, it would either hit the air or be bounced away by Mo Liqing's powerful force.

The two transparent sword spirits were crushed to pieces one by one by Mo Liqing. They whined and hid behind the giant sword, never daring to show their heads again.

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