Life Control Chart

Chapter 822 Ye Mobai Begs for Death

"Second brother!"

Walking on the land bridge, Ling Xiao couldn't help but wake up Shi Yu who was meditating with his eyes closed. There was a question stuck in his heart that he couldn't bear to express.

"To put it bluntly, the body orifice's storage of objects is a spatial fold. Those folds are right next to the monk, so they can store and retrieve objects extremely quickly."

Shi Yu knew what Ling Xiao was going to ask, and with a wave of his hand, he released a touch of energy and wrapped a small space around Ling Xiao.

“This small space has thousands of miles of folds hidden inside it, and all your storage is here.

I can also see that the space in the folds is growing as you absorb the spiritual energy.

To put it bluntly, the monks used to only know that the energy of the body orifice caused chaos resonance, thus creating a space for holding things. They did not know that this space was around them. "

Shi Yu's unheard words made Ling Xiao extremely surprised and asked: "I see, second brother, you don't even have to use your strength to break open the space. How come you can still see these spaces with your black eyes?" thing?"

Shi Yu paused for a moment and said slowly: "I suddenly had such an ability, whether it was an epiphany or the awakening of my talent, in short, just like the world master creating the world, I could do it naturally.

Just like you can absorb the five elements' attacks and turn them into your own power, I can't. "

Ling Xiao is still puzzled. Although he knows that Shi Yu is right, there is a huge difference between talent and talent. He can tear open space and take other people's property at any time. With this ability, he can say that he can have the whole world in his hands. .

Shi Yu looked at Ling Xiao's depressed expression and smiled slightly, then changed the subject and said, "How is Jian Kaitian doing?"

"Recovery is very slow. Second brother, your magical power doesn't work. Perhaps only by going to the life control space can he get better as soon as possible."

"Well, let him sleep a little longer. It's better if he doesn't wake up so early." Shi Yu lowered his eyes, his tone a little lonely.

Ling Xiao's eyes also became desolate, and he whispered: "He and Xi Ling are fighting against the soul-guarding slaves. It's lucky to survive! Our cultivation level is still too low, which is holding back the second brother."

"What are you talking about? Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today! We three brothers are going to the upper world together. Why are you saying such depressing words?" Shi Yu patted the branches of the Lingxiao tree hard and smiled at him. .

Ling Xiao sighed and said: "Second brother, don't you think we have stayed in the place where we control our destiny for too long? I thought that in ten thousand years at most, we would be able to break through the boundary wall and break into the upper world.

But now it seems that even if you, second brother, are invincible in the land of destiny, you are still far away from truly entering the upper realm. "

Shi Yu laughed loudly, raised his hand and clapped his hands to release the floating figures of Uncle Bachen and Ye Mobai, "You are still sighing! Where are these two guys? I'm afraid I'm going crazy after all the hard work.

It's better that Uncle Bachen has been sleeping all the time, but Ye Mobai doesn't even want to come to the place where he is destined to control his life. He sits in the reincarnation of nine worlds. What kind of state of mind can he endure? "

After patting the floating shadow away, Shi Yu continued: "Even if we don't talk about them, how long has my father been hanging around in the Land of Controlling Life? He is the first World Master to step into the Land of Controlling Life in this reincarnation. A clue to breaking into the upper world?"

Ling Xiao smiled awkwardly, knowing that he thought too wonderfully, "Maybe it's because I'm naive. Compared with them, we are just young boys who have just gone out to explore."

Just after saying this, Ling Xiao suddenly felt an unstoppable wave coming from the front. Looking up, he was stunned by the figure slowly walking in the distance.

Ye Mobai, whom I just mentioned, was walking over step by step, making Lu Qiao tremble slightly with every step he took.

"You're right! The place where you control your destiny is the end point for all world masters. Even if you don't die, you can only go here and endure endless years, just like me.

Upper bound? That's just a false fantasy.

God? That's just a shameless bastard! "

Ye Mobai heard clearly what Shi Yu and Ling Xiao said. He was now completely disappointed with the upper world and the gods, and his words were full of ridicule.

Shi Yu didn't expect to meet Ye Mobai here. When Ye Mobai was knocked out of his life control space by him, he was seriously injured and fell to the top of the Nine Peaks.

How could it be such a coincidence that he and Shi Yu met face to face on the land bridge.

At this time, Ye Mobai did not have a good relationship with Shi Yu, so Shi Yu was not familiar enough to take the initiative to say hello.

Shi Yu stood on the branch of Lingxiao tree and watched Ye Mobai approach step by step.

After scolding the gods and despising the upper world, Ye Mobai gave Shi Yu a weird smile and walked straight towards him.

Shi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately understood that meeting Ye Mobai was not a coincidence.

Moreover, Ye Mobai's expression and posture looked strange, and he didn't have the elegant and free-spirited feeling of a worldly master before.

Ling Xiao had long felt the hostility emanating from Ye Mobai, and the power fluctuations unleashed by Ye Mobai were far beyond Ling Xiao's imagination.

Within a thousand miles, Ye Mobai suddenly hung high, blasting out an even more powerful intimidating force. The void beneath his feet was shattered into pieces as he stepped into the air step by step.

"Soul-keeper slave?"

Ling Xiao exclaimed, never expecting that Ye Mobai was not the guardian of the secret realm, but would be turned into a soul-guarding slave by the ordering guard.

No monk has ever dared to escape on the land bridge, not even Shi Yu! There is no other reason to explain Ye Mobai's ability to hang high in the sky except the soul-guarding slave.

When Ye Mobai heard Ling Xiao's exclamation, he lowered his eyes and looked at him, but raised the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah! I didn't expect it! There are so many powerful secret realm guardians in the central realm, but I turned into a slave! I am the only one who doesn't want to be that ghost slave, but they chose me."

"What do you want? Do something with me?" Shi Yu slid down the Lingxiao tree and took a few steps forward, standing up to block Ye Mobai's path.

Ye Mobai's narrow eyes flashed with light, and he laughed, "You are so strong! The first time I saw you, you couldn't survive a single move in my hand, but now that I see you, you have become me and not you. opponent."

"It's not that bad, right? I couldn't even survive a single move at that time?" Shi Yu pretended to be exaggerated, blinking at Ye Mobai, and a pair of bottomless black eyes instantly enveloped Ye Mobai's body.

Ye Mobai was startled, his pace slowed down a bit, he stared into Shi Yu's eyes and nodded, "You can kill Yu Luyao without borrowing my hand. You are invincible."

"Tch!" The figures of Xuanpan and Yu Luyao appeared in Shi Yu's mind,

"It's impossible to be invincible. As long as those two people don't die, and as long as people like you are still around, I can't be invincible."

Shi Yu smiled softly and walked quickly towards Ye Mobai. The giant tree-like Ling Xiao quickly followed, and the rumbling steps overwhelmed Ye Mobai's space-shattering sound.

Ye Mobai's slightly closed eyelids were raised a few millimeters, and the light from his eyes shined directly into a pair of huge eyes on Ling Xiaoshu's body, which made Ling Xiao groan and quickly close his eyes. Two streams of green and black blood and tears welled up. out.


Shi Yu became angry, thinking that I haven't relied on strength to take action against you, but you dared to take action against me first.

Mo Lu flew away immediately, and pierced Ye Mobai's forehead like a flash of lightning.



With a soft sound, a blood hole as big as a fist was stabbed in the middle of Ye Mobai's forehead. Anyone who could look through the blood hole could see the sky behind Ye Mobai.

Shi Yu was stunned, looking at Ye Mobai with some uncertainty, and then at Mo Lu, who also looked a little dull. As the strongest soul-guarding slave, he was injured too easily.

Mo Lu obviously didn't expect that it could achieve such great results with just a casual thrust. If it stabbed back and forth hundreds of times, Ye Mobai would still be stabbed into a sieve?


Without waiting for the control of Yu Shen Nian, Mo Lu turned around and flew quickly, stabbing Ye Mobai in the heart.

Ye Mobai didn't seem to know that he was facing great danger. He still walked towards him with a bloody hole on his forehead and a weird smile on his lips.


There was another soft sound, and Ye Mo's white vest was easily pierced by Mo Lu. A hole as big as a bowl exploded in his chest, and the broken parts of his internal organs were clearly visible.

Shi Yu was secretly frightened, stopped Mo Lu from charging again, and said in a deep voice to Ye Mobai: "Are you begging for death? Then why don't you fight on your own?"

Ye Mobai smiled even weirder, and punched his head hard, but there was still a dull sound in Shi Yu's ears.

"Who can let me die? I can't kill myself, so what's the use of being stronger? Come on, I won't fight back. Come and kill me. Let's see when you can kill me!"

Ye Mobai shouted in grief and anger, but the headless body punched Ling Xiao.

He knew he couldn't hurt Shi Yu, so he used the method of hurting Ling Xiao to anger Shi Yu.

It was true that he wanted to die. From the moment Ye Mobai was appointed as a soul-guarding slave, he had no intention of continuing to live.

As the former number one in all worlds, he can be defeated! You can die!

But you must never be someone else’s slave!

The most painful thing for Ye Mobai was that he couldn't even commit suicide. Every time he summoned up all his strength to commit suicide, he would be knocked away by a force from the sea of ​​souls.

In other words, he does not even have the power of death in his own hands.

After waiting for many years, someone finally stepped into the land bridge in the central area. Ye Mobai finally looked forward to the strong man who might be able to end his life.

The visitor was pretty much what he expected. Anyway, it was either Shi Yu or someone related to Shi Yu.

Ling Xiao was angered by Ye Mobai's arrogance and used Shi Yu as a hostage if he couldn't defeat him. How could Ling Xiao endure this humiliation?

"Ye Mobai, if you want to die, I will make it happen! If you don't fight back, why would my second brother take action?"

After shouting violently, Ling Xiao took out the dragon's spine stick and smashed it hard at Ye Mobai.

The dragon's spine stick at this moment is not a thin stick as long as one person, but a giant pillar thousands of miles long, which is almost as wide as a land bridge when laid out.

Even if he stood on the land bridge with his feet still on the ground, Ling Xiao's giant stick could hit Ye Mobai's slowly growing head hard.

In front of the Thousand Miles Giant Stick, Ye Mobai's small figure was as thin as a dust particle. Anyone who saw him felt that he would be smashed into blood mist by Ling Xiao's stick.

Ye Mobai smiled contemptuously, "You can't do it. Even me before, I can't kill you even if I stand still. Don't waste your efforts."

With a casual wave of his hand, Ye Mobai blocked the dragon's spine stick that Ling Xiao had smashed down, but the disdainful smile on his face suddenly changed.

Looking up at the seemingly endless stick, Ye Mobai exclaimed in shock: "You little thing are no different! This stick is amazing, it can actually break my body!"

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