Life Control Chart

Chapter 840: Exposure

"It seems difficult for four people to suppress me, but I dare to leave three people. Do you really think that I have been weakened to the extreme? Don't look at who has been hit with the power of suppression over the years!"

Gao Yunmou shouted coldly.

Mu Laosi's panicked but still sharp gaze crossed Gao Yunmou and landed on a pretty woman.

The woman's body was covered with formation patterns, and she was showing a painful expression under the formation patterns.

But even though she was in great pain, she still didn't care about Mu Laosi's compulsive gaze. On the contrary, she had a happy smile of revenge on her face.

"Mu Xinghan, how dare you collaborate with the enemy!"

Mu Laosi was so angry at the woman's gaze that he slapped her with his palm.

This time, the power was not all on the palm, but flew out from the palm and hit the woman's chest directly.

Gao Yunmou punched out, easily defeating Mu Laosi's palm force, and hit Mu Xinghan with another punch. The dense formations around her body immediately disintegrated without a trace.

"Tsk, tsk, how disrespectful are you of looking down on me? You actually killed people across my body! I sucked so much life force from across the air. I'm surprised that you four old guys didn't die!"

Mu Laosi was shocked when he heard this and shouted angrily: "Gao Yunmou! It turns out you were the one who secretly harmed my four brothers!"

"Hahaha! Do you think I sneaked into Yu Mingtian to report the news? During the years following your Lord, I also discovered some of the mysteries of the fate line!"

Gao Yunmou was even more proud, and he grabbed Mu Laosi's head in a flash.

Shi Yu hurriedly looked carefully to see how Gao Yunmou grasped the lifeline.

A sharp whistle sounded in the passage, and the masters of the Mu family who had received the warning were rushing over.

The two war masters who were training at the bottom came even faster. They stood behind Mu Laosi in an instant and waved their fists and kicks at Gao Yunmou without saying a word.

Reinforcements arrived too quickly, and Gao Yunmou had to withdraw his arm protection, which made Shi Yu sigh inwardly with regret.

"How dare two useless people take action? You still have Qian Jiangzun's sword power, can you hold it down? When did you sneak attack Qian Jiangzun again?"

Gao Yunmou's words made Mu Laosi and the two war masters look even colder, and they all jumped out to form a faintly trapped formation, blocking Gao Yunmou in the middle.

The seven realm masters behind Gao Yunmou sneered, shouted and punched, pouring all the power of their hatred on his family.

"Mu Xinghan! Mu Xingtong! Are you crazy? Why are you here?"

The two new warriors who had just arrived didn't understand why, and they exclaimed in confusion when they saw that their own family members were actually helping Gao Yunmou.

"We are not crazy, you are the ones who are crazy! If we don't resist, we will be imprisoned until death like fools by you! It's not worth it!"

The leader of the Mu family behind the stone gate had now completely formed a team with Gao Yunmou. The eight people exerted their power at the same time to push back the three people blocking the door, and the door suddenly opened wide.

Gao Yunmou smiled ferociously and kicked open the broken stone door repeatedly, not taking the people in front of him seriously at all.

He punched hard towards the top of his head, and the bright light from his fist broke through the layers of the earth and rushed to the ground.

"Stop him! Don't let Qian Jiangzun discover his existence!"

Mu Laosi shouted anxiously, his panic no longer suppressed.

He hurriedly rushed upwards, using his palms to wrap around the fist light like waves, trying to drag all the power back to the ground.

But once he left, the power to face Gao Yunmou became even weaker.

The two war masters who were still fighting against the strength of the swords in their bodies were unable to withstand Gao Yunmou's continuous powerful force. Before they could hold on until reinforcements arrived, they were beaten into pieces and fell into the distance.


Mu Laosi took everything in his eyes, but he had no way to deal with it.

Qianjiang Zun and Earth God Lord are still fighting fiercely, and any additional force entering the battlefield will attract their attention.

Once they discover the power from the ancient enemy, the two of them will definitely stop fighting to eliminate the internal troubles and kill all the ministries hiding the spies.

Gao Yunmou is deliberately leading Shenjia Mountain to death.


The entire underground palace suddenly trembled, and quickly rushed deeper into the ground like a living monster.

The three old men who had just left also broke down the wall at the same time, blocking the force blasted by Gao Yunmou.

Mu Laosi immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Although the four of them were no match for Gao Yunmou in a duel, it was easy for the four of them to suppress Gao Yunmou together.

"Hey! Sure enough, there are too many conspiracies and tricks, and there is no pure conspiracy at all!"

Gao Yunmou's cold ridicule came from behind. Mu Laosi, who was still jumping up, felt trembling in his heart and lowered his head slightly to look down.

In Gao Yunmou's blood-red eyes, the figures of the four elders were reflected, and his twisted eyes rolled the four people into strange light and shadow.

"I'm just waiting for all of you to come back for help! Do you think I'm trying to escape? Or simply to attract the Thousand Generals?"

Gao Yunmou showed a cruel smile and looked back at the seven world leaders behind him.

"Thank you seven fools for actually believing that I will take you out of Shenjia Mountain and into the upper realm. You realm masters who grew up in the war slave realm are even more stupid than your ancestors! Hahaha!"

"He wants to break up his troops and blow himself up! Stop him quickly!"

The four elders of the Mu family, who had suppressed their fists, shouted at the leader of the Mu family behind Gao Yunmou.

However, they had been stunned by Gao Yunmou's words for a long time, and they could not react.

They watched Gao Yunmou open up bright cracks in front of them, and even his blood-red eyes were cracked with millions of micro-slits.

"Hahaha! You fool of the Mingtian! I, the Soul-forbidden Heaven, will surely unify all the heavens and trample all your lords under my feet! You have destroyed the chaos, then my power can break through the Mingtian and reach directly My Lord!"

Gao Yunmou, who had already shattered into countless light particles, let out a last wild laugh, and blasted all his power in all directions like a starburst.

The seven Mu family masters standing behind him were the first to be blown into silk, and they became nothingness without a scream.

Following closely behind were the four elders of the Mu family. The strong men at the level of war master could only block the violent flow of power for one or two breaths, and then they were wrapped up in it, screaming and flying backwards out of the ground.

Only Shi Yu stood still, watching the powerful force exploded by Gao Yunmou, hitting him and passing through him rapidly, rushing to the surroundings without any hindrance.

The light suddenly brightened, and Gao Yunmou's power blasted through the entire underground hall, and hit the sky covered with fist marks and knife lights.

The world seemed to solidify, and the knife lights and fist marks all stopped, and then exploded at the same time.

All the power mixed into countless chaotic turbulences that covered the world, breaking through the space cracks and rushing into the dead chaos.

The hard chaos that Shi Yu had used all his strength to break was like a soil embryo entering the water, which quickly melted into mud and turned into a large chaotic torrent that rushed into this hidden world.

"Asshole! You are all going to die!"

The furious roar of Qian Jiangzun came from the sky, shaking every corner of Shengjia Mountain.


An even more violent roar followed, and he belonged to the terrifying Earth God.

A brilliant knife light broke through the sky and went straight down. The entire sky of Shengjia Mountain was split in half, and everything that blocked the way turned into nothingness under the knife light.

Several fist prints also smashed through the sky, smashing all the world masters that blocked the way and fell heavily on the ground.

Two world-destroying demons, whose bodies were already stained with blood, appeared above Shengjia Mountain at the same time, and their cold eyes swept over everyone.

"Very good!"

Qian Jiangzun raised the single knife in his hand and pointed it at the Earth God not far away.

"How are you going to explain to me? You said that only by defeating me can you open up the myriad worlds! Then tell me, what did you see? What is all this now?"

The Earth God Lord lowered his eyes and did not answer. The long arrows on his body had all disappeared, but there were still heavy chains wrapped around his body.

At this time, he began to loosen the chains, and the knotted bones under the chains began to slowly reveal themselves, which contained endless power.

"No! Don't!"

Hanging in the air, Mu Yuanche was completely panicked. His hands and feet were trembling, but he did not dare to approach the angry Earth God Lord.

"Shua shua~"

The breeze rose, and two more figures broke through the air. They saw everything in front of them with unchanged expressions, but there was a resolute killing intent in their eyes.

Qianjiangzun looked at the newcomers, turned his blade and pointed at Tianshenzhu and Dazhanzun, shouting angrily:

"You two old dogs! I knew that Shenjia Mountain was secretly connected to the Ten Thousand Worlds, but I didn't expect it to be like this!

It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous. I only want a thousand heads, I should ask for 10 million! But you only promised to give me 100!"

The other Zhanzun God Lords who followed Tianshenzhu and Dazhanzun were shocked at first, and then their eyes flickered.

It's meaningless to smooth out the turbulent flow of power and conceal the place of life.

There is no solid chaos in the broken space cracks. I don't know how far those turbulent flows of power have rushed out, and what kind of waves they have caused in the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Now, the hidden secret place of Shenjia Mountain has been completely connected with the Ten Thousand Worlds.

"No matter what happens in the future, the people of Shenjia Mountain must die now!"

Taking off the last iron chain on his body, Dishenzhu completely released his power.

Just by clenching his fists and shaking his whole body, the raging power wave blasted towards the earth, turning the ordinary and common cultivators with less than 100 epoch power into ashes without a groan.

The Heavenly God Lord and the Great War Lord were also merciless, each slapping the earth with one palm.

Regardless of whether they knew the truth or not, the unexpected secret was discovered by the Thousand Generals Lord, so this secret must not be implicated in other people.

The other War Lords had the same idea, and they all blasted out their power.

On the contrary, the Thousand Generals Lord, who should have swung the sword the most, sneered in the air, watching the blood flowers explode between heaven and earth.


Mu Yuanche struggled to block the attack of the Earth God Lord, vomiting blood and crying out in pain again.

But with the power of his God Jiashan, how could he compete with the four supremes!

Even if thousands of world masters came together, it would only add a touch of blood to the swords of the four people.

What's more, there are other masters from other departments helping him. He alone in Shengjia Mountain has no chance of surviving. These bastards with their own ulterior motives are taking the opportunity to add insult to injury.

It was as if he heard Mu Yuanche's cry of grief, and it was as if he heard the dying wails of the people in the world.

The sky of Shengjia Mountain suddenly became dark, and a faint figure appeared in the sky, glaring at everyone, including Shi Yu.

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